DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • yeah gonna change him to a 3-5-5 instead, i like his green too much lol
  • HailMary: i seen you have leveled up a few more times since i last checked, good job

    Tempestos: peek a boo, i see you. Just seen you in 180th place in the main Hulk event icon_e_smile.gif

    Dlaw: Hello

    Allorin: Hello

  • Hello, UnWiseOne!

    Okay guys, what do you think about allowing more members into DjangoUnbuffed? Looks like with the upcoming patch we'll be given the option to increase the size. I'm not really sure how pricey it is, but I'm willing to throw a few HP at it. My goal is to have a good mix of members at various stages of advancement with a diverse enough set of interests that enough of us will be good at PVE and PVP that we can eventually place well and win rewards, if it should go that way. Even more important than that, to me, though is to have a good group of communicative people to support each other and have fun.

    Would you guys be okay with adding members? I think I would be inclined to forgo any kind of roster requirements in favor of active forum posters or readers. Obviously, new members should attach their FB accounts for reward sharing. Got any suggestions of forum members you are particularly fond of? Or friends or family that play are willing to come online and converse with us? Anyone lurking in this thread that would particularly like an invite?

    Also, I figure I'll set us to 'private' when that option becomes available. If the only difference is that random strangers can't join without being accepted, I don't see why not to do that. It saves us from having to kick any random strangers anyway.
  • I'm fine with adding more members as long as the price isnt too high. If theres a way for me to do it I dont mind donating a bit of HP towards expansion.

    I think you are right though about being a bit selective, doesnt need to be anything to do with roster strength but getting people with the right sort of attitude and willingness to work/communicate with one another is more important in my opinion.

    TheUnwiseOne - Peek a boo! I ended on about rank 120 by the end, though I suspect I've lost a bunch of ranks since then. Its going to be difficult to predict finishing place until right near the end I think though I should be good for atleast the 3 Thor covers I want and Im reckoning I've got a good chance of that wolvie cover.
  • Tempest wrote:
    I'm fine with adding more members as long as the price isnt too high. If theres a way for me to do it I dont mind donating a bit of HP towards expansion.

    I think you are right though about being a bit selective, doesnt need to be anything to do with roster strength but getting people with the right sort of attitude and willingness to work/communicate with one another is more important in my opinion.

    TheUnwiseOne - Peek a boo! I ended on about rank 120 by the end, though I suspect I've lost a bunch of ranks since then. Its going to be difficult to predict finishing place until right near the end I think though I should be good for atleast the 3 Thor covers I want and Im reckoning I've got a good chance of that wolvie cover.

    yeah right now im in 160th. i have been in the top 200 all tournament but all i want is the 3 Thor covers. i dont have an x-force yet so it would be good to get him, if not ill be happy enough icon_e_smile.gif
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Hello, UnWiseOne!

    Okay guys, what do you think about allowing more members into DjangoUnbuffed? Looks like with the upcoming patch we'll be given the option to increase the size. I'm not really sure how pricey it is, but I'm willing to throw a few HP at it. My goal is to have a good mix of members at various stages of advancement with a diverse enough set of interests that enough of us will be good at PVE and PVP that we can eventually place well and win rewards, if it should go that way. Even more important than that, to me, though is to have a good group of communicative people to support each other and have fun.

    Would you guys be okay with adding members? I think I would be inclined to forgo any kind of roster requirements in favor of active forum posters or readers. Obviously, new members should attach their FB accounts for reward sharing. Got any suggestions of forum members you are particularly fond of? Or friends or family that play are willing to come online and converse with us? Anyone lurking in this thread that would particularly like an invite?

    Also, I figure I'll set us to 'private' when that option becomes available. If the only difference is that random strangers can't join without being accepted, I don't see why not to do that. It saves us from having to kick any random strangers anyway.

    yeah new members would be good. As long as they post here alot, communication is key icon_e_smile.gif we already got a good group. Maybe start another post asking people if they wanna join and we can pick the ones we know/most active?
  • What sort of size would we want to grow to?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    TheUnwiseOne: Yes'm. This event's been good to my 2*'s who aren't called "Thor." icon_lol.gif That Punisher of yours is looking mighty nice, as well.

    Were you the one who asked if 160K would be good enough for top tier by the end? I'm guessing that 200K would be the rough cutoff for top 200 at final count, since I'm at 168K even, and currently sitting in #151. I'd've been higher but I somehow got my phone into dev mode when I was about to start my first current-sub run. icon_lol.gif

    dlaw008: I'm onboard with adding more members. I like that you want a diverse membership, even from an objective tactical standpoint, since I think a lot of the scaling tweaks D3 is implementing are intended to maintain competitiveness for dedicated players with weaker rosters, though obviously, there should be no downside to having a guy with multiple L141s. IceIX indicated that chat is coming (the programming hooks are already in), just not in R49. I think that setting Django to "private" is a no-brainer. There's no advantage to keeping it "public."

    Alliance roster pricing: IceIX says their initial pricing will be 600HP for slot #6, 700 HP for slot #7, etc. (19500 HP for a full 20-member Alliance) But, they're using this pricing to test the waters and see what player valuations of Alliance slots looks like, i.e. determining the point at which most expansionist commanders stop ponying up the HP. It's very much "vote with your wallet", since they'll be actively tweaking pricing for a while.

    Tempest: Unless you don't play at all from now till the end, I think you're essentially guaranteed 3 THOR covers. If you have 20-30 min every day, staying in the Top 1000 is a piece o' cake (unless enemy levels go crazy for the next 3 days... which is possible).
  • yeah im on 163000 or something. i pretty much stopped playing. cant do anymore grinding lol, ill do a few high missions for points to keep me in the top but thats all
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Re: new members, Twysta's apparently looking for an alliance.

    I've seen him around the forums, and here's his roster: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3306&p=69167#p69167
  • HailMary wrote:
    Re: new members, Twysta's apparently looking for an alliance.

    I've seen him around the forums, and here's his roster: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3306&p=69167#p69167

    Haha yeah I was gonna recommend him to Doug today too. Great minds think alike.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    It seems the MPQ RNG has finally graced me with some good fortune.

    1 Heroic >> Red Hulk
    1 Heroic >> Green XWolv
    1 Standard >> Black Punisher
    Edit: + 1 Heroic >> Black OBW

    I believe this is commonly termed a "raising of the roof." icon_lol.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    It seems the MPQ RNG has finally graced me with some good fortune.

    1 Heroic >> Red Hulk
    1 Heroic >> Green XWolv
    1 Standard >> Black Punisher
    Edit: + 1 Heroic >> Black OBW

    I believe this is commonly termed a "raising of the roof." icon_lol.gif

    haha i just pulled a black hood from a standard. I was very happy with that, then i got a standard from you...

    GREEN XFORCE WOLVIE icon_e_wink.gif
  • So overall ive been happy with the Hulk event although i have more or less stopped playing now. I get some points then i forget bout it. Im still floating in the top 300 so as long as i get 4000 or so the last 2 days ill be getting my 3 covers. Would like the xforce but in just too bored at this stage to push. On the plus side this event got me a tonne of iso and i was able to level

    punisher 80-100
    Obw 56-85
    Thor 40-76

    so that's quite good,may even finish Thor by the end icon_e_wink.gif
  • Sent a message to Twysta. As soon as r49 goes active I will add at least one member. At first I thought 600 was steeper than I expected, then I remembered how much everything else costs around here!

    I had a complete epic fail at the Hulk event. Family in town all weekend and week, and I just couldn't play at the right times. Oh well. I promise I'll do better at the next one. I did win my divine champions bracket, and I did manage to max my Hulk, though, so not a total loss.

    Who should I level next? Hulk was my big project. I now have max Punisher and Hulk. If there was no funbalancing on the way, Classic Magneto would be my next, no brainer, but I think I'll leave him until I know what he is going to look like. I might just level Classic Storm, but I could use another 3 star to round out the team of three. Black Panther is cover capped right now. I could tack a few more levels on Patch or GSBW, but they are red/ green users, too. Any ideas? Hood, maybe? Finish Doom's last few levels? What do you guys think?
  • If theres any way for me to add a slot I'll happily do so.

    Personally I've stopped levelling my spiderman for a while and I'm probably going to focus on Black Panther or Hulk. Not sure which yet icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    What's with the Hood love in PvP these days? He's the upper-tier reward for Predator & Prey again. Also, I've just gotten Hulk to 6 covers, and I can level him to a whopping L53. Do you guys know if L53 Hulk is a PvP defensive deterrent for 2* players at all? Is it worth putting any Iso into him at this point?

    TheUnwiseOne: I'm just a font of X-Force, it seems. I've pulled 3 XWolvs from tokens so far, and now I've given one to you. Boo-yah. icon_lol.gif

    As much as I like Thor, if you're not depending on him, might I suggest waiting to see if there are further Th'Oreal cover rewards in upcoming events before pumping more Iso in Thor? He's basically just Thor+, and if you can get 6+ covers in him pretty quickly, it might be better to level him up instead.

    dlaw088: Congrats on max Punisher & Hulk! Your GSBW has 5 green, so perhaps that should be your next Iso sink? Punisher is an all-around good guy, Hulk is a meat shield, but GSBW is a heavy AoE hitter. Of course, I'm partial to simply punching people really hard until they fall down, as opposed to "death by a thousand strike tiles" or "keep you helpless by stealing your s---."

    P.S. - I saw TheLadder in Hulk main last night... and passed him. <mic drop>
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    I added the slot and took us private, so that we can filter who joins. I could still add more, if we want to. What about EmeryT? He posted here in our chat a bit back, and I think I saw him looking for an alliance in some other place. Some of my favorite forum posters (other than you guys, of course!) are some of the most prolific, and probably also accomplished players. I doubt they are still searching for an alliance. Guys like NorthernPolarity, WalkYourPath, and Nemek. Probably pointless to invite them. Can you guys think of anyone else?

    Edit: just got a PM from Twysta, he joined an alliance already. Tempest offered to buy two slots so we will be at eight. That seems like a good number, at least until we all get used to each other again. So we will have 3 spots available. Colin, you sending an invite to IceIX? Lol. Still waiting on a response from wannabskrull icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I've seen Emeryt around, yeah. I haven't looked into his implied progress rate, though. I'll take a look after I finish my Hulk sub run.

    Polarity, WYP, and Nemek are all in hardcore alliances, already.
  • HailMary wrote:
    I've seen Emeryt around, yeah. I haven't looked into his implied progress rate, though. I'll take a look after I finish my Hulk sub run.

    Polarity, WYP, and Nemek are all in hardcore alliances, already.

    I would have figured. Just knew that I generally like their posts and the general friendly tone of them.