Your latest fun team combination



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's easy to forget Hell Ride gathers red/green/black AP. Whenever we finally get that character that advances repeaters we may see a Robby-aissance. I haven't tried running him with Carbage or BRB yet, i feel like BRB's green-earning ways could help him out, as could Carbage's second turn.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    Looking for any great counters to BRB teams. I struggle against usually.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    What levels are those BRB teams and are you in 4* or 5* land?

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    What levels are those BRB teams and are you in 4* or 5* land?

    Firmly in 5*, though I only have 12-13 usable champed 5*’s. BRB’s are mostly <470. I have been going to a JJ and Venom combo in pick 2, but didn’t know if anyone has found any decent viable hard counters.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    BRB can be stun-locked. Hawkeye / hammer cap or strange / bishop let you get control of the situation but are health pack intensive. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    it's not 100% reliable for me, but i like Rescue/BRB vs pick 2 brb teams. Wen the board gets too flooded with enemy specials, you can use Rescue's blue to steal a pair and turn the rest red, which can be pretty spectacular at times.

    against BRBishop, okoye/X is still my best bet with +2 team up.

    I was able to take down a Kitty/BRB team in Hollowpoint Kiss with Iceman/Chavez, but my Chavez is 354. As with all Chavez matches, that is going to be wildly board dependent for you, but if you can stun BRB and Kitty, it gives you time to clear out the protects.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for the insight folks; I do fortunately have Strange and Bishop. That was much easier.

    I’m still grateful it isn’t the Gambit meta we all once experienced. 
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,430 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you have 5 star Daredevil?  You can use his purple to simultaneously steal a bunch of special tiles,  turn them into strike tiles,  and stun your target. 
  • steakleather
    steakleather Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    4* Thanos is great against BRB, because he gets rid of enemy specials and makes green as soon as they have 4 special tiles. Hide him behind a 5* green user.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    Do you have 5 star Daredevil?  You can use his purple to simultaneously steal a bunch of special tiles,  turn them into strike tiles,  and stun your target. 
    Unfortunately no
  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I am having a lot of fun in the Spidey pvp combining him with Black Cat and Karnak, all boosted. Very versatile team, quite friendly on health packs too. All colors are useful in some way.

    At the start, match purple to up the defense, power up BC purple power and wait for Karnak to go critical. After that, you have stun, defense, board shakeup, and some major damage dealing available,
  • 111MCH111
    111MCH111 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    My current favorite team consists of Kitty 5* champ, and Rocket&Groot 4* champ which are combined with Juggernaut 4*, also champ now. At SCL10 PVE this team eats rapidly thru most levels. The Green node, is the only tricky one, level 600 enemies all above 100k HP is brutal, but still fun. 
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    5* Carnage, Chavez, and ME Hulk. My current sim team right now. Fun team for making match after match. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've started dumping iso into Carbage, he's 4/3/5 lvl 359. I'm really enjoying him in Sim with Okoye/Sabretooth to clear all the Gritty teams around. That second turn makes all the difference in reliably wiping the board out. Also, pro tip, his red will double dip the primary target with Wakanda Forever!, since it does the initial damage tic followed by a team-wide AOE. I was doing 80k damage to the lead enemy in SCL10 with nobody boosted and a full TU Okoye.

    In PVE i've been running Spider-Man 2099/Black CAt (boosted)/Okoye for my main-line hard node clear team. BC drops a trap at battle start on black someplace, and with my 2099 at 209 still (5/5/2), Okoye tanks most of the board. I'll be curious if it stays fun after BC falls out of boost, but for now it's a pretty decent clear team against tile movers and goons. No active overlap, quite a few useful passives that trigger big damage, some board control, stuns on 2 colors. 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having loads of fun with boosted Black Cat, Captain Marvel (5*) and Strange (5*). BC has cheap powers and Marvel feeds her green while stunning/damaging on purple. Strange womps as usual and has good use of his blue. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well it didn't end up as being much "fun" for me but my Juggernaut team got absolutely destroyed by a Karnak/Meh Hulk/Chavez team in Shield Sim. Now I can champ Karnak definitely gonna take that one for a spin next season.
  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2020
    Kraven boosted in Angel event gives 5* Carnage the edge over Grocket and BRB teams. *edit (I say edge, perhaps I mean balanced)*

    After first or second turn, against any team, the self propagating enemy attack tiles are Knull and Void. See what I did there?

    Almost like having a Black Bolt team (damage each turn to boot) that specializes in SAP tiles over charge tiles.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    A little while back, someone turned me on to Thorkoye/2099 as a PvE combo. It's pretty much replaced Grockernaut for me, except for easy nodes. I find I'm particularly liking it in the final sub of Meet R&G, because 2099 drops many of his Web tiles on purple, which helps quite a lot in keeping Doom's traps under control.
  • Phill_C
    Phill_C Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited March 2020
    For PVP/PVE I love using all 4* Bishop/Vulture/Deadpool!!! Hit bishop and blue is fed for vulture to remove enemy specials, not forgetting Deadpool now also butts in to penalise for hitting Bishop and then just acquire black to send Vulture airborne and you know the drill... with the extra red u can keep Deadpool at full health and with purple extra damage when matched. Do need healthpacks on Bishop after 2x matches but still fun. Yes I know people hate him but still building my rooster.