Your latest fun team combination



  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Gwen’s event I decided to switch up and go for wins since I’m visiting family for a week and might have a lot of down time. Beat like 6 seed teams with 1*. Lost my first retal match using 1*s and said “screw this”.

    Decided to see what kind of matches I pull with the loaner, a 1* (decided on level 40 Widow) and a 5* (level 320 Daredevil 5/4/4). This team is tons of fun. Daredevil tanks everything but red and effectively has stuns in two colors. I once got down to double digit health before healing back up to 50%. He’s a flat out fun character if speed and defense are unimportant. 

    Ive mostly been queuing high level 3* Fist/Cage/Cyke teams. Or some low level 3/5* combos (Okoye/Fist most recently). All beatable and no packs used thanks to Murdock’s fighting spirit. 
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,003 Chairperson of the Boards
    himatako said:
    I've been using Spidergwen in the 3* Spiderman event along with Vulture, and the team is really fun. 

    Start by focusing on black and purple and you'll get everything you need for this team. Firing Gwen's purple will create two web tiles, making Spidey's blue stun an enemy for 3 turns right away. You'll be firing Gwen's red at 6~8 AP most of the time, and you can wear the opponent team down with Vulture's green AOE.

    When things go well, I barely lose any health with this team with all the protect tiles you'll make from chasing purple AP. 
    As two of my early 4* champs, I've been playing these two (Gwen + Vulture) together for quite a while now.
    They complement each other well. There's quite a few chars that work well as a third, but I don't know that' I've tried 3* Spidey. Might have to give him a look...
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the Strange Sights boss fight, 4* Elektra, Kraven and Quicksilver have been just steamrolling it.  Kraven puts the kid gloves on him and if Elektra can dance her trap tile into a nice location, you can basically AP steal your way to the win.

    Considering how maligned he is, Kraven really does excel in the one niche I need him in...
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    shardwick said:
    Do you think I have enough black?

    The real question is how many deadly strikes did you execute with all that black?

    Also, that red is a beast of a nuke of surgical strike proportions isn’t it? I ranked Domino #1 in my new character rankings and so far she’s living up to the title imo.  She’s not only the best but has a real “fun factor” going for her with her unique mechanics (ala Nightcrawler... who coincidentally could make a fun pairing). 
    I wiped out quite a few teams with her deadliest woman. Stun, then do her black and you should get most/all of the purples covered. Even in fights when you have that one stupid purple that appears at the top and screws up your shot at a deadliest woman, with Domino and Vulture you will be cranking out so many blacks that you should be able to have enough black to keep Vulture flying, do the regular deadliest woman plus still be able to do another deadliest woman in case one or two more purples drop. Really only had one bad fight with them in that raid event and it was because the board had tons of teamup tiles so it took some time to get things going.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    I'm having a lot of fun with Flaptain (boosted), lvl 260 Cag3, and Hobofist (5/5/3 not boosted - build black for Cag3). I was originally trying to get Flaptain to drop loads of defend tiles, then get Fist to flip them to strikes on black, but I realized that Cag3's black is mega-cheap and does comparable damage to an un-boosted Fist at near max-champ, so i switched to having Fist as a black generator with a blue outlet. 

    I also ran Flaptain/Cag3/Shuri a bit - Shuri makes it so that Cage's secondary black only costs 3AP, which is very effective if you can keep both of them fed with red/black. She does reduce Flaptain's red cost, but since nobody else is fortifying tiles on this team, i tended to spend all the red i had flooding the board with shields so it was kind of a wash.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax said:
    For the Strange Sights boss fight, 4* Elektra, Kraven and Quicksilver have been just steamrolling it.  Kraven puts the kid gloves on him and if Elektra can dance her trap tile into a nice location, you can basically AP steal your way to the win.

    Considering how maligned he is, Kraven really does excel in the one niche I need him in...
    Kraven only really does one thing, but he does that one thing very well.

    I've been starting off in Shield Sim with Shuri/4* Panther/C4ge. There's sometimes a bit of difficulty prioritizing the use of yellow, but other than that, they all work together really well. C4ge's late-game nukes are just obscenely strong.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    I find P4nther is better at jumpstarting Shuri because he can do it on 2 colors; I usually try and get his yellow out quick when I run them
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    I find P4nther is better at jumpstarting Shuri because he can do it on 2 colors; I usually try and get his yellow out quick when I run them
    It depends on the board, but generally, yeah, giving the yellow to Panther early in the game is better. The main time the clash of priority for yellow comes up is on a blue-heavy board.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Recently been amusing myself in The Big Enchilada with XFW, Nightcrawler & Domino.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    whoa, boosted iron spider.
    i just recently champed him and gwen and together with miles he killed 5*s with 50k+ health. 
  • MaxPowers
    MaxPowers Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Surprise I dont see more Okoye/5piderman pairings in 5* play.

    Even with a few TU and web tiles Spidermans green ability is downright brutal.

    The fact that his damage is done in increments of 5k (similar to Valkyrie) means that Okoyes boost is attributed to each of his attacks.

    With 5 web tiles and 5 TU the powers hits the enemy team for 70k damage!

    Not to mention his red is relatively cheap and well worth the AP, especially with the ability to create crit tiles.

    When these powers are used correctly you easily take out the over 80% of the enemy teams health if not more.
  • MaxPowers
    MaxPowers Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Surprise I dont see more Okoye/5piderman pairings in 5* play.

    Even with a few TU and web tiles Spidermans green ability is downright brutal.

    The fact that his damage is done in increments of 5k (similar to Valkyrie) means that Okoyes boost is attributed to each of his attacks.

    With 5 web tiles and 5 TU the powers hits the enemy team for 70k damage!

    Not to mention his red is relatively cheap and well worth the AP, especially with the ability to create crit tiles.

    When these powers are used correctly you easily take out the over 80% of the enemy teams health if not more.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kitty/4ocket/C&D (boosted) is fun so far in Meet R&G -> just make non-black matches and let C&D create attack tiles for you.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the current run of Thick As Thieves, I’ve really enjoyed using Hawk-Guy, Patch and Kraven as a break from the currently-boosted Hyper 4*’s of Death (tm).   You have two true healers which tank everything and can generate enemy tiles for Kraven to go nuts on.  They certainly aren’t a speed clear team (especially this week), but Hawk-Guy is such a fun 3* that it seems a shame to not let him since as an essential when his turn rolls around :)
  • SaltyK
    SaltyK Posts: 54 Match Maker
    PVE, i run Carnage+Medusa+Required, pairing them this week with 3* Hawkeye is unexpectedly fun!
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    SaltyK said:
    PVE, i run Carnage+Medusa+Required, pairing them this week with 3* Hawkeye is unexpectedly fun!
    Their synergy is truly magic!
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    I rather liked the 4-3-2 star required team for Thick as Thieves.  Domino gives you oodles of black.  Hawkeye's black heals him and puts enemy tiles on the board.  Moonstone's black steals them for you.  Might be a fun one to try in Combined Arms...if my Domino were higher than 1/3/2, anyway.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    SaltyK said:
    PVE, i run Carnage+Medusa+Required, pairing them this week with 3* Hawkeye is unexpectedly fun!
    PVP run Lvl. 250 Carnage, Medusa and boosted Mr. Fantastic for his event was like walking up against any and all comers. Oh you have America on your team? Let me add 2 AP to all colors via boosts, focus on her and matching your special tiles on the board my Carnage is generating. Boom. I got 10 purple and some board swapping, and I'm now dealing upwards of 5000 damage a turn, and with Mr. F's Imaginaut on the board, the trivial damage you're dealing gets healed with every match you're making by both Medusa and Mr. F.... And if I want a truly good nuke at the middle of the game, just don't clean up-tiles and fire off Mr. F's new blue power to stun you for a few turns and deal upwards of 10,000 in damage. Rinse, repeat, keep climbing that ladder for the 900 point Mr. F cover. All it took was a few hours to do and 10 health packs. You had to be a little selective of teams you face, but it sold me on Carnage being one of my next champs.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Black Vortex, I was climbing with Grockitty (Gritty?) and Kraven against all those Grocket teams. It worked well enough, but still ate some health packs. It's funny that I wanted to match away enemy strikes, but not too many so that Kraven kept hitting and reducing. Usually after 4 turns, they were down to 3 strikes and Kraven stopped hitting, but by then, their strikes were tiny. So, Kraven was only useful for a couple turns. I found it impossible to protect both my strikes and their strikes so that Kraven hit throughout the match. 
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gritty+Gamora in Black Vortex was my winner. Boosted Blue AP and stunned whoever was the prime threat and not long after they're all KO'd. If somehow things go badly and my tiles get taken out, then I hit Gamora's Black and all the tiles come back to be boosted all over again.