Your latest fun team combination



  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Team: Hawkguy(5/3/5) + Strange(5/3/5) + Switch(3/5/5)...........they kill goons, sentries and symbiotes very fast

    I simply focus on matching the enemy special tiles, which rewards 2 Purple + 2 Blue each time.  This fuels Hawkguy's purple to throw out 4 strong strikes and then Strange hits even harder with his blue and yellow.  Because Hawkguy's strikes are so strong, I try to match away his purple CD tile which would blow up and remove 3 of them.  Switch is there to generate blue and purple (of course), but her green is handy to get rid of hard to match enemy special tiles.  I also like Hawkguy's Black heal, which I may use at the end of the battle.

    It's amazing how fast they kill goons!  Once it's rolling, this team can deal about 10K damage per turn, which makes me want to move up to SCL8 with them. 
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shuri, Vulture, Star-Lord is an interesting team to run from this week's boost list. Once you get a Star-Lord yellow on the board, and Shuri's red, assuming she has 5 blue covers, all your powers get dirt cheap. Vulture's black down to 3, his green to 4, his blue to .. 5 I think. Shuri's red down to 3. It's semi-infinite, only limited by the fact you'll kill everything before very long.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hey, guys, do I have enough fortified tiles on my board? 

    Coulson, Shuri and Hawkeye for maximum fortification, ap generation, enemy ap drain against people like America, destroys fortified enemy tiles like Carol's, stuns, cheap powers until the end of time, tile swap fortified tiles for charged tiles and Shuri damage, SHIELD tiles, Coulson damage when a tile expires plus Hawkeye arrows. You could do Hawkeye's Deep Breath but I prefer Shuri's red to light up the board. 5/3/5 for Shuri because I only use her green if I'm in a tough bind and need a stun. With 30+ fortified tiles on the board at any given time I'm bound to hit at least one.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Coulson and Hawkeye are mad AP engines alone. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    shardwick said:

    Hey, guys, do I have enough fortified tiles on my board? 

    Coulson, Shuri and Hawkeye for maximum fortification, ap generation, enemy ap drain against people like America, destroys fortified enemy tiles like Carol's, stuns, cheap powers until the end of time, tile swap fortified tiles for charged tiles and Shuri damage, SHIELD tiles, Coulson damage when a tile expires plus Hawkeye arrows. You could do Hawkeye's Deep Breath but I prefer Shuri's red to light up the board. 5/3/5 for Shuri because I only use her green if I'm in a tough bind and need a stun. With 30+ fortified tiles on the board at any given time I'm bound to hit at least one.
    Nope. Not enough Fortified Tiles. Dig back a ways in this forum for the Shuri Challenge ;)
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2018
    JSP869 said:
    A little team I like to call "Countdown for What!" Made up of Okoye, XFDP, and Drax.

    Okoye tanks everything, and with her yellow heal she truly does tank. Everytime she gets hit hard, which is practically every match the AI makes if I'm fighting other champion 5*s, and I usually am, XFDP throws out a 1-turn countdown tile. When it goes off it boops the front AI, but if I've been grabbing Team-Up AP Okoye boosts it from a boop to a ka-pow. Then Drax does a boop for a friendly countdown tile counting down which Okoye also turns into a ka-pow. And if I get enough Purple to cast XFDP's "Countdown for What", if any of those countdowns get matched or destroyed they explode and hurt the AI, and Okoye boosts the hurt. And if they don't get matched, you may think that's okay, but it's not. If they do count down, Drax does a boop/ka-pow! 

    It's lousy on defense but I don't care. Wins are all I need, and I'm reliably taking out duo 5* champions with this team. In the season PvP events, it's still nasty just with the required character plus Okoye and XFDP. It's great! :D
    This team sounds lovely. I've been using Okoye, Medusa and XFDP but may have to go ahead and champ Drax to try this out. Countdown for What is excellent with Okoye, especially if you can hit a couple of the tiles with a piercing throw. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using Okoye, Medusa and XFDP but may have to go ahead and champ Drax to try this out. 
    Against champed 5-star teams I have yet to find better partners for Okoye than XFD and Drax. I was running Medusa there also, but Drax outperforms her because his Secret Weapon passive will trigger for every one of XFD's countdowns and it's not uncommon to get more than one per turn.

    The only problem I have with this team on offense is that sometimes it's so fast I can't get enough yellow for Okoye to heal before all the opponents are down, which can hardly register as a complaint.
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Dormammu said:
    I've been using Okoye, Medusa and XFDP but may have to go ahead and champ Drax to try this out. 
    Against champed 5-star teams I have yet to find better partners for Okoye than XFD and Drax. I was running Medusa there also, but Drax outperforms her because his Secret Weapon passive will trigger for every one of XFD's countdowns and it's not uncommon to get more than one per turn.

    The only problem I have with this team on offense is that sometimes it's so fast I can't get enough yellow for Okoye to heal before all the opponents are down, which can hardly register as a complaint.
    Just tried this in Sim and it is, indeed, everything I ever wanted for Christmas.  
  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I’ve been having a lot of fun during the hunt using old man Logan, vulture and Valkyrie. After a couple of matches whilst chasing valkyrie’s bounty, you have enough black ap to get vulture airborne, whilst generating a couple of boosted strikes with OML, making it easier and easier to hit the bounty every turn. Before too long, even if Logan and Valkyrie are downed, vulture has enough black left to clear any remaining opponents on his own. Plus with Valkyrie quintuple dipping on any of hers and Logan’s strikes with dragonfang, the match doesn’t last very long
  • Rockwell75
    Rockwell75 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    Another great team for shooting above your weight class is Red Hulk, Carol and Valkyrie.  Lots of strikes, countdowns and buffing.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrEd95 said:
    I’ve been having a lot of fun during the hunt using old man Logan, vulture and Valkyrie. After a couple of matches whilst chasing valkyrie’s bounty, you have enough black ap to get vulture airborne, whilst generating a couple of boosted strikes with OML, making it easier and easier to hit the bounty every turn. Before too long, even if Logan and Valkyrie are downed, vulture has enough black left to clear any remaining opponents on his own. Plus with Valkyrie quintuple dipping on any of hers and Logan’s strikes with dragonfang, the match doesn’t last very long
    A lot of the time, with OML and Vulture both boosted, I didn't last long enough to get the 12 red to use Dragonfang.  The one time I did, it ended up doing over 30K damage, taking down a LVL 400 Moonstone and smacking Ragnarok pretty hard as well.  Nice team.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hulkbuster and MEHulk form a rainbow between them, and are both boosted for Sinister Six. Run whatever squishy support character you want in the back, they'll keep 'em safe from everything but AoE. I'm using Chavez, myself. The team doesn't have any precision tile destruction, but I've been able to spam enough crits to get rid of Ock's tiles no problem. So far, it usually comes down to sort of grinding the first boss and collecting AP, the Gamma Powerbombing the second and Repulsor Punching the third.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker

    Basically vulture and/BW clear all specials.  On the left side with Venom starting, you can charge up everything and just keep Venom’s invis tiles from accumulating until you are ready to nuke him.   From there, easy.  You’ll have so much AP you can just nuke your way to a win. 

    Right side a little more annoying. 
  • cschwinge
    cschwinge Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    It's not very original, but I've been riding this combo through Sinister Six:

    IM40, Rogue, MEH

    Before boosting they're all around L200. I barely use any health packs and we're currently in round 7. Rogue is particularly good at protecting from Sandman's storm of yellow matches, blowing up Doc's tile, and being an all-around tank that can 1-shot bosses with the right colors
  • theomen
    theomen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Black Bolt, 3* Strange and 3* Thanos, or 'Team Passive Agressive' as I call them are my favourite DPD team. Sometimes I can clear the final node in one move.

    I like Vulture, 4*Fist and 4* Cage for Sim. Vulture's acceleration makes Fist super fun to play and Cage keeps your team protected while you fire off continuous powers. I have Fist at 5/5/3 for this.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I just tried searching this thread for a team with Jubilee in it. I’d like to get some use out of her while she’s boosted. See if you can guess how many came up 😂
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    I just tried searching this thread for a team with Jubilee in it. I’d like to get some use out of her while she’s boosted. See if you can guess how many came up 😂
    Looking at the boost list, use her with Bobbi.  Jubilation's powers are too costly, but if you get free ap/powers from Bobbi, might be worth it.  Just lower her yellow to 3 and purple/green to 5.  I guess yellow can be helpful when boosted, but how often do you want to run your team with less hp than the enemies?  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    I just tried searching this thread for a team with Jubilee in it. I’d like to get some use out of her while she’s boosted. See if you can guess how many came up 😂
    I’ve been telling people since they were previewed that Jubilee was trash tier and Spider-Man is criminally underrated (in the 4* tier). It’s fun to see these narratives catching on!

    I still think Jubilee could be decent in Sim with Thoress and IM40 (since both those 4* need a battery and use charged tiles) but other than that, yeah.... it’s hard to think of decent teams. 
  • Arthurdillard22
    Arthurdillard22 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    edited September 2018
    I have been going with rouge spiderman 3 and jessica jones the protection is crazy all while setting up rouge ans jj for the hard hits
  • Wil88
    Wil88 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    AXP_isme said:
    I just tried searching this thread for a team with Jubilee in it. I’d like to get some use out of her while she’s boosted. See if you can guess how many came up 😂
    I’ve actually been having fun with Jubilee/Peggy/IM40. Almost a rainbow and all the actives hit like a truck.