ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Sounds like a plan...Ill be waiting.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Hi ScarFighters,

    Unfortunately, Elysium just announced that he will be leaving the alliance due to personal reasons.

    We'd like to thank him for all his contribution, the time that he has put in during season 1 and even before that; thanks for the fun banter that we had during our chat in game.

    We wish him all the best, he will be missed.

    We will wait till Nick Fury cover is out and the open slot will be available later in a more suitable time
  • For some perspective, (if my math is correct) to get into top 100 in season 1, alliances needed an average score of 10k or higher. Considering 10k is where the progression rewards finish, I think it's a pretty sensible goal.
    That's about where I finished, about 10500.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Hi guys, was just talking to Unimatrix and may be a new Alliance member.

    My name is Earthworm God on the forums and in game. I am an avid player. Been playing for a long time now. I am currently at day 155 of my Resupply rewards. I usually put up 700-800 points in all PVP events. Usually try to place in the top 5 of all PVP events. ..
    Thanks for your consideration.

    Just to clarify, we're still reviewing the definite decision yet.
    Care to share your roster ?
    How do you stay top 5 with 700 to 800 points only?
    What is your alliance right now?

  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Curious what your requirements are for events...... PM me if the spot is still available thank you
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    I am unsure about my future involvement in the game. I am moving in my new house on sunday and Wildstar begins on may 31th, so I may not have the amount of time needed to stay truely competitive. I am nearly burnt out, but part of it may be the stress from the house (many things to think about, money problems because of things forgotten and so on).

    At leats I got lucky with the latest events in rewards, contrarily to the previous month. Yellow patch as 300pts reward in Rags event, yellow X Force as 300pt reward in Psylocke event, yellow IW, 2 black Psylockes (only neede one), a blakc Hood (already at 5), a blue DD (well it is only Daredevil) in the 10-pack heroics. It compensates my losing on the top25 (and thus a second 10-pack) in the last hour of the month for less than 200 points.
  • I am looking to join a higher tier team. My last alliance barely broke top 100 but I if I'm gonna be spending money on this game, I want to join a great group. My in game screen name is reaper611 and I've applied to your group already. I hope you can accept me and let me prove myself at least. Thanks for your time reading this
  • Oh, and please pm me with any questions or concerns. My roster is available to see in the game since I applied to your group
  • Hello everybody !

    Thanks for all the applicants.

    We are still currently debate with the team, as always...not easy to choose.

    I just want to clarify something for once and for all. Elysium was a good partner, one of the founder of the alliance. That was about 1 month he was not certain to stay or to leave...because of personal reasons & for sure, burn out about the game...
    We are all sad to see he left...but I (and we) want the best for his life (and with his family & little daughter).

    Thanks for all the time we share together elysium...And if maybe you got little time to spend on here...don't hesitate...

    Good bye ely !
  • kennardfr wrote:
    I am unsure about my future involvement in the game. I am moving in my new house on sunday and Wildstar begins on may 31th, so I may not have the amount of time needed to stay truely competitive. I am nearly burnt out, but part of it may be the stress from the house (many things to think about, money problems because of things forgotten and so on).
    Just tell us when you really couldn't play anymore...Did you try the beta of Wildstar ? I guess ^^
    Otherwise...I hope all your problems will be soon fixed !
    Good luck in your new house ken :) When do you invite us all in your castle ? icon_e_biggrin.gif
    kennardfr wrote:
    At leats I got lucky with the latest events in rewards, contrarily to the previous month. Yellow patch as 300pts reward in Rags event, yellow X Force as 300pt reward in Psylocke event, yellow IW, 2 black Psylockes (only neede one), a blakc Hood (already at 5), a blue DD (well it is only Daredevil) in the 10-pack heroics. It compensates my losing on the top25 (and thus a second 10-pack) in the last hour of the month for less than 200 points.
    That's cool !
    I had from the 2X10 pack from Season 1 (ended 13th...just ahead Tonzil with 5 points icon_lol.gif )...Black Doom, Black Loki (at max covers now), Blue Falcon & Purple BWGS (respec her with red -1). Really nice pull-up...maybe one of my best ahah

    And you ScarFighters ?
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    I had really good luck with my packs. I managed top 5, so I got 3 icon_e_smile.gif
    Black hulk
    Red hulk
    Black panther yellow
    Gsbw red
    Blue spidey
    Black hood
    Lazy cap blue
    Lazy Thor yellow

    All in all a pretty good haul
  • Hey Dan !

    Wow that's really nice !!!
    I really wonder what is the luck to other SF ? icon_e_biggrin.gif Or bad luck... icon_e_confused.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Since Jan lost a PVP, she didn't get a high score - though it wasn't too bad, 12497. So she only received one pack.

    She got a Black Hulk and a Yellow Patch - she didn't need the Patch. The rest were all 2-stars.

    Today she got a Yellow Spidey, which she sold unintentionally - she wanted to max yellow and take a cover from purple.

    She still hasn't received the event cover from Prodigal Sun, though. They ate her token.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I wasn't high enough to get into the 10-packs, as I placed 141st. Out of the 4 tokens I did receive, I received 1000 ISO-8 *lol*

    I did receive a Green LT from a Heroic Token I think yesterday from the pve sub alliance reward, but other than that, I haven't had any good pulls in quite a while.

    I do think I should place higher than usual in the pvp this time as my Psylocke is pretty powerful.
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    I'm finding the scaling in this PVP is hitting me hard. The teams are tough, the retaliations are plentiful, and my 141 Punisher always takes the brunt of the damage. I'm trying to level my LazyThor, but I'm a bit Iso starved. I'll try to make a run tonight, but I don't know how successful it'll be...
  • Danman2008 wrote:
    I'm finding the scaling in this PVP is hitting me hard. The teams are tough, the retaliations are plentiful, and my 141 Punisher always takes the brunt of the damage. I'm trying to level my LazyThor, but I'm a bit Iso starved. I'll try to make a run tonight, but I don't know how successful it'll be...
    While I'm finding my scaling not too bad...don't worry about your ISO Dan...I bet I'm worst than you ! icon_lol.gif

    Oh and look at what they just added...Heavy metal / IM40 (UDaken prizes again)...for a funky reminder icon_e_surprised.gif
    And just after this Fatal attraction / UberDaken...with at least 3 to 9 covers from previous events.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    My season 1 pull was Ok.

    1 green XForce, 1 green patch, 1 yellow BP, and 1 red rag.

    So difficult to climb in PVP. Lots of 141 along the way..
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for the new sig, Fritejay.

    I will master Psylocke this afternoon. I like the character a lot.

    We saw the new XMen movie last night. Seriously excellent.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone!

    Though Frite hasn't changed the name of the thread yet, we're complete again. So we're sorry, but we can't take anyone else.

    Our new member is Ssnake. WELCOME!

    He said he'll come write here when he's done with PVP icon_e_smile.gif That's the spirit, game on.

    Oh, and Ssnake, don't forget to choose your Marvel character for your sig!
  • As always...decisions were really tough to do...Thanks to all the applicants & good luck in your search !

    Welcome to our new member... Ssnake !

    Some ritual questions :
    What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?
    Where is the worst and/or best place to be a ScarFighters ?
    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters for you ?
    If you need to point out a rival, which one would it be ? (just for the

    Bonus question :
    Which team will win the FIFA world cup ? (I know you're from Brasil, that's why I ask this icon_e_biggrin.gif )

    Feel free to ask some questions in the thread and/or in pm Ssnake !