DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    oooh thats a tough one but probably storm if you can max her out. BP covers will be in tournys for the forseeable future so you could always get more i think. just need to keep getting those coins icon_e_smile.gif if you can make 250-300 coins a week then you will be fine icon_e_smile.gif

    That's what I'm thinking, too. Ares is good, but having only gotten 1 cover for him total, I might be into usable-3* territory by the time I get enough covers for him. I've already got mStorm 3/5/3 in my reward queue and 36K Iso left, so maxing her would be trivial.

    I've been pleasantly surprised at my HP and PvE point accrual, too. Just crossed 100K without even realizing it (no way I'm getting Punisher, though), and somehow hit 325 HP. I'll be at over 500 HP (2 new slots) in about an hour. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    The end-of-events haul:

    3 AWolv covers
    2 Black Panther covers
    2 Heroic tokens -> 2 Moonstones icon_mad.gif
    250 HP
    ~1000 Iso

    Whew. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Edit: Ugh, roster cost went up to 300 HP. 25 HP short of 2 slots. ****.
  • 4 Black Panther covers
    2 heroic tokens - Magneto mn (caps my magneto) and hawkeye ( icon_e_sad.gif )
    350 HP
    2000 ish ISO

    Spent all the HP I gained on a roster slot for BP icon_e_smile.gif
  • Anyone planning to run a BP as part of their team? I'm very tempted, especially if I can pick up some more covers.
  • Tempest wrote:
    Anyone planning to run a BP as part of their team? I'm very tempted, especially if I can pick up some more covers.

    I feel like he's solid. And goes pretty well with Punisher. I got three covers, my bracket actually took 900 points to top 5 icon_mad.gif , I had to burn a lot of my boosts for the last minute push to get there. When I get him leveled I plan on using him. I bet he and Punisher are probably the best 3 stars to level first. They fit in most anywhere and are good all around, although Punisher gets the edge, in my mind.
  • I'll probably team him with patch in the short term and then when my punisher gets to a useable level I'll have a difficult decision to make icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tempest wrote:
    I'll probably team him with patch in the short term and then when my punisher gets to a useable level I'll have a difficult decision to make icon_e_smile.gif

    Patch is a great character, and will go well with BP also, I think. I think Patch is tougher to play, though, so I kinda feel like he is a more advanced three star. He can need a little "board management" for keeping track of your and your opponent's strike tiles. Punisher is more just gather your AP and fire away. If you are already familiar with using Patch, you may not need to worry about Punisher in the near term (but I like him).

    What is great to me about BP is that his colors and skills are so complementary to the existing three stars. The majority of the heroes rely on green and red, so putting a good team together almost requires Spiderman or Classic Magneto. Having BP will open up a lot of other options, in my opinion. And from initial reports his max black skill is a murderous joke, which is fun.
  • Hey all, I didn't want to stalk anyone, so after friending on FB for the sake of reward sharing, I left your FB profiles alone. But just from the quick glance, it looked like a couple of you might be UK players (or at least a Man U fan). In case anyone wants to share:

    I live in Arizona. You may find me playing during late nights (my time) because I usually work until 2am and will sometimes jump in after work hoping to catch an inactive period in a tourney or lightning round. I am a father of two girls (ages 8 and 10). I have been an avid gamer my entire life (both tabletop and video), but don't get to play much any more (except MPQ). My xbox live gamertag is also dlaw008, although you will probably find me watching Netflix with the family more often than playing many games. I'm still on the fence about getting Titanfall. It obviously looks great but I'm not sure I'll have the time to enjoy it properly.

    Favorite movie: Blade Runner, Album: Thunder and Consolation (New Model Army), Book: The Great Gatsby
  • I got 2 BP covers, a tonne of iso and some HP for shields the next couple events. Have 27 slots in my roster, all filled so i am happy with my team. Dont have some heroes but i dont want them so thats ok. I also pulled a punisher, obw, patch, and a few magneto now covers so that was amazing for me. PLUS i have to get 3 assault tokens when D3 email me back as i got the wrong tokens. so hopefully i can pull another punisher or psylocke icon_e_smile.gif
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Hey all, I didn't want to stalk anyone, so after friending on FB for the sake of reward sharing, I left your FB profiles alone. But just from the quick glance, it looked like a couple of you might be UK players (or at least a Man U fan). In case anyone wants to share:

    I live in Arizona. You may find me playing during late nights (my time) because I usually work until 2am and will sometimes jump in after work hoping to catch an inactive period in a tourney or lightning round. I am a father of two girls (ages 8 and 10). I have been an avid gamer my entire life (both tabletop and video), but don't get to play much any more (except MPQ). My xbox live gamertag is also dlaw008, although you will probably find me watching Netflix with the family more often than playing many games. I'm still on the fence about getting Titanfall. It obviously looks great but I'm not sure I'll have the time to enjoy it properly.

    Favorite movie: Blade Runner, Album: Thunder and Consolation (New Model Army), Book: The Great Gatsby

    Well im irish but left for america last august to be with my girlfriend (who i met on youtube after she watched one of my videos, always a good story to tell lol) we travelled back and forth for 2 years, so expensive icon_e_sad.gif so i upped and left ireland and now i live in tennessee. Im a huge Man Utd fan (got the tattoos to prove it) Favourite movie is a toss between Shawshank Redemption and Young Guns. Favourite band is NIN and their album With Teeth. i also have a 6 month old baby icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Well im irish but left for america last august to be with my girlfriend (who i met on youtube after she watched one of my videos, always a good story to tell lol) we travelled back and forth for 2 years, so expensive icon_e_sad.gif so i upped and left ireland and now i live in tennessee. Im a huge Man Utd fan (got the tattoos to prove it) Favourite movie is a toss between Shawshank Redemption and Young Guns. Favourite band is NIN and their album With Teeth. i also have a 6 month old baby icon_e_smile.gif

    Holy s---, for a moment there, I thought you were one of my IRL acquaintances before I remembered that I know your real name via FB. icon_e_biggrin.gif Your stories (Irish, moved to US last year to be with GF he met serendipitously over the Internet) are eerily similar... except for the baby, but that was at the end. icon_razz.gif

    Also, you have amazing cover-pull luck.

    I'm in Boston. I don't follow team sports (yeah, yeah, I know icon_razz.gif ). I usually play MPQ in the evenings, and when I have a bored/brain-break moment during the day. I've got a PS3 and a 360, and used to be a regular COD player back in the MW2 days, but I now almost exclusively play single-player action/action-RPGs due to time constraints.

    Favorite movies: hmmm, quite a few that I really like. Some atypical ones - Les Intouchables, Primal Fear, Ip Man.

    Favorite band: I predominantly listen to electropop, house, and classical, so "band" doesn't really fit. icon_razz.gif Rodrigo y Gabriela is one of my favorite groups who don't fit in those genres, though.

    Favorite authors: Jared Diamond, Jasper Fforde.
  • Well I did it. I went and sold all my 1 star characters except for Juggernaut(everyone needs a HEADBUTT) and I made 17000 which I then pumped into The Punisher to make him level 100. My first ever 3 digit guy icon_e_smile.gif I'm all grown up and moved on to bigger and better things lol although it was sad to delete my covers, I just never used them at all so it gave me iso and freed up some space icon_e_smile.gif now just to get him to 115 before I move onto leveling Thor icon_e_smile.gif

    On another note, Doug I got 2 or 3 rewards of you again last night but they never arrived. The game does not like me.
  • Not getting rewards is weird. Forgive me for not being very Facebook savvy, but you know that you should be getting rewards from FB messages, but they don't show up 'in game'? is that how it works? Perhaps we should post on the bugs and technical issues forum.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Well I did it. I went and sold all my 1 star characters except for Juggernaut(everyone needs a HEADBUTT) and I made 17000 which I then pumped into The Punisher to make him level 100. My first ever 3 digit guy icon_e_smile.gif I'm all grown up and moved on to bigger and better things lol although it was sad to delete my covers, I just never used them at all so it gave me iso and freed up some space icon_e_smile.gif now just to get him to 115 before I move onto leveling Thor icon_e_smile.gif

    Nice! I don't know how he compares to Punisher, but a leveled-up Thor is fun to play with.

    I'm just the opposite: just dumped my ten queued MStorm covers into a roster slot last night. icon_razz.gif Tried out my new lvl1 MStorm during a LR tank, and being on the control end of one of her extended loops is sweeeeeet.

    Are you guys playing in the current Panther PvP? I think I hit a fairly easy bracket, since I'm at #4 with just under 600 points.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, basically, Thor + OBW + Punisher/Black Panther (as needed) just dominates the Hulk PvE so far.

    This is the first time I've actually used OBW's healing in matches (since she's cover-capped at L37). It is sweet.
  • HailMary wrote:
    So, basically, Thor + OBW + Punisher/Black Panther (as needed) just dominates the Hulk PvE so far.

    This is the first time I've actually used OBW's healing in matches (since she's cover-capped at L37). It is sweet.

    What's that OBW? You wanna heal everybody? 1000 points healed? OHHHH YEAHHHH
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    HailMary wrote:
    So, basically, Thor + OBW + Punisher/Black Panther (as needed) just dominates the Hulk PvE so far.

    This is the first time I've actually used OBW's healing in matches (since she's cover-capped at L37). It is sweet.

    What's that OBW? You wanna heal everybody? 1000 points healed? OHHHH YEAHHHH

    OBW's healing is amazing. I can't wait to get some more covers of her so I can join the 80% of maxed-2* players who use her in PvP.

    Also, Solo Hulk missions are great healing missions. Deny red & green, heal when you get enough blue, don't use any hitter powers, wait till Helpless Hulk is whittled down to under 8000 HP (since I don't have Punisher's Retribution), and unleash all three of Thor's powers twice in one turn. It's almost boring.
  • HailMary wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    So, basically, Thor + OBW + Punisher/Black Panther (as needed) just dominates the Hulk PvE so far.

    This is the first time I've actually used OBW's healing in matches (since she's cover-capped at L37). It is sweet.

    What's that OBW? You wanna heal everybody? 1000 points healed? OHHHH YEAHHHH

    OBW's healing is amazing. I can't wait to get some more covers of her so I can join the 80% of maxed-2* players who use her in PvP.

    Also, Solo Hulk missions are great healing missions. Deny red & green, heal when you get enough blue, don't use any hitter powers, wait till Helpless Hulk is whittled down to under 8000 HP (since I don't have Punisher's Retribution), and unleash all three of Thor's powers twice in one turn. It's almost boring.

    Yeah the high level solo hulk missions are kind of ironic since he has so much health it's hard to trigger Anger.
  • Plus really easy to take out hulk if you can chain stun him. I used spidey and completely negated any danger he posed even at level 200 then built up enough AP for patch to slice him up a treat.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tempest wrote:
    Plus really easy to take out hulk if you can chain stun him. I used spidey and completely negated any danger he posed even at level 200 then built up enough AP for patch to slice him up a treat.
    I'll bet.

    I gots no Spider-love, though.

    I'm not even going to try any L230s. Once, I accidentally let L160+ Hulk get a Thunderous Clap on OBW. Not fun. That led to a 8-stage cascade which segued quite neatly into Smash.