'Civil War' Run 2 Details



  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,061 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do we have any confirmation that the 2 CD tiles Cap puts out summon 2 allies? Maybe it's just 1 ally that gets summoned as long as one of the CD tiles goes off (ie was done to prevent Falcon from stopping his ally summon).

    IM's suits were just meat shields but Cap's allies could use their actual powers which made them dangerous on their own (if Falcon got off the protect tiles, Cap would instantly one shot your lead character).

  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tatercat wrote:


    But if you're still tracking data for your proposed subscription model, its stuff like this that has convinced me not to sign up for it. Just a real bummer all around, if this wasn't just an oversight in the post.

    It is things like this, changes to the bosses and buffed chars, that I don't understand. People WAS universally happy with the first run of CW, yeah team IM had it a little bit easier than team Cap, but buffing Cap AND removing IMHB as a featured char is clearly not cool. It is the event I have had more fun in A LOT of time and it looks like the second time is going to be far more painful (Cap shield bashing every two turns doing more damage than before? Yes please)

    I wonder what are the reasoning for these changes (well I guess too many people won IM46 - OMG!, too many people won a 5 without luck involved !!!!! Alarm, alarm!!!). Even a semi-casual alliance like mine was able to clear round 8 (in both Ultron and Galaktus we always hit a wall in round8), so I guess they were not happy.

    If they finally release this subscription model and nobody takes it, they will wonder why...
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    The loss of IMHB for Team IM hurts a lot offensively (Fury's blue is the only buffed 4* power that comes anywhere close to the same damage potential), but it's really going to hurt in terms of soaking up damage.

    Round 8 cap was doing 1500+ per match 3. There is just no real way to absorb that kind of punishment for any length of time without a boosted 4* champ. Plus Cap will be using his red much more often, since it is cheaper AND he will get allies from his cooldown's much more often.

    This is a classic case of over-correction. Team IM may have been a bit too easy last time, but by making all of these changes together it is likely to be too hard now.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Team IM may have been a bit too easy last time, but by making all of these changes together it is likely to be too hard now.

    We actually don't know if it'll be harder than Team Cap yet. I finished all of Team IM last time, but when we switched to do part of the Team Cap side, round 5 and 6 seemed more frustrating than round 8 of Team IM. This actually might just bring them in line. IMHB honestly made Team IM a cakewalk last time.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:

    Round 8 cap was doing 1500+ per match 3. There is just no real way to absorb that kind of punishment for any length of time without a boosted 4* champ.

    Were there really 3* teams that were absorbing it last time? I'd imagine 3* rosters had a devil of a time last time, let alone this one.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2016
    scottee wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Team IM may have been a bit too easy last time, but by making all of these changes together it is likely to be too hard now.

    We actually don't know if it'll be harder than Team Cap yet. I finished all of Team IM last time, but when we switched to do part of the Team Cap side, round 5 and 6 seemed more frustrating than round 8 of Team IM. This actually might just bring them in line. IMHB honestly made Team IM a cakewalk last time.

    Yeah and now you don't have IMHB and Cap is much harder. This is why I think Vhailorx was saying that this is a case of over-correction (and I agree with him). You change one or the other but not the two of them at the same time!!! (It is like Xwolvie nerf all over again icon_razz.gif)

    At least team Cap has the Thing which is one of the 4s that have 33k hitpoints and can sustain the type of damage a round 8 boss does, but Fury is not going to withstand that type of damage, more when the fact that he is mid-tier makes him less leveled in general that other better 4s (mine as an example is just 210 and I don't want to level him more when there are a lot of 4s that are much better than him).

    PS: I don't know if we still have time, but I really hope we can get another buffed 4 in team IM
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Polares wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Team IM may have been a bit too easy last time, but by making all of these changes together it is likely to be too hard now.

    We actually don't know if it'll be harder than Team Cap yet. I finished all of Team IM last time, but when we switched to do part of the Team Cap side, round 5 and 6 seemed more frustrating than round 8 of Team IM. This actually might just bring them in line. IMHB honestly made Team IM a cakewalk last time.

    Yeah and now you don't have IMHB and Cap is much harder. This is why I think Vhailorx was saying that this is a case of over-correction (and I agree with him). You change one or the other but not the two of them at the same time!!! (It is like Xwolvie nerf all over again icon_razz.gif)

    At least team Cap has the Thing which is one of the 4s that have 33k hitpoints and can sustain the type of damage a round 8 boss does, but Fury is not going to withstand that type of damage, more when him being mid-tier is much less leveled that other better 4s (mine as an example is just 210 and I don't want to level him more when there are a lot of 4s that are much better than him).

    Yes having the triple whammy seems a bit much.

    Fixing two support = fine
    Buffing Caps powers = questionable
    Removing best 4* for boss = two steps too far
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2016
    scottee wrote:
    We actually don't know if it'll be harder than Team Cap yet. I finished all of Team IM last time, but when we switched to do part of the Team Cap side, round 5 and 6 seemed more frustrating than round 8 of Team IM. This actually might just bring them in line. IMHB honestly made Team IM a cakewalk last time.

    I agree with scottee on Run 1 relative difficulties. I have seen a couple people here talk about fighting Boss Steve as only slightly easier and have to call ****. Not being able to focus-fire with match damage and single target powers without special team compositions is a bit of a hurdle.

    Edit: But I do want to be clear that I think they adjusted too far in the other direction.
    Polares wrote:
    At least team Cap has the Thing which is one of the 4s that have 33k hitpoints and can sustain the type of damage a round 8 boss does, but Fury is not going to withstand that type of damage, more when the fact that he is mid-tier makes him less leveled in general that other better 4s (mine as an example is just 210 and I don't want to level him more when there are a lot of 4s that are much better than him).

    PS: I don't know if we still have time, but I really hope we can get another buffed 4 in team IM
    How much Protect tile output does your Thing level/build put out with Rock Solid? It seems like you might answer your own question.
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    Tougher cap and now IMHB when every other Iron Man variation is boosted is just D3 being annoying.
    Why make these rare events so hard on people...why!?
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    rkd80 wrote:
    Tougher cap and now IMHB when every other Iron Man variation is boosted is just D3 being annoying.
    Why make these rare events so hard on people...why!?

    Yes, if the boosted list is not an oversight, then it's a clear attempt to make things harder by removing IMHB (who was presumably used by ~100% of players who had him available last time around). This is apparent in that all other IM characters remain boosted.

    I can sort of get removing a crutch character to promote team variety. But demiurge shouldn't remove a top flight boosted character, make the fights significantly harder*** AND not offer any useful alternative options. Team building is a fun part of this game, but only where there are viable options with which to construct a team. Heroics are much less fun because the rosters are so limited. And Rounds 7 and 8 match damage effectively turn this event into a heroic, because only the boosted characters have enough health/damage output to make a difference.

    ***and make no mistake, Cap will be significantly harder this time. summoning two allies isn't too bad in and of itself, since you can still target cap. But it means he will generate red ap automatically, and his red is now very cheap. I think it will mean something like a guaranteed shield bash every 3 or 4 rounds once his allies arrive (faster with red matches). Who can soak up multiple 9k+ hits without boosted 4* champs or strong 5* rosters?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.
    I know you're just a messenger, but this is straight ****

    Yet Mr F remains
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2016
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.

    This is a terrible developer choice. To remove the clear best option and replace it with a newly released 4* (for whom almost everyone will have 0-1 covers), AND leave Mr. Fantastic on the boosted list.

    A decision clearly designed to maximize the challenge for players. Is this event supposed to be a fun celebration or not?!

    Also, saying 'there are a limited number of characters buffed' is kind of moot, since demiurge designed the event and presumably chose the number of characters to be buffed. . .

    (None of which is to say that it will now be impossible. the player base is resourceful. They figured out how to reliably beat Galactus Round 8, they can probably figure out something that will work here. I just don't see why the devs needed to make such deliberate choices to make life harder on the players)
  • mikelnoe
    mikelnoe Posts: 92 Match Maker
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.

    So why remove an Iron man character from team "iron man"? Why not Mr fantastic. Lame sauce I tell you.... lame sauce.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2016
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.
    Where'd that button go...



    ah well,


    I know that when I have to limit my roster, the first thing I do is remove my best characters. Glad you guys think just like the rest of us players...
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.

    Very funny. Ha ha.
  • Imatchthree
    Imatchthree Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.

    Omg i cannot believe the utter ********* of developers to think we all have warmachines fully maxed out for round 8 of IM event. =.=
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Don't worry everybody, I got this"
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I got word back from the developers and the removal of Hulkbuster is intended. There is a limited number of characters buffed in each run and he was removed to make room for War Machine.

    Omg i cannot believe the utter ********* of developers to think we all have warmachines fully maxed out for round 8 of IM event. =.=
    In their "test" environment, everyone had max War Machines, and they did just as well as they did with Hulk Buster...

    We know that in 7 days, everybody had the opportunity to luck into 13 covers (through a multitude of Token Pack draws) over those 7 days they would also have the iso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png to bring him up to 270 in time to be of use in the 3 day event starting in less than 1 day.