DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179

    ugh i honestly give up and wouldn't mind if i dropped out of the top 1000.this is just so tedious lol id say ill still get my 3 Thor covers but if it looks like im slipping out, ill do a few nodes. Otherwise Hulk can kiss my ****
    What's your score and rank at right now?
    Also, what do your enemy levels look like? When my team got wiped (no health packs), I was seeing L90 villains.

    P.S. - Remember, you still need to bump me to #201. No pressure. icon_lol.gif
  • After not being able to play all weekend with family in town, I fell out of Thor cover contention completely. I made a half-hearted stab at it the last few days, but it looks like I'll get a couple of Wolverine covers. I think I'm number 16,000 or something.

    On another note, I think May favorite BP team is going to be Hulk and GSBW. Of course, GSBW with five green covers is basically a murder machine so she goes well with almost anything. She's the new black. In grey.
  • The first Alliance Rewards tournament is arriving! The new Fearless Defenders will have alliance exclusive rewards! It looks like it starts tomorrow. Maybe it's silly to try to coordinate start times to ensure the best (different) brackets for our alliance, but I hope we have a good showing and I definitely plan to go all out to win my bracket and help the team!

    I'm excited to see how we can do!
  • Im in 350th so that's me safe i think. Id end up smashing my phone if i played anymore lol
  • I wonder what the rewards will be. They said there would be an alliance only eaderboard but i dont think thats implemented yet, When will you all join this event? im still gonna do the last 5 hours hopefully.
  • Not sure of my current rank, I was top 100 this morning but might have dropped that a bit. At this stage I think I can confidently say I've got those Thor covers, even if I blew the rest of the tournament off. I'm not going to do that but its nice to know icon_e_smile.gif

    I'm intrigued to see how the alliance tournament will work in practice.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Thanks guys for letting me join. I am currently ranked 296 in the tournament. I was hoping to get wolverine but man do people play a ton. I should have no problem gettin my thor then will need to start to level him up once i am done with punisher.
  • Welcome onboard.

    I'm sure I'll level the new Thor eventually but my current priority list (top 3) is Black Panther, Hulk, Punisher so it might be a while icon_e_smile.gif
  • As I knew they would all go hard/deadly, I burned them all down to 1 last night. In 76th place at the moment with around 247k. Omg omg the grinding! Hopefully I stay top 200 as most people probably can't do them anymore.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I only have 1 cover of each black panther. I wish I could level him and pyslocke out.
  • I am honestly just burned out by three 10 day events back to back to back. After placing top 20 and top 10 in the simulator and brotherhood, I'm currently ranked 750 but I don't know if I care enough to stay in the top 1000. and for the Thor? Really? Same hero just better maxed stats? Ugh. The only real motivator is that I NEED to complete stuff.

    Question: If I don't have enough covers to make a 3-star stronger than my 2-stars, should I just hoard iso or should I spread some around? I've already got a bunch to level 30 to make lightning rounds easier, but that's it.
  • Hey guys, I just joined as jralbino. I've been around a while (Day 131) and hope you'll bring me into what looks like a good engaged alliance. I'm a solid 2* transitioning to 3*. Maxed OBW, CStorm, Thor, 132 Punisher. I have a life/job/wife/kid so I won't be logging 8 hour days, but I don't miss a day and I'm good for consistent top 30 finishes with and a fair amount of top 10s.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Normally I would to max out a Lower character like black panther for his events and then I try to get my other two players to their max. So right now I have black panther maxed out at 20 with maxed out obw at 85 and punisher at 120. Once I am done with punisher I select my next person like hulk or patch to max out.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I also don't have Facebook but if you want to give me the login for the teams dummy act I will upload extra rewards starting today. Just pm me with the info.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Anyone have an idea what will happen in the alliance event that starts today?
  • We dont have a team dummy account. What we are basically doing is adding one another on facebook and some of us have "dummy" accounts set up for the purpose of being able to share rewards.

    I dont have a dummy account at the moment but I'm probably going to set one up just to keep things seperate. If you dont usually use facebook yourself anyway then I'd suggest creating an account just for use on MPQ, doesnt need to be your real name or anything.

    Clean cut hippie - I'll take a look at your application later if someone hasnt already beaten me to it icon_e_smile.gif
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I wasn't sure if we were going to make a django Facebook page and then I could use that to send the rewards.
  • Is there some easy way to move MPQ to a dummy facebook account? It's annoying that my rewards list is usually random people from my other 100 friends who don't play the game. I tried searching but "facebook" is apparently too common to search on.
  • Hey there,

    I'd love to be a part of this alliance. I'm a daily player with a diverse roster and highly competitive - I'm currently ranked 135 in my bracket in Predator and Prey. I hope you consider me.

  • Alliance rewards finally make their appearance, and if you can manage a top 100 it looks like everyone in the alliance gets a blue BP cover and 2k iso and 50 HP. They actualy look pretty decent as extra rewards to the individual ones.