ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    I'm seeing that too. I broke 1100 in the Rag tourney, maybe it was good enough for top 10, haven't been home to check yet. Not sure what the solution it, besides using a ton of hp in shields...

    Edit:Got home, checked the score. Good enough for 7th
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone!

    We just got our internet back. Phew, those were LONG two days. Jan nearly had a heart attack icon_e_smile.gif

    We're very sorry we couldn't help in the last PVP. Jan so wanted that Loki cover.

    We're very glad to see our team is getting stronger and stronger! New and old guys doing every day better! We're proud of SF.

    We have no FB page, but we exchange rewards right from our personal FB. So, Kennard, Rbdragon and Danman, if you want to add us, just send us your FB and we'll send you ours.

    Frite, make Danman one of your wonderful sigs! His post seems empty without one. BTW, Rbdragon and Kennard's sigs are awesome...I liked Kennard's best of all! Jan prefers Thanos - or, as she said, since she doesn't know Marvel, "the guy in yellow" icon_lol.gif
  • Hello ScarFighters,

    Glad to hear you're back in the game Jan icon_e_smile.gif
    Hope you didn't kill any cat ??? icon_lol.gif

    Danman already choose Spidey for his sig Dani icon_e_wink.gif

    And as often, quite always...headache is coming back to crush out my head icon_e_sad.gif
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I was able to hit 818 in the Rags tourney - good for 36th... I was up higher but just got caught in a lengthy battle and was slammed during it for other loses. Still, 818 for me is decent and nice knowing I am getting stronger.

    I'll probably get into the Loki tourney later tonight - just trying to wait it out and hopefully avoid another Bracket of Doom....

    As for the Heroic, after my last clear, I sat in 63rd on my main icon_e_sad.gif I highly doubt 30th being in reach but should stay in top 150 for sure at least.

    As for sharing on FB, I'll send mine in a PM to anyone who wants - after all, sharing is caring icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Hello ScarFighters,

    Glad to hear you're back in the game Jan icon_e_smile.gif
    Hope you didn't kill any cat ??? icon_lol.gif

    Danman already choose Spidey for his sig Dani icon_e_wink.gif

    And as often, quite always...headache is coming back to crush out my head icon_e_sad.gif

    Hey Frite!

    Jan's glad to be back. It seemed much longer than a day and half icon_e_smile.gif

    Valente has been suspended from IPad use until further notice. He could have pawed "Approve", but he pawed "Dismiss". This shows he's a subversive cat and needs discipline icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I want to see the Spidey sig! Will you theme it blue or red?

    Ouch, Frite, you really should see a doctor about that migraine of yours! Though Jan and I suffer from it too, and I myself saw MANY doctors, and it didn't help at all TT
    rbdragon wrote:
    I was able to hit 818 in the Rags tourney - good for 36th... I was up higher but just got caught in a lengthy battle and was slammed during it for other loses. Still, 818 for me is decent and nice knowing I am getting stronger.

    I'll probably get into the Loki tourney later tonight - just trying to wait it out and hopefully avoid another Bracket of Doom....

    As for the Heroic, after my last clear, I sat in 63rd on my main icon_e_sad.gif I highly doubt 30th being in reach but should stay in top 150 for sure at least.

    As for sharing on FB, I'll send mine in a PM to anyone who wants - after all, sharing is caring icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Breaking the 800 barrier is quite good, Dragon! Keep growing, friend icon_e_smile.gif

    We're behind in PVE, but Jan's trying to catch up. Damn Wi-fi TT

    We sent you a friendship invitation, Dragon...please add us! If sharing is caring, we care icon_e_smile.gif
  • Was having a rough go of PvP recently, and decided to try out my newly leveled Punisher. What a great move. Had tons of success in the Loki event, all thanks to him and a fully-leveled Judgement.
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Judgement is nifty. Punisher is my first an only maxed 3*, although I am close on a few others. He is Iso well spent, for sure!

    Edit: Also, check out my new sig!!! I love it!
  • Uuuhh...still can't sleep so I started new sigs ^^

    DanMan first, then mine...How do you think it is ?
    Maybe I could do the same with all of you, thinner is better like Fae & Raf told me.

    Otherwise Dani, like you said...quite the same with me...Doctors can't heal me - I'm zombie after all !
    (and seriously...even when I'm human...and weak...).

    Catnip & Danman, I just looked at your Judgment cover (5)...mine is only 3 and I might change my mind about Molotov cocktail...Should I ?

    Oh and rbdragon & Danman...I totally forget to introduce yourself in the's a kind of ritual over here...
    What funny thing (or not) is hided behind your nickname ?
    Do you have some favorite books, games (video/card/board...apart from MPQ sure), music style (bands, singers to share with us maybe), sports...or whatever other passion(s) you got ?
    Which are the best & worst 3 characters in your mind ?

    Bonus question to Danman :
    Do you prefer to live in Canada or in China ?

    Bonus question to rbdragon :
    What improvements would you like to do about MPQ (since I know you would certainly be a great dev in a near future, not dave, but developper icon_mrgreen.gif ) ?

    You got only 10h to answer the question or this post will explode...or worst !
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Alright, here goes...

    First, Judgement. I can't count the number of times I have used it to take down a baddie with 3000+ HP. It is also pretty damaging on it's own. Not the best red out there, but the best I have.

    My Nickname has followed me since I was a child. There has always been two Dans in my group of friends, so DanMan just stuck as a way of telling us apart.

    I've got a few book series that I like. The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, the Dream of Eagles books by Jack Whyte. I'm starting to read Game of Thrones. I like games of all kinds. I have started a board game club here at my school. Chinese kids don't usually play board games, so it's new and exciting for them. Risk, 7 Wonders, Power Grid, Citadels are a few favorites. As for music, I'm usually into hard rock. Metallica and the like. I am a sports fan too. Hockey, of course, but as a fan, not a player. I like to watch basketball and football too. I used to be a pretty good curler, but i haven't played in a while

    Best Characters: Punisher (my only maxed character, great fit on any team), Spider-man(that stun is nearly unstopable), Magneto(cheap, hard-hitting abilities)
    Worst Characters: Spider-man(bag-man), Yelena, Bullseye

    I think i prefer to live in Canada. China is ok, but you can't beat home. My wife is Chinese, and my son was born in China, so I have a soft spot for China.

    There, I think that covers it icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, I'm gonna unlurk in this thread now...

    Y'all have a cozy group going (mad kudos, fritejay), so I've resisted intruding up till now, but I love your vibe in this thread. Your Season alliance ranking is pretty awesome, too. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    So, the purpose for my intrusion: DanMan, high-five for being an expat in China. I occasionally do business in China, still have family there, and have a little circle of expat friends there, too, so it's very cool to see a dude hanging out on this forum and playing this game from behind the Great Firewall. Rock on!

  • So if you read the Game of thrones book...I predict you watched (and watch) the serie also ?
    Have some regrets comparing the serie & the book ?

    About your nickname I was more thinking * you're "Dat'Man"* or something like that icon_lol.gif

    Who don't know Risk ? aaah cool strategic old game. 7 wonders was made by a french, very proud of all what he did on some board games. For once, I don't shoot on my own neighbour ahah...maybe I prefer southern idea

    Metallica cool icon_e_wink.gif and... ? Do you have some new band to share with us maybe ?
    I have to say, I'm more into rock...but also pop-rock, electro-rock, indie-rock...yeah a lot of rock indeed ^^

    I was pretty sure it was what I think...but when I translate the word "curler"...first thing I had, was "hair curler" icon_lol.gif
    Imagine play this game with your hair as the own broom...oh my !

    Otherwise I think you probably will be happy to know that DOLBET & elysium are both fan of football & hockey.
    Sad thing is elysium will certainly quit the team at the end of season 1...means in few days...

    I didn't ask for this..but is maybe 2008 after your nickname is your year of birth's son ?
    Do you come back in some holidays in Canada ?

    Oh and woo-ouh big surprise we got a Guest star ...taddaamm : Hailmary !
    Thanks to share with us & furthermore cheers us all. Thanks again !

    I have to say your team also is doing great...and since a long time icon_e_wink.gif
    Even in my dreams...I (and certainly we) had never thought to be in the top so quickly !
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Oh and woo-ouh big surprise we got a Guest star ...taddaamm : Hailmary !
    Thanks to share with us & furthermore cheers us all. Thanks again !

    I have to say your team also is doing great...and since a long time icon_e_wink.gif
    Even in my dreams...I (and certainly we) had never thought to be in the top so quickly !
    icon_e_biggrin.gif Thank you!

    If I recall correctly, you guys have been consistent PVE rockstars for quite a while, no? With some good PVP performance to boot? I remember seeing ScarFighters pretty frequently in various leaderboards. Thanks again for your kind words -- we definitely lucked out, and managed to hang onto good rankings while not being a serious "OMG WIN WIN WIN!" alliance. It's great to see another friendly, relaxed alliance do the same.
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Thanks HailMary! Sometimes the net here is frustrating, but I am doing well in China. Good job, started a family, so life is good!
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Oh and rbdragon & Danman...I totally forget to introduce yourself in the's a kind of ritual over here...
    What funny thing (or not) is hided behind your nickname ?
    Nothing funny unfortunately - first two letters are my initials (Rob B.) and dragon because I love dragons - the perfect image of strength and power. A dragon can be your greatest ally or your biggest threat. I kinda like that icon_e_wink.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Do you have some favorite books, games (video/card/board...apart from MPQ sure), music style (bands, singers to share with us maybe), sports...or whatever other passion(s) you got ?
    I'm all over the place with music - right now I've been more drawn to rock and/or of my favorite bands is pretty big in Europe (I believe they are anyway) - Epica. If you like your music loud - check them out. Having said that, I was listening to my Beatles collection yesterday and the day before the new Eminem....just not American Country music....that's my line in the sand.

    Sportswise - I'm a big NFL (US Football) and NHL (hockey) fan. The Green Bay Packers (NFL) and the Vancouver Canucks (NHL) are my teams.

    Gameswise - I love card games - you name it pretty much and I love it. And if I don't know it - I'll learn it. Card games are the best way to play games socially IMO.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Which are the best & worst 3 characters in your mind ?
    Since I'm a 2* --> 3* player, my personal 3 best/worst are:
    1) OBW - gotta love that healing and stealing!
    2) Ares - huge impact
    3) Psylocke - my highest 3* - up to 102. Her strike/attack tiles can do a lot of damage fairly quick

    3) Loki - no attack ability? REALLY???
    2) Hawkeye - ummmmm....yeah....
    1) Bagman - because Bagman
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Bonus question to rbdragon :
    What improvements would you like to do about MPQ (since I know you would certainly be a great dev in a near future, not dave, but developper icon_mrgreen.gif ) ?

    You got only 10h to answer the question or this post will explode...or worst !

    With the fact that they are now giving away covers as rewards when you win pvp matches, and the fact that there are more 3* than 2* now, they need to increase the probability of receiving each 3* cover. I would say it should be about 78% 2*, 30% 3*, 2% 4*

    Oh, and I would probably not allow other devs to screw up a tourney by changing it midstream icon_e_wink.gif
  • Charging issue update: I'm managing to get a charge sometimes, enough to play about half of what I used to, and little else. It seems my charger connection is unstable at best. I hate putting my tablet on charger over night and waking up to 11%. It's affecting my show but I'm still fighting.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    catniphill wrote:
    Was having a rough go of PvP recently, and decided to try out my newly leveled Punisher. What a great move. Had tons of success in the Loki event, all thanks to him and a fully-leveled Judgement.

    BunnyPunPun (did you see the April Fool?) is always a great move! Right now Jan's enticed by Patch. She hadn't leveled him up yet, but she did so for PVE, and she loved it.

    However, you have to look out for the enemy strike tiles!
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Uuuhh...still can't sleep so I started new sigs ^^

    DanMan first, then mine...How do you think it is ?

    We loved DanMan's sig, it's fabulous! Great work as always, Frite.
    Danman2008 wrote:
    My Nickname has followed me since I was a child. There has always been two Dans in my group of friends, so DanMan just stuck as a way of telling us apart.

    Hey, there's another Dan (Daniel?) in the team! I knew it. People with such a powerful name are born champions icon_lol.gif
    HailMary wrote:
    So, I'm gonna unlurk in this thread now...

    Hailmary, be welcome! Feel free to lurk and, more important, to write here. Jan and I really like Django's members ramblings...sound as crazy and fun as ScarFighters'...icon_e_smile.gif We lurk there just the same! Oh, and TU1 is fantastic!
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Charging issue update: I'm managing to get a charge sometimes, enough to play about half of what I used to, and little else. It seems my charger connection is unstable at best. I hate putting my tablet on charger over night and waking up to 11%. It's affecting my show but I'm still fighting.

    Hey Dante, hang in there! We too had wi-fi problems this weekend and couldn't play, so we understand your frustration. Don't worry, soon the parts will be replaced and you'll be able to do your best again!

    DanMan and Rbdragon, nice to know more about you two! DanMan, just out of curiosity, how did you come to live in China? Was it your job?

    I really love our thread icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    rbdragon wrote:

    Oh, and I would probably not allow other devs to screw up a tourney by changing it midstream icon_e_wink.gif

    and... I have to say.. rbdragon.. you, my man, have best sense of all devs.
    bravo bravo.. i agree with you completely.

    i have no idea why a team of devs would want to roll out changes half way through a tourney (or 12 hours before a tourney ends).. with a 2 days lull period after that..
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Uuuhh...still can't sleep so I started new sigs ^^

    DanMan first, then mine...How do you think it is ?
    Maybe I could do the same with all of you, thinner is better like Fae & Raf told me.

    danman has a great Sig. Kudos to Frite again!!
    *thumbs up*

    frite, are you proposing to change to the thinner version? I like the one that you have right now.. thinner.. but sadly, it doesn't list down alliances members.. icon_e_smile.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Catnip & Danman, I just looked at your Judgment cover (5)...mine is only 3 and I might change my mind about Molotov cocktail...Should I ?

    go with 5 judgement, 3 strike tiles are lovely.. icon_e_smile.gif
    coupled with OBW espionage.. sweet.
    HailMary wrote:
    So, I'm gonna unlurk in this thread now...
    Hi hailmary.. i read so much about you in the forum. your alliance and your indiv performance is superb!!
    i was actually quite surprised to see you posting in our alliance thread.. the last time someone else did that , it was because we made references that we didn't know would be offensive. icon_e_sad.gif

    it's great to read words of encouragement and .. i also wish that there are more alliances that are cozy and relaxed like ours..
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited May 2014
    danikalil wrote:
    Hailmary, be welcome! Feel free to lurk and, more important, to write here. Jan and I really like Django's members ramblings...sound as crazy and fun as ScarFighters'...icon_e_smile.gif We lurk there just the same! Oh, and TU1 is fantastic!
    Hehe, thanks! And yeah, our mascot is quite the character.
    unimatrix wrote:
    Hi hailmary.. i read so much about you in the forum. your alliance and your indiv performance is superb!!
    i was actually quite surprised to see you posting in our alliance thread.. the last time someone else did that , it was because we made references that we didn't know would be offensive. icon_e_sad.gif

    it's great to read words of encouragement and .. i also wish that there are more alliances that are cozy and relaxed like ours..
    Hehe, I can't claim to have superb indiv performance. I'm simply decent. Django's just fortunate that we pulled in some real heavy hitters who are actually superb. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    It's too bad that the last outsider post was just a note about you guys accidentally saying something offensive -- that seems more than a bit rude. You guys genuinely feel like a family, which I find very impressive, whereas Django's chat seems more like a bunch of idiots locked in a glass box, endlessly smacking each other while everyone else cheers. icon_lol.gif

    Keep doin' what you're doing, and keep it relaxed -- I'm seeing more and more forumite burnout due to people killing themselves for Season points. icon_neutral.gif The new PVP schema certainly doesn't help.

    EDIT: re: Punisher, I almost immediately 141'd him when I got 13 covers because everyone and their cat is apparently in love with him. But, I was disappointed at his performance (compared to my LT and BP) until I tried playing him with OBW. Making Espionage deal 700+ damage per turn is so fun! On the flip side, enemy Loki finally managed to be useful for once, and flipped my strike tiles midway through one fight, dropping Espionage damage from 700 to 1. icon_lol.gif
  • @rob :Epica, a little...If I have to choose (but sure it's maybe far to be the same), I prefer to listen to Nightwish (the old ones are better, I think). Also like Tristania...not all but some songs are really cool. You know ?

    Back to MPQ conversation, I really think Psylocke should be could pair with Daken Classic & Falcon.
    And yup, like Uni said it more ninja updates in middle of an event. icon_evil.gif

    @Dante :Really hope you could play MPQ in better conditions very soon Dante !
    HailMary wrote:
    If I recall correctly, you guys have been consistent PVE rockstars for quite a while, no? With some good PVP performance to boot? I remember seeing ScarFighters pretty frequently in various leaderboards.
    PvE ? Maybe it looks to be a little more unconfortable for some of us...We got actually 3-4 people who couldn't do what they really want to, because of some personal or devices issues. We do the best (there is) we could icon_e_wink.gif

    I guess we do quite good at PvP, these last weeks. Thanks to all our great teamates !
    HailMary wrote:
    Thanks again for your kind words -- we definitely lucked out, and managed to hang onto good rankings while not being a serious "OMG WIN WIN WIN!" alliance. It's great to see another friendly, relaxed alliance do the same.
    Ahaha ^^
    Honestly, I'm quite sure there are many other teams on here & there who did & do very good...and being cool icon_e_wink.gif

    Just one thing guys/ twerk allowed or TU1 will shows up here...and I'm not sure every mind is prepare for this here icon_lol.gif
    Yet, we lack on 111 pages on DjangoUnbuffed ! "OMG HURRY HURRY HURRY ScarFighters !!!"

    Edit : oh yeah I'm already late to post...Hailmary is back in here...Are you Superman ? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    unimatrix wrote:
    frite, are you proposing to change to the thinner version? I like the one that you have right now.. thinner.. but sadly, it doesn't list down alliances members.. icon_e_smile.gif

    Ha ha, Uni, I think Frite is getting burnout from making new sigs every time the team is rearranged icon_e_wink.gif
    HailMary wrote:
    It's too bad that the last outsider post was just a note about you guys accidentally saying something offensive -- that seems more than a bit rude. You guys genuinely feel like a family, which I find very impressive, whereas Django's chat seems more like a bunch of idiots locked in a glass box, endlessly smacking each other while everyone else cheers. icon_lol.gif

    Keep doin' what you're doing, and keep it relaxed -- I'm seeing more and more forumite burnout due to people killing themselves for Season points. icon_neutral.gif The new PVP schema certainly doesn't help.

    You made us laugh out loud with the glass box reference, HailMary icon_e_smile.gif Seriously, we think that both you and us are lucky to be in good alliances that value fun and companionship. I would feel sorry for those who aren't, but maybe they enjoy it? icon_e_confused.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    @rob :Epica, a little...If I have to choose (but sure it's maybe far to be the same), I prefer to listen to Nightwish (the old ones are better, I think). Also like Tristania...not all but some songs are really cool. You know ?

    Ooh, Frite, I love Nightwish! Finally one band we agree on. Though I'm only familiar with the Tarja era.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Just one thing guys/ twerk allowed or TU1 will shows up here...and I'm not sure every mind is prepare for this here icon_lol.gif
    Yet, we lack on 111 pages on DjangoUnbuffed ! "OMG HURRY HURRY HURRY ScarFighters !!!"

    We can't play in the nude in this alliance! What will happen to our Canadian members? They'll freeze to death icon_lol.gif

    We've got to fill more forum space to measure up to Django. Frite, post LARGE pictures of Lilou, the largest available icon_e_biggrin.gif