DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • allorin wrote:

    Stop making me icon_lol.gif . It's disturbing my wife's viewing of Nashville.

    Wow you have to watch that show. I feel for you. icon_eek.gif

    Two words: Hayden. Panett...whatever.

    Ooh, two more: Connie. Britton.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    gamar wrote:
    Now I want to/absolutely do not want to know...
    This is generally true of everyone's thoughts about everything TU1.

    Allorin: Ah, Hayden. Yep. That is all. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I saw this elsewhere:
    IceIX wrote:
    Every single thread in this forum is read by one person or another. We just don't respond to most threads and nearly all suggestions. It doesn't mean we don't use them as talking points however.

    Now I'm worried.
  • allorin wrote:
    allorin wrote:

    Stop making me icon_lol.gif . It's disturbing my wife's viewing of Nashville.

    Wow you have to watch that show. I feel for you. icon_eek.gif

    Two words: Hayden. Panett...whatever.

    Ooh, two more: Connie. Britton.

    Well I suppose there's that. Then when their not in the scene you talk to the guys on here?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I saw this elsewhere:
    IceIX wrote:
    Every single thread in this forum is read by one person or another. We just don't respond to most threads and nearly all suggestions. It doesn't mean we don't use them as talking points however.

    Now I'm worried.

    I told you that posting nudes on twitter and linking from here wasnt a wise idea icon_lol.gif
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I saw this elsewhere:
    IceIX wrote:
    Every single thread in this forum is read by one person or another. We just don't respond to most threads and nearly all suggestions. It doesn't mean we don't use them as talking points however.

    Now I'm worried.

    I told you that posting nudes on twitter and linking from here wasnt a wise idea icon_lol.gif

    You follow my twitter? icon_redface.gif

    It all started on a rainy night in February. Valentines night to be precise. Unbeknownst to either of the two,they had been communicating on a dating website, where one of them was masquerading as a 21 year old Asian girl. I shall not disclose which one. The chat had become more heated as the night wore on until they were both feeling very flustered. They decided to take it to the next level and removed their clothes after deciding to webcam each other.

    What stuck TU1 first was the hairy armpits he could clearly make out on the grainy image. Upon closer inspection he also noticed a tiny hitler moustache and realized with horror that the Asian girl was indeed a man. Disgusted and repulsed,he quickly shut down his cam. But that was not the end of the matter. It was too late,for klingsor had falling in love. Nothing would stop him in his pursuit for true love.

    And this is where the story continues to this day.
  • This is much better than the version I had in my head, which is that TU1 made a joke, and SenseOfHumourBypassManTM took umbrage to it. And then decided to troll our forum regularly.
  • allorin wrote:
    davecazz wrote:
    Our online personality is a carefully crafted PR campaign, We've hired the PR company that helped BP after the gulf oil spill to transform us from everyone's enemy into the nice guys that people root for. Although periodically the facade fails and the PR company has to work really hard to build us back up.

    in reality we have a rule that anyone that scores less than 1100 in a PvP gets skipped off to a north korean prison camp. Them and their extended families.

    Your PR rep needs to take Jozier through Induction training again. icon_e_smile.gif

    Jozier and Jachdo are regulars in our forum sensitivity training seminar. Despite the fact that its only those two in the class, they insist on sitting at the back of the room and throw spitballs at the teacher.

    The only thing keeping them out of north korea is that they are both monsters when it comes to PvP. also Jachdo is our enforcer. if anyone gives us grief, he will gladly lose a ton of points in order to retal someone into submission.
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    Heh so everyone focuses on that i was pissed about the score more then it was that i viewed what the score and players attitude actually represented.
    Oh well if that makes me the villain of our alliance so be it.

    For the record i was more pissed that it seemed that the player didnt give a tinykitty about those around them. The score was just a symptom of what i seen as the larger problem and I got a little too vocal about it.

    -edit- Also Klingsor twitter doesnt mean a tinykitty thing. I have a few well followed accounts follow me and even had a celeb retweet a few of my comments.
    That doesnt mean that they actually listen to much of what say or that they even care that i've said it.

    not sure if my comment contributed to this but I'm sure 90% percent of this is all just friendly teasing. Most of us understand the communication issue that you were dealing with and totally agree that an alliance member needs to keep in touch. Not scoring is not that big of a deal if they at least tell everyone that they've got a lot of RL stuff to do.

    As you can tell I'm an honer role student in our PR course. No going rouge over here.
  • Maybe if we ignore him he will go away? I swear if i find out who said his name 3 times to make him appear,i will personally "whoop" you out of our alliance icon_e_wink.gif

    I find this comment amusing, since out of all 95k people in this game, you reference me by name the most. If you don't want me to come visit your thread, stop systematically mentioning me by name. this subforum alone is filled with references to me, the majority by theUnwiseOne. As far as the rest of you fine gentlemen, I have no beef with you.

    @Ferret, You really think you would have been unhappy in our alliance? I have 60 members and after the original two that left to Shield, I haven't lost any. I think we do well and my alliance mates are pretty have with the system we have in 5DV, 5DP and 5DT. Honestly I still get interest and could probably start 1 or 2 more alliances if we wanted. If I was the selfish persona some of you guys think I am, our alliance would not be doing well. In truth we work very well together and help each other out all the time. For example a 5DV member lost on purpose to a 5DP member today just to him help get the last points he needed for the IW 1300 point reward. The guy was obviously very happy. Anyway, if you guys don't want me visiting i will leave you to your business, just don't keep calling me back! icon_e_wink.gif
  • *Draws a pentagram around Tu1 and Dlaw*
    *starts to randomly chanitng some mythic sounding stuffs*
    *lays the mirror down in the midddle of the pent between Tu1 and Dlaw*
    *dashes out of the room like a bat outta hell*
  • klingsor wrote:
    Also "mind your manners" "smart and witty" " dragfest with you"

    The irony is strong in this one.

    edit: also thought he couldn't see my posts cause he blocked me?ooops icon_e_smile.gif

    more edit: now that i think of it, "whooping the floor" sounds like something a dog does while its wiping its ****. I don't know which image is worse. I shall not sleep tonight.

    I did block you but I got tired of seeing the message stating you had said something and if I really wanted to see it. Also iceix told me he spoke with you too, I assumed you would stop being a little ****. Whoops!

    The double post was completely by accident. I will remove it as soon as I can.

    As to Jozier, put up or shut up dude. I'm glad you collect screenshots of my rankings. Print them and put them next to your Justin Bieber posters for all I care. If you want to make a career of posting after me, be my guest, I enjoy the attention. While you are occasionally amusing, you tend to be more of a pain. You also reflect poorly on your alliance. You are like the Louth mouthed alcoholic uncle that spills his drink at a family gathering. They barely tolerate your nonsense...

    Lol what, you have a higher score than me in one event because I chose not to shield when I was over 1100, congratulations. I have a better roster than you and I clearly have superior tournament placements than you.

    I've got nothing to prove to you. There's a reason I'm in SHIELD and you're the punchline to a million jokes.
  • Jozier, this is our current kick list:


    Spider-man 6234 has one spot. Would you like another?

    Joke! Joke! Fuxache guys it's a joke! Chill!
  • bookmarking dis tinykitty page for reference at the end of the next elite tournament icon_twisted.gif
  • now where did i leave that drink....
  • I soooo wanna be the one who gets us to 100 pages so now it's time for spam.
  • Spammy spammy spam spam
  • My nipples lactate milk for some reason. It's strange as I have no nipples.
  • So ummmm how's the weather?
  • allorin wrote:
    Jozier, this is our current kick list:


    Spider-man 6234 has one spot. Would you like another?

    Joke! Joke! Fuxache guys it's a joke! Chill!

    Awesome made the shortlist for when someone goes crazy and has to be kicked! (Wait a sec there's some more fine print down there)