ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Why not call it Hadouken? That way whenever you need to call him you can make a fireball motion with your hands and yell out "hadouken". Also, when you play sf, he'll go crazy at the tv whenever you play vs ryu.
  • Ahaha nice one waku.
    Milkrain wrote:
    "Eagle" and "Birdie"?
    Eagle was from Street fighter (1st) & also in Capcom VS SNK 2 (and apparently in Street fighter Alpha 3:upper & max (no idea about this title)), and Birdie was also from Street fighter (1st) & from Street fighter Alpha (or Zero) 1, 2, 3 (and other title...but not fighting game).
    Milkrain wrote:
    Those are golf related as far as I know.
    I like golf ^^ Even if I've never really play it for real...(just a little).
    Milkrain wrote:
    As for Scat; this is the only thing that comes to my mind
    NO ! Strictely forbidden song ! icon_e_surprised.gif

    Otherwise Update of the intro page...
  • Why not call it Hadouken? That way whenever you need to call him you can make a fireball motion with your hands and yell out "hadouken". Also, when you play sf, he'll go crazy at the tv whenever you play vs ryu.

    Greatest idea ever heard !!! icon_lol.gif

    It's ok for those who play Ryu/Ken but fot the Chun-li lovers, will they name their pet "hyakuretsukyaku" ?... pretty hard to yell this name !! icon_mrgreen.gif


    Intro page is awesome !!
  • Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Why not call it Hadouken? That way whenever you need to call him you can make a fireball motion with your hands and yell out "hadouken". Also, when you play sf, he'll go crazy at the tv whenever you play vs ryu.
    Greatest idea ever heard !!! icon_lol.gif
    It's ok for those who play Ryu/Ken but fot the Chun-li lovers, will they name their pet "hyakuretsukyaku" ?... pretty hard to yell this name !! icon_mrgreen.gif
    And for Guile haters, "Sonic boom", Sagat, "Tiger shot",etc... but... but...
    No name for the weak Dan fireball ??? icon_cry.gif

    Edit : Yes it is...Ko-ou Ken ! I really need to play again Street Fighter... if I have the time... icon_redface.gif
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Intro page is awesome !!
    Thanks a lot Tom !
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Sad to announce wakuraku (aka ihearthawthats in the forum) is leaving us after Black Panther PvP.
    And like you ask it before, you could be the honorary 21st member (in fact 22nd with dani^^).
    Your nice talk & funny jokes are gladly appreciate waku icon_e_wink.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    Dante, I don't ask Herman to join because...well...I think he might be invited to lunch, if you get my drift.
    Herman's too much of a lover to be a fighter anyway. Plus, he's getting old. I never knew rats could start balding.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    We cannot be ScatFighters. It's just wrong.

    Agreed. Maybe (I'm 99% sure) dani don't know what Scat means... I don't want to explain it icon_e_confused.gif ...HailMary or someone else, help me !
    I'll bite the bullet. Scat can also mean poo. It would get real messy real quick.
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    It's ok for those who play Ryu/Ken but fot the Chun-li lovers, will they name their pet "hyakuretsukyaku" ?... pretty hard to yell this name !! icon_mrgreen.gif
    Made me think of this: Street Fighter Red Tape: Ryu:

    Sorry I haven't been around more lately guys, life's been kinda hectic lately. Good news though, my girlfriend has been helping out with my game. She's still learning but it's better than no progress when I can't play.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Here is my beautiful baby boy, Jack. He is 20 lbs of long, lean beauty. He loves to open doors. For amusement he sits at a cupboard opening the door and letting it close so sometimes there are literally things that go bump in the night. He is also the sweetest most loving animal on the planet. When I get home, he is usually waiting at the door for me.

    I am convinced that if everyone had a Jack, there would be world peace.

    I'm really like Panther but not looking forward to another Sentry pvp. Like everyone I get very frustrated with the way pvp works now. It doesn't have to be a zero sum game.

    Avari convinced me to see The Winter Soldier again last night. It occurred to me that Falcon would be good to play with Patch.

    I have The Avengers playing today on my third monitor while I work. I put a 3 hour shield on so I'll play a bit after lunch. This weeks Hulk lesson: when you count eleven green tiles and do a red attack anyway, it is time to put the game down and go to bed.
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    Herman's too much of a lover to be a fighter anyway. Plus, he's getting old. I never knew rats could start balding.
    Maybe you can try to do some fake mustache with his hair icon_lol.gif
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Made me think of this: Street Fighter Red Tape: Ryu:
    Excellent, I watched them all, Dhalsim, Ken, Bison, Guile, Chun-li...
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Sorry I haven't been around more lately guys, life's been kinda hectic lately. Good news though, my girlfriend has been helping out with my game. She's still learning but it's better than no progress when I can't play.
    Thanks to explain us... Hope you don't have too much troubles ? If your girlfriend need some help, she could whrite in app-chat (if you don't have too much problems with it...I mean I know for some of us the app still lame depending on the device...)
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Here is my beautiful baby boy, Jack. He is 20 lbs of long, lean beauty. He loves to open doors. For amusement he sits at a cupboard opening the door and letting it close so sometimes there are literally things that go bump in the night. He is also the sweetest most loving animal on the planet. When I get home, he is usually waiting at the door for me.

    I am convinced that if everyone had a Jack, there would be world peace.
    Thanks to share your baby boy, Jack ! He looks very nice icon_e_wink.gif
    My cat, Leeloo, used to do it the doors...and also climbing on the roof to wake up me at cool hours...4am for example icon_rolleyes.gif
    By the way Harvey, when you could take a photo of your cat (a female), don't hesitate ! He told me it's very tough she co-operate with him...maybe try in her sleep icon_e_smile.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    I'm really like Panther but not looking forward to another Sentry pvp.
    Me either, Black Panther is great ! I really need more Black covers !!! Couldn't catch up on the PvE last time...
    You don't like Baby Sentry ? icon_lol.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    It doesn't have to be a zero sum game.
    I'm not sure if I get it...
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    It occurred to me that Falcon would be good to play with Patch.
    ...add UDaken, and you got a beasteam ! (I think)

    Just a little info for those who want to try it...Magic 2014 (DotP) is 75% sale on Steam (expansion DLC also !)
    Arogntbastrd & dani for example, interested ?

    That said...I wanna play it now icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    A zero sum game is one in which winning and losing have to balance out. If I win, you have to lose.

    Imagine a different sort of PVP. Yes, there are winners and losers because it is a match but scoring could be win/don't win rather than win/lose. So let's say I challenge your line-up. If I win, I get points - but you don't lose any points for not winning. After all, for many of us, the computer will rarely, if ever, play our characters as well as we play them. So it is a high loss rate when not actually playing. Also consider that when I am actively playing, someone can still challenge my line-up but I don't come out of a win to find out that I've lost more points than I gained in the match I just won.

    Players would still be rewarded for both skill and frequent playing. Yes, they would lose shield income but I bet player satisfaction would offset that because happy players will spend more. I play a lot, I win a lot, I get rewards. I may not be number one but I wouldn't spend 400 points to stay at 700. Instead I might make it up to 1100 or 1300 and win those prizes.

    I love MPQ. It is my choice to invest my time and money in it. However, I don't stress about it. If it starts to frustrate me, I either change to a different area of play in the game or stop for a while. My reaction to most of the complaining is this: First World Problem. It's a mantra in our family to remind us that our stress is about stuff - rarely substance.

    What are First World Problems? Easier to show you what it isn't - I'm hiding the quote because while true, it is disturbing.

    From the website,International Princess Project ([url]www.[/url]):
    The bottom line? Slavery still exists and we refuse to do nothing about it. In India, the average age of a girl entering the sex trade is eleven. Many who enter are trafficked… in other words kidnapped, lured with promises of jobs in the city or sold by their own friends or family into sexual slavery. It is estimated that there are more than 3 million women and girls enslaved in India’s sex trade.

    My daughter, Aramina, found that website. She's the one that introduced the family to MPQ. Sometimes I am amazed at her social consciousness. She is the one daughter I gave birth to and have raised since infancy. She is fiercely feminist and has taught me more about living a truly moral life than anyone I've ever known. Ironically, many people are intimidated by her. She may be 5' tall and a size 2 but her personality and toughness fill a room - all while she deceptively looks young and fragile.

    Now you have seen me as the proud mommy. My oldest two daughters are fine adults and smart, funny women. My youngest two (including Avari) change the people around them just by being who they are.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    @fritejay, I don't use steam. I play mpq in iPad and the only thing I use my laptop for is to charge my xb1 controller icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I appreciate the heads up though. Holy hell, I have a LOT of good games on my 360 hard drive I haven't touched yet. And I haven't even maxed out all my decks in dotp 2013!

    It's nice having the expendable income of an adult, sucks that I don't have as much time to play though.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    Imagine a different sort of PVP. Yes, there are winners and losers because it is a match but scoring could be win/don't win rather than win/lose. So let's say I challenge your line-up. If I win, I get points - but you don't lose any points for not winning. After all, for many of us, the computer will rarely, if ever, play our characters as well as we play them. So it is a high loss rate when not actually playing. Also consider that when I am actively playing, someone can still challenge my line-up but I don't come out of a win to find out that I've lost more points than I gained in the match I just won.

    Players would still be rewarded for both skill and frequent playing. Yes, they would lose shield income but I bet player satisfaction would offset that because happy players will spend more. I play a lot, I win a lot, I get rewards. I may not be number one but I wouldn't spend 400 points to stay at 700. Instead I might make it up to 1100 or 1300 and win those prizes.
    As long as there are placement rewards, it'll be win/lose, not win/don't win. After all, if no one can lose points, then ceteris paribus, not only would point totals be rather astronomical, but PVP will become a pure grindfest: people who simply have roster strength/depth and devote more time will win. If there were progression rewards only, then it'd be win/don't win.

    Personally, I'd just like to see a return to 800-point players being immune to hits by 200-point players.
  • Ok guys & gals...Ssnake left us unexpectedely to join another friend alliance...Tom, if your friend want to join us (if he is interested sure), he could pending in the team also icon_e_wink.gif
    I already found someone else to replace waku.

    And welcome Jonstalnaker ! When you can, join us !

    Fae - Thanks for your explanations about "zero sum game".
    Your daughter look to be very smart Fae icon_e_smile.gif
    HailMary wrote:
    Personally, I'd just like to see a return to 800-point players being immune to hits by 200-point players.
    Agreed. A lot. lot. lot... icon_e_sad.gif
    @fritejay, I don't use steam. I play mpq in iPad and the only thing I use my laptop for is to charge my xb1 controller icon_e_biggrin.gif
    That's...weird ! But I think I already heard you saying that icon_lol.gif
    I appreciate the heads up though. Holy hell, I have a LOT of good games on my 360 hard drive I haven't touched yet. And I haven't even maxed out all my decks in dotp 2013! It's nice having the expendable income of an adult, sucks that I don't have as much time to play though. either...and at least 8 months, if not more, I haven't played on 360.
  • Hi everyone
    I need advice and a response from everyone!

    A friend of mine is ready to join us, but he wants to be sure of one thing: to not lose his ranking in solo season icon_exclaim.gif

    He's ranked 4th, with only 5500 points, he showed me! icon_cry.gif When I look in the ranking of our bracket I can not find him. The top 10 of our bracket have more than 9,000 points.

    If he joined our team, it will lose its ranking? and change bracket ? (with only 5500 points he won't go far)

    For a hint, can anyone give the name of the first player he sees in solo ?

    If we all see the same name, the concept of bracket/server per alliance is on.

    Thanks everyone !! icon_cool.gif
  • Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Hi everyone
    I need advice and a response from everyone!

    A friend of mine is ready to join us, but he wants to be sure of one thing: to not lose his ranking in solo season icon_exclaim.gif

    He's ranked 4th, with only 5500 points, he showed me! icon_cry.gif When I look in the ranking of our bracket I can not find him. The top 10 of our bracket have more than 9,000 points.

    If he joined our team, it will lose its ranking? and change bracket ? (with only 5500 points he won't go far)

    For a hint, can anyone give the name of the first player he sees in solo ?

    If we all see the same name, the concept of bracket/server per alliance is on.

    Thanks everyone !! icon_cool.gif

    Hey Tom,

    Like we said with's not possible to change bracket when you are in 1 ! Really, Dani & I think so !
    If somebody else could help us on that !

    It's not stick to the alliance Tom ! For example Harvey is not near me in our bracket (even if you & me are in, sure), with our tight points, it would be easy to see us...for sure, and that's not the case (I think...Harvey if you can say it, loud, also icon_e_wink.gif )
  • Thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to kicking some rear and having fun. I want another fury cover for sure!
  • I am not a certified bracketologist, so don't quote me on this, but the way I understand it brackets aren't alliance specific and are instead based on the time one joins the event (and possibly affected by MMR).

    Edit: And welcome to our newest member!
  • I am not a certified bracketologist, so don't quote me on this, but the way I understand it brackets aren't alliance specific and are instead based on the time one joins the event

    That's the way I've always understood brackets.
  • Welcome in our alliance Jonstalnaker !

    Some ritual questions for you :
    What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ? And why the number 209 ?
    Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible icon_e_wink.gif), kind of movie, or any other passion you have do you like ?
    Where is the worst and/or best place to be a ScarFighters ?
    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters for you ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?
    If you need to point out a rival, which one would it be ? (just for the

    Bonus question :
    Is the US team got a chance to win the FIFA world cup, or at least, go far in the tournament ?

    France decrease his chances by 50% today...without Ribéry
    Feel free to ask some questions in the thread and/or in pm Jonstalnaker !

    Harvey - "Brackeologist" - seal & approval on that word icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Where is your cat Harvey ? Try to take a photo when she is sleeping.

    Tom - you got some nice answers here, do you think your friend will be ready to join us today, maybe ? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ritual questions? Sounds like fun! I'll do my best to answer them.

    My name is just my real name - you can all just call me Jon. When I first downloaded the game and joined the forums, I never really anticipated being active on either, so I was fine with using my real name. I don't think you can change your ign and I wanted my forum name to be consistent with that. My ign wasn't available in these forums, so I added the 209 as a reference to the area I was born and raised in California.

    I play any games that are Marvel related, usually now only on my phone because I had my Xbox stolen recently and can't afford to replace it. I'm a huge comic nerd and have a decent collection of my own. I collect marvel memorabilia too. Musically, I was into heavy metal in my younger years - as I'm getting older now I still like that but find myself listening to lighter hipster music like the black keys, arctic monkeys, and queens of the stone age.

    I'm not sure I fully understand this next question - if you mean where is my favorite place in the world to be, it's Portland Oregon in the USA - it's a beautiful area with lots of really cool people and a great independent art and music scene. I don't have anywhere I'd hate to be because I try not to have hate in my heart. If I misunderstood that question let me know and I'll take another crack at it.

    I've been doing pretty well with my 141 pubisher/OBW team lately. I really want to get the covers to either level my hood for an ap battery or falcon to increase punisher strike tikes. I hate lazy Thor because all teams seem to have him and I'd much rather have a different lineup. My dream team is punisher, falcon and obw.

    I don't have rivals. I get upset like anyone else but don't feel the need to pick fights or talk trash.

    For the bonus question - I don't watch soccer. Sorry, I know with international players here that may not be a popular statement but I just don't like it. I prefer hockey. Go Kings!
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Where is your cat Harvey ? Try to take a photo when she is sleeping.

    Here she is: