ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • You're probably right mac...I haven't yet work a lot in the PVP, but I will for sure icon_e_wink.gif
  • What I really hate about this PVE, and we sure all that the amount of points are so low that anyone could win at the end of the tournament...I'm actually 90th about with 19,458...the first is at 20,911... icon_mad.gif (it's easy to place first...but impossible to stay there a long time...)

    This is not gonna end well...I think...
  • Yea this pve one is pretty bad. Pushing in the last 30 minutes or so is definitely gonna be required to be in top 50
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    I'm not sure how long I can keep it up, but I'm currently first in the iso tourney icon_e_smile.gif.

    Congrats Captain! We've been #1 on and off all day today. We climb up, then take a break, and down we go... icon_cry.gif
    unimatrix wrote:
    this PVE is really different than the other PVE.. the points are like trickling in.. slowly...

    And slower...slower...wait, have they stopped? icon_rolleyes.gif Oh man, this PVE SUCKS.
    unimatrix wrote:
    Is there a way that I can vote him to be super-commander?

    But he is! Frite's the commanders' commander! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    mac480 wrote:
    We are in like 60 or 70th place in both events right now?

    Something tells me some of our members aren't really participating lol

    We're doing our best, but Janaina's not feeling so good today...She's currently #47 (was #1 an hour ago), and we've not started playing the PVP yet. We have no decent Patch and no X-Force at all, so we're limited too...First place already's defined - a guy from S.H.I.E.L.D (Jachdo) who's got 997 points and still going on. He's 150 points above second place! icon_e_surprised.gif
    fritejay2 wrote:
    What I really hate about this PVE, and we sure all that the amount of points are so low that anyone could win at the end of the tournament...I'm actually 90th about with 19,458...the first is at 20,911... icon_mad.gif (it's easy to place first...but impossible to stay there a long time...)

    This is not gonna end well...I think...

    We're right there with you! It's impossibly tiresome and somewhat unfair. We really, really hate this PVE.

    Janaina's dancing Happy Feet again! She got a black Hulk cover from a Recruit Token from PVE and one DD in the Lightning Rounds. Today's her day to avenge all the Cap covers MPQ has thrown at us relentlessly! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil wrote:
    Janaina's dancing Happy Feet again! She got a black Hulk cover from a Recruit Token from PVE and one DD in the Lightning Rounds.
    Haha ! Glad for you icon_e_wink.gif
    Reminds me I just got from a recruit token also, yesterday, my first blue Psylocke cover !!!
  • Excelsior!! Evening my fellow Scar Fighters. I am not doing so well in PVP bc I have only one wolvie cover and that is a green x-force. I am steadily staying around the top 25 in the PVE. I was #1 in my pool 15min ago.
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    danikalil wrote:
    Janaina's dancing Happy Feet again! She got a black Hulk cover from a Recruit Token from PVE and one DD in the Lightning Rounds.
    Haha ! Glad for you icon_e_wink.gif
    Reminds me I just got from a recruit token also, yesterday, my first blue Psylocke cover !!!
    I keep getting repeats of my already maxed 2* covers... sadface
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Excelsior!! Evening my fellow Scar Fighters. I am not doing so well in PVP bc I have only one wolvie cover and that is a green x-force. I am steadily staying around the top 25 in the PVE. I was #1 in my pool 15min ago.

    Janaina's lending you her Patch, as long as you inject some ISO into him icon_e_smile.gif Why, I thought Wolvie was one of the first characters everyone gets. What happened to yours? icon_question.gif

    Don't worry, your lucky cover day will come...Seriously, we could have about 3 Captains America with maxed out covers by now. Now and then you have to get lucky for a change!
  • Excelsior!! Evening my fellow Scar Fighters.
    Eeheh ! Welcome aboard Mr. Weird Scinister !
    I am not doing so well in PVP bc I have only one wolvie cover and that is a green x-force.
    You didn't play the solo a bit for an easy astonishing ? You should icon_e_wink.gif

    X-force is crapy thing...really...
    Only mac (eneyeseekay) got a usable one...I think.

    I am steadily staying around the top 25 in the PVE. I was #1 in my pool 15min ago.
    Like I said just before...PVE will certainly not gonna end well for quite all of us...if you won't be here at the very last.
    That means in 4days and 4 hours....and I really think I can't...It will be 6am in my country...**** **** **** !!!!

    Ok, Monday, I will try to put an alarm bell + phone (and maybe double both) at 5am icon_lol.gif
  • I'm plugging along in PvE but not too motivated in it. I will try and contribute enough to get all three Human Touch covers though.

    In PvP, I'm deliberately holding back, trying to stay in that sweet spot where I won't be worth a lot of points but I'm close enough to the top to make a run for it. I plan on getting into single rank and shielding well before the mad dash at the end. I'm doing well with a maxed astonishing Wolverine, a maxed original Black Widow, and near max Ares.
  • Hey Dante !
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I'm plugging along in PvE but not too motivated in it. I will try and contribute enough to get all three Human Touch covers though.
    You're not the only one I think ! lol
    Dantekamar wrote:
    In PvP, I'm deliberately holding back, trying to stay in that sweet spot where I won't be worth a lot of points but I'm close enough to the top to make a run for it. I plan on getting into single rank and shielding well before the mad dash at the end. I'm doing well with a maxed astonishing Wolverine, a maxed original Black Widow, and near max Ares.
    I've just tried an interesting combo (but maybe not the best), Patch, Daken & DD...

    At first it doesn't look to be a good team because of the daken strikes tiles with the DD red traps...but I noticed that Daken place them where DD didn't put trap !
    Clearly cool !

    And the blue trap is also great...I've never tried before, (stucking a lot with OBW sure), but after a littlre try it looks very promising !
    Who knows.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey guys, we got lucky again - this day will never repeat itself! - and we got a Patch cover.

    How do you build your Patches? We don't know much about it.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I'm plugging along in PvE but not too motivated in it. I will try and contribute enough to get all three Human Touch covers though.
    Same here...trudging along...
    Dantekamar wrote:
    In PvP, I'm deliberately holding back, trying to stay in that sweet spot where I won't be worth a lot of points but I'm close enough to the top to make a run for it. I plan on getting into single rank and shielding well before the mad dash at the end. I'm doing well with a maxed astonishing Wolverine, a maxed original Black Widow, and near max Ares.

    That's exactly what Janaina and I did...we talked about it a few posts back. It worked quite well, and we're biding our time to repeat it.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    I've just tried an interesting combo (but maybe not the best), Patch, Daken & DD...

    At first it doesn't look to be a good team because of the daken strikes tiles with the DD red traps...but I noticed that Daken place them where DD didn't put trap !
    Clearly cool !

    And the blue trap is also great...I've never tried before, (stucking a lot with OBW sure), but after a littlre try it looks very promising !
    Who knows.

    Do DD traps really work? Everyone complains they get overwritten by everything. I hope it's not just luck that Daken isn't placing his tiles atop them.
  • About the Daken strikes tiles & DD trap...maybe I was really lucky...I have really no idea
    But if you combo multiples red tiles with him...that rocks !!! Thor + Spidey downed in 1 turn icon_lol.gif (4741 damage for 1 trap ! and it's not yet max ! 7500 or about when it will be !!!)

    Patch works great in 5/5/3 or 5/3/5, or 5/4/4 I think. (but I heard 5/3/5, is the best...the yellow power heal you every turn with 5 !!! OBW or Spidey are (quite) useless with him at high level).
    Mine is (only) 3/4/3 (102)...202 for the PVP icon_e_biggrin.gif

    But take super care when you place his strikes tiles !!! They are double-edged for both team...really !
  • So I have played the mission that gives wolverine the like 5 times and nothing yet... The game hates me
  • Loki is a great combo with Patch, purely because he can turn the enemy strike tiles into protect tiles.
  • catniphill wrote:
    Loki is a great combo with Patch, purely because he can turn the enemy strike tiles into protect tiles.
    Sure !
    Sad mine (loki) is far to be nicely cover yet...
  • I've heard players use Marvel Now Magneto's purple power to set up 4 match ups that contain Dare Devil's trap tile to great effect. Don't know if the tiles that are only part of the line being blown will trigger the trap or not.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Phew! We climbed to 713, 2nd place in PVP, shielded for one day - but we're probably going to break our shield tomorrow and fight some more.

    NIght, everyone! Go Scarfighters!
  • I am at 719 and shielded for 24 hrs at PVP and I am done for that PVP too.

    719 is good for 4th place at my branch... first and second place have over one thousand points......