ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    suture, your sig is awesome.

    Compliments to frite for his great skills.
  • Thanks Suture and Uni icon_e_wink.gif

    Is anyone figure out how the new rank in Simulator is bad ? Really bad...
    I'm not even sure to take the single reward cover for Falcon at the end icon_evil.gif
  • Hey ScarFighters !

    Some advices for PvE (simulator/the hunt...) :
    Begin as late as possible the nodes. Maybe 2-3 hours before the end, the best...if you could sure ! And only once (just grind on the essentials nodes for better rank only).
    Not heal + stun, but only stun OR heal. Or your scaling will climb crazily !
    But I'm not so sure this all work with least I know it's work for waku & me.

    If someone got other advices, share it !

    I know for some of us, ennemies are already crazy levels...

    Really hope the devs will change the scaling and other bad things who ruins the game...instead of 40pack...which is purely ****, and we all know it...
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Hey ScarFighters !

    Some advices for PvE (simulator/the hunt...) :
    Begin as late as possible the nodes. Maybe 2-3 hours before the end, the best...if you could sure ! And only once (just grind on the essentials nodes for better rank only).
    Not heal + stun, but only stun OR heal. Or your scaling will climb crazily !
    But I'm not so sure this all work with least I know it's work for waku & me.

    If someone got other advices, share it !

    I know for some of us, ennemies are already crazy levels...

    Really hope the devs will change the scaling and other bad things who ruins the game...instead of 40pack...which is purely ****, and we all know it...

    From my experience it doesn't matter as much how much you play before the last 2-3 hours. But the last 2-3 hours are absolutely critical, seems like that's what really makes your rank... So I usually beat the bonus challenges at least once a day, then last 3 hours beat as many challenges I can and get the bonuses down to under 50 points.
  • Hi guys !

    I'm posting here in answer to the post from Fritejay2.

    I'm a daily player with a pretty good roster, I have most of characters now, around 30 I think, so I can participate in every event (but not all maxed out of course, still a little low on 3 stars covers, Punisher is at 100, other around 50-60). I'm active every day, and I'm usually really well placed in events. I have 5k5 in Season 1 and 55k in simulator right now, but didn't start doctor ordor's yet icon_e_smile.gif

    I'm from Europe, France actually, and even if some event ends sometimes at 6am in my country, I always manage to get on top of my brackets. For exemple I ended in top 5 of god of lies who ended in the middle of the night icon_e_smile.gif

    I'm in an alliance now, but most of the players don't play anymore or very little, so we don't get any good rewards. I bust my a** to get 2 3 stars covers, so I'd expect that my alliance would do the same to get a 3rd one icon_e_smile.gif

    So if you have any question, feel free to ask, and I really hope I could join you.

    Regards, Drahke
  • Hi ScarFighters, Drahke, and other applicants,

    I have to say i really like your attitude Drahke (and it's obviously not because you are French...I'm really tough with nearby people ahah)...but others are doing really great also on pm icon_e_smile.gif
    Thanks to your application.
    Also thanks to other peoples on pm.

    As always recruiting is very tough and I see all scores/rosters looks to be great.
    Also, I really would like from this new future member to be talkative (not like me, don't worry lol), but at least to be sociable, reliable...a great guy/gal which we could count on him/her.
    I appreciate too, when things not doing good, or you are in vacations...or whatever...prevent us.

    Apart of this very serious topic, we really like to share all kind of different things from completely other stuffs from MPQ.
    Anime, comics, games (board / cards / video...), music, etc...

    I think MPQ, even if it's not a perfect game, have bring a mature community here and please devs, take care about all of us !

    Edit : A big thought to Faerie...Cheers up Immortal !!!
  • One of the biggest perks to joining ifs getting one of those awesome pics in your signature! Who makes those?
  • Hey rpmurray ^^'s only pics I've found & search (some for long moment...), in different sites (deviantart for example).
    I really which to make all those sigs with my own draw...but I really don't have time.

    Artworks have just been desaturated, with some layers of only one colour & with little effects. And some other stuffs on the fonts...
    But, the ScarFighters title is my own made letters ^^

    So, if you need to applause someone, it's not really me, sorry...
  • After tough choices...we finally find our new member, welcome kennardfr aka kennard01 !

    I think he is sleeping at this no idea if you could be in time for the rewards :/
    That's more than 2 hours I already sent you the pm...but you was gone yet.

    Really hope you could join before the end of the PvE !

    Thanks again to all the applicants and good luck to everyone !
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Thanks for having me. Sorry I missed joining before the end of the PvE event but at least won't miss on PvP. I applied to the Alliance and wait for your approval.
  • Welcome again kennard,

    Like I said before it wasn't easy to choose between all the good players who pm me...
    But decisions are obviously toughs...

    So, kennard, tell to everybody from which book(s) your nickname is from ? Where is the worst place to be a ScarFighter ? (it's obvious ahah it begins with a "F" finish with a "e") What kind of games (video/cards/board...), musics (and bands or singers), animes, comics, sports...or whatever is your other passion ?

    Oh and kennard is torn between 2 characters for his sig : Sebastian Shaw & Apocalypse.
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Kennard Montray-Alton is a character I liked in the Darkover books from Marion Zimmer Bradley. I use this name often in games and such.

    France is the best place to be a Scarfighter, particularly the south (a town named Carcassonne). People from northern France are not really the same you know icon_lol.gif

    I obviously play games on my computer, mainly waiting for Wildstar (MMORPG) at the end of the month. I read an awful lot, be it books (I have several thousand books at my house), comics or mangas. I also watch lots of animes, often from mangas I had read before (recently there was Shingeki no Kyojin that was very good). Well I guess I am a full geek.

    I liked a lot the Hellfire Club at its peak, when Sebastian Shaw was the Black King and Emma Frost the White Queen. I would like to see both of them in the game by the way.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    welcome kennard.

    looking forward to working together with you in a fun alliance ..

    and of course, getting covers from our hardwork.
  • Welcome welcome kennard.

    I didn't realize wildstar comes out soon. I would've figured it came out already but I guess I'm out of the loop.
  • I'm having some trouble getting my Nexus7 to charge. The micro USB just doesn't want to connect. I've ordered a replacement part to hopefully fix the issue. In the meantime, it is the only device I play MPQ on and unless I can figure out how to play it on my desktop with the same account, I could be sparatic on my playing, and worse case senerio, not at all. The part listed as 17-28 day delievery time, though a review said it came in weeks early. Hopefully it won't be too long or too much of a disturbance.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    kennardfr wrote:
    Thanks for having me. Sorry I missed joining before the end of the PvE event but at least won't miss on PvP. I applied to the Alliance and wait for your approval.

    Hi Kennard! Glad you joined us.

    Jan and I welcome you. May we win many covers and have hours of fun together.
    kennardfr wrote:
    France is the best place to be a Scarfighter, particularly the south (a town named Carcassonne). People from northern France are not really the same you know icon_lol.gif

    We know, people from Northern France are weird. Their cats sleep with chicken icon_e_smile.gif
    kennardfr wrote:
    I obviously play games on my computer, mainly waiting for Wildstar (MMORPG) at the end of the month. I read an awful lot, be it books (I have several thousand books at my house), comics or mangas. I also watch lots of animes, often from mangas I had read before (recently there was Shingeki no Kyojin that was very good). Well I guess I am a full geek.

    Well, sit down and have a drink. This is a geek deposit...Compulsive readers here, a whole room dedicated to books in our house.
    kennardfr wrote:
    I liked a lot the Hellfire Club at its peak, when Sebastian Shaw was the Black King and Emma Frost the White Queen. I would like to see both of them in the game by the way.

    Sebastian Shaw! I was always a big fan. I loved the Dark Phoenix arch. And yes, Emma would make a powerful character!
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I'm having some trouble getting my Nexus7 to charge. The micro USB just doesn't want to connect. I've ordered a replacement part to hopefully fix the issue. In the meantime, it is the only device I play MPQ on and unless I can figure out how to play it on my desktop with the same account, I could be sparatic on my playing, and worse case senerio, not at all. The part listed as 17-28 day delievery time, though a review said it came in weeks early. Hopefully it won't be too long or too much of a disturbance.

    Ouch, Dante, what sad news! If you lived closer by, we could lend you our Galaxy Pad...or our IPod...a lot of electronic devices here icon_e_smile.gif

    Frite knows best, but as far as we know you can't switch to and fro Steam. So you'll be effectively cut out from the game TT

    We're hoping it won't take long for your phone to resuscitate!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    "oupsi double posts sorry"
  • @dani : Back from 2 weeks ago mentionning...I also would like Devil Dinosaur - BUT - Only if they had 2 other might be difficult to find other powers...I don't know laser eye beam & radioactive pee would work ? icon_lol.gif
    Oh's already done with Farcry 3 Blood dragon for the laser thing...or even with Superman...DC character...But hey, they already copy each other with some character icon_lol.gif
    danikalil wrote:
    We know, people from Northern France are weird. Their cats sleep with chicken
    And brasilians disguise the chickens with ribbons...
    kennardfr wrote:
    France is the best place to be a Scarfighter, particularly the south (a town named Carcassonne). People from northern France are not really the same you know
    Ah Carcassonne...A really known fortify town...make me think first about this meal the "cassoulet"
    Look disguisting for someone who don't know it...but very yummy (no...not this one canned food).
    After we could think about the board & video game Carcassonne, everybody knows it, I guess.
    Finally, always make me think about one of these guys...
    the guy on the right is from Carcassone if I remember well ?...Freaking great old serie "Salut les musclés !" (Not too hard to translate...Hi the muscles) - hum - yeah, perfectly **** icon_lol.gif

    @Dante : I really hope your problem would be solved as soon as possible for you icon_e_sad.gif
    Maybe take a look in the forums in the section *Bugs and Technical Issues*, you should find a solution maybe.

    Otherwise, I'm really curious to know what kind of video games have you recently played apart from MPQ sure ? Old or current games.
    Mine, The wolf among us - AWESOME. I know it's not bring new things to the genre...but the animations are so smoothy, the characters & the story are so...ok I stop there...take a look if you want ^^
    The walking dead (the Telltale games not the rotten Activison one) is already great...but not so punchy. I haven't started yet the season 2...
    Have you heard/take a look about Bound by flame ? It looks like Kingdoms of amalur: ?
  • kennardfr
    kennardfr Posts: 69 Match Maker
    @fritejay Well he is from nearby, but not the guy we are most proud of, if you see what I mean.

    Presently, I paly a little Marvel Heroes and Wildstar Beta when it is open (OBT begins today).
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    @dani : Back from 2 weeks ago mentionning...I also would like Devil Dinosaur - BUT - Only if they had 2 other might be difficult to find other powers...I don't know laser eye beam & radioactive pee would work ? icon_lol.gif
    Oh's already done with Farcry 3 Blood dragon for the laser thing...or even with Superman...DC character...But hey, they already copy each other with some character icon_lol.gif

    Ha ha, we already have the other two powers lined up!

    Green - Prehistoric Bite
    Red - Deadly Claw - DD strikes with 8 Red, taking 1500 off first foe, 750 second, 450 third;
    Blue - Trick o' the Tail - DD sweeps the battlefield with 8 Blue, tripping the enemy and stunning them for 3 turns.

    fritejay2 wrote:
    And brasilians disguise the chickens with ribbons...

    Touché! Jan wants to say she didn't do anything of the sort. It's okay! I'm proud to be the one and only chicken fashion designer icon_e_smile.gif