DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies

edited March 2017 in MPQ Alliances
Hello True Believers! Hey that would be a good name for an alliance...

I started this thread for the members of the DjangoUnbuffed alliance to catch up to date with each other and chat.

First things first, Tempestos, who are you? I was able to locate the forum IDs of each of the rest of you, but I can't find Tempestos anywhere in these forums. If you are going by a different forum handle, please just post a reply in here or PM me. If you are a lurker here, you are still welcome to join DjangoUnbuffed, but I definitely want for us to be able to contact one another and communicate. If you are a lurker, just make an account under any name and PM me with your email or something. If I can't determine who you are or communicate with you I will have to kick you from the alliance. You have a nice team, though, keep up the good work! icon_e_smile.gif

I also think it would be nice if we could exchange Facebook info for the sake of reward sharing with each other. I was hoping they would implement google+ sharing since many people don't have big circles yet, it would ensure not to dilute the reward distribution between us. Can you create dummy Facebook accounts like MPQdlaw008 just to maximize your reward sharing with your team?

Shout out to Allorin, saw you in the Hulk LR at 2am my time last night. Get a Courageous token? I would have paid the 10 iso to skip you if we were matched. icon_e_wink.gif

Thanks for joining, guys! PM me if you want to exchange emails or FB info.

Excelsior! Hey, that would be a good name for an alliance...


  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Copy your post and put it in the new Alliance branch.
  • You seem to be very organized with your alliance, I like that.

    If you have a roster spot I would like in, my player name is eddu, my stronger char is a lvl117 hulk
  • Can you rename alliances? Any luck finding Tempestos? Think we have a strong bunch of guys except 1 lol
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Token weak guy chiming in! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    The devs are apparently rolling out Alliance chat, Alliance progression boards, etc. in the next couple of weeks, so I expect they'll also roll out some sort of Alliance reward sharing.

    Also, I'm working on the roster. icon_e_biggrin.gif I haven't seen a Thor cover in over a week, and only 1 OBW cover in ~10 days, though, so... bottleneck atm.

    P.S. - I rather like "DjangoUnbuffed" as a name.
  • Would be nice if I could give you some of my unneeded covers. Part of the alliance should be helping the lower lever members progress. I think it ought to be encouraged to have a spectrum of membership, rather than just get the 1337-est dudes.
  • You seem to be very organized with your alliance, I like that.

    If you have a roster spot I would like in, my player name is eddu, my stronger char is a lvl117 hulk

    Looks like roster spots will open up the near future. I hope we find Tempestos and he stays, but if we cannot than we will open up a spot. IceIX also stated that they are planning to allow enlarging of alliances by spending HP. I don't mind doing that for the right group of guys (I mean people; girls are welcome, too).
  • HailMary wrote:
    Token weak guy chiming in! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    The devs are apparently rolling out Alliance chat, Alliance progression boards, etc. in the next couple of weeks, so I expect they'll also roll out some sort of Alliance reward sharing.

    Also, I'm working on the roster. icon_e_biggrin.gif I haven't seen a Thor cover in over a week, and only 1 OBW cover in ~10 days, though, so... bottleneck atm.

    P.S. - I rather like "DjangoUnbuffed" as a name.
    lol don't worry, you will get there soon enough. I been playing for 75 days now and only recently (last 3 weeks) i have been getting more rewards and iso to level my squad icon_e_smile.gif takes awhile to get going
  • Sorry I only just found this bit of the forum...

    Tempestos ready for duty icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tempest wrote:
    Sorry I only just found this bit of the forum...

    Tempestos ready for duty icon_e_smile.gif

    Hooray! The team is complete!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    And the fellowship is complete!
    lol don't worry, you will get there soon enough. I been playing for 75 days now and only recently (last 3 weeks) i have been getting more rewards and iso to level my squad icon_e_smile.gif takes awhile to get going

    Yeah, I'm on day 39 (day 30ish of non-Prologue play). Cover-collection pacing is weird, even within a single star level. My AsWolf and Cap will be maxed by the end of Brotherhood PvE, and I got those chars after I got Thor and OBW.

    Oh, and have you guys ever noticed probability-of-useful/2*-covers differences between opening each reward token immediately vs. waiting to open 5-10 at once? In other words, it sometimes feels like getting good 2* chars in standard tokens is more likely when opening a bunch at once vs. opening each one right when you get it, but that could easily be personal cognitive bias.
  • Im a little too eager to open the packs to have tested that out icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    And the fellowship is complete!
    lol don't worry, you will get there soon enough. I been playing for 75 days now and only recently (last 3 weeks) i have been getting more rewards and iso to level my squad icon_e_smile.gif takes awhile to get going

    Yeah, I'm on day 39 (day 30ish of non-Prologue play). Cover-collection pacing is weird, even within a single star level. My AsWolf and Cap will be maxed by the end of Brotherhood PvE, and I got those chars after I got Thor and OBW.

    Oh, and have you guys ever noticed probability-of-useful/2*-covers differences between opening each reward token immediately vs. waiting to open 5-10 at once? In other words, it sometimes feels like getting good 2* chars in standard tokens is more likely when opening a bunch at once vs. opening each one right when you get it, but that could easily be personal cognitive bias.
  • I had a fun incident this afternoon. Entered a LR to get the 100 point progression reward then tank. (If you get in right at the beginning you can put in your tank team after 100 points against a seed team you saved. Can usually net you around 1000 iso and then lower your MMR in about 15 minutes or so.) But after about ten fights, I realized I was still seeing seed teams! So I thought, "Maybe this one has low participation," and I went ahead and started blasting for a top spot. I got two courageous tokens, top 8. I was rubbing my hands together since only my Punisher is fully maxed and specced the way I want him, almost any courageous token would be useful.

    Opened them both to get a Punisher and a Blue IM40, both of which I didn't want. Big bummer, right? Since I was already on the recruitment screen, I tabbed over to open the standard token I had earned. A red Hulk! LOL! From the standard token!

    I would have preferred green, but my Hulk was at the soft cap anyway, so it at least lets me raise his level. I would have given you guys the other two covers in a heartbeat, if they allowed it.
  • Punisher is top of my want list at the moment so yeah would have been nice icon_e_smile.gif
  • So at the moment i am leveling up punisher to 77
    After which i can either level up DareDevil to 102
    OBW to 61
    Thor to 85
    Spidey to 51
    Iron Man (40) to 41
    Captain America to 69
    Patch to 53

    So who to level up after? I'm thinking Thor cause i have him maxed or Patch
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Do any of you know the actual timing of PvE rubberbanding? I know mission points fully recharge 12 hours after your last play, but general variations in value look kinda random to me.

    Assuming you're talking about cover pacing... I HATE YOUR STUPID FACE SO MUCH RIGHT NOW icon_razz.gif

    Just judging from Cap a lot in the current PvE (Cap/C.Storm/MN Mags) as a tank, I don't see the point of leveling him up much. His powers take so long to initially charge up, and while the recharge countdowns are nice, his red has such relatively low damage.

    Yeah, that blue IM40 would've been nice, but eh, most of my 3*'s have only single covers.

    That Hulk is sweet, though. My standard tokens are at the point where I get a bit excited when I open a mHawkeye (which I throw away anyway), because at least he's not a Yelena or Jugg.
  • So at the moment i am leveling up punisher to 77
    After which i can either level up DareDevil to 102
    OBW to 61
    Thor to 85
    Spidey to 51
    Iron Man (40) to 41
    Captain America to 69
    Patch to 53

    So who to level up after? I'm thinking Thor cause i have him maxed or Patch

    I am not a big Daredevil fan, so while the high number looks nice, I'm not excited. In my opinion, OBW and Thor are the two star workhorses (even better than Wolverine), I would pick one of them. They served me very well. On the other hand, I really love the hero lightning rounds, and Patch, IM40 and Spidey all are in there.

    I have no idea about PVE. I'm terrible at it. Can't place well, can't seem to figure out when the scores are maximized. They all look random to me, too. They're weird. I always believed that PVE should be entirely cooperative, PVP is for competition. They should just have global progression rewards or something.
  • On another note, I got TheUnwiseOne connected to my Facebook and at this point he is the only person it asks to share with, so I guess I needn't worry about diluting rewards with all those extraneous friends and family. icon_lol.gif
  • Anyone else have any success in the Fresh Cut pvp competition?

    I ended up either 2nd or 3rd in my bracket so was quite happy with the 3 Magneto classic covers I received when I logged back in icon_e_smile.gif

    I'll add a +1 to levelling OBW, I use her alot and have her maxed though she can be a bit squishy sometimes. Depends on your play style though. I'm also a big fan of Patch.

    Personally I'm probably going to focus on maxing spiderman next to my current soft cap for him. Hopefully the nerf bat when it hits wont mess up his usefullness icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tempest wrote:
    Anyone else have any success in the Fresh Cut pvp competition?

    I ended up either 2nd or 3rd in my bracket so was quite happy with the 3 Magneto classic covers I received when I logged back in icon_e_smile.gif

    I'll add a +1 to levelling OBW, I use her alot and have her maxed though she can be a bit squishy sometimes. Depends on your play style though. I'm also a big fan of Patch.

    Personally I'm probably going to focus on maxing spiderman next to my current soft cap for him. Hopefully the nerf bat when it hits wont mess up his usefullness icon_e_smile.gif

    finished 14th in mine so got 2 covers to go with my 1 from before so mow i have a massive 3 magneto covers lol i have started to join events just 6 hours from the end and now i always place well icon_e_smile.gif