ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Hey all, I've been doing more shield simulator recently. I was curious how high some of you are on that? I'd love to get top 50 for season 1 and possibly even top 25. How high up are you guys on shield simulator that have top 50 in season 1. Just looking for something to aim toward, I have 1500 right now. Also those with a lot of points, are you getting attacked a lot?
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hi Cap! We have 1869 points, but we haven't started trying yet...just playing a couple rounds a day.

    So far, nobody has attacked us.
  • Heya fellow ScarFighters !

    Only 1282 points in the Shield sim...I'm sometimes attacked, but nothing to worry about.
    Things will get serious on the last doubt !

    I'm actually #13 overall in season 1, Huios #2 (just back to reckless !) & Mimio probably #18-20 (he's doing chores, apparently he really doesn't have time to play a lot (and no other games than MPQ)...even so, I didn't notice it)
    They are both in my bracket sure ^^
  • Suture just fired me ! Apparently Uni & Elysium also... icon_lol.gif
  • Haven't done Shield much yet. Only 1 match just to enter. Funnily enough I got 400 points just from defensive victories alone lol.

    Btw, does anyone here still need FB friends?
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Haven't done Shield much yet. Only 1 match just to enter. Funnily enough I got 400 points just from defensive victories alone lol.

    Btw, does anyone here still need FB friends?

    Hey Waku, we do! We're sending you a pm with the link.
  • Hey guys, I've done a lot of thinking these last few days and I've decided I want to quit playing Marvel Puzzle Quest. It's a hard decision because I'm in such a good alliance (you all rock) and my team is better than I would have expected when I started playing. However this is just way too much of a time investment for me right now (I used to play an hour a day when I first joined... Now 3+ hours a day). So you can look into replacing me, I'm going to work, I'll leave the alliance when I get home from work later. It's been great playing with you all and it's truly the toughest part about leaving. Have a great day everyone!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys, I've done a lot of thinking these last few days and I've decided I want to quit playing Marvel Puzzle Quest. It's a hard decision because I'm in such a good alliance (you all rock) and my team is better than I would have expected when I started playing. However this is just way too much of a time investment for me right now (I used to play an hour a day when I first joined... Now 3+ hours a day). So you can look into replacing me, I'm going to work, I'll leave the alliance when I get home from work later. It's been great playing with you all and it's truly the toughest part about leaving. Have a great day everyone!

    Aw Cap, that's sad! We quite enjoyed your presence. No more hearing about your dates icon_neutral.gif

    The game is very demanding for sure. Even so, we thank you for warning us instead of just disappearing like Knife83.

    We hope you find another game that suits your timetable better. Feel free to drop on by and chat once in a while.
  • Sad to hear that Cap, but I completely understand. I find this game quite hard to play casually.
  • Sorry Dani :/, and everyone else! I hope you guys can find someone as entertaining as me as a replacement lol. It's tough though leaving such a good alliance. Anyway good luck in future tourneys everyone, I had a great time playing alongside you!
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Take care Cap. It was an honor playing in the same alliance with you. Qapla!
  • Sorry to hear that from you Captain...but like everyone else already said, we can frankly understand your point of view !
    Hope the hot dates will fall from the sky now icon_lol.gif

    Good luck Captain, enjoy your life !

    Edit : and like dani said, come to say few words when you got a little time icon_e_smile.gif
    Someone saw the kennard sig on the previous page ? Threatenning...isn't it ?
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Just to show the sig icon_cool.gif
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    Hi guys,

    I'm considering leaving my current Alliance. IMO, some members only care about doing all the maths to play as little as possible so as to perform "enough to get the prizing". I enjoy the game (completely addict to it). I would like to join a very competitive team such as yours.

    Here is my "resume" :

    I'm Arktos1971, my current Allliance is Godlike.

    I classify Top1-5 in pve events (except Sim as my MMR was really high and I only played for the Alliance, I was the 4th highest contributor though, I always do my best for the Alliance), and Top10-20 in pvp (missing yellow spidey cover makes all the difference). I play 4-7 hours a day, and invested $6000 in the game in less than 100 days. Spend at least $200 each week to level chars up. I will level Daken up next week to max him so as to be competitive in the next PvPs. This strategy worked quite well for Falcon.

    Here is my current roster (and progression since April 13th, 4 weeks) :

    I have all 2* at max (except bullseye currently being levelled), all 1* at max (except yelena belova, useless but would level her up if she was main character in a PvP),

    3* at max level (in bracket level on the 13th of April) :
    Captain America (was not released),
    Iron Man 40,
    Magneto Classic,
    The Hood,
    Human Torch (was 64),
    Hulk (was 105),
    Patch (was 78),
    Loki (was 100),

    Other 3* :
    Black Panther 115 (missing black cover),
    Thor Modern 115 (missing red cover),
    Falcon 118 (was not released),
    Doom 111 (was 58) : I think I will max him at 115 this week-end,
    Spiderman 100 (missing yellow cover),
    GBW 69 (I have all covers, just need to level up when necessary),
    Daredevil 34 (I have all covers)
    Psylocke 28 (2 red covers, 1 black)

    Wolverine : I have 3 yellow and 1 red cover : did not level him up yet
    Invisible Woman : 3 blue, 2 green : did not level her up either

    Have currently 8387 points in Season 1, so that you can have an idea. Yellow Spiderman cover would make all the difference of course.
    I have 10436 points in Daken PvE, was playing in the very beginning of the event. So I can rank high. I last played 11 hours ago, so I will get more points at next refresh.

    I am located in France, but I can call you on the phone (have international subscription) so that I can leave my current Alliance and you accept me at the same time. I would not like to wait for 24 hours without an Alliance.
  • Hello arktos,

    Wow, you look to be very addicted MPQrazy !
    I'm already sorry to announce you I've already choose rbdragon to join the team...Welcome rbdragon !!!
    He wants a Thanos sig, and he is our 3rd canadian member icon_e_smile.gif
  • Well, replacing the last member in your pool makes you enter the Top 5 in Season 1 instantly icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Not bad...
  • Yeeaah ! Could get the final Black Bullseye cover I needed at last ! So I'll be able to level him up in the next days. icon_e_biggrin.gif My 2* roster will then be complete and maxed.
  • Welcome Rbdragon!
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm being good and letting everyone take care of me. It's weird not playing.
  • Hey Fae !

    I guess Dr Doom really take care of you ^^
    So who is playing if it's not you ? Avari maybe ?

    Take a good rest icon_e_smile.gif