ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Yanos91
    Yanos91 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Thanks for the advice guys! I use black widow in my fights, I like all her moves but find she dies quickly against higher leveled enemies if I get the battle wrong, or if it's just near impossible, due to her low health. Didn't think of using her in a single player fight to heal my team though, silly me haha.
  • Glad to help you Yanos.
    Feel free to ask every "dark" thing you don't get in the game...or whatever you want to talk about.
    It's your second family here.

    And I see you already appear in the guise of Hulk icon_lol.gif
  • Ended up finishing top 50... there was no real way I was going to finish top 10. I want that final green BWGS cover, though.
  • Managed to score a top 10 finish in the lazy cap PvP, scoring me 2 gray suit Widows. Assuming a 3rd cover comes in from the alliance rank, that'll give me a 2/2/2 gsBW, a fair level for the next PvP. The best thing is I didn't use any HP on shielding. Couldn't have done it without the relatively high level lazy cap (compaired to other players), which I couldn't have had without the alliance. I owe my victory in part to you guys.

    Got a question for everyone. At what point value do you say a PvP enemy isn't worth it? For instance, I'd never go after a 10 point team, even if they had a worse team than mine. I figure if they retaliate and win, I'll lose more points than I earned.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Due to work commitment (the PVP event ends right at noon at my place).. I shielded at 500.
    Ended up just outside the 20 bracket icon_cry.gif
    Oh well.. A red cover is good enough.
    Though would love to complete my green cover.
    I pulled all my green covers from heroic/event pulls. I guess have wait till lady luck comes around again.. icon_lol.gif

    Fritejay, I'd skip anyone whose lower than 15, may consider 15 to 20.. Paying the skip tax of 10 iso is worth the trouble than spending time to obliterate the little point gain.. Which sometimes can pose to be difficult with the level of enemy line up.

    I officially hate this PVE. I was at position 2 last night.. And woke up at position 100 over.. Struggled just to get below 80..

    I will persevere to contribute to scarfighters points!

    Go ScarFighters!!
  • I try, when I could to skip in PVP, and fight against team with 20+ points...but sure sometimes that's really hard to find them, or always fight on the same guy, I'm not really fan of it...and sure the guy/gal will counter hit on the back at 100% probability.
    But I really think, when you're up the ladder in the 10th list, you always fall on the same people.
    Am I wrong ScarFighters ???

    For this Shieldbro PVP I ended in the top 10...enough to have decent covers for GSBW, but I have really no idea if I level up her or no.
    And yes, this PVE s**********ks a lot.

    Unattainable rewards looks to be their own private joke for the 1st april...isn't it Demiurge ?
    Would like, at least, if we could reach those 93,333 points for yellow Shieldbro cover...with only 45k right now...and the 1st in my bracket with 47k, I think that's really impossible.

    Who started the PVP with GSBW ?
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Who started the PVP with GSBW ?

    Just began, but I honestly don't know who to pair with her. I'm gonna try Thor (4/5/4) and Hulk (5/0/1). Any suggestions would be great.

    Edit: Switched Hulk out for Daken. This makes Thor's green the clear focus. Daken is only 54 but I realize now just how much I rely on oBW and aW strike tiles.
  • Excelsior!! Hello, my fellow ScarFighters, sorry for my long absence. I totally fail on first avenger PVP. The PVE is moving slowly but I am staying in the top 50. I might be able to do good in GSBW since I got decent covers of her...but that's a hard maybe
  • Hey ScarFighters !!!

    The R50 which allow alliance chat + the scroll (for those who play on computer, sure) are now on !
    But the ladder still impossible to scroll on the events...why ?
    I've just notice one horrible thing : the new critical tile !!!! What's that ??? A disco ball icon_eek.gificon_lol.gif

    @Dante : I think Daken + wolverine for your team in the GSBW PvP looks to be the desert that was painfull (I just played against this team). But why not thor + daken icon_e_wink.gif
    And I think your Hulk need more black before to be scary. Only with 5 green and 1 black, no.
    Other suggestions ScarFighters ?

    @Mr Weird Scinister : Excelsior my humble professor ! Ok, so you will now stay 24/24 on the game, is that clear ? icon_mrgreen.gif
    Oh yes...this please !!!!
    I don't know if I will have the courage to put my alarm clock at 4am tomorrow...but I really need those shiny He'sonfire covers icon_e_confused.gif
  • Hello,

    I'm happy to be back icon_e_smile.gif I couldn't play much of the last PvP but still manage to finish in the top 50.

    I usually really like PvE but unstable Iso is not fun ! I hope I can have a strong finish.

    Who plays well with GBW ? I never played with her.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Hey elysium !

    Good to see you here.
    The chat app in-game is on. No one answer me...but I guess I'm really on the wrong hours to see and talk with someone...
    Just Captain who said "Hello everyone" 3 hours ago about icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Talking about GSBW...same here, never played with her. Just 2 match few hours ago...
  • Oh DOLBET ! You're in my bracket ! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Lazy thor + Hood, terrible combo with GSBW sure icon_e_wink.gif

    Edit : Faerie also in my bracket !! Ok guys, are you all with me or what ? icon_lol.gif
    Ok...skip, skip dammit 20 ISO in just few windows open...
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Yanos91 wrote:
    Thanks for the advice guys! I use black widow in my fights, I like all her moves but find she dies quickly against higher leveled enemies if I get the battle wrong, or if it's just near impossible, due to her low health. Didn't think of using her in a single player fight to heal my team though, silly me haha.

    Yep, she's great at healing! We always fight the last Venom mission of the Prologue with Spidey, OBW and whoever is injured. This guarantees she'll heal the damaged character, without taking on too much damage herself.
    Dantekamar wrote:
    Got a question for everyone. At what point value do you say a PvP enemy isn't worth it? For instance, I'd never go after a 10 point team, even if they had a worse team than mine. I figure if they retaliate and win, I'll lose more points than I earned.

    We do our best to find battles that give out 20 points or more. When we can't find them - this happens when you're too high up the ladder - we settle for 17 points, no less. Not only retaliation is not worth it, also the time you spend fighting low-point enemies puts you at risk of being attacked yourself.
    unimatrix wrote:
    I officially hate this PVE. I was at position 2 last night.. And woke up at position 100 over.. Struggled just to get below 80..

    I will persevere to contribute to scarfighters points!

    Go ScarFighters!!

    The same thing happened to us again and again...Right now Janaina's #1, with 50018 points (second place 49775). She'll keep fighting throughout the day to make sure she finishes in top 50 at least, so she gets two HE'SONFIRE! covers

    Go Unimatrix! icon_e_smile.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    But I really think, when you're up the ladder in the 10th list, you always fall on the same people.
    Am I wrong ScarFighters ???

    No, you're absolutely right. Always the same bunch of people.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    For this Shieldbro PVP I ended in the top 10...enough to have decent covers for GSBW, but I have really no idea if I level up her or no.

    We finished #9, and now we have 9 GSBW covers. We've leveled her up to 44 (she can go up to 89, we're considering it) and have started playing the PVP right now. But we'll not take the leap of faith until tomorrow icon_e_biggrin.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Unattainable rewards looks to be their own private joke for the 1st april...isn't it Demiurge ?
    Would like, at least, if we could reach those 93,333 points for yellow Shieldbro cover...with only 45k right now...and the 1st in my bracket with 47k, I think that's really impossible.

    I thought it was sweet of them not to use round numbers. 93,333 sounds so much funnier. Next time it'll be Pi or something.
    Dantekamar wrote:

    Just began, but I honestly don't know who to pair with her. I'm gonna try Thor (4/5/4) and Hulk (5/0/1). Any suggestions would be great.

    Edit: Switched Hulk out for Daken. This makes Thor's green the clear focus. Daken is only 54 but I realize now just how much I rely on oBW and aW strike tiles.

    We're trying Thor and Spidey (we're addicted to Spidey and can't let go). Your team sounds great!
    Excelsior!! Hello, my fellow ScarFighters, sorry for my long absence. I totally fail on first avenger PVP. The PVE is moving slowly but I am staying in the top 50. I might be able to do good in GSBW since I got decent covers of her...but that's a hard maybe

    Hi Weird! How are you doing in PVP? So far, we've just begun.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Hey ScarFighters !!!

    The R50 which allow alliance chat + the scroll (for those who play on computer, sure) are now on !
    But the ladder still impossible to scroll on the events...why ?
    I've just notice one horrible thing : the new critical tile !!!! What's that ??? A disco ball icon_eek.gificon_lol.gif

    What, there's no chat for mobile players? We were so waiting for it icon_cry.gif

    Frite, the new critical tile is hideous. We're embarrassed by it.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    I don't know if I will have the courage to put my alarm clock at 4am tomorrow...but I really need those shiny He'sonfire covers icon_e_confused.gif

    Ugh. Here the PVE will end at one a.m. Nobody deserves such timetables.
    elysium wrote:

    I'm happy to be back icon_e_smile.gif I couldn't play much of the last PvP but still manage to finish in the top 50.

    I usually really like PvE but unstable Iso is not fun ! I hope I can have a strong finish.

    Who plays well with GBW ? I never played with her.


    Hi Elysium, nice to hear from you! How's your little girl?

    This PVE is...what's worse than obnoxious? I have no words for it.

    Dante seems to have found a good team with Daken and Thor. We're going to try it.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    The chat app in-game is on. No one answer me...but I guess I'm really on the wrong hours to see and talk with someone...
    Just Captain who said "Hello everyone" 3 hours ago about icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Uh, Frite, we wish we could chat with you guys, but we're playing on an, no chat function...damn. I was looking forward to chatting.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Oh DOLBET ! You're in my bracket ! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Lazy thor + Hood, terrible combo with GSBW sure icon_e_wink.gif

    Edit : Faerie also in my bracket !! Ok guys, are you all with me or what ? icon_lol.gif
    Ok...skip, skip dammit 20 ISO in just few windows open...

    Wow! How unlucky can you get? Look out for Faerie, she has a killer GSBW and knows how to use it icon_lol.gif
  • Really you can't chat on Ipad ??? icon_e_surprised.gif
    Maybe later on...i hope so...
    Have you looked near the alliance ? There is a chat button next the details team (alliance).
    No? Nothing ?

    Faerie pair GSBW with Spidey & Bullseye...I really don't want to fight against a team like this...Double shield with 3 match purple (or more) icon_eek.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Really you can't chat on Ipad ??? icon_e_surprised.gif
    Maybe later on...i hope so...
    Have you looked near the alliance ? There is a chat button next the details team (alliance).
    No? Nothing ?

    No, we were wrong, we can! Yay!

    Guys, laugh with us...
    davecazz wrote:
    I do agree with this. D3 needs to either find a way to make the solo players feel like they are getting fairly treated, which at this point I don't know how they would do that ... a non alliance leaderboard?
    OR They really need to put out some banners and press releases saying Welcome to MPQ, to increase your chances at the best rewards join an alliance! So right from the start people know what the game is geared towards. Expecting it to be one way and finding out is another is the best way to cause frustrated players.

    They should supply Alliance Speed Dating to all non-alliance members

  • Haha funny icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys, we were thinking...Janaina has no one to share FB rewards with.

    Anyone wants to add / be added? Her Facebook profile is:
  • Hey dani !

    I think now the app chat is on...our thread would be a little dead...
    No ? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    I know...I'm going to miss our cool sigs...

    I liked reading back the posts, lol.

    See you all at the chat!