Your latest fun team combination



  • ValekBoss
    ValekBoss Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    TBE for me are unleveled 5* Thanos  (1 black) & BP(2 red) + 4* champed R&G (5 yellow). Takes 1-3 rounds to fully clear it, depending on board. 
    And that is your latest "Fun" combination?!...
  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    Tryed out Vulture - 3Thor - Coulson in the Deadpools Daily and was not dissapointed. Vulture feeds AP with black and removes special tiles with blue. Coulson generates AP with purple and deals damage. Thor deals damage with green, yellow and red also feeding his own abillities. This team is also a "rainbow" team wich is nice :)
  • Stick
    Stick Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    For the Prodigal Sun event I've been switching between Blade3, C4rol and Sentry for the lulz and Spid3r-Man, Gamor4 and Squirrel Girl. I'm sure there's a better way to activate Gamora's passive, but it doesn't take long between the protect tiles off of Spidey's passive and his stun and one of Gamora's black activations. If you time all the abilities right, you can fill the board with purples, stun anyone who can alter the board then use Squirrel Girl's yellow to end the turn in a way that won't alter the board. Of course, you have enough damage dealing abilities among everyone. Even non-boosted, Spidey's yellow is competitive with the damage that the rest of the team does.

    Oh yeah, and my third team is 4Thor, Squirrel Girl and Hawkguy. I always have a hard time determining whether or not to use Hawkguy's blue or Thor's to power up her red; most of the enemies in SCL7 can be one shot without charged tiles anyways. In the meantime, Hawkguy does his thing by eating enemy tiles, and when I need to use his black, it powers up Squirrel Girl's purple, which can also feed tiles to Thor's yellow if need be.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I've been using boosted Coulson and Hawkguy with 4* Starlord or a lower level fully covered Gamora when she's essential. Countdowns and ap gain alplenty, very puzzle like and fun for me. 
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bl4de or Gamora

    really it's Coulson and Quake. Quake is really good vs pve especially. I need to use her more often. Her blue is a fantastic color targeter and Earthquake hits HARD and that board shake is cake. 
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Vulture 5/5/3
    Cloak and Dagger 5/3/5
    Ironheart 4/5/4

    Was playing around in the simulator with my newer champs and found this to be a wonderful combo. C&D help fuel Vulture's black, which fuels his green and Ironhart's blue, which fuels her red. You even get some red at 5 covers. C&D's yellow to remove tiles or a nice AoE and their cheap purple to chip away at enemy is a nice bonus.

    I would sometimes passively get enough black that when Vulture landed, I'd just drop his green an send him back up.
  • TeamStewie
    TeamStewie Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    Style55 said:
    Medusa, G4mora, R4cket&Groot. 
    This team has just CRUSHED PVE for me this week. :)
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gamora (4*)
    Rocket & Groot (4*)
    Cloak & Dagger

    Start of the match, you get the strike tiles out and boosted thanks to the GOTG bonus. If there's enough black, C&D makes atk tiles which are boosted with the strikes so you'll be doing a ton of damage early on.

    Gamora's stun at 5 covers is so good, you can basically stun lock the other team once you down an enemy while doing constant damage. You should get 9 black eventually, can try for the insta-kill too on the last enemy :D
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been having fun and consistent success against Galactus with Riri/Hood/OBW.   It's a straight-forward AP denial --> Riri kills all, but it's worked better than expected, so far.  My alliance isn't into round 7, yet, but with how well it's worked into 6 rounds, I'd suspect it should at least work into round 7.  We've never made it to round 8, this event, so I got nothing there...
  • Avalancher
    Avalancher Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    There is one combination of characters that soars above all others for me. It is fast as lightning, and fun as flapjacks. I feel so lucky to have all three characters champed so I can get my jollies whenever I want.

    5 star Thanos, The Mad Titan
    4 star Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers
    4 star Red Hulk, Thunderbolt Ross

    Thanos stands alone as my favorite character in the game, for so many reasons. His "Come and Get Me" rainbow beatdown is blistering and brutal but brittle and quite pricey. Enter green AP flooding Red Hulk and Cosmic Carol with her countdown popping prowess. I love to stockpile 4 extra purple and green with 2 extra yellow. That allows my totally titanic team to trash an entire opposing outfit with 21,000 points of AoE followed by 14,000 more Court Death to any remaining targets in less than five turns, consistently!

    One yellow match, one green match, two purple matches. Red Hulk feeds Thanos big green, Thanos drops the countdown, Carol pops the cork.

    Champagne Jam.
  • dannyj
    dannyj Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    My new favorite team is CM, Coulson, and updated GR. You can flood the board with attack and strike tiles and short term CDs. Every time one expires, CM buffs 3 special tiles by over 400. In one match I had over 10k free damage each turn by my fifth move. GR red creates 2 attacks per turn and CM immediately buffs for over 1200. Insane damage once red fires. 
  • oogboog
    oogboog Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    My favorite team to use is Wasp, 4* Blade, and 3* Falcon. Blade can put out strike tiles while Falcon provides protect tiles. Match yellow to feed Wasp, and any existing tile(s) will get buffed by Falcon. Wasp adds more with her yellow. Once both get enough blue, Falcon can remove enemy special tiles, while Wasp steals AP. Stealing red is a bonus, as I don't need to match away red, and keep enough out to create strike tiles.
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I love to use...

    4* Carol Danvers (5 black/5 yellow/3 green)
    4* Star Lord (5 purple/5 yellow/3 red)
    3* Beast (5 blue/4 green/4 yellow)

    I like to collect blue and yellow AP first so that when Star Lord's passive yellow activates, Beast's and Carol's are ready to go. I set off Beast's blue and then use Carol to reduce the countdown as soon as it's on the board. Her passive boosts the special tiles as soon as they come out. Star Lord's countdown will also help boost the special tiles and create AP for your team. If the enemy team has any tiles that benefit them in play, I collect purple AP to swap them via Star Lord. I select a black tile that's closest to the upper left corner so that Carol's strike tiles from her Photonic Barrage get boosted if a countdown should expire and it deals HUGE damage when it expired. Quill can deal huge amount of damage with his red when there are multiple countdowns on the board. Beast can help take out the whole enemy team or create cascades with his green power. Works amazing on wave missions where there are goons only.
  • murmit
    murmit Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2017
    I like 5*black panther/5*star lord/3* doc strange
  • VoltaicDuke
    VoltaicDuke Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    4 Star Rocket and Groot ("Grocket")
    4 Star Gamora

    Grocket's Welcome to the Team is one of my favorite powers - with Gamora added in I can do 2K+ match damage.  When Grocket is boosted, this jumps to ~5K match damage.  Medusa's Entanglement just keeps adding to the hurt.  Matches don't last too long with these three but Gamora's cheap Entanglement makes it go even faster by stunning a couple of opponents, giving you the extra time to wipe them out without too much trouble.

    This team dominates both PVE and PVP.   The three easy nodes  in PVE can be wiped out in one to three rounds depending on if you get cascades - making it essential for speed runs.  The team also does wonders in PVP since you start off doing so much damage right from the start.  Peggy Carter's Legendary presence used to be super annoying but this teams' passive abilities easily take her out in a few short rounds.  

    All hail the mighty Grocket, Gamora and Medusa strike team!

  • Savistas
    Savistas Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Best combo I've been able to find is 4blade and riri Williams along side 3clops the red created is almost unstoppable with riris blue and cyclops yellow blade becomes a maniac at just tolling down enemies along with the fact that riri does damage with her blue and the green is a perk for blade or riri black works for 3clops and blade as well only color nixing the rainbow combo is purple but meh you'll see the effects of this and get over it
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Just recently champed Sandman and came up with a team centered around him

    Sandman (5/5/3)
    4Venom (3/5/5)
    Medusa (5/5/3)

    The idea is letting 4Venom drops a bunch of enemy protect tiles which are more or less charge tiles when Medusa is on your team. You will want to collect these tiles to fuel Sandman's green and purple. Sandman's green can deal a nice damage (~3.5k AoE for 9 is okay-ish) and stun someone for 2 turns. It will also trigger 4Venom's passive to drop more protect tiles. Sandman's purple can populate the board with more yellow tiles for 4Venom's passive and sometimes creates cascade for more AP. Medusa's red can help starting the chain by triggering 4Venom's passive. Once you have some yellow's ap and the board is filled with protect tiles (very easy to achieve with this team), let 4Venom punch his heart out and nuke someone for 10k for 9 ap.

    This team is probably not anywhere near the top given how many wasted AP this team can generate (mostly blue). But it's at least pretty fun to play.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ended up using HoboFist, Coulson, C4rol for pretty much every Galactus fight. Only lost once, when he got a ludicrous cascade full of black. Yellow, black, or blue can all start off the cycle, generating both Strikes and Countdowns, while purple can help get you there and gives some board control. Once the strikes start building up, Fist's green can usually down the last two Opponents in one go. And now both he and Coulson are boosted in The Hunt.
  • TheAlphateam
    TheAlphateam Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Patch, Loki, 3*IF. 

    Its a slow starter, but great for wave missions, bonus if they other team throws out strike or protect tiles. 

    Build red, green and black (purple too if you can) When you get enough of each power, fire off patches red (usually kills off a character so use it on one with high CP) and green, (IF purple if you have it) then Loki's black. It flips all the strike tiles Patch made so you are protected. Then IF passive chews them down along with any match with all those strike tiles. 
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    5* Hawkeye
    4* Luke Cage
    3* Human Torch

    Get 5 green and you are off to the races with a barrage of arrows.  The reinforced countdown tiles work for a nasty yellow from Cage.  Great on PVE defense too thanks to Cage.