ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • I find the difficult pvp starfall extrèmement. The fight always teams of killers with a boosted sentry and captain america *** 141 and daken *** 141.
    That very hurts.
    I am going to do my utmost to give most point possible for the team, but 800 points are going to be hard to reach.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    How do you prevent burnout? Keep the game in perspective. I am naturally competitive but winning isn't more important than peace of mind . . . or family . . . or dinner.

    As to my proposed win/win situation for pvp - of course you would have to rework the rewards tier structure. Points would climb much higher but it wouldn't be hard to look at existing pvp history to map out a new rewards system.

    We have good news. We have a new car - new for us. It's a 2011 Honda Accura - newest car I've had in a long time. My 1995 Honda Odyssey needs a new engine and it just didn't make economic sense to spend the money to replace it. I haven't had a car payment in over 25 years but I'm happy with the deal we got and it will be nice to have a good car - especially since the whole family shares the car.

    In the weird news arena - I got a call Thursday that the post-surgery brace my doctor ordered was approved by my insurance. Of course, it's been 4 weeks since my surgery but they said better late than never. So we'll see on Monday what's what.
  • Honda Accord? Acura is Honda's luxury division. Very nice either way.

    I know plenty of people who love Honda but I'm personally a fan of Toyota and more recently Nissan. Nissan kinda went through a wierd ugly phase for me around the late 2000s but are back to making nice cars again. Toyota kinda went stale for a while too, but the new Scions and the GT86 are pretty suhweet.

    I've always wanted a compact 2door, but after having a 4door it's hard to go back.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I've owned many Toyotas and my sister has owned Nissans. After test drives it came down to the Accord and an equivalent Kia. The Kia was prettier but the Accord edged out on all the performance tests. We also factored in how long our Honda Odyssey lasted and that gave the Accord the edge. It's 4 door and a dark steel color. We also test drove a Honda Fit. It was cute and sporty but really rough riding. After years of a really old van, we are ready for something smoother.

    We've had a rental for the past month and I figured a car payment was cheaper than continued renting. We return that tomorrow. Avari fell in love with the rental - a 4 door Nissan Sentra. She refers to it as her fiancee.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    hi. back on my own phone.

    frite. i wasn't robbing my own family. just borrowing. =)

    Anyway.. to continue the chat from the in-game chat.. care to summarize on how the rubber banding and scaling works for PVE?
    For now do I grind the main or the sub in PVE?

    advise please.. icon_e_smile.gif

    and.. SHIELD fell apart.. we need to share advise to prevent the ol' timers (like me..) from burn out.. my phone already burnt out earlier than me.. icon_e_smile.gif
  • unimatrix wrote:
    hi. back on my own phone.
    Hi Uni, good to hear that icon_e_wink.gif
    unimatrix wrote:
    frite. i wasn't robbing my own family. just borrowing. =)
    Just kidding, you know me ^^
    unimatrix wrote:
    Anyway.. to continue the chat from the in-game chat.. care to summarize on how the rubber banding and scaling works for PVE?
    For now do I grind the main or the sub in PVE?
    advise please.. icon_e_smile.gif
    I don't think I have any "exact science" approach to give you...I'm not sure if any of us could have, the devs always change the way of PvE scaling & rubber banding...
    But, I grind, only at the very end of PvE (when you & I could sure!). Essentials nodes are easier to grind in general (I do 1 run sometimes on the other nodes) ...the thing to remind is that you have to grind 1 node after another (but apparently not to the end of 1 point (when I'm under of 200, I stop (on essentials I mean), Dolbet advice, I think that's good one)...I completely destroy my rubber banding the other day because of that...but not so sure...dunno. Like I said, this is not "exact science"...and this probably never be...). Oh and grind too much on other nodes make your scale completely crazy after...quickly. Almost not (or just a little) when you grind on essential nodes.
    Some nodes...I avoid them...for example the one with Magneto + IM40 + Mafia boss...horrible that one.

    If somebody else could share is own opinion about it ? icon_e_smile.gif
    unimatrix wrote:
    and.. SHIELD fell apart.. we need to share advise to prevent the ol' timers (like me..) from burn out.. my phone already burnt out earlier than me.. icon_e_smile.gif
    This one is tough...I don't think I have any good advise on this... you still have fun with the game ?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    isn't this copy-frited ?

  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    useful read from phantron for current PVE
    Phantron wrote:
    The nodes refresh at the rate of 20% per 144 minutes or roughly 1% every 7 minutes. I don't know how often the game updates this info but once about 5 minutes or so loooks about right.

    So let's say your mission started at 100%, you did it once. After 21 minutes it'd be back at about 83%. If you played again, it'd be down to 63%. It'd take you 4 hours and 27 minutes before that hits 100%, which is still the same time as doing the missions twice immediately. However, in this case you get 100% + 83% = 183%, instead of just 100% + 80% = 180% of the base points. In general, it is most advantageous to wait until mission hit 100% before doing it again, hence once every 2h 24m is the most optimal way to do it. Note that optimal doesn't mean you can beat someone who vastly outgrind you. It's about 25% more effective than doing the node 3 times at 100% versus 100%/80%/60% (3 times at once).
  • unimatrix wrote:
    isn't this copy-frited ? icon_e_smile.gif
    Well...I've tried hard to avoid looking at user311 sig...a lot.
    I've draging him in front of a juvenile court (all CareBears are considered kids, right ?), but unfortunately and despite of all the proofs...we got nothing back.

    So now, I've decided to release our big "Army of Cats" (+Spud & Herman as well).
    Don't try to escape them user311, you're trapped !
    unimatrix wrote:
    useful read from phantron for current PVE
    Thanks for the infos but...
    Doing the nodes every 2,5h ?...What's next ? Doing the nodes every 10 minutes ? Back in good old times (few weeks ago) it was 36h or 24h...after 12h...
    Honestly...This is insane.

    Working as intended.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys! Sorry for the long absence, been having trouble with my neck and can't stay straight for long periods of time.

    WELCOME REUHHH AND JONSTALNAKER! You guys have been doing great. We're proud to have you in our team!

    Waku, have you noticed that many of the old timers are leaving their groups and starting to play casual? What if all of you gathered into an alliance? Just an idea...

    Phantron's explanation is precise, but it takes a lot of time to follow it through. Jan grinds every node until it's under 100 points, twice a day.

    Maybe if PvE was shorter - three days instead of six, only once per week - it would be less tiresome. The game takes too long to play as it is.

    About PvP, they surely must fix MMR hell, and not hand out covers of chars who are about to be nerfed. The C. Mags prize was a joke.

    Frite, Jan wants a sig just like that, with a bear and CBS on it! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I actually like the new system. It's more flexible. 12hr refreshes you had to be relatively strict whereas the new system, 2.5hrs vs 5 hrs isn't that big a deal. 100 + 100 vs 100 + 80. I don't even watch the clock anymore. Doing 3 or 4 hrs isn't a huge deal imo. And you can do one before you sleep, even if it's like 94%, you no longer need to stay awake an extra hour for it to hit 100%.

    I hope your neck gets better Dani. I'd give you a massage if I could. icon_razz.gif

    No one from the forums was biting so I just joined a random open alliance in-game. Yesterday they were like rank #120 or something which surprised me.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    No one from the forums was biting so I just joined a random open alliance in-game. Yesterday they were like rank #120 or something which surprised me.

    Oh, you did not take my invitation seriously?
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    I hope your neck gets better Dani. I'd give you a massage if I could. icon_razz.gif

    Thank you, Waku! It's the thought that counts. I'll accept your kind offer icon_e_smile.gif
    DecoyDuck wrote:
    Oh, you did not take my invitation seriously?

    Wha, Waku, you must join CBS! It'll be the ultimate token of union between both alliances, to have a member in common.

    Seriously though, they're real fun and decent guys. Go, Waku, go! STARE STARE STARE!

    You can wear user311's super cool hybrid sig! icon_e_biggrin.gif Jan wants one just like it.
  • I wasn't sure if you were joking or not lol. Actually I'm still not quite sure if your still joking or not lol.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    I wasn't sure if you were joking or not lol. Actually I'm still not quite sure if your still joking or not lol.

    Hey Waku, what's your current team? We're curious. They're probably flabbergasted by your roster, BTW icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    I wasn't sure if you were joking or not lol. Actually I'm still not quite sure if your still joking or not lol.

    Well, I'm less serious now that all our spots are full. We can always use more Canadians (I think we only have 3 so far). We'll keep in touch. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Just in case anyone here missed it, don't update the game!


    My game auto updated when I got home before I saw the post, and now all my nodes jumped up about 100 levels. I don't know how I can possibly compete anymore. Be warned - unless you want to face some 230's, don't update quite yet. This is going to make getting a Mohawk much more difficult.
  • Just FYI gang, I got sick and tired of my factory keyboard on my phone, I had to go back to SwiftKey so I won't be able to post in game chats until D3 fixes the issue.
  • Thanks for the heads up Jon.

    I think some of us already applied the patch R55...

    Otherwise no problem, you looks to be very active on the forum, so not too much of a problem for now. But sure, I can get it it's really frustrating thing for you...(I know Uni got the same problem...and probably you're not the only one...)

    PvE end soon ! Hope they will put a little break between the next event...We can dream...

    @ waku - Like Dani asked...What's your new Alliance ?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Just FYI gang, I got sick and tired of my factory keyboard on my phone, I had to go back to SwiftKey so I won't be able to post in game chats until D3 fixes the issue.
    Same here. It's very troublesome to keep flipping between stock and switftkey..