ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Yanos91 wrote:
    Hi everyone. I've been giving it a lot of thought and sadly I don't feel the motivation to play this as much anymore and I would therefore be letting you's all down. I'd maybe still play it now and then but to be honest I wouldn't contribute anywhere near as much as I used to and perhaps it's best if I was to leave the alliance so you's can find someone who will contribute lots. It's been great while it lasted and thanks for the sig fritejay, really made me feel like part of the team.
    Really sad to be leaving.
    Hi Yanos,

    Thanks to explain your thoughts. Thanks also for your compliments, and yes, you really was part of the team, believe me.

    Really sad also you leave us icon_cry.gif
    I really really hope so it's not because of your brother, maybe ?
    Anyway, thanks to have share with us the little but good time together...
  • Yanos91
    Yanos91 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    No no it wasn't because of my brother don't worry haha. Just been struggling to find time to play the game recently really and my addiction to it worn off in that time. Thanks for the messages you's are all very kind.
  • Oh, I'm really glad it wasn't about your brother !
    I was feeling so guilty about it...really icon_e_sad.gif

    No doubt you are really great guy also Yanos !
    And thanks again to have been part of our team and found us a bit by chance in the thread !

    See you maybe later in any other games ^^
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for the new sig, Fritejay. It rocks.

    Yanos, we will miss you.

    I lurk a lot when I am at work. This is a great bunch to be around.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    Thanks for the new sig, Fritejay. It rocks.
    Greetings immortal Faerie !
    Thanks for the nice compliments !
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Yanos, we will miss you.
    Yes Faerie...I will engrave it on our stone memorial...I know it was easy for some of you to kick out Ripfang, but not for me...
    I just really wonder what happend to knife83...datas/saves losts ? broken computer/phone? other great or strange explanations ?
    It is not known...
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    I lurk a lot when I am at work. This is a great bunch to be around.
    You can also put, just few words when you have time too ^^
    ScarFighters alliance is, I think, like a 2nd family...I appreciate all of you, with all your differences which makes you all unique.
    That's really cool to see some of you guys/gals coming back here ! Because sometimes that's tough to have a conversation with more than 5/6 people in the app chat...

    Now, ScarFighters, we need to make a vote about one new future member in our alliance.
    Faerie suggested his daughter to join us, and I already had some "yes" vote from 7 teamates. If there is 4 more yes, we replace her on Yanos' spot.
    She is daily player even if her roster is maybe not the best, but we all know a big roster doesn't mean to be totally devoted to the team.
    And I don't, and never ever doubt about Faerie pearls of wisdom ^^

    Go ScarFighters vote !
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    i'm OK for whoever Faerie recommends.

    PS: I must have the most rotten luck in the game. All my PVE token reward pull is 2* Red Thor.

    hopefully at least i can get at least one 3* ..
  • I would agree, daily players are good for the alliance. Plus, with the increased reward structure it wouldn't be as hard to catch up.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    We don't know whether we're one of the seven who voted aye icon_e_biggrin.gif But our vote is yes, of course. Welcome, Rachel!

    Is she immortal too, Faerie? Must be, since she belongs to your honorable family! What are her mystical powers?
  • unimatrix wrote:
    i'm OK for whoever Faerie recommends.
    Ok Uni icon_e_wink.gif
    unimatrix wrote:
    PS: I must have the most rotten luck in the game. All my PVE token reward pull is 2* Red Thor.

    hopefully at least i can get at least one 3* ..
    Mine were wonderful also : 2 Bagman covers icon_lol.gif
    catniphill wrote:
    I would agree, daily players are good for the alliance. Plus, with the increased reward structure it wouldn't be as hard to catch up.
    Ok catnip ! 8 votes "yes" now icon_e_wink.gif Only remains 3.
    danikalil wrote:
    We don't know whether we're one of the seven who voted aye icon_e_biggrin.gif But our vote is yes, of course. Welcome, Rachel!
    Yes dani, you were ^^ But do I count 2 votes ? lol
    Nice name Rachel icon_e_wink.gif
    danikalil wrote:
    Is she immortal too, Faerie? Must be, since she belongs to your honorable family! What are her mystical powers?
    I really wonder also !
  • Sorry to see you go Yanks, but you go with class.

    I'm fine with Faerie's daughter. Already spoke to fritejay about her on the IM.

    I pulled a 3 star Thor cover, which is only good in that now I can access all the nodes and get more points.
  • I've been pretty unlucky with assault tokens so far, not sure how many I've open, probably 5 or 6. I did get one 3 star purple magneto cover but the rest were garbage. However I did get a Psylocke from a standard token so that makes up for it icon_e_smile.gif.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey teammates, how are you doing today?

    We're just fine, Jan playing, me working. I took a break to post this icon_e_smile.gif

    Since everyone always wants to know what the score was when PVP and PVE ended, Jan took a pic of it for posterity icon_e_smile.gif

    So, PVP: ScarFighters were 45, 11,2k. Top five are:

    1st Mac 1006 (way to go Mac!)
    2nd DOLBET 962
    3rd Uni 946
    4th Jan 922 (we got to 1030, then were hit by everyone at the same time and lost nearly 200 points - one of the retaliations was worth 1 point, lol)
    5th Frite 905

    And PVE - Savage Land: ScarFightes were 38, with 231,266. Top five are:

    1st Jan 15685
    2nd Huios 15683
    3rd Captain 15307
    4th Uni 14908
    5th Shane 14819

    Super congratulations to everyone!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey teammates, how are you doing today?

    We're just fine, Jan playing, me working. I took a break to post this icon_e_smile.gif

    Since everyone always wants to know what the score was when PVP and PVE ended, Jan took a pic of it for posterity icon_e_smile.gif

    So, PVP: ScarFighters were 45, 11,2k. Top five are:

    1st Mac 1006 (way to go Mac!)
    2nd DOLBET 962
    3rd Uni 946
    4th Jan 922 (we got to 1030, then were hit by everyone at the same time and lost nearly 200 points - one of the retaliations was worth 1 point, lol)
    5th Frite 905

    And PVE - Savage Land: ScarFightes were 38, with 231,266. Top five are:

    1st Jan 15685
    2nd Huios 15683
    3rd Captain 15307
    4th Uni 14908
    5th Shane 14819

    Super congratulations to everyone!
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Hey Captain Crunk !

    Could you vote for our future new member in the team ?
    Faerie suggested to replace Yanos with her daughter, she maybe doesn't have the best roster, (and we know that's not the most important thing) but she is a daily player, and that counts a lot.
    Yet, we got 8 vote "yes" for her. Only remains 3 and we accept her to join us icon_e_wink.gif

    Thanks for the results dani & jan !

    Edit : In fact 9 "yes" vote !!! (I totally forgot mine lol)
    So only remains 2 !!!!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    And let's hear a cheer for...well, lightning does strike twice. Frite, you...overslept again icon_e_smile.gif You are a honorable mention for last place in PVE!


    P.S.: Jan made me post this! I'm not responsible icon_razz.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    And let's hear a cheer for...well, lightning does strike twice. Frite, you...overslept again icon_e_smile.gif You are a honorable mention for last place in PVE!
    Hahah ^^
    Yeah what a bad leader...I've not heard my alarm clock at 5.30am this morning...shame on me icon_e_sad.gif
    But it's hard when you try to sleep at 11pm, and you are used to fall asleep at about 2 or 3am...and in fact I only had slept at 2.30am icon_mad.gif
    3 hours look to be a little tight, even for a Zombie leader icon_lol.gif
    danikalil wrote:
    P.S.: Jan made me post this! I'm not responsible icon_razz.gif
    Don't worry, it's funny ^^
    You don't need to erase it, no problem dani.

    Edit : After careful consideration, no, I wasn't the last one...knife83 is the great winner for this icon_lol.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_smile.gificon_neutral.gificon_evil.gif
  • I vote yes for new member. It is important that new player play daily because of new alliance dailies.....
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Hahah ^^
    Yeah what a bad leader...I've not heard my alarm clock at 5.30am this morning...shame on me icon_e_sad.gif
    But it's hard when you try to sleep at 11pm, and you are used to fall asleep at about 2 or 3am...and in fact I only had slept at 2.30am icon_mad.gif
    3 hours look to be a little tight, even for a Zombie leader icon_lol.gif

    Poor Frite, the European timetable is completely unfair. Here in Brasil we don't have it much easier...most tournaments end at 1 or 2 a.m. icon_eek.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Edit : After careful consideration, no, I wasn't the last one...knife83 is the great winner for this icon_lol.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_smile.gificon_neutral.gificon_evil.gif

    Oh my, you're right! Forgive me, o Great Knife-83I I made a mistake, and declared your throne of supreme inertia had been stolen icon_lol.gif
  • 10 "yes" vote ScarFighters !

    Only 1 remain !

    Captain, Mac, wakuraku, xenraf ...if you come here vote please !
  • The 11th "yes" vote have been said by wakuraku in the app chat...

    Congrats ScarFighters ! We got our new member in the team !
    Welcome Faerie's daughter in the ScarFighters family ^^

    We just need Faerie to be in the game now icon_e_wink.gif