DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    With him being buffed in the Hulk event and now in his tourney, I've experimented using BP on a lot of different team configurations, but haven't found anything I'm especially happy with. I'm beginning to worry that he is a second tier character without a good home. Which saddens me, since I really liked him. How do you guys play him?
    I only have two covers for him, so he's the third wheel, unreliable meat shield (since OBW takes black, Thor takes yellow) and occasionally unleashes 980-damage Rage of the Panther to end a match.
  • Ive been combining Panther quite succesfully with Patch. With Patch putting down strike tiles I've been able to hit all enemies for about 5k damage each.

    Not sure how he'll fare unboosted but i do kind of need a strong black user so he might be it if he's still worth using when I've got him to an high level.
  • Tempest wrote:
    Ive been combining Panther quite succesfully with Patch. With Patch putting down strike tiles I've been able to hit all enemies for about 5k damage each.

    Not sure how he'll fare unboosted but i do kind of need a strong black user so he might be it if he's still worth using when I've got him to an high level.

    My Patch is in the 80's so not quite functional with the rest of the team yet. I tried BP with Punisher, Hulk, GSBW, Doom, and Cmags and various combinations thereof. The problem for me has been that everything he does, someone else already does better. It's nice having a yellow and blue power, so except for Cmags, he doesn't really conflict with anyone, but Punisher is Much better for strike tiles, GSBW is better at AOE damage, Hulk is better for absorbing damage; really the only power that seems better than other options is his blue, and shield generation is not that exciting (not to mention Cmags blue is very preferable, at least until the nerf). I don't know.

    BTW Tempest: since you mention combining Patch green with BP black, have you ever tried the Loki trick of switching the opposing strike tile for defense tiles for you? It sounds a little difficult to me, but I have read others swear by it.
  • mrn71 wrote:
    Hi all.

    I'm kinda new to the game. Grinded in the prologue for about a month before discovering the events. So now I have a maxed out 1-star team (Iron Man - Black Widow - Storm) and am working on a 2-star team (Thor - OBW - Wolverine?) but still need a bunch of covers.

    Not sure what the 'alliances' are all about and how they are going to be used...lets see...

    Re-buffed.... icon_cry.gif
  • dlaw - yep I've used it before and when you pull it off you become pretty invincible. I've never lost a fight after getting the combo off the damage reduction is just so high. Doesnt do much for you offensively though and I found myself having to wait a bit longer to kick off patches ability because i was so focused on making sure Loki could instantly switch the tiles. I'll give it another try at somepoint though, i've not tried since i capped patch.

    mrn71 - at the moment we are really looking for active forum members and the only way of judging how active someone is is on past history, obviously thats not ideal for someone like yourself who might potentially be the most active member of the alliance we could have but at the moment, and especially with limited roster slots, its the only method we have. No offence is intended.
  • Tempest wrote:

    mrn71 - at the moment we are really looking for active forum members and the only way of judging how active someone is is on past history, obviously thats not ideal for someone like yourself who might potentially be the most active member of the alliance we could have but at the moment, and especially with limited roster slots, its the only method we have. No offence is intended.

    None taken, the issue really is the steep cost of starting/expanding an alliance with as yet no real indication of what its all for.

    All the best,
  • I have three covers for Black Panther and I basically only use him in situations like Hulk where he is buffed heavily as an extra tank type. The problem I have with him is that his yellow and blue are worse than most others so they are "dead" powers. Like with Thor and OBW also currently buffed, I would never use his yellow over thors or his blue over obw.
  • I have a question. I have added you guys as friends in my forum control panel. I noticed that there is also an option to add foes. What does that do? Does that block someone's posts? How strange.
  • Yeah it hides their posts if they are down as foes.
  • I thought you are supposed to keep your friends close and your enemies closer icon_e_biggrin.gif . This actually hides your foes from you. Dangerous.
  • I have to go to work, so one last quick post:

    HailMary: is it okay if we use your FB account as the "baseline" for DjangoUnbuffed? It is a dummy account with just us as friends, right? Could you give new members a link to your FB so that they can friend us all and get in on the reward sharing? It should lead to more rewards for all of us, but especially them, I think. New members should just be able to friend all of Cleopatra Jones's friends to get in on the action.

    Also, I talked with Tempest and I am going to try something tonight on a break. I'd tell you, but I hope it is a pleasant surprise!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008: Done, and I look forward to the surprise!
  • is it chocolate? i like chocolate
  • Woop woop im a commander icon_e_smile.gif

    By the way guys i made a trailer for our alliance 2 weeks ago i dont know if you seen it as it was set to private on my FB. have a look-see here ... =3&theater its only a bit of fun icon_e_smile.gif enjoy
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    TU1: icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

    I half-expected the clip introducing me to be Iron Man testing his thrusters for the first time and faceplanting into his ceiling.
  • HailMary wrote:
    TU1: icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

    I half-expected the clip introducing me to be Iron Man testing his thrusters for the first time and faceplanting into his ceiling.
    haha that will be in part 2 icon_e_smile.gif
  • Given the crazy scaling we've been seeing, the lack of a sub so no bracket, and the fact that everything started at max rubberband, I strongly suggest doing the nodes as many times as you can right away.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Rajjeq wrote:
    Given the crazy scaling we've been seeing, the lack of a sub so no bracket, and the fact that everything started at max rubberband, I strongly suggest doing the nodes as many times as you can right away.
    Yep, good idea. That's exactly what I'm doing.

    Some levels have already risen by 20 since I started, and apparently the top tier is all doing the same thing, since I've stayed at exactly #51 for the last 2000 points.
  • Hello all,

    I have read through most of this chat and you guys look like a fun group of peeps. I've applied to your alliance, decent roster and I normally place within the top 3 if not 2 brackets for events. I am also a pretty cool guy so I would appreciate accepting my invite. Much obliged for the consideration, may the rubberbanding be ever in your favor.



    ugh i honestly give up and wouldn't mind if i dropped out of the top 1000.this is just so tedious lol id say ill still get my 3 Thor covers but if it looks like im slipping out, ill do a few nodes. Otherwise Hulk can kiss my ****