Boss Rush Event: Info & Rewards *Updated



  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    gentgeen wrote:

    I think the part I dislike the most ... I don't know WHO I am going to go up against -- so I don't know who in my roster to pick.

    People are keeping track of who you're fighting each round in this thread

    Just hit round 4, that round is just bonkers and anything less than a 5* roster will not beat it. Something is seriously wrong with this event.

    Also, thanks for the **** list of boosted characters I have ever seen against an event where the difficulty is quite insane. Im getting
    flashbacks of Galactus run no. 1 and that famous quote.

    No, don't worry, I'm losing with a 435 Phoenix and champed ws. ROUND 4 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
  • mooken
    mooken Posts: 52 Match Maker
    edited October 2016
    The Round 4 Bosses seem a bit wonky as well, stats-wise.

    Round 4 Green Goblin and Round 4 OML had 274 damage for all 7 colours (so "yellow" was strongest colour). Round 4 IM in the middle had proper damage distribution.

    Worth noting, as that has impact on the difficulty as well.


  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    Okay. After getting through the second unlock, here's my updated thoughts.

    I made it to Round 5. It wasn't easy at all and I didn't win every Boss Rush.

    And I think that is the proper strategy.

    While I DO agree that the info on the event could have been given out better, and some of the scaling has been crazy high, I don't see this event as a total loss.

    If the intention is to have friendly rivalry, the Bosses should be a group effort, yet keep the prizes for individual score. I've been playing since near the first day of release, so I'm easily the top of my alliance (that's not saying I'm doing it alone. My guys are immensely helpful and do a great job!).

    I have 3 Champed 4*, every 5* with at least 1 cover and all champed 3*. It feels like this event is geared more towards the long term player. It needs to be better accessible to all players.

    I'm not expecting to win every Boss Rush. I really think the point is to try to get as far as possible. Overall, just better tweaking, coverage for all players, and communication

    If the intent of this design really is for players to lose most of their matches, then Demi/d3 needed to do a lot of things differently.

    On Monday or Tuesday at the latest they should have had an announcement in game and on the forums saying something like
    Hey everyone, we are really excited about the upcoming Boss Rush event, and we hope you will enjoy playing it just as much as we enjoyed designing it! We are triyng something different for this event, so we think a that players should have some additional information before starting this event.

    (1) This event will have individual scoring. Each player will unlock each round individually. But don't worry, we have also included an alliance element to the event by introducing intra-alliance placement awards, so you can compete for your own rewards and engage in some friendly competition with your alliance mates. And there are also inter-alliance rewards so you can continue your traditional rivalries!

    (2) These boss fights are really hard. These boss characters are some of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, so fighting three of them in a row should be hard. But don't worry, the event is designed with this fact in mind, so dedicated players of all levels should be able to get great rewards even if they can't beat every boss fight. We will be closely monitoring player performance to make sure that the results match our expectations and the event is fun for everyone.

    (3) Because we don't expect players to win every boss fight, we have disabled post-match health loss for the Boss pins. So when you lose a boss fight, you will still be locked out of that pin just like in normal boss events, but your characters will be fully healthy and ready for the next fight. (Health loss will operate normally for the sub-pins.)

    (4) We know that we are doing something new with this event during our anniversary celebration. So as a thank you, everyone who plays at least 2 boss fights during the event, win or lose, will receive a Legendary Token and 10,000 iso after the event ends! And everyone who plays at least 12 boss fights, win or lose, will receive a Peggy Carter cover too (in addition to the individual and alliance performance rewards for the event)!

    (5) This is a new event, so we would appreciate player feedback even more than we already do. So please let us know you think about this event; what you enjoyed and what we could improve.

    It wouldn't make everyone happy, but something like that would have done a huge amount of pre-emptive damage control. Given the changes that they made, and the lack of communication about those changes in advance, it was basically inevitable that players would be hugely frustrated today.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    This sounded conceptually bad from jump.

    No one wants to fight 5 stars with 30 ap in colors for 3 and 4 star rewards ( I don't care if it's peggy, if we had her fully covered she'd be just as dead as everyone else)

    We want to earn 5 stars. Earn 4 stars, just something.

    Stop making content that isn't for the player base.

    If you can't understand negative player sentiment, you guys truly are the most out of touch people with your player base.

    it's quite frankly interesting to watch how much good will can be ruined by botching this anniversary event twice in a row and doing it both times AFTER a sale on currency.

    How hard is it to realize this is the WORSE time of the year to seek nickel and dimeing health packs instead of giving me so much I need roster slots.

    Honestly though no ones going to care because in however many weeks it takes we're just gonna see the whales go nuts over trying to get doctor strange or whatever 5 star is next. Our feedback hasn't been important and I'm doubting it holds any significance now either. If it did we would NOT be going through galactus 1, but now with waves.

    This game doesn't SUPPORT waves of characters that can demolish entire teams in 3 turns.
  • Light27
    Light27 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I'm pretty firmly a four star player, with a championed Kingpin, XFW and Cho. I have attempted the round 4 bosses three times so far, and only beaten them once. The other two times I fully wiped after beating the first boss. The difficulty is pretty out of wack so far.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    could we please get /at least/ a pre-fab corporate "we're sorry for the inconvenience, we're looking at it"? Or, I guess, the "working as intended, carry on" that some dread? Any kind of ackowledgement would be nice, preferibly before you all go out for the weekend.

    It's Thursday. But, the vitriol is noted.

    I can understand your frustrations.

    Truly I can understand having anger directed your way when it isn't your fault.

    But please don't play passive aggressive.

    Nearly all the criticism can be seen as valid criticisms. Emotionally tinged or not. That's part of what companies must deal with, when you create products you'd like people to be invested in. And some players have invested quite a pretty penny in this. Forum players are complaining about difficulty, normal posters who have rosters that they've spent the 3 years this games existed building. Players who have rosters that quite frankly, due to the design of the game I'll never be able to achieve unless the game simply dies and nothing else is released, and it'd still take me years more.

    Negative or not feedback is feedback. When this game heavily relies on running 1 event at a time and has had EVERY single original anniversary event being aimed solely at upper tier players and being poorly received on top of that, and have been given feedback that reflected that throughout this entire week. it's hard to just dismiss it as cruel and bitter, when truly, its criticism laced with emotion from those who are more invested.

    Some spending much much more money than they should have due to enjoying the marvel licence.

    Words mean things. And that's a very interesting set.
    Especially considering people have been asking for information prior to the release of this event. icon_e_wink.gif

    Just keep in mind, it's not a set of criticism that means "wow you guys suck we hate you"

    It's more "Wow this event truly is the most polar opposite of what people enjoy about boss events, we liked double iso and forgave a simple rerunning of one of the least popular new pve events for 4 days of the anniversary, but this boss fight was hyped and has rewards that simply don't align with the effort needed to reach them."
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,485 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ran champed OML/Phx/Hood. that seemed to slow down the bosses and build up AP pretty efficiently. 2 things I noticed.

    1. you have to kill the 2nd boss with a casted power (to ensure you still have the option to cast on the 3rd boss) if you kill the 2nd boss with a match, you give the 3rd boss a free shot at unloading all the stored AP.

    2. to use hood well you really have to pay attentention to the matches to make sure you leave enough gems on the board to keep stealing.

    I was generally killing the 1st boss with 5* match damage, and double firing OML powers
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I got to round 5 and it was goblin, cap, boss OML. Max level 475. I got to OML by popping OML and hitting goblin and cap with all of his powers. Once I got to OML I had 0 AP left and OML had 75k healt. Let's just say it did not go well since I had 0 strike tiles and OML had 3 massive protect tiles left from goblin.

    Why is this suppose to be fun?
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    mooken wrote:
    The Round 4 Bosses seem a bit wonky as well, stats-wise.

    Round 4 Green Goblin and Round 4 OML had 274 damage for all 7 colours (so "yellow" was strongest colour). Round 4 IM in the middle had proper damage distribution.

    Worth noting, as that has impact on the difficulty as well.

    I logged in just to ask who thought this was a good idea. No weak colors on any boss? This is brutal.

    There should be multiple ten packs of health packs in the progression tree for this nonsense.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd like to point out that some people are reporting fighting round 5 bosses. I only just unlocked round 5 and am locked out.

    I didn't wipe, I didn't lose anything. I even waited for the bonus boss attack.

    This is an issue that needs addressing.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    How the **** do they keep getting this stuff so utterly wrong? How does an event that's destroying the most powerful player rosters not even midway through get the green light? Who is making these decisions and thinking they're good for the game?

    I threw down some coin last week for the first time in ages because I was so happy with SCLs and so excited for the Anniversary, hoping against hope that they'd learnt enough lessons from the last one to knock it out of the park. I really *really* should've known better.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    pheregas wrote:
    I'd like to point out that some people are reporting fighting round 5 bosses. I only just unlocked round 5 and am locked out.

    I didn't wipe, I didn't lose anything. I even waited for the bonus boss attack.

    This is an issue that needs addressing.

    Did you start within the first fifteen minutes, and win every match you played with all the subnodes as well, with less than 45 minutes of play time? because that's what it takes to be at level five right now. You have to have done 17 clears, within an HOUR of invested play time. Because those few minutes would have given you an extra clear.

    So you could fight the round five bosses, Once.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not even the bosses cheap powers that are killing me, it's the freaking match damage. I want to find a positive thing about this event but I can't, I really can't. Everything about it makes no sense.

    What pisses me off more than anything else in this event is the complete lack of Iso and Exp pts! I have several covers about to expire but the unless Unstable Iso8 starts tomorrow I'm completely screwed.

    Im almost to the next SHIELD rank but this event doesn't yield quick explanation pts like Civil War (I swear it did) and the node rewards suck (if I even beat the boss). Did they forget we complained about node rewards with Galactus (among everything else they ignored for this event)

    Plain and simple this event is "You're Supposed to Lose" and now "You're not getting rewards either!" I want to know how the devs had fun testing this event.. oh wait they don't test anything they just release it.. surprised this didn't start on a Friday.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    As a player who actually completed the first run of Galactus with his alliance, I can safely say that this boss event is a worse experience than that was.

    The scaling on the boss nodes is b-b-bonkers. This is the type of issues you run into when scaling is exponential and not linear. Instead of slowly trying to climb the ladder, we run face first into a wall and have to now try and scale it freehand.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seriously, Hi-Fi, this is a absolute atrocity. 3 bosses at 384, for a freaking Stormhawk cover? What part of last year's debacle where the forums came after you with torches and pitch forks for the "You're supposed to lose" garbage didn't sink in? How the hell did the dev team miss the point on that? This is either unfathomably inept at understanding the game your players want, or you do know that it is completely out of line and it is simply intentionally malicious.

    The only way to rectify this at this point is just to give everyone who participated the three Peggy covers.
  • Joshe67
    Joshe67 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    This is horrendous and it's astounding that they somehow lack the ability to realize this. It's like they didn't bother testing or playing it first before it went live. Good lord.
  • Zxela404
    The biggest thing that gets me is that they time all these ridiculous scaling events near the anniversary. Why? If you wanna try to invent more challenging events, even ones that only the elites can beat, okay. I'm sure there will always be people with grievances, but that doesn't mean you can't work with the idea. But around a celebration time? If anything, they should be should be trying to make the events easier, giving out tokens and covers more readily, etc. The whales/elites get a little break, and new players have a good way to jump in and get into the game. Instead, we get events that seem intended to push and punish the player. The timing of such challenges baffles me.
  • wanghiking
    wanghiking Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    I seriously doubt the dev team's ability in testing the game...what **** is in their minds? I have been playing this game for over two years, and this is the first time I would say the F word.

    This is not fun, it's brain dead ****!!! You guys should fix this before it's too late.
  • BigRussian
    BigRussian Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    This event is just.... Wow.

    Tinykitty that Tinykitty.

    How did this get so broken/pass QA?

    I echo the sentiment of the others.

    This event is horrible and really needs an overhaul.

    What the Tinykitty.

    Why is this only a solo event?
  • dijidiji
    dijidiji Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2016
    I think that early abandonment of this event by players is positively correlated with high intelligence. I hit round 3, and that's plenty for me.

    Damnedest IQ test I've ever seen, though.
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