Your latest fun team combination



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Was having fun with this team of 3*:  Dr Ock, Hawkeye and Patch/Magneto in the second sub (the one with protect tiles) of FFW.

    With so many special tiles on board, I was gaining as many as 15 ap per match 3. Each special tile give me 2 purple and 2 blue ap.Multiply it by 3 and you get 12ap. Add in the three enemy special tiles matched and you gain another 3 ap. Add in Dr Ock's attack tiles and they are taking passive damage every turn. In no time, I was hitting 30ap in both blue and purple. Next, I would use Dr. Ock's Manipulation to destroy all those protect/strike/attack tiles(?) and Haweye's purple to boost my match damage and attack tiles. Each of this tile destroyed by Ock is a thousand plus damage. I was pretty generous to give the enemy 8 protect tiles from Magneto's yellow or 6 strike tiles from Patch.  But only for me to destroy them on the next move.
  • Wil88
    Wil88 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    I'm getting tired of my under levelled and under covered 5* sitting on the shelf so I thought with Spider Gwen boosted for this PvE event I would give Peter a whirl. Add in a black damage dealer (boosted XFW, Mystique) and this is a pretty fun team. Heals, stuns, big dmg - it has a bit of everything. 
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    With boosted Mystique, I gave her a run with Cloak and Dagger/Valkyrie.  Let attack tiles stack up, collect bounties (purple), stun the enemy until the cows come home, collect boatloads of black and Uzi enemies in the face.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    It’s a bit cheap but i’m really enjoying trying to go bamfinite with nightcrawler, scarlet witch and prof x (my nightcrawler is a higher level than PX so he makes purple). It can be hit and miss, sometimes you end up spamming a colour you can’t use, like black, but when the board colour density goes up there’s usually enough match 5s triggering for prof x to let you continue the streak. Save up enough for two or three bamfs before you start and then pull the trigger and see what happens. Unpredictable but fun. 
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    I didn't realize how useful Loki is against enemies that spam attack/protect tiles.  My goodness.

    Even more fun...  since they have been boosted, is using Patch with Loki.  Get the green and black charged, fire Patch's green then Loki's black.  You have strong defensive tiles and no longer have to worry about handing the other team strong attack tiles.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not mine, someone else mentioned it last time Smash Hit rolled around, but I've been having a blast trolling that event with C4rol and Rogue. Not a general-purpose team at all, but in its niche, it's hilariously awesome. Especially with Rogue boosted.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't realize how useful Loki is against enemies that spam attack/protect tiles.  My goodness.

    Even more fun...  since they have been boosted, is using Patch with Loki.  Get the green and black charged, fire Patch's green then Loki's black.  You have strong defensive tiles and no longer have to worry about handing the other team strong attack tiles.
    *Strike tile, but I agree. I also find Loki fun with Venom (Eddie). Hit the opponent decently hard a few times, spawn a few Protect tiles, use Loki's Black, and enjoy your new strikes.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018
    In Smash hit I've had good use of C4rol and Beast. Beast has a cheap blue which C4rol can boost with the help of Hulks anger. Beasts strike enhanced green is a killer and C4rol punishes every time enemy matches green. Try to put Hulk on the frontline as often as possible!
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    My alliance is still on Round 4 of Thanos, so for the boss fights there’s a lot of flexibility to fool around.  This clear I was experimenting with various teams based on various Unbeatable Squirrel Girl storylines.  Here’s the best two i came up with:

    From the vs Asgardian Squirrel storyline
    3* Squirrel Girl
    4* Thor
    3* Loki 

    From the Ultron Savage Lands storyline:
    3* Squirrel Girl
    4* Kraven the Hunter
    4* Devil Dinosaur

    Without trying, both cover all colors with active abilities (even if several of these are not very good). Also without trying, both easily handled Thanos. 

    I wouldn’t recommend either competitively, but if you want a smile brought to your face in an otherwise trivial node... :)
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not mine, someone else mentioned it last time Smash Hit rolled around, but I've been having a blast trolling that event with C4rol and Rogue. Not a general-purpose team at all, but in its niche, it's hilariously awesome. Especially with Rogue boosted.
    It's not the most effective option, but it can be fun to bring along a 2* Storm green team-up or 3. Since it scales based on how much green you have, but doesn't actually drain that green, you can destroy like half the board, and earn AP for it as well as doing damage. And still have 30 green AP sitting around for Thunderous Claps.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rediscovered Mr F in Smash Hit, together with Rogue. He stuns, heals and provides charged tiles for Rogues power siphon.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    3* of Mag, Dead and HT.  All I do is match blue and allow one of their powers to dominate.  If it’s red or blue for 30 ap it’s over.  Dead jumps in the way then heals. 
  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm having fun with OML, Vulture and Hobofist. Vultures black triggers OML's strikes and builds Hobofists blue to grow green AP to fund his green which also powers Vultures black. OML tanks damage and regens.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    It’s a bit cheap but i’m really enjoying trying to go bamfinite with nightcrawler, scarlet witch and prof x (my nightcrawler is a higher level than PX so he makes purple). It can be hit and miss, sometimes you end up spamming a colour you can’t use, like black, but when the board colour density goes up there’s usually enough match 5s triggering for prof x to let you continue the streak. Save up enough for two or three bamfs before you start and then pull the trigger and see what happens. Unpredictable but fun. 
    It’s not cheap. All three of those characters are squishy in PVP, the AI might mess it up, and they have one really good active (Purple) that all three share. In PVE it takes longer than just using boosted characters. Plus whenever I try often Purple isn’t the most on the board and it’s one of the 80 other colors this team really can’t use. Finally that Switch tile often takes awhile to go off without being matched. 

    I swapped out Switch for Riri in sim. Though there’s similar color overlap, All of Riris powers are better than Switch Green and Crawler Red/Blue. So if any of those 4 colors are most on the board, you benefit. Riri makes match 5s easily with her blue, which fuels purple (crawler is my highest as well). 

    Once had a blue heavy board, kept chaining blue-purple-blue. Then when the purple well ran dry I had chained red-purple-red. Easily got 30 red AP and was firing gauntlets for days 

  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    In current duck PvE I've been combining De3dpool (boosted), Quake (boosted), and Vulture. Massive AoE options - mostly Quake's green being fed by Vulture but a purple heavy board can get Deadpool going too - with Vulture swooping around shooting his blue laser gun, and Deadpool chopping guys with his red swords.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just champed Nico and i’ve enjoyed the team of her (5/3/5), 3* Blade (3/5/5) and X-23 (5/5/3, and in the middle to tank).  They cover all colors, but have no active red which helps Blade’s green.  I’ve mainly used them against goons (or one tile-mover and two goons), so this is almost definitely not a PVP quality team.  Still, you have the ability to generate/buff attack, shield and strike tiles, two true healers, an effective stun against countdown creators and a repeating AP drain.  In theory, X-23’s green also can create strikes, but the team is much faster if you don’t collect the red, so i’ve only used her green in it’s initial form and not transformed to Bezerker Fury. As a final perk, Blade’s green triggers before Nico’s buff, which was a pleasant surprise when I first noticed the order.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I did my climb to 575 in Sharp Dressed with Patch, Vulture, and C&D. Very easy climb, despite not using any boosted characters other than Patch. Full rainbow coverage, two different colours that can clear out the enemy Strikes that Patch generates, a battery for your battery, two true healers, two potential AoEs. Lots of handy tools there.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Boosted MEHulk + Hawkguy is pretty entertaining when playing against super-spammy symbiotes and Mindless Ones. Match away enemy special tiles, then arrow and gamma bomb your way to victory.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    Vulture and Rag is a fun pair.  Rag’s cheap red feeds blues while Vulture feeds blue and red.  Vulture’s blue just rips.  Add in a strong green player and you are good to go.  Used KK to keep spamming heals and AOE green.  I bet Rogue would be fun with that pair too. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vulture and Rag is a fun pair.  Rag’s cheap red feeds blues while Vulture feeds blue and red.  Vulture’s blue just rips.  Add in a strong green player and you are good to go.  Used KK to keep spamming heals and AOE green.  I bet Rogue would be fun with that pair too. 
    Riri is also a great third there.