DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Alliance has started. I put up 140 points so far
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    And the forums are back up!
    Pats0132 wrote:
    Alliance has started. I put up 140 points so far
    Nice job, dude!

    I wonder how Alliance points are calculated. #1 being at 1100 points seems too low for a simple sum of members' individual points.
  • Hi folks,

    So I'm a 2* just beginning the 3* transition, and I'd very much like to join this alliance. I realize the hero points to add another slot must be expensive at this point, but I'd be happy to contribute the points for a 12th slot if someone would open up an 11th for me. I'm currently on day 30 with a level 77 wolverine, 62 Thor and 38 oBW - I play fairly frequently. icon_e_wink.gif


    - Gnu
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Just trying to help the team out. Hopefully we can place well. Will be great to max out black panther but need 5 blacks and then determine how many yellow and blues afterwards.
  • Okay, guys we filled up fast. More slots are getting pretty dear, but maybe if we can earn some of the HP from the alliance rewards it could offset that.

    Anyone who is not currently a member reading this thread, I'm sorry, we are full. If things go well we might be able to add more slots in the future, but for the moment we have to see how things shake out and see if we can earn enough HP to get more slots. I had to dismiss about ten pending applications after the last spot filled up and I felt bad to do that. I apologize to you guys and hopefully you still have time to join a competitive alliance to earn some rewards.

    On the rewards note, I don't think there will be any problem for us to get everyone here a blue Panther cover! icon_e_biggrin.gif But boy, I sure would love to get everyone 500 HP, as well! I've seen a couple of alliances in the leaderboards that look a little fishy, as in, similar names with a different numeral at the end, etc. I'm sure those alt accounts have pretty low MMRs, but I still think that all of us together can outrace one guy playing multiple accounts.

    Good luck and happy hunting, Bounty Hunters! Get your 500 HP!
  • heya, I saw a free spot in your alliance, i can't PM here yet, so whether that spot is taken or not, i figured i'd say hey, and that i'm a real person icon_e_wink.gif I get about 650+ rating (top 4-10) in events, have maxed most of the **, and started getting my *** up (3 are 89+ now, more on the way). I'm safely in the top 200 for the hulk event and would love a competitive alliance if you can spare the spot. if not, just let me know and i'll move on.

    thanks for your time icon_e_wink.gif
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Send in a alliance request and someone will approve or reject it. Good luck
  • it's in icon_e_wink.gif I just wanted to post here to let people know i'm not terrible and i can/will read the forums. thanks for the reply!
  • I haven't seen my alliance leader in a while now. Last time he was posting threads of displeasure.

    Think I'm going into free agent status. Any awesome alliances need someone with 8x 100+ covers and often scores 900-1000 in choice pvp events.

    I think we needa jump on this, I dont think its too hard to sell the idea :p
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    So how does the fb reward shares work. I created marvel puzzles and want to make sure I take advantage of the extra items.
  • Pats0132 wrote:
    So how does the fb reward shares work. I created marvel puzzles and want to make sure I take advantage of the extra items.

    just have other alliance members friended on FB and the game pretty much takes care of the rest.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Thanks I friended a bunch of people. Thanks
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Pats0132 wrote:
    So how does the fb reward shares work. I created marvel puzzles and want to make sure I take advantage of the extra items.
    Ah, so you're Marvel Puzzles. Good to know.

    Before in-game alliance chat feature gets enabled, it looks like our alliance communications will occasionally be on FB, esp. non-public communications. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Pats0132 wrote:
    So how does the fb reward shares work. I created marvel puzzles and want to make sure I take advantage of the extra items.
    Ah, so you're Marvel Puzzles. Good to know.

    Before in-game alliance chat feature gets enabled, it looks like our alliance communications will occasionally be on FB, esp. non-public communications. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.

    For simplicity sake I just made a FB filter so that i can with a click see posts by you guys and the official MPQ. icon_e_smile.gif
  • This looks like a good alliance and I know at least a couple of you are cool guys, you interested in taking on a regular player with a team of lvl 69s?
  • MaTThZero
    MaTThZero Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Heya guys i noticed you had one more spot free in the alliance so i applied icon_e_biggrin.gif i have seen this alliance was arround for a while and personally i was looking for an alliance that is pretty chatty so i think i will feel right at home here if u want me icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Rooster size.. i got almost all 3 start covers , most of them maxed [mostly the heroes] some are lvl 100ish and i got 250k iso to spend ready ... just waiting for the last nerfs incoming icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Looks like top 50 is pretty easy on the alliance bracket. Little silly that there is one winner and the alliance getting number 2 and number 50 spot gets the same reward.
  • Hey everyone. I see we have a few new members lol that was fast. Anyway I'm just after playing the BP tourny and shielded at 700 points so hopefully that will get me 3 new hood covers icon_e_wink.gif also still in top 500 of Hulk so I guess a lot of people haven't played either YAY 3 new Thor covers too lol

    Anyway I see we have 900 points in FD, my question is, should it matter when I join my bracket as I never join until the final few hours? Anyone know how the points are totaled? Do we get alliance rewards and our normal rewards? Haven't had a chance to check out the forum yet.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    [EDIT: PSA moved to next page]
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Anyway I see we have 900 points in FD, my question is, should it matter when I join my bracket as I never join until the final few hours? Anyone know how the points are totaled? Do we get alliance rewards and our normal rewards? Haven't had a chance to check out the forum yet.

    Consensus seems to be that it's a straight-up sum, and yes, we get our alliance rewards in addition to individual placement rewards. I second the question about bracket timing, since I join PvPs at around the 24-to-28-hour mark to get brackets with generally lower point requirements. Anyone got any thoughts on optimal timing/grinding for alliance placement?

    P.S. - I'm still sitting at #95 in Hulk,so I'm confident in my Top 200. 500 points is good enough for #6 in my PVP PvP bracket. I'll probably jam another 100 points into that near the end for that third Hood cover.