ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Tomarvel82 wrote:
    To talk about MPQ :

    Did someone find a combat without 2* Black Widow in PvP ? icon_e_biggrin.gif
    A bit late on this one, but like we say better later than never !

    So, yes, a tons, with sometimes, often, 141 characters x 3...with 1 buffed at 212, obviously icon_e_confused.gif
    Welcome welcome Drowning Harvey. Are you on ios? I don't think I've heard of any of those games.
    The term "miniature" is for "figurines" if you prefer waku icon_e_smile.gif
    Flames of war & Bolt action looks like "Warhammer" but in more realistic point of view; simply "War", with tanks, soldiers and battlefield home made (and a lot of patience !).
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    To talk about MPQ :

    Did someone find a combat without 2* Black Widow in PvP ? icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I've been using OBW with the Hood. Healing is nice but stealing AP is better. Although Hood does damage, I consider him more of a support player and not a primary damage dealer. His yellow is very handy.

    Frite - I love the cat pic. When I get ready to go to bed, Jack (the most beautiful cat in the world) always comes over to go upstairs with me. Last night I leaned down and said, "Do you want to come to bed with me, baby?" . . . . then I realized that I probably confused Mystwalker but fortunately he was in the middle of a MPQ match so my secret love affair was safe.

    I have Psylocke up to level 102. She is a great damage dealer.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    Frite - I love the cat pic.
    Thanks Fae icon_e_smile.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    When I get ready to go to bed, Jack (the most beautiful cat in the world) always comes over to go upstairs with me. Last night I leaned down and said, "Do you want to come to bed with me, baby?" . . . . then I realized that I probably confused Mystwalker but fortunately he was in the middle of a MPQ match so my secret love affair was safe.
    No. Simply impossible. Because Lilou (my cat) is here...
    Are you talking about... ? No...forget it...nevermind....I don't want to know ! icon_e_surprised.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    I have Psylocke up to level 102. She is a great damage dealer.
    Mine is actually level 111. Sharp & fast, better than I expected icon_e_smile.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Uh, everyone...I tried...

    At least he explained why Jan can no longer play PVP. We're denizens of the 9th level of MMR Hell.

    Last PVP, when she finally managed to eke out 600 points, in a matter of one or two minutes we were beaten seven times. 130 points down.

    The worst part is, it's always the same people. We're tired of facing Colognoisseur - we don't have the team to fight him!

    Oh well. Jan is going to try PVP tomorrow. Getting ready for undergoing massacre again...
    IceIX wrote:
    danikalil wrote:
    With the Season ongoing, if you want to place high, you can't have a day off. You must play more than one hour per day, every day. This is scaring people away.

    Is there any solution incoming? Could we have only some PVPs count towards your Season ranking, or another kind of feature that would slow the game down?

    My second question is about the bracketing: no matter how many battles I skip (my MMR is too high and tanking no longer works), I face always the same opponents. Even when I defeat them, they come back for a second round. Is there any chance of improvement on this issue?

    As stated above, nothing planned at the moment for Seasons changing up. We do get there there have been a few high profile cases of burn out lately, but we're actually not seeing anything abnormal about high level player's patterns at the moment. It's one of the things being actively monitored with the second season in full swing, and that being one of the hot spots for potential burn out.

    Second, sounds like you're in the top end style MMR Hell. We've made some tweaks recently and aren't yet at the point where we consider it all good and proper. So yes, there will definitely be improvement on that front, but it'll be gradual as we find and figure out ways to break those pockets without breaking the overall MMR formula or opening it up to obvious exploits.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Good news! At long last...

    Recent Server Issues and Compensation
    Unread postby IceIX » Thu May 29, 2014 1:14 pm

    While Prodigal Sun was successfully completed with Sentry having found his way into many Agent’s rosters, the recent server issues made this Event and some of the Tournaments more difficult to compete in than they otherwise may have been. We understand that playing on your own schedule and having to worry about whether servers will be fully functional at that time is definitely substandard. We are actively working on that situation and are putting full resources into making sure that the game is available to play for all users.

    In the meantime, we have decided that as a result of the recent server issues that we will provide a bit of compensation for the player base. It was deemed that simply extending the rewards structure for more users like we did with Heroic Chapter 4 wouldn’t work so well since many users affected wouldn’t be in brackets that would gain much from it. It would also mean that players who were less affected (and thus likely with higher points) would gain more from this than others who may well have been hit more. Which naturally doesn’t help balance the situation much at all.

    We have settled on giving out a blanket gifting of 2000 Iso-8 and 100 Hero Points to all users that have been playing the game since 5/9/2014. These rewards will be rolling out slowly to all users over the next couple of days. Since it is a blanket reward to every user in the user-base past a certain date, it will take a while for individual rewards to be sent out. So if you don’t see a reward right away it doesn’t mean it’s not coming, it’s just that the rewards server hasn’t churned through the hundreds of thousands of users in the queue before it reached a given entry.
  • Welcome welcome Drowning Harvey. Are you on ios? I don't think I've heard of any of those games.

    And no Dark Souls 2 for me yet. Gotta wait for it to go on sale, but I heard it wasn't as good?

    If you liked the first dark souls, consider the second one as an update, nothing more. You like bosses ? there are plenty of 'hem, but most have absolutely 0 charisma. The worst is that, artistically, it is a mixture of many things without logic... this results a very bland game! It's a shame because the first D.S. is one of my favorite games icon_e_sad.gif
  • Thanks for all the infos Dani !
    As always I can't thumb up your posts !!!! icon_evil.gif

    Other news to remember : She-hulk would probably be the next character with Red/Green/Blue powers icon_e_smile.gif
  • She-Hulk as a new character... it's not a character i like very much, but it's better than an upgrade of a already existing 2**...
    I'm so sure, one of these days we'll get The Thing 3*** who will be a "Juggernaut-like" icon_eek.gif
  • Congrats to all for the last PvP !
    Back again in the 50th rank (42 exactly), after a previous one next to the 100th (98th if my mind don't play tricks on me).
    Must've been some kind of a statistical anomaly. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Give me some statistics Harvey "el grindinator" ! icon_e_ugeek.gif
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    She-Hulk as a new character... it's not a character i like very much, but it's better than an upgrade of a already existing 2**...
    I'm so sure, one of these days we'll get The Thing 3*** who will be a "Juggernaut-like" icon_eek.gif
    Or maybe a 4**** icon_lol.gif No Demiurge devs, don't listen to me.

    Otherwise, no interest in UltraSF4 Tom &/or waku ? icon_e_sad.gif
    Or another kick-**** game ?

    dani - Do you already heard some Curixas & Diabolicas for the World cup ? icon_e_confused.gif
  • fritejay2 wrote:

    Otherwise, no interest in UltraSF4 Tom &/or waku ? icon_e_sad.gif

    Ultra street fighter 4 aka Ultra lazy devs 4 icon_lol.gif

    Seriously, we are waiting for a game that adds only 5 characters and only one "original" (by the name but get the Cammy skin with approximately Juli and Juni skills ... icon_neutral.gif )

    furthermore some chara get an improvement ( as always Ryu & Co.) and others get decrease (Makoto really need to be faster like in "SF 3rd Strike", but no... they decreased the damages of her ultra icon_e_sad.gif )

    The red focus seems to be the cheesy idea of this version... empty your "super" meter to absorb infinite hits and performed by pressing "light punch + middle punch + middle kick" (just imagine your hand on your pad.... icon_exclaim.gif )

    But.... i'll be happy to play with Rolento and Helena icon_e_wink.gif
  • Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Seriously, we are waiting for a game that adds only 5 characters and only one "original" (by the name but get the Cammy skin with approximately Juli and Juni skills ... icon_neutral.gif )
    Yeah I know...I was the first to complain...At least the price is low icon_e_confused.gif
    But you know, they are only 5 devs for this...(and it's not a joke if I remember well icon_e_sad.gif )

    By the way...SF4 should have never born ! Thanks to Yoshinori Ono and his "hot" motivation ! And thanks to that game, even with all the complains...other licences from other devs & companies where reborned from the ashes !!!
    Mortal kombat for a good example (even if is not in the same "category" of figthing games).
    But I'm pretty sure you already know ? icon_mrgreen.gif
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    furthermore some chara get an improvement ( as always Ryu & Co.) and others get decrease (Makoto really need to be faster like in "SF 3rd Strike", but no... they decreased the damages of her ultra icon_e_sad.gif )
    I like the idea to choose if you want all your Ultra available in a match...sure with penalties, but that's cool icon_e_smile.gif
    The other funny thing, I think, is the possiblity to change from each version of the game...aka crazy Sagat from the first version, for just an example icon_lol.gif
    Honestly, it should be the big mess with that, and I really like it ! icon_twisted.gif
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    The red focus seems to be the cheesy idea of this version... empty your "super" meter to absorb infinite hits and performed by pressing "light punch + middle punch + middle kick" (just imagine your hand on your pad.... icon_exclaim.gif )
    Bring the arcade stick so ! icon_lol.gif (I have one...and I don't like it icon_e_confused.gif )
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    But.... i'll be happy to play with Rolento and Helena icon_e_wink.gif
    Rolento is great...but I'm dumb with him...
    Helena aka capueira...NO ! icon_lol.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    dani - Do you already heard some Curixas & Diabolicas for the World cup ? icon_e_confused.gif


    In Engrish prease icon_lol.gif our team...Curixas sound like something French people would do icon_e_smile.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    fritejay2 wrote:
    dani - Do you already heard some Curixas & Diabolicas for the World cup ? icon_e_confused.gif
    In Engrish prease icon_lol.gif our team...Curixas sound like something French people would do icon_e_smile.gif
    Sorry dani... not Curixas icon_rolleyes.gif , but Caxirolas & Diabolicas

    Prepare Jan, you & cats for super mega ultra annoying sounds icon_e_confused.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_mad.gif

    At least, less noisy than Vuvuzelas in South Africa 4 years ago ! icon_e_surprised.gif
  • I want to let you guys know that I will not be a big help on Sentry PvP as I have plans for Sunday so I will miss last day for that.

    Expect about 300's from me for PvP...
  • fritejay2 wrote:

    Give me some statistics Harvey "el grindinator" ! icon_e_ugeek.gif

    Not really that much statistics or fancy excel sheets behind it. icon_e_smile.gif
    Just unusually harsh allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) that I am suffering from this spring, which means that I really didn't spend much time outdoors during the event. I suppose my rankings will drop somewhat as the birch pollen settles down.
  • DOLBET wrote:
    I want to let you guys know that I will not be a big help on Sentry PvP as I have plans for Sunday so I will miss last day for that.
    Expect about 300's from me for PvP...
    Ok DOLBET, thanks to inform us.
    Have fun ! icon_e_wink.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Give me some statistics Harvey "el grindinator" ! icon_e_ugeek.gif
    Not really that much statistics or fancy excel sheets behind it. icon_e_smile.gif
    Just unusually harsh allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) that I am suffering from this spring, which means that I really didn't spend much time outdoors during the event.
    Awww, sorry to hear that... Don't you have some allergist in Finland ?
    Hope you're not allergic to cats ???! Tons of them here icon_lol.gif
  • Helena the french opera singer from doa?

    I'm looking forward to playing Ultra but I dunno if I really want to get it right away. I mostly only just want Poison and thats it. Don't care too much about the other features.
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    But.... i'll be happy to play with Rolento and Helena ;)
    Rolento is great...but I'm dumb with him...
    Helena aka capueira...NO ! icon_lol.gif
    Helena the french opera singer from doa?
    Ahaahaha Excellent waku ! ^^
    I think we're only 3 of us who could understand that one (and people who like and/or lurk who know about fighting games...).

    What a big fault...and I jumped in icon_lol.gif
    It's Elena...not Helena :)
    I'm looking forward to playing Ultra but I dunno if I really want to get it right away. I mostly only just want Poison and thats it. Don't care too much about the other features.
    Like Poison because...? In your opinion, is he/she a guy, gal...both ? icon_mrgreen.gif
    I have to say, even with all love I have for Street...I'm not so sure I'd could play enough...even with my best friend icon_e_sad.gif
    That's weeks if not months I haven't played (seriously) on a Street or any other fighting game.
    MPQ you said ? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Awww, sorry to hear that... Don't you have some allergist in Finland ?
    Hope you're not allergic to cats ???! Tons of them here icon_lol.gif

    In the past years symptoms have been minor, and with allergy medicine they've been non-existent, but apparently this year was the worst in decades when it comes to pollen. From what I've heard (and seen) even people who normally don't react have had allergic symptoms this year.

    And no, luckily I am not allergic to cats, because there is one sleeping on my bed right now. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    I don't think I've heard of any of those games.

    Like it was mentioned they are games played with tiny plastic and pewter men. Bolt Action and Flames of War being set in WWII (first being platoon and latter company level) and Bolt Action focuses on 18th century warfare with muskets, cannons and bayonets. Should you want to learn more, feel free to ask.
  • Nice to see that this is quickly turning into the CatFighters alliance and this the premier cat thread in the forum. So I'll add my families two darlings:


