Strange Sights Event: The Doctor Is In The House *Updated



  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.

    What, you wouldn't work at a job that paid $100 a day and cost you $150 a day to get to the job location?
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Best part is it doesn't count multiple strike tiles in a single match as multiple hits. So if you get blessed to match 3 strike tiles in one go, Congratulations, I'm only counting one bro!

    I'm currently seeing if I can actually kill off my entire roster fighting him. It's kind of fun. So far my 3*s are doing way better than my higher levels for some reason.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.

    People keep saying this, but that isn't how the system works.

    It isn't 350 HP for 500 ISO. Any more than it's 350 HP for a 4* or a chance at a 5* or for 200HP.

    It's 350 HP to spin the wheel once at a chance for a prize. 500 ISO is the equivalent of winning nothing. 200HP is like winning part of your money back (or profiting if you're using a free spin!) The higher end rewards are like large/med/small wins.

    If anything, we should be grateful that they give us a joke prize instead of just flashing a red X on the screen and playing the Price is Right "wrong answer" tune.

    In fact, we should be exceptionally grateful that vaults are static, increasing the odds that you get the good rewards, and making it possible to invest HP and guarantee the good stuff when you like the content of the vaults.
  • InfernosEnforcer
    InfernosEnforcer Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Someone on Reddit mentioned using characters like Elektra to create strike tiles for him. I don't have anyone good enough to try this and waste a slot on them, but it's an interesting concept.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dangit. Okay. Final progress is 69,000. With the format that 4 clears plus each one time node bringing a player to 12,944 on day one, that indicates points will go up on subsequent days since 12,944 per day will not reach 69,000. If a chapter's placement isn't totaled until all player have cleared it, then players on day one will have far fewer points than players on day three. While this would mean high placement rewards on the chapter on day three, days one and two are going to be trash placement. Also, an Alliance that consolidates effort and plays the same chapter each day will get the trash placement from the chapter of day one. Day 3 chapter on the other hand would be really good for an Alliance. Not sure how well that all balances out. I really want to know how placement is going to be figured.
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.
    I think they have a decent idea. It's a character release. You could spent 15,800 on a daily deal with a 1.4% chance on the character dropping, or 3000 on a guarantee, plus LT, plus Legendary (results may vary) cover. Actually, 2800 with the built-in refund. The ISO is 5500, or 11 3 stars sold.
    So purchasing Strange Sights 40 draw (call it 41 with the LT) equals 385 per draw. The vaults are 9 items at 350 each, or 333 when purchased all at once. 3 LT instead of 1, 3 Legendary instead of [variable], 3 release characters covers instead of 1.4% drop, hit-or-miss, and the 16,500 ISO totaled from the 3 vaults. 40 pack is still 62% 2 stars (6000 ISO selling 24 of them), about 30% 3 stars (12 covers, another 6000 ISO), and that leaves 4 Legendary covers. Divide everything by 4. 1/4 of the purchase is 3950 HP (costs more than clearing the vault), 3000 ISO (all 2 and 3 sold, 2500 less than vault), and a Legendary cover. If you really take a look at these mini-vaults, they have value.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    JHawkInc wrote:
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.

    People keep saying this, but that isn't how the system works.

    It isn't 350 HP for 500 ISO. Any more than it's 350 HP for a 4* or a chance at a 5* or for 200HP.

    It's 350 HP to spin the wheel once at a chance for a prize. 500 ISO is the equivalent of winning nothing. 200HP is like winning part of your money back (or profiting if you're using a free spin!) The higher end rewards are like large/med/small wins.

    If anything, we should be grateful that they give us a joke prize instead of just flashing a red X on the screen and playing the Price is Right "wrong answer" tune.

    In fact, we should be exceptionally grateful that vaults are static, increasing the odds that you get the good rewards, and making it possible to invest HP and guarantee the good stuff when you like the content of the vaults.

    To say I couldn't disagree more is understating it, especially about us having to be the grateful ones. That's just absurd on many levels.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I think they have a decent idea. It's a character release. You could spent 15,800 on a daily deal with a 1.4% chance on the character dropping, or 3000 on a guarantee, plus LT, plus Legendary (results may vary) cover. Actually, 2800 with the built-in refund. The ISO is 5500, or 11 3 stars sold.
    So purchasing Strange Sights 40 draw (call it 41 with the LT) equals 385 per draw. The vaults are 9 items at 350 each, or 333 when purchased all at once. 3 LT instead of 1, 3 Legendary instead of [variable], 3 release characters covers instead of 1.4% drop, hit-or-miss, and the 16,500 ISO totaled from the 3 vaults. 40 pack is still 62% 2 stars (6000 ISO selling 24 of them), about 30% 3 stars (12 covers, another 6000 ISO), and that leaves 4 Legendary covers. Divide everything by 4. 1/4 of the purchase is 3950 HP (costs more than clearing the vault), 3000 ISO (all 2 and 3 sold, 2500 less than vault), and a Legendary cover. If you really take a look at these mini-vaults, they have value.

    Guaranteed 3* I can win very easily the next PvE/PvP events. Oh and it's a 3*, which is really just the new 2*. Oh, and I can get it from standard/elite/heroic tokens of which I get plenty of. If it was the 5*, you would have an argument, 3*, not so much.
    You can break it down however you want, but 0$ spent is bad math for them and it's directly related to that **** vault. I'm not alone either.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can break it down however you want, but 0$ spent is bad math for them and it's directly related to that tinykitty vault. I'm not alone either.
    Yeah, of course. I'm not spending money right now either. Can't afford to. But those who can, and would be converting covers to ISO anyway, may see a value where you don't. And for those looking for Sanctum Tokens, that's 9000 HP for 3 of them rather than 25 CP to open Sanctum for the 10% chance. Half a Stark Salary, which only nets 7 CP. Buyer Alliances have it a little better, getting 140 CP per purchase (purchases matched by the other 19 members). But they would still spend the 9000 (8400 after 200HP prizes)HP for 3 more openings beyond the 5 that 140 CP gets them. This vault is not your vault. It is theirs.

    Heh, just realized. The 200 HP is like Strange's purpleflag.png . Spend 11, get 4 back.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Someone on Reddit mentioned using characters like Elektra to create strike tiles for him. I don't have anyone good enough to try this and waste a slot on them, but it's an interesting concept.
    Request her as a TU. If someone has her at level 5 purple it will get you a lot of strike tiles. You can also bring juggs TU for board shake to destroy more tiles for 6 AP.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why exactly does it take so long for Kaecilius' strike tiles to start appearing? He takes so much health off me before I can even hurt him. Theres no skill to these battles, its juts pure luck whether you win or not. Thats not a challenge, its just annoying.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    I'd suggest Bullseye (DA) for 2 reasons. First his purple power protects you against Kaecilius' attacks and his green power is very useful to open up the field to combine his strike tiles. Just make sure Kaecilius gets to combine some purples to make those strike tiles.

    Complete your team with either characters with a lot of hp or characters that can self-heal
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    I like the idea of having to beat the boss using specific methods.

    Just a shame the vaults are so lame.

    I'm Still spewing over 18 legend draws and no 5*strange. I feel robbed and that I should've either waited until I had an obscene amount of cp or just pulled classic tokens instead.

    Think I'm just going to do the first clear to get the tokens and be done with it.
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Just beat him with IM40 3cap & cmarvel

    QS would prob be better than cmarvel but either way he's not unbeatable
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    JHawkInc wrote:
    I would really like an explanation as to why the vaults are so putrid AND expensive. You get 500 ISO as a node reward, how is it worth 350hp? Whoever planned the vaults should be reassigned to janitor duty. 350 HP to pull 200 HP!? They need a seminar on how making money works cause it's clearly a concept they don't understand in this line of work.

    People keep saying this, but that isn't how the system works.

    It isn't 350 HP for 500 ISO. Any more than it's 350 HP for a 4* or a chance at a 5* or for 200HP.

    It's 350 HP to spin the wheel once at a chance for a prize. 500 ISO is the equivalent of winning nothing. 200HP is like winning part of your money back (or profiting if you're using a free spin!) The higher end rewards are like large/med/small wins.

    If anything, we should be grateful that they give us a joke prize instead of just flashing a red X on the screen and playing the Price is Right "wrong answer" tune.

    In fact, we should be exceptionally grateful that vaults are static, increasing the odds that you get the good rewards, and making it possible to invest HP and guarantee the good stuff when you like the content of the vaults.
    So basically what you're saying is this is a gambling app?

    If people are spending resources and real money then it makes sense to get some kind of return for that money. 500 iso or 200hp for 350hp is not a good return, and an idea that will notcget players investing their hard earn cash into the game.

    If you want players to invest money then you have to make it worth their while.

    Having good vaults and good rewards costs the developers nothing except the labour in making the coding, just like any other vault, but it does (potentially) cost the player base, why not make it worth investing in rather than a 50/50 shot of spit or bust?
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Can the subnodes behind each door be cleared multiple times for progression points? Because if so, I've probably just hosed myself out of progression. I play through all of the nodes to the end, then do the essentials. Except once you get the artifact, the entire subevent is locked.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Can the subnodes behind each door be cleared multiple times for progression points? Because if so, I've probably just hosed myself out of progression. I play through all of the nodes to the end, then do the essentials. Except once you get the artifact, the entire subevent is locked.
    Its not locked, go back and check again
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Uber303 wrote:
    So basically what you're saying is this is a gambling app?

    If people are spending resources and real money then it makes sense to get some kind of return for that money. 500 iso or 200hp for 350hp is not a good return, and an idea that will notcget players investing their hard earn cash into the game.

    If you want players to invest money then you have to make it worth their while.

    Having good vaults and good rewards costs the developers nothing except the labour in making the coding, just like any other vault, but it does (potentially) cost the player base, why not make it worth investing in rather than a 50/50 shot of spit or bust?

    There is an element of chance in opening tokens or pulling from vaults, yes. It's pretty clear and upfront about that.

    500 ISO isn't a good return for 350 HP, but it isn't supposed to be. I mean, that's pretty obvious. If the vault contained 10 chances at 500 ISO and that was it, would you spend 350HP on it? Hell no! That ISO isn't why ANYONE touches the vaults. They go in for the covers, and for the Legendary Tokens. That's where your value sits. And rather than selling LT's and 4* covers for 350 HP, there's a gamble involved. Some people win, some people lose, and you can keep playing, with increasingly better odds, until you're satisfied with your investment.

    If you don't want 500 ISO from the Strange vaults, don't spend the HP on it! Buying the whole vault and complaining about the ISO is like buying a combo meal with fries and drink and complaining about the fries. If you don't want that part, don't buy that part.

    Yes, the devs could change the rewards and make them better for free. But that's not a good business model. By the same logic, they could just give away everything for free, and everyone could have all characters at max level with max covers at all times until the end of forever. It makes far more sense for them to give back enough that people are getting their money's worth (and plenty are, willingly buying out the vaults like it's no big deal), without giving out so much for free that people stop coming back. I think they're doing fine, and grumbling about 350 HP being worth 500 ISO is completely missing the point of vaults in the first place.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Can people please stop asking for new PVE enemies?
    Last time we got Symbiotes, now we got these monstrosities that do guaranteed damage each turn that quickly spirals out of control.

    I'll play Dark Avengers over these guys any day.

    I tried the second last The Wolves Den wave node as a solid 3* low 4* player and within about 10 moves the passively generated shield was stopping 750 damage points with no change to match it away.

    How can 2-3 AP point abilities be even considered remotely fair when they are picking up 10 AP points per round? Especially when they can do/stop so much damage with passive abilities? Even the Symbiotes weren't this bad.

    Looks like I'll be stepping out for the next 3 days. If they turn up this way in DDQ, we can kiss our regular 3* progression goodbye.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    xdogg wrote:
    Its not locked, go back and check again

    Ah, I'd gone back to the main event page. Thanks a bunch.