DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Public Service Announcement:

    First, I'll reiterate what dlaw said earlier:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Anyone who is not currently a member reading this thread, I'm sorry, we are full. If things go well we might be able to add more slots in the future, but for the moment we have to see how things shake out and see if we can earn enough HP to get more slots. I had to dismiss about ten pending applications after the last spot filled up and I felt bad to do that. I apologize to you guys and hopefully you still have time to join a competitive alliance to earn some rewards.

    Second, knowing the above, if you still wish to be considered for future membership, please post a friendly comment here (as an awesome few have done). I'm sweeping through a small deluge of in-game requests, and just about any name I don't recognize is getting dropped faster than a broken elevator.
  • I don't think it should be a problem when we join our brackets tbh, we are still gonna get the same scores we normally get individually and then its added on. I don't know some of these people who joined our alliance, so hopefully you all play icon_e_wink.gif nice of you to join Ferret and Bug, i recognize you two icon_e_wink.gif anyway i must start retreating from some shield games now before i join FD icon_e_wink.gif
  • Spider_Man
    Spider_Man Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    HailMary wrote:
    Public Service Announcement:

    First, I'll reiterate what dlaw said earlier:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Anyone who is not currently a member reading this thread, I'm sorry, we are full. If things go well we might be able to add more slots in the future, but for the moment we have to see how things shake out and see if we can earn enough HP to get more slots. I had to dismiss about ten pending applications after the last spot filled up and I felt bad to do that. I apologize to you guys and hopefully you still have time to join a competitive alliance to earn some rewards.

    Second, knowing the above, if you still wish to be considered for future membership, please post a friendly comment here (as an awesome few have done). I'm sweeping through a small deluge of in-game requests, and just about any name I don't recognize is getting dropped faster than a broken elevator.

    Hi, I'm looking for an alliance still as well. Just thought I'd post this friendly comment here.
    No worries if you are full though.
  • Hiya

    Daily player looking to join an alliance(122 Days).
    28 covers, main team for me is Thor, OBW + Punisher.
    Thanks guys.
  • Hey everyone. I see we have a few new members lol that was fast. Anyway I'm just after playing the BP tourny and shielded at 700 points so hopefully that will get me 3 new hood covers icon_e_wink.gif also still in top 500 of Hulk so I guess a lot of people haven't played either YAY 3 new Thor covers too lol

    Anyway I see we have 900 points in FD, my question is, should it matter when I join my bracket as I never join until the final few hours? Anyone know how the points are totaled? Do we get alliance rewards and our normal rewards? Haven't had a chance to check out the forum yet.

    I was wondering that same exact thing. as I've typically entered the events late due to the fact that i can usually get a easier bracket and end up with approx the same amount of points, should have i joined the second the event opened up.

    As for the hulk event i'll completely admit that i was unexcited for the new Thor as i never used the 2* at all (never had enough covers till after i already had a decent roster that didnt need him)
    so am just shooting for the 1 cover bracket in it incase we actually need him for any "cover locked" nodes in a PVE event.
    Also i kinda figured that we should get enough shots at obtaining the rest of him soon enough via other not AS grindy events.
    However with that said i still managed to unlock all the progression stuffs and collect a ton of iso (40k banked right now)
  • Ok alliance members we have a few new members including a special guest lol lets keep this group going, it started off with just Dlaw,temp,myself,Cleo and allorin, now we have some new guys. Pretty strong bunch I must say. Even HailMary lol anyway keep it fun as that's what we are here for.... That and prizes, everybody wants those icon_e_wink.gif
  • Okay, guys, I expect everyone is checking our alliance membership from time to time, and you may recognize some of the names you see there.

    In my opinion, it is better not to trumpet around the boards about our membership, though you may wish to do so. I think we have a neat and fun group, and I would hate to spoil it because others might complain about it, forcing some to leave us.

    Thanks, guys!
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Okay, guys, I expect everyone is checking our alliance membership from time to time, and you may recognize some of the names you see there.

    In my opinion, it is better not to trumpet around the boards about our membership, though you may wish to do so. I think we have a neat and fun group, and I would hate to spoil it because others might complain about it, forcing some to leave us.

    Thanks, guys!

    +1 yes please can we just keep our members to ourselves icon_e_wink.gif otherwise we will kick you lol not really but u get the point. This is a good group of people so let's keep it that way icon_e_wink.gif
  • Welcome aboard, everyone!

    Now I need to try and memorise some names, as I don't see anything in game that prevents us from attacking alliance members - or is there?

    Darn it. Just when I thought I was out, alliances pull me back in. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Also if UNITY sees this message can you please respond. I noticed you put a request in and wanna make sure its the real one icon_e_wink.gif
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Shout out to Allorin, saw you in the Hulk LR at 2am my time last night. Get a Courageous token? I would have paid the 10 iso to skip you if we were matched.

    Oops, just spotted this. If you see me in an LR, go ahead and hit me. My MMR is out of control. At the mo', I only play LRs for the first 3-4 progression rewards, and then try to switch in my tank team if I can.

    I need to try and memorise our new members. Could be the hardest MPQ challenge so far!
  • Nobody should attack any other member of DUB, except HAILMARY, cause that would be funny, sorry Cleo just kidding lol seriously though, its easy to remember Doug,Ice,Allorin,Cleo, and Temp, just have to remember the rest somehow lol

    Hail: did you try retreating in shield yet? It worked again for me, i got up to 700 points in the BP tourny and only faced 1 level 85 team icon_e_smile.gif
  • Nobody should attack any other member of DUB, except HAILMARY, cause that would be funny, sorry Cleo just kidding lol seriously though, its easy to remember Doug,Ice,Allorin,Cleo, and Temp, just have to remember the rest somehow lol

    Hail: did you try retreating in shield yet? It worked again for me, i got up to 700 points in the BP tourny and only faced 1 level 85 team icon_e_smile.gif

    Shhhh! Stop talking about this. It may be our best alliance advantage. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Seriously, though, Colin, I tried it. I hate to admit it, but you may be a genius. A mad genius, but still a genius.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Nobody should attack any other member of DUB, except HAILMARY, cause that would be funny, sorry Cleo just kidding lol seriously though, its easy to remember Doug,Ice,Allorin,Cleo, and Temp, just have to remember the rest somehow lol

    Hail: did you try retreating in shield yet? It worked again for me, i got up to 700 points in the BP tourny and only faced 1 level 85 team icon_e_smile.gif

    Shhhh! Stop talking about this. It may be our best alliance advantage. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Seriously, though, Colin, I tried it. I hate to admit it, but you may be a genius. A mad genius, but still a genius.
    awww what a nice compliment, nobody ever called me mad before, brings a tear to my eye :,)
  • The Hulk event is nearly over YAY, how is everybody doing now? i am still in the top 500 despite not playing for 3 days. I guess i could have got x-force if i continued, oh well lol i will get my 3 covers so thats good icon_e_smile.gif
  • I'm top 2000. Ground out a few nodes just now to solidify my ranking, but I had settled for 2 covers about five days ago. Just didn't have the time to grind this one - work is actually requiring me to work!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Good call on taking strategies private. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said: "If you're not with me, you're against me, b----es."

    Regarding LRs: I sometimes tank and I sometimes go for the Diabolical. If I have an obvious tank team out, hit it (my tank teams are VERY obvious). If I have L85s out, I obviously won't retaliate on you, but I'm still trying to climb. Pretty simple.

    TheUnwiseOne: You sexy genius, you. I'm now #119 in Hulk, though I'm now 140 points from Top 5 in PPPVP. We'll see how I do.
  • I ended up making us a facebook page. If the commanders would contact me in FB i can add you as admins icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, funny story:

    I've been fighting weaker teams thus far in BP PVP using Thorverine and the loaner Panther, and have won all attacks/retals. Just now, a guy with 6 L141s and 6 more L100+'s attacked me with a maxed Patch, maxed OBW, L77 Panther. I bow down to his tanking mastery.
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    I ended up making us a facebook page. If the commanders would contact me in FB i can add you as admins icon_e_smile.gif
    who are u in FB? i added 2 ppl today hope you are 1 icon_e_smile.gif