Your latest fun team combination



  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Combined Arms, throwing MBlack Widow in with Hood and Chavez, ap stealing til the end of time.

    Also 2* Bullseye, 3* Gamora, 4* Wasp; get some gamora strikes and BE protects out, flip them a few times, and use gamoras cheap red to finish off the enemy team
    I used Rogue instead of Chavez for even more AP denial, plus she can block matches against the smaller health pools.
  • tincanicarus
    tincanicarus Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2018
    Combined Arms gave me not much choice in characters, or so I felt at the beginning - but my best-covered 4-star, Riri at 11 covers, paired with my highest champed 3-Star, IM40, is actually amazing.
    Fire IM40's yellow, fire Riri's green and blue, and with a little luck, get to fire IM40's red nuke twice once he unstuns. Fabulous. Against Dr. Strange, fire Riri's green first, then fire yellow... I had a total blast! Sometimes could hop from match to match without using health packs which is more than unusual for me in pvp.
    In the third spot I alternated between Hawkeye for some extra damage when Riri's blue lined up for a 5-match or Bullseye for some protect tiles and to have a full rainbow (Bullseye) or close enough (Hawkeye).
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Combined Arms gave me not much choice in characters, or so I felt at the beginning - but my best-covered 4-star, Riri at 11 covers, paired with my highest champed 3-Star, IM40, is actually amazing.
    Fire IM40's yellow, fire Riri's green and blue, and with a little luck, get to fire IM40's red nuke twice once he unstuns. Fabulous. Against Dr. Strange, fire Riri's green first, then fire yellow... I had a total blast! Sometimes could hop from match to match without using health packs which is more than unusual for me in pvp.
    In the third spot I alternated between Hawkeye for some extra damage when Riri's blue lined up for a 5-match or Bullseye for some protect tiles and to have a full rainbow (Bullseye) or close enough (Hawkeye).
    Magneto is also good in the third spot to help generate more red/blue for Riri to just win with.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    ZootSax said:
    Combined Arms gave me not much choice in characters, or so I felt at the beginning - but my best-covered 4-star, Riri at 11 covers, paired with my highest champed 3-Star, IM40, is actually amazing.
    Fire IM40's yellow, fire Riri's green and blue, and with a little luck, get to fire IM40's red nuke twice once he unstuns. Fabulous. Against Dr. Strange, fire Riri's green first, then fire yellow... I had a total blast! Sometimes could hop from match to match without using health packs which is more than unusual for me in pvp.
    In the third spot I alternated between Hawkeye for some extra damage when Riri's blue lined up for a 5-match or Bullseye for some protect tiles and to have a full rainbow (Bullseye) or close enough (Hawkeye).
    Magneto is also good in the third spot to help generate more red/blue for Riri to just win with.
    For more chances of 4 or 5- of-a-kind matches and also rainbow team, I would use 3*Cyclops, Riri, and 2* Magneto. It is one of my favourite team in the Combined Arms.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Based on this insightful comment by @Ragnoluce, I tried 4* Venom (Eddie Brock), Kraven, 4* Rocket and Groot in the DDQ Big Enchilada and was knocking out an enemy more or less every other move. It's a pretty foolproof team unless you're on a yellow-starved board (which prevents you from creating enough enemy shields for Kraven to do his thing).
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2018
    Might be an old school team, but 3* Falcon, Beast, and 4* Wasp. Amazing. Just save up everything until you can fire them all, then end everything in one turn. First, Wasp's black to stun/kill, then Beast's blue. Wait a turn, then drop Falcon's purple, Wasp's yellow, and finish with Beast's green. Team KO, every time.

    Going against Eddie Brock just makes me laugh, all the protect tiles he makes for me are his own doom. Also, Kimoyo Beads on W4sp for the win. Best support for her, ever. Bonus blue and yellow gains, and improve tiles, too? Hot damn. That alone made me rethink how good supports can be.
  • guvuh
    guvuh Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    @Alex502 - I would love to see a thread similar to this one, but focused on great support combinations.

    My lucky pairing was putting Avengers Tower on 4* Rocket.  I only have level 100, but even with that, every time he makes a match it gives 31.66% to fortify a special tile.  This ends up being enormously useful to keep his and Gamora's strike tiles around.
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Nice. I enjoy the match making they have for certain supports, but I have always felt that they are too limited to the specific character intended, and the faction based ones are too diluted in abilities to really do well. Like the XMen's plane, just doesn't do enough. I put it on 4* Jean, though, to give her a 5 match power for whenever either team makes one. Supports can be amazing, but they rushed production way too fast.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looking at the boost list I didn’t think I’d park Iron Fist in the bench but Nebula of all people have overtaken him this PVE.

    My still level 255 half-health Thor makes it easy to spam red for Nebula attacks and yellow for Nico protects. Then Nebula green AOE does massive damage with all those specials on the board, which Nico buffs each turn. Gets out of hand fast!
  • jym010
    jym010 Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    I have been using Vulture, Chavez and Blade modern....Get black for vulture, put him airborne, which generates AP for Chavez to create criticals and stumble upon reds for bloodlust.  Lots of fun for sure!
  • afsplat
    afsplat Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I just started using the Okoye Medusa combo with Valkyrie. I can get the primary color to switch from black to yellow by equipping Okoye with Element Guns. Each bounty gives yellow and Okoye tanks everything. Healing every other turn at least with tons of team up. And if you can fire Valkyries red its a team wipe. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Drax being boosted, I have a nice time in the current pve. Team him up with St4rlord and R&G. Let St4rlord have the Element gun support, which can give 3*3 random AP at the start of fight. Drax will damage whenever St4rlords friendly cd tiles resolves. R&G super strikes and Milano support, another source of cd tile. Drax's powers hits like a truck.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a boost list that has great synergy whenever it comes around. Cho and Wasp CD spam pairs nicely with Drax’s passive. Cho’s green spam fuels Gwens’s gun nicely. And Gwen’s protects can turn into nice strikes via Wasp. 

    In Nightcrawler’s PVP however after several different combos, I have landed on Carol and Cho as my favorite. Let them match purple (usually both teams strongest) to fuel your Bamf and deal damage. Let Carol pop Chos CD to flood green, bamf more green and Cho punch. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Domino's Shield Training, I found myself really enjoying how well C4ge and Dazzler worked together. Once I get Dazzler champed, I'm going to have to try them out some more. I'm thinking Kate Bishop or Mordo as the third.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker

    In Nightcrawler’s PVP however after several different combos, I have landed on Carol and Cho as my favorite. Let them match purple (usually both teams strongest) to fuel your Bamf and deal damage. Let Carol pop Chos CD to flood green, bamf more green and Cho punch. 
    In this PVP, I also like using Cho and 3*Storm, with Storm at 5/5/3. With Cho's passive you can get a lot of green which can make green the most colour on the board which in turn let Storm use her green and yellow to create board shake till you get your preferred colour to be the most present on the board (preferably green or purple). This can create some sort of winfinite.
  • Tintaiwan
    Tintaiwan Posts: 172 Tile Toppler

    Be sure to add teams you love to the Team up database:  

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    New options in this version:

    Cable (Nathan Summers) - 5

    Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men) - 5

    Dazzler (Classic) - 4

    Domino (X-Force) - 4

    Taskmaster (Tony Masters) - 4

    (any new ones missing?)

    Again, anyone wanting to help keep the rosters up to date let me know in a PM.  I barely have time enough to play let alone add the stream of new characters..

    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    In Domino's Shield Training, I found myself really enjoying how well C4ge and Dazzler worked together. Once I get Dazzler champed, I'm going to have to try them out some more. I'm thinking Kate Bishop or Mordo as the third.
    If you're willing to sacrifice a rainbow team, maybe try 4* Iron Fist. At 5/3/5 you can use his blue to create strike tiles and feed Dazzler's cheap green (his tiles also appear on purple, which you won't be using). His blue can fortify Dazzler's strike tiles. Which will help keep them on the board and make Cage's yellow hit harder and also give you an extra protect tile due to Danny being there.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's a good call. I'll have to keep that in mind as well. Thanks!
  • Pyram7
    Pyram7 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Okoye/Cable/Gambit are surprisingly good together. 
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    For mostly goon PVE , OML/Psylocke/Doc Strange.   they baddies just suicide, oml tanks everything (support boosts blue match damage so he tanks blue over 3* strange, 5* not covered enough yet).  This team can easily take down level 400+ goons with ease, especially once strike tiles get going.