ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Dani !!! You want them angrier than they already are ??? Look at their thread ! I bet they will spraying us soon or later on with their lightnings beams...



    You are welcome!
  • Thanks for the Smackdown boys an girls...

    You guys with Deadpoolstacos just smacked me together for over 240 points in Dakens PvP...

    Just when I thought it was safe to tread in those waters...

    But this care bear bounces back.

  • unimatix wrote:
    Dantekamar wrote:
    unimatrix wrote:
    Hmm. Why am I reading about people going in the nude at 20 C (which is quite a nice temperature, btw) ?
    Why wouldn't you?
    i mean.. we should be looking at pictures rather than just reading about it..
    Well, if you really want a picture of me playing MPQ o'natural, I'll oblige, though I doubt you really do.
    danikalil wrote:
    Uni, as Stay Puft, you shouldn't joke about it. You're already going around half naked, and what's worse, with a sailor hat icon_e_smile.gif
    I really missed something there but t that's okay.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Captain Planet ?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!
    Are you F******ing kidding me ?? icon_lol.gif
    Worst ever serie in my childhood...I bet
    Never saw Street Sharks? OMG that's awful. 22 minutes of my life I won't get back.
    danikalil wrote:
    Oops, we just heard our agent got nerfed...he won't be able to withstand your righteous power. Besides, he draws too much attention. We must resort to better camouflage:

    Worst group costume ever.

    fritejay2 is actually recognized by my auto spell now as soon as I type frit in. Just works out that way. Danikalil is too.

    Two words? Hmmm... Burning Undead?
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Barely managed to get above 900, thanks to a failed attack against me . It was the worst pvP I ever had. Ins pite of long tanking, I had 141s since the beginning, though I often managed to avoid them by skipping as much as possible. At the end I was also offered 230s. I used all my health packs and I shielded as I was regularly attacked too. I was surprised by the number of levelled Lazy Dakens: some people have spent a damn lot on this character.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Milkrain...that bear is...hideous. THANK YOU for adding pandas to my list of fears. BTW, is that a Panda of Doom? icon_e_smile.gif
    kennardfr wrote:
    Barely managed to get above 900, thanks to a failed attack against me . It was the worst pvP I ever had. Ins pite of long tanking, I had 141s since the beginning, though I often managed to avoid them by skipping as much as possible. At the end I was also offered 230s. I used all my health packs and I shielded as I was regularly attacked too. I was surprised by the number of levelled Lazy Dakens: some people have spent a damn lot on this character.

    Kennard, tanking doesn't work anymore. I don't know what they did, but it doesn't.

    There are a lot of people who bought the entire Daken. This will certainly be trouble not only in this PVP, but in all those to come. Maybe he'll replace Spidey as a must-have, after Spidey's nerf.
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    Well, if you really want a picture of me playing MPQ o'natural, I'll oblige, though I doubt you really do.
    Yes Dante...I think we could pass on this one icon_lol.gif
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Never saw Street Sharks? OMG that's awful. 22 minutes of my life I won't get back.
    Nope...and I guess that's not necessary needed to take a look...I'm pretty sure this "thing" never cross the Atlantic or elsewhere..
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Two words? Hmmm... Burning Undead?
    Ok Dante !
    danikalil wrote:
    These are our new lines of defense! Go ScareBears!
    Oh yeah ! And here is the monster to scare them the most
    danikalil wrote:
    Milkrain...that bear is...hideous. THANK YOU for adding pandas to my list of fears. BTW, is that a Panda of Doom? icon_e_smile.gif
    Uuuuh...maybe ?
    The CareBears pee & poo & bleed flashy rainbow beams...and now they vomit ! What's next ???!!
    danikalil wrote:
    Kennard, tanking doesn't work anymore. I don't know what they did, but it doesn't.

    There are a lot of people who bought the entire Daken. This will certainly be trouble not only in this PVP, but in all those to come. Maybe he'll replace Spidey as a must-have, after Spidey's nerf.
    Yep dani. Right for both !
    kennardfr wrote:
    Ins pite of long tanking, I had 141s since the beginning, though I often managed to avoid them by skipping as much as possible. At the end I was also offered 230s.
    I don't think I've ever seen 230 characters...but one day...
    Oh and about your motherboard & proc ? Sorry to hear about that... icon_e_sad.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    I've seen and tasted a high level Lazy Daken. it's annoying and deadly.
    worth considering to upgrade.
    too bad, i've no blue cover for LazyDaken
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I'm looking forward to getting Mohawken leveled, but right now I want to get Falcon built up. Since my only 3* over 100 is Psylocke, I think the combo of Psylocke and Falcon works nicely. Add in aWolvie for more strike tiles until I can get Mohawken built, and that's a solid trio I think.....

    Which is why I was pretty happy this morning when my daughter decided to buy me a single heroic token when she was looking at my characters *L* She pulled a Yellow Falcon! I haven't seen a gold token in weeks until then! Needless to say - anytime I get a token, she's redeeming it for me! *LOL*
  • danikalil wrote:
    Milkrain...that bear is...hideous. THANK YOU for adding pandas to my list of fears. BTW, is that a Panda of Doom? icon_e_smile.gif

    CareBears don't distinguish between different kinds of bears. We are not Bearists.

    I think pandas of doom vomit spiders and snakes or poison. We have avoided bear on bear violence so far (I think).
    rbdragon wrote:
    I'm looking forward to getting Mohawken leveled, but right now I want to get Falcon built up. Since my only 3* over 100 is Psylocke, I think the combo of Psylocke and Falcon works nicely. Add in aWolvie for more strike tiles until I can get Mohawken built, and that's a solid trio I think.....

    Which is why I was pretty happy this morning when my daughter decided to buy me a single heroic token when she was looking at my characters *L* She pulled a Yellow Falcon! I haven't seen a gold token in weeks until then! Needless to say - anytime I get a token, she's redeeming it for me! *LOL*

    Word of warning. I play with Psylocke during Daken PvP. PROBLEM: Once there are 5 red stirke tiles Psylocke doesn't place additional strike tiles. So if Daken places too many Psylocke stops placing tiles and just deals damage. This is a problem as Psylockes strike tiles are among the most damaging. This does allow Psylocke to deal 1000+ damage at max level but it is a shame to lose the strike tile.
  • How about using Daken's blue to clear the strike tiles before using Psychic Knife?
  • I don't have a usable Psylocke so I'm purely imagining how this would play... I think Psylocke's red's purpose can change when pairing her with Daken. Normally her red is a great strike generator, but when paired with Daken, her red becomes a spammable skill that bursts down targets. I guess the most similar pairing would be 2* Wolvie/Daken, where Daken basically covers all reds with strike tiles effectively blocking Wolvie's green, but his green becomes more of a spammable cheap attack instead of a strike generator. I'm not super fond of A. Wolvie/Daken, so I don't think this is a great idea. Just throwing this out there

    Daken blue -> Psylocke red is a better combo, but don't you get screwed if you get reds first? It sounds good but really specific, like if you gather lots of red (say your opening board has few blue) you don't wanna use it until you use Daken's blue. But if you're not using red you've lost the opportunity to do a lot of damage. But then if you do use red and you gather enough blue, you could remove your best strike tiles. It sounds good, it just seems really awkward

    I used A Wolv/Falcon and it is a fascinating combo, but you want an active yellow user (gee I wonder who I'm talking about) to go with that pair. The double passive on yellow is really cool, but it's only good if A Wolv tanks yellow for Falcon
  • purinxa wrote:
    I used A Wolv/Falcon and it is a fascinating combo, but you want an active yellow user (gee I wonder who I'm talking about) to go with that pair. The double passive on yellow is really cool, but it's only good if A Wolv tanks yellow for Falcon A Wolvie & Falcon got both 3 yellow cover (5 yellow for Falcon later on sure).
    But the problem is the yellow power for A Wolvie (max 85 sure) is 39 & for Falcon (actual lvl 80->89) 42 .
    So it can't work at all for me (or only if I respec...).

    Otherwise I got a Patch lvl 117 icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • How about using Daken's blue to clear the strike tiles before using Psychic Knife?

    Indeed, you're right. I don't have blue so it hasn't been an option for me. But as my fellow bear has pointed out you risk removing the strong tiles if you want to trigger a 2nd blue Daken attack. You're third hero would be difficult to find, green/yellow/purple - does such a hero exist? Other options are Thor or IW I guess? I'm playing Psylocke with Punisher so his Judment places random strike tiles and sometimes they are red which helps psylockes ability.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone...we're so disheartened.

    Seriously, if next PVP is more of the same, Jan will quit after Season 1 ends. She can't stand it anymore.

    We only fight 141's. To be able to face them, we have to use Spidey. When we use Spidey, our MMR climbs up like crazy. When we try to tank, it doesn't work.

    This is getting to be worse than a chore. At least chores don't leave you frustrated and make you bite your nails in despair.

    And, in our particular case, since we couldn't play a PVP due to wi-fi problems, we can't meet the best scores. So Jan is really, really not motivated right now.

    Sigh. The things they did to a game that was fantastic when I first joined it.
  • It'd be a real shame to see you guys go icon_e_sad.gif . Perhaps you can try to play more casually? I have a feeling that they won't start season 2 so soon. In any case, hope you still hang out and chat once in a while.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Thank you, Waku! We definitely won't disappear, we like you guys too much icon_e_smile.gif

    Maybe tomorrow we'll feel better...It's just, Jan didn't want to play today because she dreaded the crazy bashing and the terrible battles. I don't think a game should bring about this feeling in anyone.

    But don't worry, we won't slack off. We'll keep doing our best - Jan has broken her shield and started fighting again, because her 803 points wouldn't guarantee even top 50 (!). As long as we're here, we're SF to the end!

    I hope the devs will hear the clamor from the forums and implement some changes to make the game fun again. We really don't want to leave, we love the game. We just want it to be back to normal.

    If you guys read the forum today, you saw many posts like ours. Even TU1 said he may be leaving soon, and is arguing in Django's thread about what game to move to.

    Where are the devs? **** is happening?
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I get being frustrated - I have my 1 3* over 100 yet once I hit 850 all I see are 3* teams...I feel like I'm getting punished for playing well up to that point. Problem is 850 barely gets top 50 how do I transition? Very very slowly apparently.....

    Oh, BTW frite - love the sexy sleek new sig...thanx!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    rbdragon wrote:
    I get being frustrated - I have my 1 3* over 100 yet once I hit 850 all I see are 3* teams...I feel like I'm getting punished for playing well up to that point. Problem is 850 barely gets top 50 how do I transition? Very very slowly apparently.....

    Oh, BTW frite - love the sexy sleek new sig...thanx!

    Yes, Rob, all we get are 141s, and some 230s thrown in for a bonus. Heck, we're not that strong yet.

    It's exactly as if they wanted to push the veterans out of the game. If you're a good player, and have a nice roster, well, out with you.

    Maybe it's just this PVP. Anyway, Cat was just saying on the chat that he can't face his enemies either. So it seems the problem is spread all over.

    Perhaps the devs will do something before people start quitting out of frustration?
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Yeah this PvP was particularly terrible. First time I was 230s in PvP. I had to skip a lot to avoid unbeatable teams. And even then I had to take on very hard ones. And of course when you take a pause to let the health packs regenerate, you get hit for more than a hundred points that you have to recover (of course I have to be an easier target than the walls of 141s). The changes in bracketing, tanking and matchmaking have been awful lately. I am nearly burnt out at the end of the season and will need some rest.

    By the way, I had a new house built and I am moving in on sunday. So I may be unable to play a few days. Nomally my connection will be in service tomorrow (so it should be OK quickly) but you never know with these things.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Hi dani. I'm experiencing what you're seeing.
    PVP has become a "skip button" exercise.

    I keep mentioning, if i still enjoy playing the game, that's fine. I'll tolerate whatever server delays, reward delays, outrageous HP to dollar ratio. However, now it is no longer fun when I cannot even play without shielding. At the last PVP, at 600 to 700 points I already get people whacking me left and right; getting points back up entails fighting pun 141, hulk 100s, etc. It got to the point that I play because our alliance needs the points, whatever little points that I have.

    And now, I realize that there is a sale of HP and iso that is offered to select group of people. I get it, that I've been in the game for more than 100 days, so I should be used to take the **** from devs. But it's just not how you should treat someone who's been supporting you through hard earned money and time.

    Dani/jan, I'm with you. Let's see how PVP evolves. It's a shame how I get frustrated now playing the game instead of enjoying it.

    I'm tired.