Your latest fun team combination



  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Wil88 said:
    AXP_isme said:
    I just tried searching this thread for a team with Jubilee in it. I’d like to get some use out of her while she’s boosted. See if you can guess how many came up 😂
    I’ve actually been having fun with Jubilee/Peggy/IM40. Almost a rainbow and all the actives hit like a truck. 
    This is what I settled on as well in PvE and featured + Bobbi + Jubilee in PvP. I’m still underwhelmed though. My Jubilee is ~370 boosted (barely champed) and her aoe is 5k for 9 green AP. Purple does ok damage, 13k ish, but I can count on the fingers of one hand how many tiles the small amount of board shuffle has helped. 

    Peggy can wipe the floor on her own perfectly well and when Bobbi triggers her yellow I’ve been hoping it fires bombshell or strange’s blue. Jubilee is just ballast even when i’m Trying to shoehorn her into a team where she can provide value. 
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    So, this boosted list is weak for me, but I found a team that seems to walk through most of these goon rounds. Dr Strang3, StarLord 3*, and Nova. Main goal: drop Nova's tiles fast and furious. Dr Strange will slam the other team for their countdowns, and Starlord is an excellent third as he can steal, generate green for himself, and shake the board really well. I've had very little challenge when using them.
  • Hoser
    Hoser Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Dr. strange / Okoye / America has been my go to pve team. I can finish a heavy npc sub in 30 minutes with this team
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Last night, I picked up 500 points in maybe 15 minutes in Sim using C4rol+Valkyrie+someone who sets the strongest colour to match the enemy's and has a usable power in that colour. Usually ended up being Vulture or Coulson in that third slot.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's slow and a little scary when you have 12+ CD tiles on the board, but against goons: 3* Strange, 2* Black Widow, and 4* Valkyrie under-leveled enough (or any character supported enough) to make sure that Blue is the strongest color.

    1) Always make sure to target whoever has the bounty
    2) Prioritize matching blue then enemy CD tiles then black then red and purple. Blue for BW's heal and CD timer delay, enemy CD tiles for obvious reasons, black so that you're never stuck with a bad board forcing you to match away Valkyrie's bounty, red for Valkyrie's attack and purple for BW's AP steal. Blue is more important than the CD tiles because blue will delay every CD tile but matching away usually only destroys one.
    3) Wait until any CD timer is at 1 before firing BW's blue.

    You don't want to use the blue on Strange's stun when there are 3 goons because of the way the Valkyrie bounty tile resolves. If the tile is on the board when the enemy turn happens and they fire a CD, assuming you've targeted the right enemy it causes the damage to generate the extra AP, then as soon as their turn is over and your turn starts another bounty tile pops up. If you use Strange's stun, it usually resolves bounty on your turn, then on the AI's turn there's no bounty tile so Strange's passive won't help, and there's only a 1 in 3 chance you'll have the right one targeted when your turn starts.
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2018
    Still really digging Nova and Strange. X23 even runs well with them when you focus on her purple, and I just waited to fire her green until I had a ton of it. Spent the match chasing yellow and purple, with red and green the back ups, and blue a convenient extra damage per turn. So. Many. Strikes.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Alex502 , what SCL are you running? And are your Nova and X-23 both champed?
  • Hoser
    Hoser Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Scl9 and yes. All 4 star champed
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    Last night, I picked up 500 points in maybe 15 minutes in Sim using C4rol+Valkyrie+someone who sets the strongest colour to match the enemy's and has a usable power in that colour. Usually ended up being Vulture or Coulson in that third slot.
    Val is really underrated.  Battery, tile spammer, almost-nuke-level attack.  Her red is massive with the right squad.  Running her with Carol could get crazy quick.  Couple heavy strike tiles and Val's red will kill 2 enemies in most cases (3-4* land players).

    I'm still early 4* land (13 champed 4s), but I am really glad I got her champed.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasn't getting the last 2 moon knight covers I needed to complete the shield training, so I decided to blow the 400k iso i had saved up to champ Wiccan instead. I re-spec'd him to 5/3/5 and took him in to simulator with Lockjaw and Chavez. Use Lockjaw to charge loads of tiles to accelerate the transformation into the Demiurge, and then just let match damage hilarity ensue between him and Chavez as you blast lines out of the board left and right through basic matching. It's a fun team, though it did take some damage. I'm not actually sure i need Lockjaw for it either, because I transformed most times before I'd fired off his green. I suspect Carnage/Medusa/Wiccan would be even better, but my Carnage still needs work. I have enough covers on him that he can probably prove the point, just no iso sunk into him really.
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2018
    helix72 said:
    @Alex502 , what SCL are you running? And are your Nova and X-23 both champed?
    I'm running at SCL 7 or 8, and yes they are both champed. I could do SCL 9 but I find I have more fun and play more at the lower rankings. The currency difference isn't much, and unless I really need the placement reward, I'm fine with just going for progression.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    For the Hulk event I’ve been running Kingpin, PunMax, and Ghost Rider. There’s some colour overlap but depending on the situation it’s really easy to decide whose power to use. Pun and GR both have AOEs on green, Puns is a little cheaper but GR does more damage so he gets the edge unless you’re ready to use Army of One. Similarly it’s pretty easy to choose whose black to use, you only use KPs if you can get the AOE, only use GRs if an enemy has done significant damage, otherwise wait for Army of One. Other than that you’re chasing blue and red to put out strike and attack tiles and situationally using KPs purple to slow the enemy. Best of all Pun only tanks blue meaning if things go poorly he’ll be last man standing. 
  • Arthurdillard22
    Arthurdillard22 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I have been going with rogue spiderman 3 and jessica jones the protection is crazy all while setting up rouge ans jj for the hard hits
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    I ran Wiccan (5/3/5) /Chavez/Vulture in Balance of Power, it was really fun. Vulture removes himself from the board for several turns to let Wiccan tank more colors, all the while accruing AP on a bunch of colors to help chase the Demiurge. Chavez wants AP also, and likes row/column clears. It wasn't a health pack slam dunk, but it was pretty spectacular. I tried swapping out Vulture for Hood, and that worked well too - possibly even better for general AP acquisition, but his health is just really low.

    I also ran Okoye (4/1/1 lvl 300)/Shuri/P4nther in some of The Hulk nodes. It takes just a bit of getting going, but once you start slamming those fortified defend tiles down with a bunch of Wakanda Forever! bonus damage, the laughs just keep on coming.
  • kk3thess
    kk3thess Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Everybody probably already played with them, but the 3* Guardians team has some pretty good synergy. I used them for all non-essential nodes today on PVE and they cleaned them really fast.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a rough boost week full of bottom tier 4s. But one man came to my rescue. The best character in the game. Even at level 255, half health Thor is a PVE BEAST! He turned A 4 I rank bottom tier (Ghost Rider) into perhaps my fastest character option thanks to the Red/Green generation. Ghost Rider ramps up super fast and is actually fun with the battery of all batteries fueling him. Throw in another bottom tier 4 in Kingpin or Fury for the rainbow and you have a pretty dang fast/effective team!
  • Gold_Dragon
    Gold_Dragon Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    This is a rough boost week full of bottom tier 4s. But one man came to my rescue. The best character in the game. Even at level 255, half health Thor is a PVE BEAST! He turned A 4 I rank bottom tier (Ghost Rider) into perhaps my fastest character option thanks to the Red/Green generation. Ghost Rider ramps up super fast and is actually fun with the battery of all batteries fueling him. 
    5* GR and 5* Thor are a great tandem. I use them all the time especially since GRRR tanks Thor’s green and red colors. 
  • Gold_Dragon
    Gold_Dragon Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    I think 4* Black Widow is one of those most underrated support characters in the game. Right up there with Elektra. I found another team I’m loving. 

    Half-life Thor
    4* Black Widow 5/3/5
    Iron Heart 5/5/3

    BW is at her best when the other characters she supports a) have active colors and b) fill out the rainbow. This makes Iron Heart a great compliment and them a great duo. BW’s yellow makes everything so much easier and can give Thor a chunk of health back if it goes too low. Her black is great if you fear an attack or want another character to chill out. I fire it off after IH’s blue but before her red with 3 AI characters on the field. And with Thor’s AOE being lowered, it knocks out 2 characters at least after IH’s red. 
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    kk3thess said:
    Everybody probably already played with them, but the 3* Guardians team has some pretty good synergy. I used them for all non-essential nodes today on PVE and they cleaned them really fast.
    Yeah, they have some surprisingly good synergy.  While lacking the obvious strength of Strange and Thanos, 3* Star Lord was a really solid addition to the tier and "Something Good" a little better in PVE, where both Daken & Ragnarok create/enhance green tiles to assist your generation.  They're occasionally too slow against goon countdown spammers, particularly if you get a little unlucky on the board, but even there they can be devastating (in the Guardians-themed PVE and Enemy of the State, they're really good in the wave nodes, as "I Got a Plan" into "Bit of Both" can often clear a full wave against 3*-appropriate opponents and "Something Bad" can steal any pesky special tiles they generate).  I use them in DDQ a lot.

    I think 4* Black Widow is one of those most underrated support characters in the game. Right up there with Elektra. I found another team I’m loving. 
    I think her reputation was really hurt by the return of full token dilution, as covering her became harder for casual players while her champ levels stagnated for more competitive ones.  She also loses some of her strength in the PVP format, where she isn't hard-hitting/fast enough to fit the Featured 3*/two others format of most events.

    Back on topic, for the Hulk PVE, I've enjoyed using 3* Cage/Fist with Jessica Jones (mine's only 5-6 covers, but includes all powers) for the 3* essentials.  Another really effective theme team, which has also taught me how many skeletons Yelena apparently has in her closet, as literally 90% of her KO's have come at the hands of Jessica's camera.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Kingpin 3/5/5
    Coulson 4/5/4
    Scarlet Witch 3/5/5

    I've run this team before and forgot about it, but the Hulk PVE reminded me of it. With Kingpin boosted, and the Dark Avengers slog chewing more health packs than I used to, had to deviate from my usual teams. 

    Honestly all you have to really do here is go for Team Up tiles, and a lot of the work does itself. Coulson pops SWitch's CD tile way quicker than normal, giving KP purple, fueling his yellow. Once KP gets his yellow off, Coulson again pops them earlier than normal, resulting in wayyyyy less of your CDs getting matched. The cycle continuously repeats, with SWitch giving KP purple and him in turn throwing out more CDs for Coulson to resolve for devastating effect. I've had several matches now where I fired off KP's yellow twice in the same turn. SWitch gives an AP boost with her green, Coulson's blue steals an absurd amount of AP with all KP's CDs out, not to mention the additional AP he is giving you each time a CD resolves. With Coulson dropping yet another CD every time you fire KP or SWitch's abilities, you're also kicking some additional damage, and have no shortage of CDs should you feel inspired to fire KP's black. You can even use Coulson's purple instead to supercharge one of your AP pools if you've got more than enough for KP. The main thing about this team is that you're flooding the board with CDs, so you need to be prepared for the inevitability of the AI matching some of them, or being forced to match some yourself. If that truly does concern you, then the team works just as well if you move KP to 5/5/3 and sacrifice them for his nuke.