'Civil War' Run 2 Details



  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    I think it is obvious for everyone that devs have ruined the event with this stupid difficulty for the nodes. In my alliance we defeated all rounds for team IM and we are doing some work now for team Cap, but NOBODY is having fun, this looks like work, not a game.

    Devs have soaked out all fun off this event. They deserve kudos, it is really hard to completely ruin a possibly fantastic event so much. A real pity.

    I think there is nothing else to say.
    My alliance is in the same spot. The survival nodes are the real brutal nodes with 6 level 300 plus enemies. The rest of the nodes are hard but winnable and since you only have to beat them once it is not to bad. Survival nodes suck at this high a level though.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    That Human Torch wave just highlights how little thought has gone into this event. In what universe can a 2* with a maximum health of 6K stand any chance against 6 opponents with levels of 246? You've lost before you've even started.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    That Human Torch wave just highlights how little thought has gone into this event. In what universe can a 2* with a maximum health of 6K stand any chance against 6 opponents with levels of 246? You've lost before you've even started.
    Use his 3* version, then.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle wrote:
    That Human Torch wave just highlights how little thought has gone into this event. In what universe can a 2* with a maximum health of 6K stand any chance against 6 opponents with levels of 246? You've lost before you've even started.
    Use his 3* version, then.

    I do wish they'd be consistent on whether or not you can use other-tier variants in Essential nodes. You're locked into one specific variant in most PVEs, but not for boss events, because reasons.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this event. I don't really get the complaints. It was super easy day 1, still pretty easy day 2 and now on day 3 moderately difficult. I've gotten to try a bunch of combinations that I would ordinarily not have thought of, got good use out of my 5* Iron Man that I got for my alliance finishing the Cap side last run since he's boosted to 345 and as long as you pair him with team Iron Man characters he does a nice 6k red attack along with massive match damage. Even found uses for those critical boosts (IM46, GSBW and Black Panther are all-stars when they are all boosted).

    Day 3 is tough as it should be since otherwise everyone would get every reward, but the matches are still beatable. I've even able to beat the wave nodes although they have wiped me once or twice. Plus the rewards are better than anything I can usually get in 3 days especially since they lowered the personal progression significantly. All told I will have gotten six 4* covers (including some Quake covers that will make her useable for me) one legendary token (possibly a second but I am not quite sure I can get enough points today for max progression) one 5* cover, some CP and a bunch of tokens which netted me another legendary token and some 3* covers that were useable along with some other covers that were sold for ISO.

    My only complaint is that this event is a little ISO light but otherwise this is the most fun I've ever had with this game. Kudos developers.
  • Kaazz
    Kaazz Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Character levels in the subnodes are now GREATER than any of my BOOSTED chars. icon_eek.gif

    How in the tinykitty do they expect us to beat them? Oh yeah I forgot: you're supposed to lose.

    All they've done is make me stop playing the event. Surely that's not the intent?!?
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    revskip wrote:
    I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this event. I don't really get the complaints. It was super easy day 1, still pretty easy day 2 and now on day 3 moderately difficult.

    Surely you can see that not everyone is having the same experience as you, which is part of the problem?

    If I had a dime for every problem I had with the idea of eventually being scaled out of progression and getting suitable rewards for the level I hit, I would have zero dimes. But that's not what we have here.

    You happened to hit on a combination of roster and play time where the scheduled difficulty increases coincided with your progress, and never got higher than you could handle, but that's not design, that's coincidence. The difficulty would have increased whether you made progress or not, and if you tap out on one side and switch sides, the difficulty becomes way out of scale with the rewards. Before we gave up, my alliance was fighting L320 nodes to knock down a boss for a token for a vault riddled with 2* covers.

    Any difficulty increase that isn't tied to p layer progress is inherently arbitrary and unfair and will leave a bad taste in player's mouths. And of course there's the ongoing issue where the underlying structure of the game means that tough wins actually feel like losses, so as the difficulty increases, even making slow progress feels miserable.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    revskip wrote:
    I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this event. I don't really get the complaints. It was super easy day 1, still pretty easy day 2 and now on day 3 moderately difficult.

    Surely you can see that not everyone is having the same experience as you, which is part of the problem?

    If I had a dime for every problem I had with the idea of eventually being scaled out of progression and getting suitable rewards for the level I hit, I would have zero dimes. But that's not what we have here.

    You happened to hit on a combination of roster and play time where the scheduled difficulty increases coincided with your progress, and never got higher than you could handle, but that's not design, that's coincidence. The difficulty would have increased whether you made progress or not, and if you tap out on one side and switch sides, the difficulty becomes way out of scale with the rewards. Before we gave up, my alliance was fighting L320 nodes to knock down a boss for a token for a vault riddled with 2* covers.

    Any difficulty increase that isn't tied to p layer progress is inherently arbitrary and unfair and will leave a bad taste in player's mouths. And of course there's the ongoing issue where the underlying structure of the game means that tough wins actually feel like losses, so as the difficulty increases, even making slow progress feels miserable.

    I absolutely get that. My experience is not what everyone else experienced, some people couldn't/wouldn't get the same amount of refreshes in during day 1 and 2. I actually woke up a little early and went to bed a little later than I usually do because I remembered how difficulty spiked on day 2 last run so most of my alliance made sure to get three full refreshes in on day 1. For more casual alliances or alliances that got a late start I'm sure it is frustrating to hit a wall.

    But well coordinated alliances are getting tons of rewards and even casual players are getting a ton more 4* covers than they could ever hope to get in a normal event. I guess the expectation that everyone will be able to get every reward and never have to use health packs reeks of entitlement to me. Last run I did not hit top personal progression on either side, scaling was much tougher and I was still pretty happy with the haul I came away with. This time with even more rewards being attainable because of the lowered personal progression totals I'm more than happy with the event.

    Did it require time and effort and timing the refreshes on day 1? Sure, but pretty much any PVE does (although more so on the back end than the front). And this one dropped a lot more rewards than any other event including a guaranteed 5* for any alliance who put in the effort. And plenty did from what I see on the leaderboard.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    revskip wrote:
    I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this event. I don't really get the complaints. It was super easy day 1, still pretty easy day 2 and now on day 3 moderately difficult. I've gotten to try a bunch of combinations that I would ordinarily not have thought of, got good use out of my 5* Iron Man that I got for my alliance finishing the Cap side last run since he's boosted to 345 and as long as you pair him with team Iron Man characters he does a nice 6k red attack along with massive match damage. Even found uses for those critical boosts (IM46, GSBW and Black Panther are all-stars when they are all boosted).

    Day 3 is tough as it should be since otherwise everyone would get every reward, but the matches are still beatable. I've even able to beat the wave nodes although they have wiped me once or twice. Plus the rewards are better than anything I can usually get in 3 days especially since they lowered the personal progression significantly. All told I will have gotten six 4* covers (including some Quake covers that will make her useable for me) one legendary token (possibly a second but I am not quite sure I can get enough points today for max progression) one 5* cover, some CP and a bunch of tokens which netted me another legendary token and some 3* covers that were useable along with some other covers that were sold for ISO.

    My only complaint is that this event is a little ISO light but otherwise this is the most fun I've ever had with this game. Kudos developers.

    Rule; meet exception.
    Exception; meet rule.

    Hope you two will get along.
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP wrote:
    Azoth658 wrote:
    I know the nodes scale with each refresh but is it tied to how many total rounds you've beaten as well?

    My alliance finished 6 on Iron Man and we've just finished 4 on Cap and I'm only fighting 230 people.
    It's possible, but I think it's scaling based on our roster more.
    Our alliance is in the same position as yours, slightly further: Nearly beating round 7 on Ironman and round 5 on Cap. I was fighting lvl 300 (Normal) enemies, now they're around 310 (Hard).

    Ah well perhaps your roster is just further along than mine.

    I'm really surprised by the level of negative feedback on this event. My alliance actually walked out better off than last time thanks to the changes.

    3 antman covers, 2 quake tokens and about 6 of us earned a legendary token as well.

    I'd say the only problem I has was that round 7 had crazy match damage so you couldn't puzzle your way through the fight by deny colours etc. iron man was hitting my characters for 1.6k from a match 3. When my highest health character is 13k a few cascades and I was dead especially with that daft girl Friday move.

    But devs all in a great event and keep playing it as regularly as possible haha
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    **** event, only 2* pulls from vault....
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    My alliance planned ahead and cleared round 6 on both sides. Many got the personal progression LT from at least one side. We thought about clearing round 7, but because of burn out, real life and high AI levels we fell short.

    I was lucky and pulled the legendary token from the Team IM vault with one of my daily deals, and got 5tark from my progression LT. So in one 3.5 day event I won 8 4* covers and 1 5*, and never cleared round 7 on either side.

    Pulling the LT and getting a 5* were luck, but I can't describe the event as anything but generous. I would dial back the scaling on the essential nodes. Requiring new characters or characters like Ares, Hawkeye and Spiderman to fight level 300+ wave battles is unreasonable.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for the fixes Devs. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44012
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    Cap in round 8 does seem to do a lot more match damage, it's kind of crazy.

    Overall, terrible idea to lower his freaking redtile.png which goes off almost constantly because he's getting free AP!
    2 fortified tiles? really? They're basically impossible to remove in 4 turns, at least you could have removed the fortification.
    It's a little late for this, but the best strategy for Cap's yellow skill, IMO, was to only try to remove one of the two countdown tiles. Let him summon one ally and he won't fire yellow again until that ally is down. This cuts his AP gain in half and you have less ally skills coming at you. Then continue to focus on killing Cap because, just like IM, when he goes down he takes his allies with him.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought the difficulty for the mission nodes this time around was meant to increase gradually? My round one match-ups were level 32, round two were 188, and round three were 212. Working as intended?

    (late post but I haven't been on the last few days)