Who is your Stalker? Who is your Unicorn?



  • ChattyWhacker
    ChattyWhacker Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    My stalker is XForce Deadpool's "Countdown For Something". My unicorn is Hulkbuster Iron Man's "Overdrive".
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    My new Unicorn has become Peggy yellowflag.png I have put her down as my favorite in the hopes of pulling one. My Peggy is currently sitting at 5/1/5. She's been that way for a while now.

    So naturally I pull a redflag.png Peggy and then my bonus hero pops up and I get a blueflag.png Peggy. I also have two redflag.png Peggy's in my queue as well.

    Oh curse you RNG! icon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gif
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lately my unicorn has been Wolverine Red!!! No, not the 5* Wolverine Red... I get plenty of those (and throw them away, because it's already at 5 covers).

    I can't seem to pull any 2* Wolverine Reds! He's been stuck at 5/2/5 for weeks now, with lots of yellows and greens flooding in. Some day, I will get to champion farm him again....
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the last few weeks, it's been Purple OBW.

    I've got 7 of her covers in queue and have sold 7 covers already waiting on that 13th cover so that I can champ her and get her cycling again.  Black was the elusive cover when I was first building her, now I have black covers coming out my ears.

    Colorless covers... please??
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I guess I care most about 4*s, and with vaulting I have to limit my answers to those we can still pull?

    Stalkers are Riri Williams and Agent Venom, whom I want nothing to do with.

    Captain Marvel and Wasp seem to constantly be hiding (and formerly Peggy Carter).

    As far as vaulted 4*s and Bonus Heroes, any Iceman covers that aren't Blue.  It happens with a couple 4*s, but Iceman is probably the one that I've had to sell the most duplicate covers for (and my Mystique is level 182, so here comes another)
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Unicorn is any color but blue Quake
    Stalker  is agent venom red
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Coulson Blue is my closest thing to a Unicorn among 4 Stars
    2 Star Bullseye is my current stalker (of course he is max covered but not champed at this time)
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Unicorn: Ant-Man purple 
    I'm on day 528, with 12 4* champs. Originally he was my very first 4* to achieve 5 covers in any color, blue. He was incredible among my growing 3* roster by this alone. Until this week he still stood at 0/5/5 (0/9/7 actually).
    Then, I caved in on the Heroes for hire store that recently offered his Purple - they got me... 1/5/5.
    Runner-ups: X-23 red 5/0/4, Kingpin black 0/4/4, OML 1/0/1.

    AVenom black 4/10/2,
    Bl4de red 9/2/6 - keeping 120 CP to buy his green if/when I pull another dupe.

  • Davidw
    Davidw Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Don't really have a stalker since I use most of my covers, but my 2 Unicorns are 4* Prof X yellow and 4* Thor yellow (need one more to start champing). 
  • Davidw
    Davidw Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Actually, TBH, 4* is my Unicorn. All I really seem to get consistently is 2 & 3*. 
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Stalker was c4rol. But since I championed her, not a single one lol

    Unicorn is easily red miles morales. Only 4 star missing a colour other than ir4n fist and cloak and dagger. Alas, he has become my Howard the duck :... (
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Stalker is C4ge. Specifically "buncha fiddle faddle"   All 6 of his champion covers have been it and I just won one as a team up. 

    Unicorn for the longest time was 3Cyc, now I don't really have any 
  • sandalsnopants
    sandalsnopants Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Right now my very specific stalker is 2* Human Torch green.  I'm rechamping him, and I have 11 covers, but 7 (SEVEN!!!) extra greens right now, so my unicorn is probably Human Torch black/red.
  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Stalker: used to be 4cage. Hes championed now haven't seen him since..
    Unicorn: anything I have 5 covers in seems to be my unicorn.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    My last legendary Champion was Captain Carol Danvers. My last unicorn was any of her not yellow covers. Naturally, her yellow cover was my stalker, but it did mean jumping to 275 once I Champed her.
    Also, Agent Coulson may need therapy. He seems to have the blues.
    Really though, I'm in ISO building mode as Luke C4ge, Gwenpool, and Agent Venom are all at 13, and Bl4de will be finished with a green, so I need to deal with them while supplies last. Guess Tools of the Trade is the unicorn right now.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bishop said:
    Stalker: used to be 4cage. Hes championed now haven't seen him since..
    Unicorn: anything I have 5 covers in seems to be my unicorn.
    Not quite how that works. Unicorn is a mythical creature that many chase, but seems impossible to catch. IN MPQ "Unicorn" is that character, especially a specific power, that you need, but just can't get. For instance: someone has a 5/0/5 Peggy Carter. Legendary Presence is the Unicorn. If you have 5 covers in a power, that power is not your unicorn, because you aren't chasing it.
    It's hard to tell if you used "Stalker" correctly. That would be 1) covers for a character you aren't building, but keep getting anyway or 2) covers for a power that is maxed on a character you haven't finished building.
    Just remembered, I was stalked by Spider Woman recently. I barely Champed her, and while trying to get Carol Danvers' covered, Spider Woman shot up to 281.
  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    zodiac339 said:
    Bishop said:
    Stalker: used to be 4cage. Hes championed now haven't seen him since..
    Unicorn: anything I have 5 covers in seems to be my unicorn.
    Not quite how that works. Unicorn is a mythical creature that many chase, but seems impossible to catch. IN MPQ "Unicorn" is that character, especially a specific power, that you need, but just can't get. For instance: someone has a 5/0/5 Peggy Carter. Legendary Presence is the Unicorn. If you have 5 covers in a power, that power is not your unicorn, because you aren't chasing it.
    It's hard to tell if you used "Stalker" correctly. That would be 1) covers for a character you aren't building, but keep getting anyway or 2) covers for a power that is maxed on a character you haven't finished building.
    Just remembered, I was stalked by Spider Woman recently. I barely Champed her, and while trying to get Carol Danvers' covered, Spider Woman shot up to 281.
    Right! The ones I have a 5 in, I'm chasing thier OTHER colors. I have one ive been chasing for years and it's not the only one. Maybe heros for hire will save the day. That seems pretty unicorny to me.
  • Impaxcible1
    Impaxcible1 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Stalker -> Spider Woman's purple cards.  :( (2/5/1)
    Unicorn -> Carol Danvers' black card  o:) (1/4/4)
  • Landale
    Landale Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    I'm changing mine due to recent (infuriating) events.

    Unicorn: Carol Danvers (2/4/1)
    Stalker: Mordo, specifically his purple (1/2/11) =P
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Dear Agent Venom,

    Please stop showing up in my Legendary tokens.  I know you want us to be a thing, but believe me, it's not me, it's you.  I have a bunch of other champ targets that are way better than you. So I'm going to keep on selling you until the rest of my queue is gone, and even then it's debatable. It's been at least six times that you've called me in this last week alone.  Give it up -- it's not gonna happen.

