ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • danikalil wrote:
    unimatrix wrote:
    frite, are you proposing to change to the thinner version? I like the one that you have right now.. thinner.. but sadly, it doesn't list down alliances members.. icon_e_smile.gif
    Ha ha, Uni, I think Frite is getting burnout from making new sigs every time the team is rearranged icon_e_wink.gif
    Dani, do you read in my mind ? Well, you diserve to take care of my brain from now on...yeah take very care about's in fragments...
    The only thing I need to find (or you could also help me ScarFighters)...find 2 words who suit you the best icon_e_smile.gif
    for example...Dante -> Fire Zombie ? Catapult Zombie ?
    Faerie -> Immortal...Purple ?...Mirror ? ...Knife ? (maybe a bad remind on Knife83...but she loves knives !)
    dani -> Gemini...cats ?...laws ?
    If you got any ideas...all are welcome icon_e_smile.gif
    danikalil wrote:
    Ooh, Frite, I love Nightwish! Finally one band we agree on. Though I'm only familiar with the Tarja era.
    Ahah ^^ Did you know she got her own band know called Tarja turunen, simply icon_e_wink.gif
    A bit different (even a lot), from Nightwish, besides I like it.

    danikalil wrote:
    We can't play in the nude in this alliance! What will happen to our Canadian members? They'll freeze to death icon_lol.gif

    We've got to fill more forum space to measure up to Django. Frite, post LARGE pictures of Lilou, the largest available icon_e_biggrin.gif
    And the cats ? How they do ? Oh yeah...furs...
    Ok I've got a sexy cat full of love (not mine for sure) icon_lol.gif
    Maybe I just stole him from Care Bear Stare alliance...who knows...
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Dani, do you read in my mind ? Well, you diserve to take care of my brain from now on...yeah take very care about's in fragments...
    The only thing I need to find (or you could also help me ScarFighters)...find 2 words who suit you the best icon_e_smile.gif
    for example...Dante -> Fire Zombie ? Catapult Zombie ?
    Faerie -> Immortal...Purple ?...Mirror ? ...Knife ? (maybe a bad remind on Knife83...but she loves knives !)
    dani -> Gemini...cats ?...laws ?
    If you got any ideas...all are welcome icon_e_smile.gif

    It didn't take much to figure you'd be tired of remaking our sigs...I'd told Jan about this a long time ago icon_e_smile.gif

    We've sent you ours. I think everyone should choose theirs...We're only choosing for Fae, because she's in repose, and because it's obvious: Immortal One icon_e_smile.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    And the cats ? How they do ? Oh yeah...furs...
    Ok I've got a sexy cat full of love (not mine for sure) icon_lol.gif
    Maybe I just stole him from Care Bear Stare alliance...who knows...

    He's scarier than the Care Bears lol...
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Greetings Mortals.

    I'm still on a lot of pain killers but when I'm awake I'm playing. My own Dr Doom and Avari are taking very good care of me. I can do so little it is crazy making. I can't even open my own medicine bottles. Good news is that my stitches are out. It's amazing how much work they did in four tiny holes.

    I find it really frustrating to play pvp for hours with no advancement in score. However it does result in lots of ISO to level up the featured character.

    My favorite combo with Loki was Spidey and Wolverine2. I'm going to try a bunch of different combos with IM40.
  • Those new sigs are looking pretty secksy.

    Good to hear from you Faerie. Try not to stress yourself out too much about those points.

    I used the same team as you. IM40, I'll prolly end up using Patch again. I can't remember the last tourney where I didn't end up using Patch =/
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    So far I suck with IM40. Sometimes it takes me a while to groove with a character.

    It's 105 here today. I'm at the office with two daughters and four cats. The AC is much better here than at home.
  • Hey Immortal one !!!

    Like waku said...don't over do it icon_e_wink.gif
    Let's relax with your four cats & your 2 daughters !
    Did you take a look at the one I posted 2 posts before ? ^^
    I post it again for no wrong moves ! dani loves him icon_lol.gif

    Thanks waku icon_e_smile.gif
    If you want yours like that, and want to stay with the green style...Captain America won't be allowed (because it's blue).
    So, if you really only like the green choose another character (green goblin...just for an example icon_e_wink.gif) OR I change the font in blue and you could stay with Shieldbro.

    Your choice !
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Greetings Mortals.

    I'm still on a lot of pain killers but when I'm awake I'm playing. My own Dr Doom and Avari are taking very good care of me. I can do so little it is crazy making. I can't even open my own medicine bottles. Good news is that my stitches are out. It's amazing how much work they did in four tiny holes.

    I find it really frustrating to play pvp for hours with no advancement in score. However it does result in lots of ISO to level up the featured character.

    My favorite combo with Loki was Spidey and Wolverine2. I'm going to try a bunch of different combos with IM40.

    Greetings o Immortal One! We're happy to hear from you!

    Painkillers are terrible. Take care of yourself, don't overplay. Now the stitches are out, we hope the pain will subside little by little.

    I know the feeling of being helpless...I once ruptured my ankle's ligament and had to hop around for more than a month on crutches. It's terribly boring and annoying.
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    So far I suck with IM40. Sometimes it takes me a while to groove with a character.

    It's 105 here today. I'm at the office with two daughters and four cats. The AC is much better here than at home.

    It's cold here today...we're here, the two of us and three cats. Cats are important in this group...

    Jan said that at the chat, a few days ago, you were asking about linking your game to FB. It's simple: on the title screen, you click on the cog symbol, and there's a button with the FB logo on it. You just have to click it, and it connects your game to FB - you can switch between devices and between Android and IOS.

    But if you play on Steam, unfortunately, there's no way of connecting the game to FB. It sucks.
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Finished top10 in Loki PvP, good (well I was 10th but still top 10 icon_e_biggrin.gif ), in the bracket won by Huios2. I will try to do the same in IM40 but my MMR may be a little high right now. And Rags as reward again...

    Really disappointed about the PvE ****. 150 ranks lost durign the night! It is impossible for Europeans to gain any useful cover with the ending times, or you have to sacrifice your sleep utterly. Strangely I did not have this problem, not that much at least, until the latest two-three events. Frankly the investment in PvE is not rewarded enough for Europans to put so much effort. Coudl they not make European time brackets?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    just like to highlight that our supercommander frite wrote something really nice in this forum here and dual-core followed here

    great comments and thanks for the leadership and the fun so far.. let's scar the battlefield.. because we're .. MPQrazy!
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Hey Immortal one !!!

    Like waku said...don't over do it icon_e_wink.gif
    Let's relax with your four cats & your 2 daughters !
    Did you take a look at the one I posted 2 posts before ? ^^
    I post it again for no wrong moves ! dani loves him icon_lol.gif

    Umm... ah... eh. Mmm. Carry on then.
  • kennardfr wrote:
    Finished top10 in Loki PvP, good (well I was 10th but still top 10 icon_e_biggrin.gif ), in the bracket won by Huios2. I will try to do the same in IM40 but my MMR may be a little high right now. And Rags as reward again...
    Nice ken !
    Huios is a beast icon_mrgreen.gif - 2nd behind reckless in season 1 ! (if the numbers didn't change yet)
    kennardfr wrote:
    Really disappointed about the PvE ****. 150 ranks lost durign the night! It is impossible for Europeans to gain any useful cover with the ending times, or you have to sacrifice your sleep utterly. Strangely I did not have this problem, not that much at least, until the latest two-three events. Frankly the investment in PvE is not rewarded enough for Europans to put so much effort. Coudl they not make European time brackets?
    As always...if you don't put an alarm clock for this - out of the 100th immediately.

    I was so freaking lucky this time !
    Was 150ish if not more 39 minutes before the end #33, at 3 minutes, #24 at 0 minute ! icon_mrgreen.gif
    DecoyDuck wrote:
    Umm... ah... eh. Mmm. Carry on then.
    It's not your cat Decoy by any chance...or one of your teamates ? I found him in my HQ trying to convert my ScarFighters into Care Bear Stare !
    Evil always icon_lol.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Hehe.i actually thought that was Dani/Jan's cat.
    Good one. .

    Waiting for server to be up..
  • unimatrix wrote:
    Waiting for server to be up..
    So be patient...D3P / Demiurge (probably Ice or Will) are actually at store searching for hamsters or maybe a wheel..or both ! icon_lol.gif
  • I can't think of any green character I particularly like. Maybe Mysterio. Who else is green?
  • Who else is green?
    Good question !
    I go doing some researches then...until the crapy servers come back to normal

    Doom (green/black), Jean grey aka Phoenix, She-hulk (Hulk it was Yanos...), Iron fist (green/yellow).
    Also found another one (the one who is greenish glowing...Is anybody know is name ??? )
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    fritejay2 wrote:
    As always...if you don't put an alarm clock for this - out of the 100th immediately.

    I was so freaking lucky this time !
    Was 150ish if not more 39 minutes before the end #33, at 3 minutes, #24 at 0 minute ! icon_mrgreen.gif
    Yeah, the end times totally suck for Europeans. Glad you were able to make it to Top 30!

    Even as a person who gets consistently good PVE results, I think they seriously need to fix the rubberbanding so that all the points you earn before the last two hours actually matter.

    As for green... there's always Toad & Green Goblin. icon_lol.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    We can't play in the nude in this alliance! What will happen to our Canadian members? They'll freeze to death icon_lol.gif

    We've got to fill more forum space to measure up to Django. Frite, post LARGE pictures of Lilou, the largest available icon_e_biggrin.gif

    What? That's not fair.

    Bien sure que nous pouvons jouer tout nue. Il fait quand même très beau de ce temps-ci. Pour faire confusion aux Americains, nous pourrions même dire qu'il fait environ 20 degrés. Quand ils passeront ca dans un "translate", ils vont penser que nous sommes en pleine saison hivernale. icon_twisted.gif

    De plus, nous les Calinours, nous ne portons pas d'habits de toute façon. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • Tonzil wrote:
    What? That's not fair.

    Bien sure que nous pouvons jouer tout nue. Il fait quand même très beau de ce temps-ci. Pour faire confusion aux Americains, nous pourrions même dire qu'il fait environ 20 degrés. Quand ils passeront ca dans un "translate", ils vont penser que nous sommes en pleine saison hivernale. icon_twisted.gif

    De plus, nous les Calinours, nous ne portons pas d'habits de toute façon. icon_e_surprised.gif
    Ok I try to translate as best as possible...

    Of course we could play all naked. Weather is fine these days. [Sorry for the next part...don't really know what Tonzil means] To give some trouble to Americans, we could say there is almost 20°degrees (Celsius) [here in europe (I guess)]. When they "translate" this, they should think we are in a high Winter season. (True icon_lol.gif)

    Furthermore, we the Care Bear Stare, anyhow we never wear clothes.

    Yes, Calinours, you are gross ! And even if you're probably want to convert us all to your "cult".
    When we do a super ultra team together ? icon_lol.gif
    But can't find the nickname...SFCBS ? CBSSF ? icon_e_confused.gif
    Scar Bear Fighters Bare ? icon_lol.gif
    [alert to all = this is A joke !]
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Of course we could play all naked. Weather is fine these days. [Sorry for the next part...don't really know what Tonzil means] To give some trouble to Americans, we could say there is almost 20°degrees (Celsius) [here in europe (I guess)]. When they "translate" this, they should think we are in a high Winter season. (True icon_lol.gif)

    Furthermore, we the Care Bear Stare, anyhow we never wear clothes.

    OMG, 20 degrees is freezing! icon_lol.gif

    Also, CareBearStare now officially needs to establish a junior alliance: BareBearScare.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Tonzil wrote:
    What? That's not fair.

    Bien sure que nous pouvons jouer tout nue. Il fait quand même très beau de ce temps-ci. Pour faire confusion aux Americains, nous pourrions même dire qu'il fait environ 20 degrés. Quand ils passeront ca dans un "translate", ils vont penser que nous sommes en pleine saison hivernale. icon_twisted.gif

    De plus, nous les Calinours, nous ne portons pas d'habits de toute façon. icon_e_surprised.gif
    Ok I try to translate as best as possible...

    Of course we could play all naked. Weather is fine these days. [Sorry for the next part...don't really know what Tonzil means] To give some trouble to Americans, we could say there is almost 20°degrees (Celsius) [here in europe (I guess)]. When they "translate" this, they should think we are in a high Winter season. (True icon_lol.gif)

    Furthermore, we the Care Bear Stare, anyhow we never wear clothes.

    Yes, Calinours, you are gross ! And even if you're probably want to convert us all to your "cult".
    When we do a super ultra team together ? icon_lol.gif
    But can't find the nickname...SFCBS ? CBSSF ? icon_e_confused.gif
    Scar Bear Fighters Bare ? icon_lol.gif
    [alert to all = this is A joke !]

    Is THAT what Tonzil said? Oh great. Now we have to a nude alliance as well as Django? I'm always the last to know. (Proceeds to remove clothing. Slowly.)