ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone!

    First of all, welcome Suture! It's really nice to have you here.

    Lilou, Frite's cat, suffers from chronic sleeping-with-chicken syndrome. As far as I know, she hasn't eaten a single one yet icon_e_smile.gif

    Your rainbow team sounds pretty good! We'd love to have Punisher, but ours is so lame...We play mostly with Spidey (for the purple and blue)/ Thor(for the yellow and green) / Lazy Cap (for the red).

    We disagree with you. We think the best place in the world to be a ScarFighter is São Paulo, Brasil icon_e_wink.gif

    Oh, and by the way, just so you don't get'll be playing with Janaina. I, Daniela, am solely the translator - Janaina doesn't speak English. The nick is danikalil, because it was I who started playing...later, Jan stole the game from me :/

    Guys, we had to share this with you. Remember we sent a message to Customer Service asking for the removal of Knife83? When they complied, they sent us an e-mail telling us so. We thanked them a lot, and jokingly replied that, since they'd granted a boon, we wanted another: we wanted Devil Dinosaur as a character icon_lol.gif

    Here's their answer:

    Thank you for your feedback and also for your suggestion! While we can't speak to what the devs may have planned for updates down the road, we do know that they value feedback like this when looking into potential improvements. So we'll make sure your ideas reach them.

    So, if someday you wake up to the splendid possibility of playing with DD, you already know who to thank icon_lol.gif
  • Hello ScarFighters !

    Congrats to everybody !!!
    We were #19 in Doctor Doom PvP !!!

    I've just look at this...3 new characters will come in the future :
    Mohawk storm (lazy storm from 1* or 2* ?)
    last idea ?
    (in fact 4, but we already know, Nick Fury)
  • My friend says the 4th one is Sentry
  • Welcome to ScarFighters Suture.
    Suture wrote:
    Where is the best place in the world to be a ScarFighter ?
    *Dayton, Ohio of course
    If you're ever up in Cleveland, check out the Melt Bar & Grilled, awesome, crazy, grilled cheese sandwiches. I stopped the on a road trip from Philadelphia to Ann Arbor, got a grilled cheese with perogies in it and my girl got a barbeque one.

    Don't mind fritejay2's questions. We've been at this, what? A month? And he just bullet pointed the conversation in question form. We're a little eccentric.
  • My friend says the 4th one is Sentry
    Not so sure...I heard the Collector (a bad guy from Guardians of the galaxy (next summer)).
    Probably him ! With the schedule, it will coincide...isn't it ?

    But even so, new characters are all welcome icon_e_smile.gif

    Weird they don't even talk about Lazy daken anymore (not so lazy with maybe a new power).
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Welcome to ScarFighters Suture.
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Don't mind fritejay2's questions. We've been at this, what? A month? And he just bullet pointed the conversation in question form. We're a little eccentric.
    Oh, I think, maybe not with everyone, we talked about country, estate, etc... Don't like my subtles questions ?
    Do you have something hided behind what you said Dante ? I'm all open, come on ! Fight !! icon_lol.gif
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    Welcome to ScarFighters Suture.
    Suture wrote:
    Where is the best place in the world to be a ScarFighter ?
    *Dayton, Ohio of course
    If you're ever up in Cleveland, check out the Melt Bar & Grilled, awesome, crazy, grilled cheese sandwiches. I stopped the on a road trip from Philadelphia to Ann Arbor, got a grilled cheese with perogies in it and my girl got a barbeque one.

    Don't mind fritejay2's questions. We've been at this, what? A month? And he just bullet pointed the conversation in question form. We're a little eccentric.

    They actually opened one here in Columbus late last year. The sandwiches are fantastic, but I can only eat them half at a time.
  • I want a vote ScarFighters !

    Is the new signature, home made letters in fact, are too "Sci-fi" and not enough scared ?
    The problem is...I really don't like the "fat" old letters scariest, I tried to decrease the size but after completely elligible !

    Tomorrow or after tomorrow, I will tried my best to make a kind of mix of them. Agreed ?
    Your choices are :
    2/ NO
    3/ Other solutions (explain a bit with an example or pictures, fonts...)

    Otherwise, I would leave home for some "little" vacations to visit a friend in 3 days (for 2 or 4 days).
    But I would take my laptop with me, so I don't think it will be some problems...maybe less active than I'm used to be.
    Anyway, I will prevent you on app chat or here, no worry.

    And if someone, for any reasons, can't log for some days...tell us. Thanks.
  • catniphill wrote:
    They actually opened one here in Columbus late last year. The sandwiches are fantastic, but I can only eat them half at a time.

    Ah, living in Columbus, eh? I don't get to head over there all that much, especially now that I have a kid and a baby on the way. I used to go to Schmidt's for my birthday but that's fallen to the wayside. I have to get up there more...if nothing else, for the food! I like grilled cheese, so that's certainly intriguing.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I like the thinner. It pops more.
  • Hello team, I like the thinner letters too.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    I'm a star trek fan. No doubt the sci-fi font appeals to me.

    Btw, this Top Gun PVP is very competitive.
    It took me 30 min to earn my last 40 pts to hit 1.1k
    But finally got my yellow falcon!
  • I like the new one, but I'm also a fan of scifi. I'm okay with anything though if you want to change it.
  • Thanks ScarFighters !

    Good to know there is a lot of Sci-fi fans around here ^^
    By the way, I've finish all the new sigs...check out your pm ScarFighters.

    Oh and first post of Raf here !!! (xenraf here / robertec IGN) Thanks buddy icon_e_smile.gif
    Your promise was true, and I'm really glad !
  • Thanks, The new signature is great... sorry for don't write in the forum, is hard because in my work all the people look at my computer and the restrictions of the Internet in my work...
    Let me introduce myself, my name is Rafael, I live in Ecuador and love to play mmo, rpg and tcg games.
    I like the guild activities and common objectives but the chat in the game is really bad (also need more options like share covers for the team).
  • Hey Raf !

    Thanks again for compliments icon_e_wink.gif

    I agreed with all what you just said...Also got the same problems with restrictions at work, so I really understand you.
    Good to know we got another player of TCG icon_e_biggrin.gif
    We are 6 ? 7 ? More ? Dani...have you tried Magic ?

    Otherwise, I think they will probably correct the problem for the phones on the R52 for fix the problem on the app chat.
  • Does anyone remember the old marvel overpower tcg from the late 90s?
  • I played Vs system from UDE, the game was great for me, a lot of people in my city started to read comics only to now more about the characters of this tgc, I really like va system... but now is dead.
    Today I play Marvel Legendary, is a good building game and have a lot of marvel heroes.
    In my city a few people read comics or play games about super heroes.
  • Does anyone remember the old marvel overpower tcg from the late 90s?
    I have no idea if it was from the same TCG game, but in 2007 I played a Marvel TCG on Nintendo DS.
    It was the same cards or... ?
    Honestly I don't remind it a lot...
  • Does anyone remember the old marvel overpower tcg from the late 90s?
    I do. Even had some but never played.
    robortec wrote:
    Today I play Marvel Legendary, is a good building game and have a lot of marvel heroes.
    That's an awesome game. My buddy has all the expansions. 1000+ cards I think. I always end up with massive card draw combos.
  • Nothing really to say other than i'm glad to be part of this alliance.

    Really, all i wanted to do is test out the new signature icon_e_smile.gif