ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I decided to play around a little tonight with my match-ups early on...I put my 102 Psylocke, 64 Falcon, 57 Rags against a 50's OBW, 50 cStorm, and 23 Rags......and got my tinykitty handed to me.....

    In hind sight, I shouldn't have been in the desert.....

    or using that combination against that team.....

    or playing at 4am after a long night of programming homework.....

    or....ummm.....yeah......I think I'll head to bed now..... I remember what else....when I did win one of my matches and clicked to get the reward and that Spider-Man symbol showed up, for a split second I was really excited.....and then I remembered....

    Only 2* and 1* covers are prizes.....
    .....including Bag-Man....

    Way to toy with my emotions MPQ.....
  • Bag-Man is the only 2-star I've yet to complete. I would be thrilled to finally finish him off.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Bag-Man is the only 2-star I've yet to complete. I would be thrilled to finally finish him off.

    will we see lazy bagman ?
    i'm clamoring for it.. can you imagine getting a gold cover .. blink blink blink.. and lazy bagman appears.

    they should.
    i am afraid they will.
  • Hello my fellow ScarFighters !

    Sorry if I couldn't reply all your pm's and messages here...Don't really have time these days...

    I understand all the frustrations you got guys/gals...I think I will probably chillax too...But maybe I'm too much addicted for this icon_e_confused.gif The bigest problem...

    Anyway have fun, that's the priority icon_e_smile.gif
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I know what you mean about being too can I look my son in the face and tell him he's playing too many video games while trying to get in the top 10 of the latest PvP? icon_lol.gif

    I'm actually playing this Rags tourney pretty lax....I don't need the red Psylocke cover so I'm not gonna stress about top 10 on this one....I'll still try to get as many points as possible, but not gonna waste my hp shield-hopping at all....

    Pretty happy about the PvE though - I know there are a lot unhappy with it being 9 days, but that doesn't bother long as it runs smoothly...
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    I can totally understand the sentiments, with all that has happened this season. This addiction... I don't think anyone can fault anyone for wanting to take a break. I've actually had an easy rag tourney so far. Only 1 attack all the way to 1000... Maybe they fixed something...

    Anyway, I really have enjoyed being part of this great group. I know I don't chat much, but I read everything icon_e_smile.gif I hope you all stick around.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    hmm.. the Sentry story is quite interesting... i kind of missed the lame jokes that Iron man has.. now it's Daken trying to be witty.

    gimme back my lame Iron man jokes!

    Sentry is an interesting 3* character.. but another green strong character.
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Danman2008 wrote:
    I can totally understand the sentiments, with all that has happened this season. This addiction... I don't think anyone can fault anyone for wanting to take a break. I've actually had an easy rag tourney so far. Only 1 attack all the way to 1000... Maybe they fixed something...

    You were just lucky. I had a normal number of attacks, all from high levelled players that started after me. I skip most of them. I do not need red Psylocke either as I have a 5/3/3 so i may finish the basic covering for her, though i will try to find a fifth black.

    OIn Shield simulator I was gladly surprised to be attacked by a guy with 85 C Storm, Thor and OBW, which I beat quite easily. He was above me so worth more points for me than him but he retaliated anyway, twice, and of course I did so too. I gained some good points with him icon_lol.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Greetings Mortals!!!

    Life has been crazy busy. I sign the partnership agreement today that will let me take my business to the next level. We have a whole bunch of new employees and it is so intense right now. It's all good but right now we are all staggering in exhaustion. Poor Mystwalker worked all weekend in my warehouse getting the new guys trained in the general organization scheme.

    We took two mental health breaks to see the Winter Soldier - late Saturday night and late last night. We have a great theater across from our work that is $5 movies all day Monday and Tuesday. There were people last night who didn't know . . . . Avari and I just laughed at their gasps of astonishment. She is a huge Bucky fan (she likes the emoting mopey type) while I could eat Steve Rogers for breakfast. (Am I allowed to say stuff like that here???)

    Time to dig in here. I've been checking in here and on the chat. Yes, there are frustrations with the game but that is true of every game up there. Everything is a package deal and for me the play variety here balances out my complaints. I still feel like PVP is a giant non-consensual gang bang. My favorite thing is still that I"m not playing a character but can put together an almost endless variety of teams.

    What are you playing with Rags? I like OBW and Hood with the guys that are red/green hitters. Not only does it cover everything but between OBW and Hood, the other team usually accumulates very little AP.
  • Welcome back Immortal !

    Congrats for your buisness partnership Fae & Mr Doom icon_e_smile.gif

    Is it already summer in California ? (I bet it's all the time icon_e_biggrin.gif ).

    Sentry looks interesting character to play with...too bad his power lean on Red / Yellow / Patch (but not passive yellow this time).
    His red look really powerfull !

    Season 2 is coming ? I still prefer when it's winter icon_lol.gif

    Edit : has you seen your new sig in pm Fae ?
    Don't worry SF, we will have yours in the week (at least in the end of week !)
  • I felt pretty put off by the Daken PvP myself too. I dreaded a lazy Daken since I heard about it. The regular Daken is bothersome enough, but you want to add 72 levels worth of extra health, regen, and strike tile power? Ugh. What's worse is he's another green tile generator, as if green wasn't the most supported color in the game. Most of the teams I fought were all heavy green hitters like Thor. My to two guys don't use green at all. Painful. The Ragnarok PvP isn't so bad. At least he's strong for me and the teams are more varied, and animations aren't constantly going off.
  • Applause to everyone ScarFighters !!!
    We were between 6 & 10 for a long time in the Season 1...

    And we finished #9, that's wonderfull ! (just ahead Ace of beers icon_e_biggrin.gif )

    Clearly we won't be so high for this Season 2 already started, for sure.
    If we could stay at least in the top 100, that's fine. I'm pretty sure we could do it.

    If someone feel the burn out too strong, don't hesitate to tell it...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    fritejay2 wrote:
    And we finished #9, that's wonderfull ! (just ahead Ace of beers icon_e_biggrin.gif )
    No need to softpedal your victory with small text.

    Do you hear that, Ace of Blades?! ScarFighters totally pwned y'all like Hulk Hogan punching out a kitten!
  • Good job everyone. I feel pretty humbled to be in an alliance where practically everyone scored higher than me.

    I'm generally the type who stays within my limits, so I'm not really burned out at all. I expect my season 2 score to match my season 1 score.

    For some perspective, (if my math is correct) to get into top 100 in season 1, alliances needed an average score of 10k or higher. Considering 10k is where the progression rewards finish, I think it's a pretty sensible goal.
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Applause to everyone ScarFighters !!!
    We were between 6 & 10 for a long time in the Season 1...

    And we finished #9, that's wonderfull ! (just ahead Ace of beers icon_e_biggrin.gif )

    Clearly we won't be so high for this Season 2 already started, for sure.
    If we could stay at least in the top 100, that's fine. I'm pretty sure we could do it.

    If someone feel the burn out too strong, don't hesitate to tell it...
    Mmmmm, beer.

    Wha ... Congrats guys, of course you know: This Means War! icon_lol.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Excellent performance ScarFighters!!
    great job!

    now, let's focus on PVE!!
    No matter how funky I find his blonde hair is (yucks.. the animation of his character is just hilarious), but we probably need him as essential for the next events.. and our alliance need to be placed above 100 to get the Sentry cover.
    go guys.. and gals.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys! Long time no write!

    WE ROCKED, EVERYONE OF US! Yay! Way to go, guys/gals! Though I don't really play (I only assist Jan sometimes), I know how rough was the going these last two weeks. AND WE DID IT!
    Good job everyone. I feel pretty humbled to be in an alliance where practically everyone scored higher than me.

    Waku, whaddya mean? You and Jan were responsible for the late climb! Your points were what catapulted the alliance back into top ten.

    Cheers to the late soldiers!

    Ace of Blades, beware! SF on the rise! icon_e_smile.gif

    Congrats everyone!

    P.S.: special congratulations to Faerie! Not only is her business improving (pleased to hear that!), she also managed to get amazing scores with a battle wound icon_e_smile.gif. You're unstoppable, o immortal one!
  • Dreylin wrote:
    Mmmmm, beer.
    Wha ... Congrats guys, of course you know: This Means War! icon_lol.gif
    You bring some beers, Dreylin ?
    Congrats too Church of Wolves !
    War ? No. I came in peace with the communal stick...and after my toothpick...just to find out who really was ORTESEY (we all know is an "atomic" bear now icon_lol.gif ). We spoke french with Qtquazar & OTERSEY, and make some nice words duels...and now you want war ?
    Let me think about it ...

    @HailMary : Ahahah yeah I'm totally Hulk Hogan ! Beware Age Of Blains icon_lol.gif

    @dani : Yeah thanks to our both late pushers jan & waku :)
    So...we're soldiers too now ? Uhhh, Fighters, Soldiers, Catchers....what else ? icon_mrgreen.gif
    unimatrix wrote:
    now, let's focus on PVE!!
    No matter how funky I find his blonde hair is (yucks.. the animation of his character is just hilarious), but we probably need him as essential for the next events.. and our alliance need to be placed above 100 to get the Sentry cover.
    go guys.. and gals.
    Yes, uni !
    We really need to be in top 100 SF !
    But I can guess it's not easy for everyone...especially for the rubberbanding...not easy at all...
    Anyway, I'm pretty sure we'll do it, we all ROCK, right icon_e_wink.gif
  • Hi guys, was just talking to Unimatrix and may be a new Alliance member.

    My name is Earthworm God on the forums and in game. I am an avid player. Been playing for a long time now. I am currently at day 155 of my Resupply rewards. I usually put up 700-800 points in all PVP events. Usually try to place in the top 5 of all PVP events. I try to play as much as I can and strive to help my Alliance, but sadly I cant seem to find a good Alliance. I would like to be in an Alliance that places in the top 100 in all events. Was 36th over all in season 1. I am currently 43 in Prodigal Son with 6066 points. I am number 1 in the China event. I have every character out at the moment.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • One of our teamate is burnout from the season 1...and I totally could understand him...
    so we will have one open spot (but not yet)...