DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Yeah they made that awhile ago. Never say never. Its all about teamwork and the more people we have the better icon_e_wink.gif
  • Question for the commanders: If we like the look of people looking to join like the guy above lol how about we let them buy their way in with an extra slot? Its a win win situation, they get a strong aliance and we get a new member to help?

    I don't mind, except for the complaint I have seen around the forums that they have to be made a commander to buy the slot, and you then don't know what they might do. (Not that anyone I have seen looks like a jerk.)

    I imagine we will go to 20 slots eventually. I have spent money on the game and I don't terribly mind paying real cash for another slot, if you guys are really keen on someone. When we went up to 8 or 10 members and it was "just for fun" it seemed a lot more expensive than it does now that I see so many other alliances doing it for leaderboard gain. We know this stuff is always in flux, and if alliances snap up new spots like crazy trying to get 500 HP rewards, it could become MORE expensive in the future. icon_eek.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    TU1: Let's discuss in PMs.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Oh holy TinyKitty!

    Just randomly checked the alliance standings. There was a new on in there that I didn't recognize.


    Just take a look at the membership.

    I think no one will ever get first place in one of these events again.

    Whoa, Wrecking Crew got absorbed into SHIELD. Interesting.

    ...And that's why alliances have membership caps. icon_razz.gif
  • Any chance I can join have 4 characters at least level 100 and a very diversified roster.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    FoxMulder wrote:
    Would this alliance be open to adding another member?

    My stats:...

    I play for reals everyday. Except for the pay-events, I participate in everything. Even if the rewards look ****/uninteresting, events are good for the iso.
    Your roster looks good: solid 2* core transitioning to 3*. I'm curious: how long have you been playing? i.e. what day are you on? Django was founded upon dedication and good communication, so if you can swing that, we'll look at serious consideration.
    Sockid wrote:
    Any chance I can join have 4 characters at least level 100 and a very diversified roster.
    Noting your commenting history and cited top-level chars, it seems you've got a dedicated competitive streak, which is great. Django is looking into expansion, but we're highly focused on communication, as well, from strategy coordination to simple banter. Are you up for that? If so, I'll put it to the other commanders.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    HM: what did you use to edit your picture? Cause i had a pic just like it but i didn't know how to remove the "unchained" part to replace it with "unbuffed" hence why i had to make my own using Vegas Pro.
    I used Inkscape and MS Paint. I Googled for a good-enough font (Chinese Rocks RG), wiped off "Unchained," put in "Unbuffed," and moved some stuff around.
  • So i'm in the bracket of heaven apparently icon_e_smile.gif the guy in second has dropped another 40 points since i took this picture icon_e_smile.gif


    EDIT: sorry the picture was big lol
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179

    Also, akboyce and Bugpop are forumites, so they'll be climbing later.

    In the midst of my string of weaker opponents, matchmaking gave me Sockid twice in a row. Looks like Hater Hurters took him in.
  • I am looking for a different alliance the one I am in now is not active at all and am interested in this one if possible.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Sockid wrote:
    I am looking for a different alliance the one I am in now is not active at all and am interested in this one if possible.
    Ah, got it. Good to know. As I noted earlier, we're looking for people who are not only active and competitive, but friendly and talkative (and not simply about the business of winning icon_razz.gif ). We're pretty serious about the latter.

    Do you think you'll be a good fit?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Original plan: grind FD until I run out of health packs.

    Current status: 461 points, 6 health packs, full health.

    New plan: "Sigh."
  • Sockid wrote:
    I am looking for a different alliance the one I am in now is not active at all and am interested in this one if possible.

    Hi Sockid. Don't want you to think we're ignoring you. We're currently chatting about how we want to grow the alliance. What's most important to us is that it remains a friendly, sociable alliance, with active players who want to do well but aren't going to get upset if we're not #1 alliance every tourney. A solid forum presence, to boost the alliance and support the community, is essential. And people who can occasionally be funny. HailMary is the exception that proves the rule to that - every group needs a weird "Charlie Brown" kid. icon_lol.gif

    We're currently 12/12, and considering if / when to pour HP into more slots. As this is the first alliance tourney, we're kinda watching with interest to see how the alliance functionality plays out, and how it might be tweaked going forward.

    We're flattered by your interest, and if we decide to expand more, you're in our crosshairs. 'Course, you might find another alliance that suits you before then. In which case, you'll DEFINITELY be in our crosshairs!
  • Clearly I need to adjust my tl;dr style. HailMary got in there before me!
  • HailMary wrote:
    Original plan: grind FD until I run out of health packs.

    Current status: 461 points, 6 health packs, full health.

    New plan: "Sigh."

    Your original plan was NOT my original plan, but was how it played out. What levels of opponents are you seeing just now? As soon as I crossed the 300 threshold, I was struggling to see anything other than 141/100/85 matches, all of which seemed to be worth 10 points. My MMR bracket is evil.

    If you're in that good nick, I'd say make a run at it, but it's a bit early to be throwing up shields.
  • Thanks for the reply allorin. I think I would be a good fit and ask that if you do decide to expand any further that you keep me in mind as a possible future member.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    allorin wrote:
    Your original plan was NOT my original plan, but was how it played out. What levels of opponents are you seeing just now? As soon as I crossed the 300 threshold, I was struggling to see anything other than 141/100/85 matches, all of which seemed to be worth 10 points. My MMR bracket is evil.

    If you're in that good nick, I'd say make a run at it, but it's a bit early to be throwing up shields.
    I'm just now seeing 2xL85s, with an average level of around 70. I'm hitting them for around 15 points each.

    I don't ever shield, since I still have palpable HP scarcity and don't go for #1. My MMR is climbing, I'm in #1 right now, and I've got a couple of people from serious forum alliances in my top ten.

    EDIT: Alliance rank #1 is at 9400. Top ten cutoff is ~6000.
  • I'm currently 40 with 350 points. #1 is on 700 and is already shielded. About to go to bed unshielded, so will lose some overnight, but will have some meaty retaliations waiting hopefully.

    Will make one big push at a suitable time tomorrow. I shield occasionally, but like you, I never have enough HP. I judge each tourney on its merits. If I hit a placement I want / need to keep for rewards I might shield, otherwise I just push as high as I can and let the chips fall.
  • Currently leading my bracket with about 700 points, will see how things pan out.
  • Heya. Logged in to discover I held my top 200 in hulk for the Xforce and 3 Thors, Yay! I haven't joined FD yet, but I will be doing so. I tend to join the PVPs later so I don't have to burn HP on shields. Need to still use them on roster slots for now.
  • I'll be happy with a top 5 place in the single side of FD. 3000 iso will go straight into Punisher lol We are in the top 20 in the aliance so thats realy good considering some of our team havent joined yet. Will be more than happy with a top 50 icon_e_smile.gif keep up the good work guys....and HailMary