Your latest fun team combination



  • ajfahre
    ajfahre Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    For some reason I'm having so much fun with Strange 3*, Thanos 3* and Luke Cage 4* for goon nodes and Patch, Medusa, Scarlet Witch elsewhere.
    Does the protect tiles created by C4ge reduce damage from Thanos's Court Death?
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    My new favorite team is Maxpun + Electra + Patch. If the opposing team has its own tile generators I'll swap out Patch and put in another tile generator, like Nova for his yellow.
  • TiberiusKhan
    TiberiusKhan Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    ajfahre said:
    For some reason I'm having so much fun with Strange 3*, Thanos 3* and Luke Cage 4* for goon nodes and Patch, Medusa, Scarlet Witch elsewhere.
    Does the protect tiles created by C4ge reduce damage from Thanos's Court Death?

    Nope, but it does reduce goon damage, so mitigation factor still helps.
  • TiberiusKhan
    TiberiusKhan Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Also I just really like Luke Cage.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    My wasp is now at 5/4/3 level 200, so I'm starting to try her out.  I paired her with Falcon and Switch, and oh man, that was amazing!  9 Purple and 5 Yellow wins the game.  Falcon places 8 strong protect tiles and then Wasp switches them to Strike and buffs them.  Regular match damage then becomes well over 3K+!  Make sure to get some blue too, because with the current CD tile bug, any expiring CD tile also deals 3K+ damage, and all 3 characters have passives to create CD tiles. 

    The great thing is that this combo will only get stronger as I champ Wasp and level up Falcon to 266.  Switch is optional, you could also use Star Lord or Prof X.
  • Evilgenius9
    Evilgenius9 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I've been digging C4ge, Dr. strang3 and Iron Fist 3. Thanks to vaulting I have C4ge champed. I works best against teams with at least one non-tile mover, and tears up teams with 3. I can focus on yellow, blue, purple or green depending on what the board gives me and has a nice mix of offense and defense. 
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:

    The great thing is that this combo will only get stronger as I champ Wasp and level up Falcon to 266.  Switch is optional, you could also use Star Lord or Prof X.
    Now that I've got a few covers for Carol, I think I'm going to change my experimental Big Enchilada team from Star-Lord/Coulson/Hawkguy to Carol/Wasp/Medusa. I imagine this will be entertaining even without the countdown bug.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    My wasp is now at 5/4/3 level 200, so I'm starting to try her out.  I paired her with Falcon and Switch, and oh man, that was amazing!  9 Purple and 5 Yellow wins the game.  Falcon places 8 strong protect tiles and then Wasp switches them to Strike and buffs them.  Regular match damage then becomes well over 3K+!  Make sure to get some blue too, because with the current CD tile bug, any expiring CD tile also deals 3K+ damage, and all 3 characters have passives to create CD tiles. 

    The great thing is that this combo will only get stronger as I champ Wasp and level up Falcon to 266.  Switch is optional, you could also use Star Lord or Prof X.
    I've been running Wasp (who I only have at level 70, but with 5 in yellow), 3Falcon, and 2Bullseye. This team has been crushing all takers. I love the synergy between Bullseye's passive tile generator on purple matches which feeds Falcon's active tile generator. It leads to an insane amount of powerful strikes, especially if you can mix in any yellow matches to trigger Falcon's passive before Wasp flips them all.

    This team's one downfall is a board with no purple, so I may have to try your suggestion and sub Bullseye out for Switch.

    It's crazy how effective this team is with the countdown tile bug, but even without it the match damage is enough to keep this team viable.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Medusa 5/4/4
    TAH 5/5/3
    Carol 4/5/3

    until I get more covers for C4ge, this will be my anti-Peggy/anti-Strange team. The CDs aren't protected so it's a bit harder to deal powerless damage but Carol can speed things up with her cheap yellow. There's also not much in the way of damage preventing even though you can heal. blue is left alone to build for TAHs mastermind excello. 

  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    4* Blade, 4* Carol, and Battery Man. Let Blade or Carol get a couple of strike tiles down, then get a Recharge off. The Recharge tiles will get Carol to buff everything in sight, right before Blade starts going crazy. No match lasts long after that.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    My new fun team of Wasp, Falcon and Switch are great for wave nodes in PVE.  Once you flip all of Falcon's protects to strikes, then enemies start falling every color match or two.  A good cascade could take out an entire wave!  The longer the wave node, the stronger the combo gets too.   
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the current story, Strange Sights, with C4rol featured Ive been using C4rol (5/5/2 buff @320), Kingpin (3/5/5 buff @304), Phoenix (3/3/5 @420). Put down strike tiles with Phoenix and C4rol. Lay down Kingpins CDs and watch the buff parade begin!!! I've had multiple strike tiles doing over 3k each, making some match damage over 10K for just 3 tiles!!! Only drawback is it takes 8 black, 9 red, and 10 yellow to get it rolling. Works extremely well against wave nodes.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the Strange Sights PVE node where Carol is required, I paired her with Star Lord and Wasp, and they destroy the goons so fast!  All characters work off of each other:

    It's a simple strategy:
    Wasp and Carol can both lay down Strikes. 
    Star Lord and Wasp both lay down CD tiles like crazy, which triggers Carol to buff the Strikes.
    The current CD tile bug also hits the enemies hard whenever a CD tile expires.
    Star Lord can cover up enemy special tiles too, creating more CD tiles for you.

    Many times all enemies die in 1 turn.

  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the longest time my simulator team has been (all three-stars) Luke Cage, Cyclops, and Iron Fist. I decided to mix it up since I lucked into some Peggy covers lately (she's 5/1/5). 
    3* Luke Cage (4/4/5, 3/5/5, or 5/3/5, depending on team health levels before a match)
    Peggy (5/1/5)
    3* Iron Fist (3/5/5)

    Rainbow coverage, no conflicts on actives, and Fist's purple can help with a **** board. I like to boost +2 B/P, as this gets Fist's purple online with only one purple match, and Peggy's crushing blue is ready with three blue matches. Even with only a single cover in yellow this team can often slow down the enemy long enough to get the ball rolling. The only think I really wish it had is some good countdown protection - Peggy's blue is great when all three resolve, but sadly that's pretty rare. 

  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only think I really wish it had is some good countdown protection - Peggy's blue is great when all three resolve, but sadly that's pretty rare. 
    You've gotta hold that blue until you can down the first opponent with one shot, either with her red or someone else on your team. Fire her blue right before you do it, then the other two are stunned and you have control of the board until her countdowns resolve.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler

    Quite enjoying Elektra, 4* Iron FIst and 4* Luke Cage against anyone who drops Attack/Strike/Defence tiles...

    Elektra steals them for attack tiles, Iron FIst fortifies and adds to them...

    Luke Cage keeps everyone safe until Ballet of Death  gets Black to Iron Fist levels, at which point the punch of doom ramps up the damage...

    Awesome versus Goons nodes... can take a bit of time to get rolling... but brutal once it does

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    The auto-damage team: Medusa, 3*Fist, Strange - takes down enemies very fast, with some long term strategy as well.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    My new Anti-Sentry Team: Medusa (5/3/5), Doc Ock (3/5/5), Hawkguy (3/5/5)

    This works great!  The real power is in Medusa's Hair Meddle to steal and buff enemy specials.  Sentries produce so many specials, it becomes a gold mine.  Plus, Hawkguy can add 4 enemy specials to the board before you activate Hair Meddle.

    Every enemy special matched gives you an extra 7 AP and 2 Attack Tiles.  The AP generation is crazy, allowing you to fire Quiver of Arrows every turn, along with Hair Meddle several times.  Doc Ock's green also builds up to. There's almost constant health bursts from Medusa as well.  

    It seems like these 3 were made to take down sentries.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler

    My PVP Blade team was awesome fun...

    Blade 3* (when boosted)  5/3/5

    Carol 4* 3/5/5

    Iron Fist 4* 5/5/3

    (aim is to use all the black on Nightstalker)

    Blade produces strike tiles, Iron Fist fortifies them and generates green, which in turn hits hard and generates black

    Carol gives black when they match their strongest colour...

    Blade drops Nightstalker... which steals AP Which is particularly amusing when it is black (more nightstalker) or Yellow, so that Carol can trigger the Nightstalker countdown...

    Nightstalker countdowns boost the attack tiles to ridiculous levels.

    Blade also has the purple for attack tiles too...

    The fact that there is no active red is less of an issue given you don't want to match it :)

    Gets proper out of hand quickly...

    Level 404 Blade, 350ish Iron Fist and a 276 Carol killed most things including numerous level 400+ 5 stars and Blade plus 2 Boosted Champ 4* in short order...

  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    With C4rol now at 3/4/2 and her current max level (188) I decided to try her with Falcon and Wasp

    I am suitably impressed

    also liked her With 5/5/3 Cage and 5/4/1 Medusa