ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Hi. I don't think I like this PVE. It's slow going. Not many points to mine.. Hopefully it gets refreshed soon.
    I don't know how you guys manage the PVP.
    It's crazy with the MMR hell.. icon_e_sad.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    unimatrix wrote:
    Hi. I don't think I like this PVE. It's slow going. Not many points to mine.. Hopefully it gets refreshed soon.
    I don't know how you guys manage the PVP.
    It's crazy with the MMR hell.. icon_e_sad.gif

    We don't like the PVE at all. Our battles are all 230, they're boring and there aren't many points.

    About MMR hell, maybe you need to tank? Or maybe it's pure dumb bad luck.

    We started playing for real in this last PVP yesterday. We gave it all we got and we climbed about 300 places to #1, from 178 to 658 points, without getting beaten once. Now I don't know whether this is a strategy that always works, or whether we were lucky.

    After we shielded, many people defeated us in return. We slowly climbed down from #1 to #7. Then Janaina couldn't sleep and played a while, from #7 to #3 - she played 6 battles, and got hit 3 times (and lost 100 points).

    Finally, we broke our shield for the last time, played 2 battles and are now #3 with 842 points. Everyone in top ten is shielded. Phew! Playing a tournament is a way of life icon_eek.gif

    So far, we have found out that:

    1. You must have a good team, so people will be afraid to fight you. That's easier said than done, but since we got a good Spidey, we noticed we're attacked much less frequently ;
    2. You should alternate between battles that give out many points and those who don't, or you'll get beaten very quickly and effectively icon_neutral.gif ;
    3. You should beat those battles that give out top points last, then shield - because those players are sure to beat you back;
    4. You should avoid the last three hours if you can.

    Anyone has any suggestions to offer? We're eager to learn more about PVP.
  • So mad at the game right now. Had about 4 crushing defeats in the past 2 hours. Cascade after cascade or such bad board setup. Ugh, only managed 18th in PvP. No red Hulk for me.
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    So mad at the game right now. Had about 4 crushing defeats in the past 2 hours. Cascade after cascade or such bad board setup. Ugh, only managed 18th in PvP. No red Hulk for me.

    I know the feeling ! Sometimes it's like the game is cheating ! You have to accept the game is skills but mostly luck and money... I have more fun since then icon_e_smile.gif
  • Too bad. I was bump out the top 10 in the last minute icon_e_sad.gif

    My Hulk is now 5g 2b. Who works great with him ? I could level him up to 77. I dunno if I should.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Hey ScarFighters !

    Completely at the opposite of lot of our teamates here, (maybe because of a *not-so-hardish-mmr-maybe*), I managed my team easily to the top ten and stick in the 5-10 positions...
    Luckily I was here to look at that, I falled down the board, just a little bit to the 11-12th place icon_neutral.gif ...I stayed only few minutes before the end and I have no idea what to do (I was shielded sure)... and at the last 3-4 minutes, I've jumped a little bit to the 10th position...and I finally stick there icon_mrgreen.gif

    I've never been so lucky.

    My Hulk is now 5/2/3 (just received few seconds ago the black Hulk cover and the rest of rewards sure !)
    Well done teamates !

    Now it's time to begin the long road to the lazy new cover cap (and Mr he'sonfire also) !
    Go ScarFighters !
  • elysium wrote:
    Too bad. I was bump out the top 10 in the last minute icon_e_sad.gif
    Sorry for you elysium...
    elysium wrote:
    My Hulk is now 5g 2b. Who works great with him ? I could level him up to 77. I dunno if I should.
    I'm not a great fan of Hulk but maybe wait for 2 covers to push him to 100. 77 is hard to manage.
    Depends also on what characters you got in your team ?
  • I finished top 5 in the FD tourney. Was hoping people would let me keep #1 spot while I slept but I guess they don't like me lol

    I don't really like this wolvie tourney. I'll prob go for around 500 and not bother trying to get top 10.

    This PVE tourney is super boring ha. I read on the thread for it that people like to just do each node once, except the essential nodes which they do 3x each. I've been doing that (and just doing an extra one here and there if I drop below 50 or 75th place or so) and it's been really easy. Enemies haven't been too high of level either (not that it matters if you have 5 blue spidey). After I do this last essential node I'll be around 10th place or so in my bracket.

    So this strat for this event has been pretty painless and effective.

    I'm gonna level up DD to use on defense after I'm shielded in PVP tourney's I think. That red damage is stupidly high. Having people mess up against you while shielded in PVP events is awesome, and DD seems more conducive to that than most.

    Does anyone know exactly how your team on defense is decided once your shielded? If I do a SHIELD versus battle, will it make my defense team in whatever PVP tourney I'm shielded in that team I used in the SHIELD versus battle?
  • mac480 wrote:
    I finished top 5 in the FD tourney. Was hoping people would let me keep #1 spot while I slept but I guess they don't like me lol
    Nice finish mac ! I had stick he 10th place for the last minutes icon_lol.gif
    Really cocky me.
    mac480 wrote:
    I'm gonna level up DD to use on defense after I'm shielded in PVP tourney's I think. That red damage is stupidly high. Having people mess up against you while shielded in PVP events is awesome, and DD seems more conducive to that than most.
    I rellay think about this too...but only when you are shielded sure.
    Mine DD could be level until 115 (now 94)...I maybe could max him to little more than 100 right now. (mine is 4/4/4)
    mac480 wrote:
    Does anyone know exactly how your team on defense is decided once your shielded? If I do a SHIELD versus battle, will it make my defense team in whatever PVP tourney I'm shielded in that team I used in the SHIELD versus battle?
    Sorry but I really don't get your last sentence... anyone ? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    mac480 wrote:
    Does anyone know exactly how your team on defense is decided once your shielded? If I do a SHIELD versus battle, will it make my defense team in whatever PVP tourney I'm shielded in that team I used in the SHIELD versus battle?
    Sorry but I really don't get your last sentence... anyone ? icon_rolleyes.gif

    Sorry for confusion.

    So, suppose in this wolvie tourney I used: Patch, Hulk, Spidey

    Then I shield.

    Then I do a battle in the SHIELD Versus thing (that pvp thing that's always there, along with the storyline mission things). In this I use: Patch, Hulk, DD

    So question I have is: when people attack me in the wolvie tourney now, in which I'm shielded, do they fight Patch, Hulk, Spidey or Patch, Hulk, DD (not for retaliation attacks, I know those ones you fight whatever team the person attacked you with)?

    Does anyone know?
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    mac480 wrote:
    So question I have is: when people attack me in the wolvie tourney now, in which I'm shielded, do they fight Patch, Hulk, Spidey or Patch, Hulk, DD (not for retaliation attacks, I know those ones you fight whatever team the person attacked you with)?

    Does anyone know?

    Mac, we've often wondered about it. Maybe we should ask about it under General Discussion? Or maybe everyone knows but us, lol.
    IceIX wrote:
    As always, these Patch Notes are not necessarily complete and may change slightly before release.

      - S.H.I.E.L.D. code hackers have subverted a portion of H.A.M.M.E.R. communications frequencies that have enabled them to allow Agents that are in Alliances to talk directly to one another. Alliance Chat may be accessed from within the Alliance tab. - Alliance Leaderboards now occupy their own tab instead of using multiple taps to get there. - S.H.I.E.L.D. has improved their Alliance member tracking technology and now allows members to view the individual Event scores within an Alliance. - The top three Alliance players in an Event are indicated by trophies next to their names on the Alliance Leaderboards. S.H.I.E.L.D. congratulates the top performers!

    Guys, you seen the new Patch preview? Alliance chat sounds really cool! And finally we'll know how well each player is doing. Drums of doom icon_e_biggrin.gif

    What are we going to do with the trophy, lol? They could at least give us 100 Iso or 10 HP.

    Anyone knows where Frite is? Kinda concerned, he disappeared.
  • danikalil wrote:

    Anyone knows where Frite is? Kinda concerned, he disappeared.

    He disappeared? He said something a few hours before you posted this, no?

    The new patch stuff does look pretty cool. Well it'll be cool until I slack off for some event and you all know
  • Hello everybody!

    Don't worry daniela...I still here.
    Sometimes I can't, due to to my *thief guild* time.
    I just don't know where is Rogue...Someone have seen her recently somewhere ?

    How are you all doing ScarFighters ?
    I hope as disturbed as I am.
  • Anyone heard about HEX -shards of fate- ? (look like about MtG but in MMO)
    Looks promising...Can't wait to put my hands on !
  • I'm not sure how long I can keep it up, but I'm currently first in the iso tourney icon_e_smile.gif.
  • Well done Captain !
    Really don't remember my position but I'm probably in the 100th or less...And don't have time right now to play on the event.
    I hope later on...
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    this PVE is really different than the other PVE.. the points are like trickling in.. slowly..
    PVP sucks with only yellow-uniform wolvie worthy of proper combat (my patch is really bad, X-Force is underdeveloped, been pouring ISO to LazyCap.

    and you know what really made my day?

    my new SIG !! Fritejay has done an excellent job in redefining our signatures!!
    what an awesome job.

    Is there a way that I can vote him to be super-commander?
  • I'm not really having much luck in the PVP. Doing well in the PVE though, was ranked 19 around noon EST.
  • unimatrix wrote:
    this PVE is really different than the other PVE.. the points are like trickling in.. slowly..
    Yes...really slowly...Reminds me of the first PVE...
    unimatrix wrote:
    PVP sucks with only yellow-uniform wolvie worthy of proper combat (my patch is really bad, X-Force is underdeveloped, been pouring ISO to LazyCap.
    Honestly mine X-force wolvie is only red, and I don't even try with...
    But sure the 2 others, Patch and astonishing are well build (respectively 102 and 85).
    I can understand you're gonna suffer in PVP.
    unimatrix wrote:
    and you know what really made my day?

    my new SIG !! Fritejay has done an excellent job in redefining our signatures!!
    what an awesome job.
    Thanks again a lot !
    But, hey...we can do better ! Always !

    By the way ScarFighters, I would like to change the logo (for the most part about the letter a bit too much illegible), and not on photoshop this time, but on illustrator, that means a really big work (because I'm far to be the best on it...but for a logo, this program rocks !).
    It won't be here tomorrow or next week for sure, but in a near future.

    We need to find a good way to announce us...a sharp, distinguished, double-edged logo.
    Every idea is very welcome ScarFighters !
    unimatrix wrote:
    Is there a way that I can vote him to be super-commander?
    Call me like that, I would be already super glad ! icon_lol.gif
  • We are in like 60 or 70th place in both events right now?

    Something tells me some of our members aren't really participating lol