ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Well I'm a bit late but I'm throwing my yes in there anyway lol. Her roster will only get better icon_e_smile.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks everyone. I'll let Rachel know and then learn her nick.

    We were joking today that no matter where life takes her she will always gift me 70 ISO.
  • Goodbye Yanos ! You will still in the alliance's heart and memory...

    And welcome aboard Avari !
  • Fare thee well yanos.

    Welcome mini faerie.
  • Yanos91
    Yanos91 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Good luck guys, stick in there! Get those top 10 finishes nailed down . Thanks again
  • Hey Yanos !

    Thanks and good luck to you also in whatever things you're doing !
    If you need a future spot in the team...I don't know, in few weeks, months, years...Why not ! Who knows icon_e_wink.gif

    And thanks again a lot man, we had nice talks and that's cool you'd explain your thoughts about the game and other things...
    Happy life & future Yanos !
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Welcome, Avari! I'm a little late, I know, but I've been overworking icon_e_sad.gif

    Hey, why don't you come to the thread? We want to know more about you!

    Being Faerie's daughter, you must of course have immortal blood cursing through your veins. Come chat with us mortal beings icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hey dani !

    Yes, exactly !

    What does your nickname means for example : Avari ?
    In my country, if you add a "e" means : damaged...or with an accent so "avarié" it means : rotten icon_e_surprised.gif
    Or if we cut the nick in 2 words and add a "t" at the end, "Ava (Rachel's nick maybe ?) rit"...means : Ava laugh.

    But I doubt that means any of those icon_lol.gif

    And others things like...what's your favorite(s) character(s) in MPQ, kind of games (board, video games...apart from MPQ or any Puzzle Quest games sure ^^), favorite movie genre, do you have a pet ?

    Edit: CatnipHill & Mimio, your new sig is in your pm.
  • Avari reminds me of the sylvari race from gw2, which is elven-like attuned with nature. Fitting, being the daughter of a faerie.
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    What does your nickname means for example : Avari ?
    In my country, if you add a "e" means : damaged...or with an accent so "avarié" it means : rotten icon_e_surprised.gif
    Or if we cut the nick in 2 words and add a "t" at the end, "Ava (Rachel's nick maybe ?) rit"...means : Ava laugh.
    The word aviary, which means a bird enclosure, if sometimes mispronounced as avari.
  • Excelsior!! Hello ScarFighters, sorry for my long absence on the forums. I also we like to say yes to faerie daughter enrollment in to the alliance. I play another marvel game that takes up a lot of my time. I read the forums, I just forget to put in my 2 cents sometimes.
  • Hey guys, I checked our alliance today, turns out knife83 is gone! Time to find a new member icon_e_smile.gif.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys, customer service removed knife83 due to Jan and mine's request! Now let's look carefully and discuss about a new member. Until there is a consensus, let's not accept anyone.

    I'm at work now, Jan copied and pasted this. I'll be back to chat in about three hours.
  • My exact feelings Dani, I am so happy you took that extra step to get knife83 out.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    thanks Dani for the trouble that you took to follow up with the customer service team.
  • Thanks Dani.
  • Regarding the new member....

    Out of all pening, just based on their roster... I like crazyman.
  • I got friend who would like to join. He works with me at my job. He a good rooster and he plays daily.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Scarfighters alliance is recruiting..

    a message to all prospective members pending approval.. appreciate if you can avoid flooding the in-game chat channel.

    I know it's quite exciting to have your application pending for review.. but seriously.. there are a lot of members that needs to be reviewed. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    do give yourself a brief introduction here: one line about yourself,
    a simple description of your current character lineups in MPQ would be useful,
    your current standing (points) in the Hunt, previous achievements..
    and your principle in playing the game and how far you're into MPQ.. are you in MPQ
    - to play for fun
    - to play for glory
    - because ure addicted to playing match-three
    - marvel fans and can't put down anything marvel
    - or.. (fill in here.. good, creative answer helps in your application)..

    PM any of the commanders if you would: fritejay2, danikalil, elysium, captain krunk, dantekamar, dolbet, faeriemyst, unimatrix, are just some of the commanders..

    FYI: fritejay is our super-commander.. so if you can greatly convince him.. then.. you've a much better chance getting accepted..
    it's even better if you're in his timezone..
  • Niples
    Niples Posts: 1
    edited April 2014
    Hey guys, I applied in game earlier and talked to some of you.

    My nick is Niples instead of Nipples because a lot of games sensor it with 2 Ps so i prefer to keep it consistent.

    I work in IT and have a lot of free time to play even at work. My roster might not be as good as most. I've only been playing for two and a half weeks. But I can finish in the top 10 a lot.

    My current line up is built around storm classic. And one of two choices. Cap*** or Wolverine astonishing and OBW focusing on blues and greens.

    But my favorite is to abuse her passive.
    Storm classic plus whoever plus a lvl 6. Get in a match. And retreat making sure everyone is below half. Then join a real match and match environment tiles. The lvl 6 goes to the front and every time he gets hit storms passive casts at max dmg. Most fun when it cast multiple times with 1 move.

    I'm addicted to this game because the many small leader boards. Since I came late to the game, it would suck if there was only one permanent leader board where I would never be able to climb. But since I'm able to compete for top stop in multiple boards every day. It keeps me hooked. Chasing more covers and leveling also keeps me hooked.

    I named my son Logan after Wolverine.

    Currently at 87k on the hunt. Haven't done the latest savage and Alaska yet. Hovering at 450 on Grey suit pvp waiting till last hr or so. Usually make it to about 600.

    I managed to get top 2 on the Thor pve 2 weeks ago. Milked every instance down to 1 point. Where I got 2 of my Steve Rodgers

    In any case. I hope you guys give me a go, if I'm bottom fragger in every event, which I bet I won't be, you can kick me, no hard feelings . But I'm confident I'm not going to disappoint.

    I'm sure fritejay is going to like me, I mean, who doesn't like Nipples.