Your latest fun team combination



  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    I currently have him base level (boosted to 347) at 2/3/3. Trying to ascertain some thoughts from the community once he is champed.

    This is getting off topic however, I understand. Other fun options are welcome though

  • Greenroom
    Greenroom Posts: 71 Match Maker

    iHulk and Okoye for sure. I asked in the iHulk pull thread also but any merit to softcapping his black at 0? His green alone plus Okoye is so good im considering selling any black covers and keeping him as an offensive powerhouse that wont chew through my roster

  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor

    interesting, hulk wouldn't revive and damage his team, but would be tied to okoye forever to dish out damage.
    2099 would be an awesome 3rd in that case.
    personally I wouldn't pass on his black. i have him at 5/2/5 and that black eventually leads to almost 400% match damage

  • 111MCH111
    111MCH111 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    5* Kitty lvl 450, 4* Juggernaut lvl 280 and 4* Rocket&Groot lvl288. 
    Of course this is a well known team.

    🙏 thanks to this forum I have been given the best supports combination for my team:

    4* Rocket&Groot - 3* Carol’s Communicator: 45% 2 Protect tiles and 43% True Healing

    5* Kitty - 3* Avengers Tower: 43% special tile fortification and 100% Match-4 Protect tile

    4* Juggernaut - 2* Cull Obsidian: Green 60 extra damage, needed to avoid tanking by Kitty. This combo results in Blue and Green have collateral And 90% damage reduction.

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    Yeah Carol’s communicator is quite an effective support. Essentially turns any character you have into a true healer (assuming your team makes special tiles).
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2020
    I’ve been running Carbage (3/5/5)/Profe$$or X/Okoye to cruise through Strange Sights. The second turn with Carbage is everything with PX, and his red will double dip Wakanda Forever on the primary target. Professor gives you a second AOE on purple if you want it. It works way better than you might expect looking at the individual components.

    my new Kaecilius Buster is Carbage/KravenSabretooth as well. Again the second turn ftw.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    This has probably been mentioned before, but my new anti Kitty BRB Carbage is Worthy Cap, M4rvel and H5wkeye.

    Carbage gives you two fist tiles that get buffed to infinity on the first and second turns. You know how the rest goes. It's healthpack intensive sure, but it moves past that team quite quickly.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    111MCH111 said:
    5* Kitty lvl 450, 4* Juggernaut lvl 280 and 4* Rocket&Groot lvl288. 
    Of course this is a well known team.

    🙏 thanks to this forum I have been given the best supports combination for my team:

    4* Rocket&Groot - 3* Carol’s Communicator: 45% 2 Protect tiles and 43% True Healing

    5* Kitty - 3* Avengers Tower: 43% special tile fortification and 100% Match-4 Protect tile

    4* Juggernaut - 2* Cull Obsidian: Green 60 extra damage, needed to avoid tanking by Kitty. This combo results in Blue and Green have collateral And 90% damage reduction.

    Those are good, but for me, my lvl 302 Juggy naturally tanks green over my lvl 345 Kitty as I haven't champed her and I've favorited him. If he didn't, I might consider switching things around. But for now:

    4* Rocket: 3* Chimichanga: 34.74% to fortify special at start of turn (avengers tower requires the supported character make a match, and since you're trying to get most matches with Juggy, this gives you greater chance overall)

    5* Kitty: 3* Lockheed: automatically creates 2 Protect tiles at start of turn (because Juggy is an X-Man) + 15.97% fortify special at start of turn

    4* Juggy: 4* Chewie: 46.37% chance to create Attack tile on every match he makes, which combines nicely with Rocket's Strike tiles and Kitty's constant boosting

    I miss out on the healing aspect for Rocket but he's rarely (maybe never?) making matches so he doesn't take anything other than AoE damage anyway.

    I'm generally not making match-4's because it usually results in wiping out one of my special tiles. Two match 3's are better than 1 match 4 because of the boost from the Strike tiles.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I use my Lvl2 Ebony Maw on Juggs in that team. It boosts his black enough that he tanks that over Kitty. And, when I'm using G4mora instead, on easy nodes, he even tanks black over her, giving him everything except yellow. Also makes attac tiles sometimes, which can be helpful.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Glockoma said:

    With iHulk, been having fun with okoye, obviously, but also pretty fun to pair him with Vulture and Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler avoids his return aoe by going airborne and vulture can hang in the air too.

    Any other good 3rd partner to match perfectly with Hulkoye?

    I'm pretty sure Nightcrawler does not avoid the return AoE.  I tried it out, and I don't think it worked.

    Airborne characters do avoid it, though.  If you cna get 6 black for Vulture before Hulk wipes himself out, you're good to go.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    OJSP said:
    I think he corrected that in Hulk's thread. (Nope.. it was in this thread: )
    Yes; a correction was stated in that thread. During the time of trialing, I was playing in the iHulk event where team damage and chaos was constantly going off. 

    I will say that Vulture is pretty clutch when you get him flying and you can add in Karolina Dean for another self-sustaining flyer, (albeit, predicated on a countdown tile). 

    I don’t really want to let the cat out of the bag for my current FAVORITE third as of yet; I figure it will divulge itself as more people champ and play iHulk and Vulture in simulator. I will, however, love to hear if you have hit this team in simulator or can guess it! It’s an unassuming team to say the least, but it has brought me a net positive of wins in simulator which is a fantastic feeling.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Has someone mentioned here that 4*s Juggernaut, Rocket and Gamora can beat a team of championed 5*s with minimal damage? Lvl 306 Juggernaut, and lvl 300 Rocket and Gamora has been beating 5* teams with Thor, Okoye, Storm, Strange, Thanos, OML, Phoenix, and Doom. Juggernaut tanks every colour except yellow and black.

    Haven't tried them against teams with Kitty, BRB or Carnage yet. They're tricky, but probably doable too with the right board. It might not help 4* players much, because they're not a very fast team. But, at least it's quite fun to find another 4* team that could punch up.
    I try to find Juggs/Grocket teams in LRs with BRB/Bishop. Once BRB's blue CD is out on turn 2, every AoE hit from Juggs puts out a mess of protect tiles and quickly only does -1 damage. I save him for last. He doesn't negate powers fired at him, so two hits from BRB blue is usually enough to finish him off. 

    Pretty much the same thing with BRBritty. If he fires his blue and she fires her red, the board very quickly fills up with protects and attack tiles, which Kitty will buff. Plus if you're fighting enemy Kitty, she'll chase down Grocket's strikes and anything G4mora puts out. You'd have to either start with blue AP boosts or hope you get two blue matches early to stun Kitty, otherwise it would likely go sideways pretty quickly. 
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker

    Purple AP starter sounds good for Black Cat. A little extra damage on the chasing of black and easier green to fire than Vulture. Bonus AP drain is nice, I guess.

    I mean it’s another flyer or Matt, right?
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    Though about Black cat too, but a 1-turn airborne puts her back in harm’s way again. Stunning is nice, but we are trying to avoid iHulk’s damage not the opponent. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    I understand. That's why I said "Kitty, BRB or Carnage".. I think against one of them is possible, because we can stun the most dangerous one with Gamora's blue.

    On defense, this team is nothing special.. but I can only imagine what the other players are feeling when their 5*s are beaten by lvl 300 4*s.. :)
    Carnage would probably be your best bet, followed by BRB. Gritty and BRB by themselves have a way of punishing Juggs' AoE for either 6 red or blue AP. That's not always easy to deny.

    Sure, you could try to keep them stunlocked with G4mora, but boards are rarely that blue heavy that you can keep the 5* stunlocked the whole match. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thought I'd try out Wolfsbane with Kitty on the 5e iHulk node. Wow, three beefy strikes for six red. And then her cheap purple and black powers slashes the enemy team after a couple of turns. Throw in Hulks passive shenanigans and the match is soon over.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,026 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had a blast trying out Havok partners in Storm’s PVP. Went 34-1 in the matches I tried him in. Despite being a straightforward beat stick, his blue to red combo platter is a lot of fun. Wrecked shop with Doom, Daredevil, Professor, Thor, Jean, Bolt, and Logan. 

    Thor/Havok did a great job with low level BRBitty teams. Havok has an awesome outlet for the blue you deny. Red can shoot through the protects to kill Bill. Then use green to mop up specials when Kitty and Storm are left standing. 

    He’s definitely skippable if you’re tight on resources and/or being selective about who to chase. But for those who manage to champ him before his very brief stint in Latests ends, he’s a fun one to bring off the bench now and again. 
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2020
    Was nervous about the new Apoc PvP and needing hours to get through the event, until I found the team of loaner 5* Apoc + 4* boosted MODOK + 4* Bishop. The enemy Apoc's match damage is so high it triggers my Bishop almost every turn, which generates the blue to feed MODOK's Doomsday Plan (over 22K damage when it resolves for 7 blue). Most matches I could spam it 2-4 times before the match was over, and every ability you fire reduces the CD by 3 turns. Even if Bish goes down, Apoc tanks Red and Black for MODOK and MODOK's powers are 6 each (vs 7 for Apoc) so you get faster acceleration with the benefit of having either your BIshop or Apoc take 100% of the damage.

    Usually target the enemy Apoc last and whatever mutants or healers are on his team first. If they're 4*'s, Bishop's passive will do most of the work or at least get them down to where MODOK's CD will do the rest. Watch so you don't accidentally waste resolving his blue on a low health minion (unless you're about to eat a big shot and have no other way to prevent it). Always be sure to fire MODOK's blue before any other powers so you get the CD timer reduction benefit.

    The hardest to watch was Cloak & Dagger because their powers are so cheap and enemy powers increase MODOK's CD timer. Easy enough to target them first and prioritize black.

    This does require 1 health pack every 1-2 battles on Bishop, but I found the battles fast.
  • ArchusMonk
    ArchusMonk Posts: 219 Tile Toppler
    OJSP said:
    Has someone mentioned here that 4*s Juggernaut, Rocket and Gamora can beat a team of championed 5*s with minimal damage? Lvl 306 Juggernaut, and lvl 300 Rocket and Gamora has been beating 5* teams with Thor, Okoye, Storm, Strange, Thanos, OML, Phoenix, and Doom. Juggernaut tanks every colour except yellow and black.

    Haven't tried them against teams with Kitty, BRB or Carnage yet. They're tricky, but probably doable too with the right board. It might not help 4* players much, because they're not a very fast team. But, at least it's quite fun to find another 4* team that could punch up.
    As a 4* player, I find Jugg, Grocket, and G4mora very fast.  On the current shield sim, I won my first 31 matches in about an hour with little to no health packs needed. If there’s a faster 4* team, I’d be curious what it is. With this team I feel no urgency to reach 5* land since the battles sound so much longer from what I’ve read. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,026 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having a blast in House of X with an all-5* X-Men theme team. 

    Jean Grey/ Storm/ Havok

    - Full rainbow with green having the weakest powers but the most options (all three have outlets if Jean transforms). 

    - Jean’s purple, Storm’s yellow, and Havok’s blue can all fuel Havok’s red nuke

    - Havok’s red nuke adds charged tiles to the board for Storm

    - Tons of chaos and board shake with the tile converting and Storm blowing up the board. Lots of fun when every AP you earn has an outlet. 


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