Your latest fun team combination



  • cschwinge
    cschwinge Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    For Chavez PvP I have been getting an amazing # of retal wins with Rogue/Chavez/MEH. Possibly because none are champed, but all are fully covered

    It's also good on offense (at least up to 700), just swap in Medusa for Rogue if you see Carnage
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Honor Among Thieves reminded me of one of my classic goonbusters: 

    Wasp 5/3/5 - You want Strange's blue on this team
    C4ge 3/5/5 - You want Wasp's yellow instead

    Go for yellow as C4ge pumps out protect tiles while the AI spams CDs. Once Wasp flips them, the match won't last long. With C4ge boosted this event, his protect tiles were even beefier than usual, so of course the strike tiles were insane. Its especially to fun to laugh as attacks do -1 as you fill the board with protects, and then flip them all at once - I had over 12K worth of damage in strike tile damage. Wave nodes were cake, and the Mindless Ones were a lot less annoying when C4ge just kept removing their special tiles like clockwork. 

    Random note as well, C&D being boosted reminded me that Gamora/RBG/Clagger can be quicker than Medusa depending on the length of the match. For wave nodes and harder nodes especially, the attack tile spamming can get the job done quicker than Medusa's 1 tile you hope ends up somewhere matchable. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good one with wasp and cage.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Boosted Medusa, Carnage and 3* Doc Ock against tile spammers. Massive healing and AP generation plus heavy attack tiles. Kind of you can't lose.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Against all the symbiots in the Places of Power PVE "Greenwich Village, NYC" sub, I've enjoyed the boosted team of America Chavez, 3* Hawkguy & Moon Knight.  Hawkguy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve between the AP & strike tile generation, plus his arrows, both Hawkguy and Moon Knight have true heals on their black for sustainability and Chavez flat out murders the rest.

    Sure a Medusa based team (w/Kraven against Carnage) is probably objectively better, but that's not necessarily what this thread is about...
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    qandols said:
    Boosted Medusa, Carnage and 3* Doc Ock against tile spammers. Massive healing and AP generation plus heavy attack tiles. Kind of you can't lose.
    Before I had Mr. Fantastic champed, I used this team a lot. So fun. Ock and Carnage just spammed the attack tiles everywhere. But then Mr. F came along and is simply a better choice over Ock in most cases. However you're totally right - against tile spammers like symbiotes I believe Ock remains the better choice.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought it would work well and it does. 

    5* daredevil and kitty. I only have 2 covers on kitty. Purple and yellow, 1 each. If the opponent has special tiles kitty puts down her repeater. If they have 4 or less as soon as you steal them with daredevil you get kitty's repeater to pop. She currently has a 3 turn repeater that does not cover countdowns but it's a fun combo.

    She also starts buffing your specials as soon as you have 4 which is easy with daredevil. I'm going to want a support to boost daredevils purple match damage so he stays tanking all 3 of his colors once kitty is champed.
  • Articyular
    Articyular Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2018
    Kinda entertaining team: Peggy, Riri, Cable. Peggy stuns the non-targeted enemies, Riri deals damage to the non-targeted enemies, Cable focuses down the targeted enemy (in addition to Peggy’s CD’s) with his green, and the left-over damage is dealt to the non-targeted enemies. A nifty combo for dealing with the whole enemy team at once, in a way. Albeit not the fastest
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay I just found a super fun team. 

    I only have a few 5s that are maxed and Okoye is one of them so I've been building teams around her, real easy to do. Here is my current favorite. 

    Okoye (5/5/3) /Vulture (5/3/5)/ Sandman (5/5/3)

    Get Vulture in the air so it fuels sandman stun, Okoye tanks all damage, sandmans purple feeds Okoye's yellow to keep her health at max and Okoye's yellow create team up tiles that makes sandman's green devastating.

    This team is very self sufficient 
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay I just found a super fun team. 

    I only have a few 5s that are maxed and Okoye is one of them so I've been building teams around her, real easy to do. Here is my current favorite. 

    Okoye (5/5/3) /Vulture (5/3/5)/ Sandman (5/5/3)

    Get Vulture in the air so it fuels sandman stun, Okoye tanks all damage, sandmans purple feeds Okoye's yellow to keep her health at max and Okoye's yellow create team up tiles that makes sandman's green devastating.

    This team is very self sufficient 
    Yeah vulture and sandman are a very effective duo. I run them with 5* daredevil for the stun synergy.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    This is more about a duo than a full team. 5* Spidey (Peter Parker) is one of my first 5* Champs. I kinda forgot about Miles Morales until he was boosted in the Deadpool event.

    Miles' spamming of web tiles is so freaking fun and amazing with Spidey's green (and red).  You can also use Spidey's blue to stun without losing too many web tiles. 

    I've thrown in a few random characters to get black for the far OML has been pretty good with his strike tiles - does wonders for Spidey's green. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is more about a duo than a full team. 5* Spidey (Peter Parker) is one of my first 5* Champs. I kinda forgot about Miles Morales until he was boosted in the Deadpool event.

    Miles' spamming of web tiles is so freaking fun and amazing with Spidey's green (and red).  You can also use Spidey's blue to stun without losing too many web tiles. 

    I've thrown in a few random characters to get black for the far OML has been pretty good with his strike tiles - does wonders for Spidey's green. 
    Thanks for this. I'm currently champing Miles and Spidey is fully covered but needs lotsa ISO :)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rogue/Professor X/Nightcrawler has been crazy fun in the danger room pvp with all of them boosted. My professor x (5/5/3) has 13+ covers, but is waiting on iso to actually get champed and it's still pretty great. Just chase purple for Bamf!, let rogue tank damage, and then professor X just does his giant oz head attack on all the match-5s. 
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Random note as well, C&D being boosted reminded me that Gamora/RBG/Clagger can be quicker than Medusa depending on the length of the match. For wave nodes and harder nodes especially, the attack tile spamming can get the job done quicker than Medusa's 1 tile you hope ends up somewhere matchable. 
    While I like this team in theory, my Ruth Bader Ginsburg just doesn't have enough covers to make it effective.
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,003 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is more about a duo than a full team. 5* Spidey (Peter Parker) is one of my first 5* Champs. I kinda forgot about Miles Morales until he was boosted in the Deadpool event.

    Miles' spamming of web tiles is so freaking fun and amazing with Spidey's green (and red).  You can also use Spidey's blue to stun without losing too many web tiles. 

    I've thrown in a few random characters to get black for the far OML has been pretty good with his strike tiles - does wonders for Spidey's green. 
    My Parker only has two covers, so I'm sticking with the classic Miles/SpiderGwen(champ)/IronSpider. Quite fun now that my Miles has decent covers (2/3/5).
  • Persephone
    Persephone Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    I've been having lots of fun with boosted 4* Carol (even though only lvl 188, 3/4/2, unboosted) paired along SWitch and lvl315 IWCap (3/1/0). 
    Once I discovered I could use Carol's Executive Decision to get SWitch's Arane Incantation to go off, I've been able to Reality Crush the enemy team repeatedly during a match.  With lots of purple AP, I still get to use IWCap's Man Without a Country.
    Love crushing the enemies with this team.  Too bad they're not boosted for Vemon Bomb.  
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Carol, XFDP, and Switch are a team I wasn’t sure of at first but once I started using it I was laughing. The basic strategy is Carol puts out strikes, Switch accelerates purple and XFDP drops countdown for what. That’s literally all I considered when picking this team but what makes it fun are the layers of synergy. Carol's yellow lets you accelerate Switch’s acceleration which of course buffs your strike tiles. Countdown for what’s CD’s being on the enemy teams strongest colour pairs perfectly with Carol’s passive. Give XFDP a chimichanga and along with his passive you’ve got two more sources of 1 turn CDs to help boost your strikes. 
  • Articyular
    Articyular Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2018
    In Combined Arms, throwing MBlack Widow in with Hood and Chavez, ap stealing til the end of time.

    Also 2* Bullseye, 3* Gamora, 4* Wasp; get some gamora strikes and BE protects out, flip them a few times, and use gamoras cheap red to finish off the enemy team
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Combined Arms, throwing MBlack Widow in with Hood and Chavez, ap stealing til the end of time.
    I just took out two of that team with 4* Grocket, 3* Gamora, and whatever 2*. I was using Daken just because he was already in the 2* slot.
  • Articyular
    Articyular Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, not the best team to leave on defense, on account of the low HP