Game Updates: 5-Star Rates & Iso



  • mindsuckr
    mindsuckr Posts: 154
    Pongie wrote:
    As much as it pains me to see this after having pulled my hoard last week, I'm actually ok with it. 3.33% compared to 3.75% is negligible. I may have gotten a black suit spider that I was missing, but then I may not have gotten the one yellow oml that I really wanted and gotten. It just means I don't have to hoard in the future anymore and pull classics as I get 20 command points.

    Question is, is it worth pulling the latest stash for the newer 5*? Is ironman a game changer like oml?

    The 5s didn't go from 3.3 to 3.75, they went from 10% to 15%. However many 5s you pulled from your stash, you should have gotten 50% more. Say you pulled 6, then you should have gotten 9 at the new odds.
  • McKrakalaka
    McKrakalaka Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Clearly I am on the minority here, and happy that others seem to be happy about this change. However D3 must support the many-faced god and that includes me someone who is transitioning into 4 stars. Have just recently acquired all three stars and I'm working toward for four stars, this means grinding daily for CP and always cringing when I get a 5 star. Right now the three 5-stars I have have blown my entire average and enemies are around 255 even though my entire roster is closer to about 125 on average. 5 stars break the game for those of us who are just transitioning into 4 star land. Now I have an even greater chance of pulling a 5-star this is terrible news for me. Why won't you offer a legendary token without 5 stars? I've asked this repeatedly and essentially I have been ignored. I do think it's great that I can now sell mic to start Champions and Garner a large portion of ISO so that I can spend that to champ my three stars however the ridiculous number of four stars that are out there right now is breaking the game as well. Rather than being able to purchase the legendary Classic pack and hoping for a subset of four stars that I'm trying to build up I'm going to end up with even more 5 stars and even more 4-star covers. Right now I don't use any of my four stars I have many but they're just one to two covers so they are useless. Maybe I should take a long break from the game and hope that some changes are made in the next year and then return when things are working. For those of us transitioning from three stars to four stars we are being punished by this decision.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    The thing is, someone is always going to be negatively impacted by the change, if they announced it a week ago, those that open the tokens 8 days ago would have complained. What they did is fine. I would have preferred to have known but such is life
  • spghttihead
    spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
    So does this mean that you'll actually gain Iso by max champing one and then selling it? Haven't done the math but I believe it's about 70k is to max them, which is more than the sell back, but then again there are the rewards for the champ levels.
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Balls! I sold off 2 of my max champ 2* a week ago !!
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ouch! So many "pulled my hoard" posts lately. Great changes though. icon_lol.gificon_redface.gif
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    spectator wrote:
    The thing is, someone is always going to be negatively impacted by the change, if they announced it a week ago, those that open the tokens 8 days ago would have complained. What they did is fine. I would have preferred to have known but such is life

    Absolutely, but there's a world of difference between no notice and a week's worth of notice, or even a day's notice to allow people to make an informed decision.

    How they choose to treat their customers is their choice. Whether people choose to be players or customers is our choice. I'm done being the latter.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    mindsuckr wrote:
    Pongie wrote:
    As much as it pains me to see this after having pulled my hoard last week, I'm actually ok with it. 3.33% compared to 3.75% is negligible. I may have gotten a black suit spider that I was missing, but then I may not have gotten the one yellow oml that I really wanted and gotten. It just means I don't have to hoard in the future anymore and pull classics as I get 20 command points.

    Question is, is it worth pulling the latest stash for the newer 5*? Is ironman a game changer like oml?

    The 5s didn't go from 3.3 to 3.75, they went from 10% to 15%. However many 5s you pulled from your stash, you should have gotten 50% more. Say you pulled 6, then you should have gotten 9 at the new odds.

    Yes, but I was only interested in yellow oml, so to be it was 3.3 vs 3.75. The extra 5% just means I may have pulled more 5* but it wouldn't have improved my odds of that one particular cover. I could just have more of the other covers and be in a worst situation. 1 is better than none
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    I may just be dense (long day) but can someone explain to me what they mean by the selling off championed characters. It says you can earn all the rewards again without spending the ISO to max level them. Does that mean if I click the "sell" button it will only put my characters back to non-championed levels? Or would it sell them completely (i.e. they are no longer on your roster)? Thanks.
  • Cascad
    Cascad Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Just want to tell thank you very much.
    This game is good, and this changes i see here everytime, some of them i dont like first, but than, i see that the DEVS do their best for customers and players. And thanks for Iso, i like it, thanks for 5* rate, but it is not for me yet.
    Also want to tell that your game become popular in Russia, Marvel characters become more and more popular all over the world and it is great.
    One more time thank you and good luck to you.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I may just be dense (long day) but can someone explain to me what they mean by the selling off championed characters. It says you can earn all the rewards again without spending the ISO to max level them. Does that mean if I click the "sell" button it will only put my characters back to non-championed levels? Or would it sell them completely (i.e. they are no longer on your roster)? Thanks.
    The iso you get for selling a fully champed hero is enough to level and champ them again.

    Edit: double checked, it's not quite enough for a 2*, and nowhere close to what's needed for a 3*, but it's a lot more than it was.
  • I'm one of those "cashed in my chips" guys, but it's hard to complain. All of these changes are great, thank you.
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    Very good changes. Thanks!
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    The Iso Gods have decided to rain down upon us a great harvest! Opened up the game right now and saw the update.

    Thanks a whole lot D3. The Iso increase is greatly appreciated.

    I love that even when we get great updates like these people still complain about it.
  • mindsuckr
    mindsuckr Posts: 154
    If you sell a 2* champion you are at a loss. Basically the covers used, plus costs means you come out to a loss of 7,780 iso, BUT you do get 375 hp, 5 heroics, 3 covers for specific 3*, and 5 cp. Basically the question is would you spend 8k iso for those rewards?
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    I'm also a bit confused by the selling champions part. When is a good thing to do that? Should i sell all now and save half the iso to level again? It takes some time to get 13 covers. Maybe wait for 13 covers in queue before selling? I don't know what's the optimal approach to this.
  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    This is awesome. It addresses so very many things which the community has been concerned with, and really, is all positive. It rewards work, teamwork, and it actually shows that the concerns which were voiced are listened to.

    Did I blow through my CP and LTs too? Yep. Do I blame anyone for this? Not at all. This is great news, and I just happened to sell short of maximum profitability. It happens. Move on and sell your level 144 2cap. =p

    Thanks to all who were involved in this!
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,142 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great changes especially the extra ISO. It's another reason for players to join alliances ASAP.

    I'm mid way through the 3* transition phase and the 5* rates going to 15% means the 4* odds are down to 85% now and so the odds of a particular one look worse than ever. In a couple months there will be 40 4* at 85% odds or 2.12% of any given one. PvE/PvP events are 4 days long so 160+ days to get a particular character or roughly 4x a year (2 in PvE and 2 in PvP). So it will take forever for new players like me to accumulate 4* covers unless they split those up in the legendary tokens too.

    Thus going directly from 3* to 5* land looks increasingly like the way to go or at least what D3 is intending.

  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    mindsuckr wrote:
    If you sell a 2* champion you are at a loss. Basically the covers used, plus costs means you come out to a loss of 7,780 iso, BUT you do get 375 hp, 5 heroics, 3 covers for specific 3*, and 5 cp. Basically the question is would you spend 8k iso for those rewards?

    For certain characters it *might* be worth it. Looking at the progression chart

    Thor>Thor>Red Hulk

    Those are the only 3 where i'd consider it, but even then.... I don't know. Maybe it's worth 8k iso just to have that nice psychological feeling of applying the cover instead of selling it.

    The bigger benefit might be that moment when you have a 4* cover expiring and need a quick 60k iso to help max. You can sell a 2 without taking such a big loss.

    EDIT TO SAY: Thanks for upgrading the sell price of a maxed 5*, I've been waiting for that! icon_neutral.gif