ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Sorry dani... not Curixas icon_rolleyes.gif , but Caxirolas & Diabolicas

    Prepare Jan, you & cats for super mega ultra annoying sounds icon_e_confused.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_mad.gif

    At least, less noisy than Vuvuzelas in South Africa 4 years ago ! icon_e_surprised.gif

    Oh, those have been banned, Jan says! No way we could stand them. People here prefer to do the samba and pagode (pagode is a romantic variation of samba).

    Those vuvuzelas gave us a hell of a headache. Ugh. I would watch the games with the sound turned off.

    Jan didn't want to go watch the games in the stadium. She's more of a fan of her own team, São Paulo, than Brazil's official team.

    Hey! If everyone's showing their cat family, here goes ours:

    This is Valente, who kicked DanMan out icon_e_smile.gif:

    This is Luna, who's extra curious and is always goggling like this:

    And this is Babu, the Grumpy Cat:

    Milkrain, Amalia is Babu's long lost sister! Is she grumpy as well?

    Oh, and Jan wants a Bengal, and I want a Ragdoll. Would that be too many? icon_e_smile.gif
  • danikalil wrote:

    Milkrain, Amalia is Babu's long lost sister! Is she grumpy as well?

    She used to be very grumpy and sometimes still is with strangers. But with age she's gotten a lot cuddlier and homely. She's 16 years now but she seems more intelligent and alert than ever. It's very strange.

    Kompis is Amalia's son. He's the most relaxed cat. Impossible to upset him and you can do anything to him and he never objects. I sometimes put him around my neck like a scarf icon_razz.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    How do I add a pic to a post? Just type slowly and I'll get it.

    Seriously, I lack certain genes. I am mega smart but some things I just can't wrap my head around. Making jello - simple yes but never works for me but you should taste my crab bisque. Talking on the phone - seems simple but I hang up on people all the time and forget call waiting. I treat my smart phone as a mini-computer that I can maybe talk on if I get lucky. Adding pics to things - I learn but then I forget because I do it so seldom.

    As usual, I have trouble grooving around a new character and I can't seem to win more than one match at Sentry before I'm dead. However, I have been playing the PVE and will keep grinding at that during work breaks.

    Generally I really enjoy PVP but I hate playing with baby characters. Basically you end up playing a 2 character PVP with a useless third. Seriously, why would I use Sentry's yellow if I could have Hood instead. His red at a low level is better replaced by Frank or Psylocke. Wait a month on new characters so regular players have time to acquire covers and level them some. The using the new character as a featured PVP is both fun and useful.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    How do I add a pic to a post? Just type slowly and I'll get it.

    First you need to put your photo online somewhere and make sure it's public, so private facebook photos are no good. I use dropbox. I have a public folder in dropbox where I put my photos. You might need to re-size the photo as the forum has a size limit on images. Once you have an image online you right click it and select "copy image URL". Then you make your post here on the forum and chose the "Img" button. This creates two square brackets [ ] with "img" and "/img" inside the brackets. Paste your image URL between the two brackets. There is also a "spoiler" button that we use to create the "Hidden" pictures to save on space. If you use the spoiler then you will get "spoiler" [square bracket] and you need to put the [img URL bracket]inside the "spoiler" brackets. So it'll look a bit like this:[/img]
    IMG URL PASTED[img bracket][/img]

    I can't type exactly how it'll look cause you wouldn't be able to see it, only this
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Generally I really enjoy PVP but I hate playing with baby characters. Basically you end up playing a 2 character PVP with a useless third. Seriously, why would I use Sentry's yellow if I could have Hood instead. His red at a low level is better replaced by Frank or Psylocke. Wait a month on new characters so regular players have time to acquire covers and level them some. The using the new character as a featured PVP is both fun and useful.

    I agree, virgin PvPs are the worst. And then you run into people that have spent money on expensive high class escort Sentry icon_razz.gif
  • New PvP event with patch is pretty fun !!

    Fights last for about 1 minute !! icon_lol.gif
  • Harvey : ahah, another cat ^^ You can post your cat picture if you want too

    Milkrain : Thanks to share your cats with us (my lilou is 11 years old, always been very cuddle, even with people who hate cats icon_lol.gif but since few weeks she can't jump as before, sometimes landing...flat )...and thanks also for the help to our Immortal Faerie !
    One question. Is your cat Kompis was licking your finger full of alcohol ??? icon_e_surprised.gif

    Tom : Sure, the fights are very short with Mr Claw ! (not Vega (Bison for Americans))

    Dani : Luna & Valente are really nice ! But yeah...Valente is a bad bad evil cat !

    The cat family is going to be soooo big !
    Dani & Jan (3...probably 5), Fae (4), Milkrain (2), Harvey (at least 1), Me (1) = at least 11 !!!
    Soon we could make them all play in a team of 20 icon_lol.gif
    Everybody, post your cats !
  • fritejay2 wrote:

    Milkrain :
    One question. Is your cat Kompis was licking your finger full of alcohol ??? icon_e_surprised.gif

    I think it was someone's birthday and he was licking some cream off the finger but I knew people would think it was vodka which is why I like that photo. I think the bottle is still sealed in the photo if I'm not mistaken (or am I?).

    My Patch is weak, so I'm going to have a bad time in this PvP. Trying to run Loki a bit just to see how it goes icon_razz.gif
  • Ok let's go for a Catmania !! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Here's Ibuki :
  • Ahaha ^^
    Looks to be a funny cat Tom icon_e_wink.gif
    OK, 12 least we could do a catsoccer team for the world cup icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Ps : Is all your cat(s) (if you ever had others in the past) got a Street fighter character name ?
    I have to say, my cat Lilou already got her name when I had of my sister's friend called her like that because of...The 5th element lol (so I guess I need to correct her real name : Leeloo )
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    All these cats...hope I'm still allowed in here being a dog person *lol*

    In fact, we run a doggie daycare from home (there are like 6 here today).....

    But here's our big guy - Spud!
  • @Tomarvel82: Ibuki is very pretty.

    @FriteJay: No street fighter names. Very few street fighter names sound good for pets. Maybe Vega, Blanka, Sagat, Bison and Sakura could be decent names for pets in my opinion. My family had two more cats but one had kidney failure (and was put down) and the other got run over years ago (enough years ago that photos of them are on an old external hard drive so can't show you right now).

    I don't mind dogs but I don't want to own one. Too smelly, too messy, too noisy and too needy. I'll take a quiet independent cat any day of the week.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    @Tomarvel - Ibuki is soo cute, we want to steal him! icon_e_smile.gif

    @Rob - anyone that loves animals is OK in my book icon_e_smile.gif. Your dog is pretty cute for a, just kidding, he looks so sweet!

    @Frite - why a soccer team? We're proud to introduce Scat Fighters! (and one dog, a honorary member and the element of surprise!).

    So far we're thirteen. We need seven more members!

    So, anyone who has a cat is reading this? Come join our new team! Avoid burnout - they'll play while we rest.

    Dante, I don't ask Herman to join because...well...I think he might be invited to lunch, if you get my drift.

    And we're not accepting D3 hamsters. They're always sleeping on the job.

    Scat Fighters commanders' commander will be Valente. If anyone lags behind, he'll kick them out! icon_lol.gif

    Subcommander will be Lilou. If we need reinforcements, she'll call her chicken army.

    Okay! Seven more members and everyone goes on vacation. Hawaii, anyone?
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Seriously . . . we can be ScarFighters or CatFighters. We cannot be ScatFighters. It's just wrong.

    When I try to post with a picture it tells me this : It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image.

  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Seriously . . . we can be ScarFighters or CatFighters. We cannot be ScatFighters. It's just wrong.
    Hahahahaha, y'all should be the Meower Rangers. fritejay is clearly Pink Ranger, and FaerieMyst gives me a White Ranger vibe.
  • Rbdragon - Welcome Spud ! He probably be the goal keeper in the team.

    Milkrain - Why not Abel, Chun-li, Cammy, Cody, Hugo, Rose, Birdie, Eagle, Juri, Karin, Oro, Yun...for cat's name ? icon_e_smile.gif
    Sorry to hear about your loss Milkrain icon_e_sad.gif
    danikalil wrote:
    @Frite - why a soccer team?
    Because 11 is the number of partners in a soccer team simply icon_e_wink.gif (yeah I need some people to replace)
    And world cup is very soon, right ?
    danikalil wrote:
    Okay! Seven more members and everyone goes on vacation. Hawaii, anyone?
    If you offer the trip to everybody in the alliance, why not icon_lol.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Seriously . . . we can be ScarFighters or CatFighters.
    Agreed. Also SpaceFighters, StarFighters, etc...
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    We cannot be ScatFighters. It's just wrong.
    Agreed. Maybe (I'm 99% sure) dani don't know what Scat means... I don't want to explain it icon_e_confused.gif ...HailMary or someone else, help me !
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    When I try to post with a picture it tells me this : It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image.
    Try with (when you have a created account) you can resize your picture.
    Your image(s) only could be up to 700 pixels wide Fae .
    HailMary wrote:
    Hahahahaha, y'all should be the Meower Rangers.
    Fear the Space cats !!! ahahaha
    HailMary wrote:
    fritejay is clearly Pink Ranger, and ...
    Yaaaa me pink icon_redface.gif Never mind...
    HailMary wrote:
    FaerieMyst gives me a White Ranger vibe.
    I...don't really get it...Somebody coud explain me ? Or impossible ? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Uh, I meant "scat" as in "leave hastily". I didn't know there was another meaning.

    I vote for MeowFighters instead. Spud will be Special Agent Bow-Wow Fighter.

    I think Valente is not a Power Ranger at all. He probably is one of those horribly made monsters. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    danikalil wrote:
    Uh, I meant "scat" as in "leave hastily". I didn't know there was another meaning.

    I don't know where your dirty, dirty mind went, but I was totally talking about this kind of scat:

    That's... exactly what I was referring to... icon_e_confused.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    @Tomarvel - Ibuki is so cute, we want to steal him! icon_e_smile.gif

    icon_e_biggrin.gif First of all, it's a female ! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    And if you steal her, hope you get enough money to buy the tons of food she eats everyday !!
    It's incredible she's as gluttonous as a dog !!
    but still in shape ! icon_cool.gif
  • Congrats SF ! That was very short again #91. BP pvp to win Sentry covers, prepare for tough battles !
    If you have some ISO to put on BP, don't hesitate. Buffed character always help.

    Don't want to post your cat in the thread Harvey ?
    Fae, if you have any question about posting or resizing your image, ask it.
  • fritejay2 wrote:

    Milkrain - Why not Abel, Chun-li, Cammy, Cody, Hugo, Rose, Birdie, Eagle, Juri, Karin, Oro, Yun...for cat's name ? icon_e_smile.gif
    Sorry to hear about your loss Milkrain icon_e_sad.gif

    OK, first of all I don't recognise half those names as Street Fighter names. Some of those names don't work well in my other languages. I guess that's why I didn't consider them. Juri, Yun and Oro are quite good. Maybe Cody and Rose as well. "Eagle" and "Birdie"? Those are golf related as far as I know.

    As for Scat; this is the only thing that comes to my mind