DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Haha i haven't seen anyone from our alliance yet. Guess it all depends on the time we enter. Ill try join with HailMary next time and attack him constantly....cause i can.

    HolyPoopBalls i see we are getting alot of people wanting to join and take your spot HM icon_e_wink.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    bughunt wrote:
    I'm think I'm gonna need to write down alliance members on a piece of paper. Almost attacked Pats123 but thought the name looked familiar & found them in alliance roster. Will be much easier to glance down at a piece of paper when I'm unsure rather than going through the UI to find out. Maybe the UI should indicate players that are in your alliance, which is especially important for alliance events.
    Ah, so matchmaking will still pit you against fellow Alliance members. Good to know.
  • Unwise/HailMary ca i email you the image for my score.. encountering some issues..
  • Pats0132 wrote:
    Before you click on the matchup it Tells you what alliance they are part of.

    Good to know - I'll need to look out for that.
  • Pats0132 wrote:
    Before you click on the matchup it Tells you what alliance they are part of.
    Oh yeah, that's easier icon_e_smile.gif I should try to memorize everyone ASAP because I don't often check what alliance people are in - except for when looking at crazy rosters. Coming up against high level new heroes, or a level 85 bagman is guaranteed to make me take a peek at what else they have.
    HolyPoopBalls i see we are getting alot of people wanting to join and take your spot HM icon_e_wink.gif
    Guess that's the top 10 effect. If you're #11 you're invisible to everyone except for the people within +/- 5 ranks of you because people can't scroll.
  • Ok guys here is Noob's screenshot of his points/rank as he was having trouble uploading unnamed_1.png
  • bro thanks for the help icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Wow, Noob, great job on the score. I kind of wonder what the other people in our brackets must think.

    Except for Team Jacob. I know what she's thinking.
  • Ok guys i shielded at 833 points. Kept getting attacked after every match but i made it over the 800 mark which was my goal to begin with so im happy. Won't be near the game tonight unfortunately. Stupid life. But i can still post messages here. Ill post my screenshot later when i get on a computer icon_e_wink.gif

    up to 9th place. Good job team and HailMary (heh these jokes never get old)

    Keep it up and good luck in your brackets
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Wow, Noob, great job on the score. I kind of wonder what the other people in our brackets must think.

    Except for Team Jacob. I know what she's thinking.
    whose Team Jacob?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    00001noob0001: Great job, dude.
    up to 9th place. Good job team and HailMary (heh these jokes never get old)
    It's like watching a dog play with a squeaky toy. icon_razz.gif

    I'm above 700 again for now.

    P.S. - Team Jacob's got a good head on her shoulders. Dem sparkles are overrated.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Wow, Noob, great job on the score. I kind of wonder what the other people in our brackets must think.

    Except for Team Jacob. I know what she's thinking.
    whose Team Jacob?

    Team Jacob is both a Twilight fan and number 8 in Noob's bracket.
  • Kikujiro
    Kikujiro Posts: 157
    Came here thanks to the banners icon_razz.gif

    If you are looking to expand the alliance, here´s my application :
    The Punisher [5-5-3] (130)
    Magneto [5-3-5] (100)
    Patch [5-3-5] (100)
    Ares [4-4-5] (85)
    O.Black Widow [3-5-5] (85)
    C.Storm [5-5-3] (85)
    Iron Man 40 [5-5-3] (80)
    Spider-Man [4-4-5] (70)
    The Hulk [5-1-4] (70)
    GS.Black Widow [5-3-2] (70)
    Dr. Doom [5-3] (60)
    Psylocke [3-2-3] (60)
    Loki [5-5] (55)
    C.America [3-5-5] (50)
    M.Storm [5-5-3] (50)
    Iron Man 35 [5-5-3] (40)
    MN.Magneto [4-3-5] (40)
    Juggernaut [5-5] (40)
    Daredevil [4-3-4] (30)
    Black Panther [1-1-2] (30)
    XF.Wolverine [2-1-0] (30)
    Invisible Woman [2-0-0] (30)
    Ragnarok [3-1] (25)
    M.Thor [1-1-1] (20)
    The Hood [5-4-1] (15)
    Wolverine [5-5-3] (6)
    Moonstone [3-5-4] (6)
    Daken [5-5] (6)
    Thor [5-3-2] (6)
    M.Hawkeye [2-3-2] (6)
    Bullseye [1-1] (6)

    Atm I could spend the 600HP for the extra slot if you decide on. I tend to land on the 2-5 range in every tournament apart from Lightning Rounds, where I finish below 3000 almost always icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unwise/HailMary ca i email you the image for my score.. encountering some issues..
    I use tinypic dot com to post my screen shots here. Its even nice enough to resize them for me so you don't get smacked by androids super sized images.
    Anyhow I got lazy and threw up a 24hr shield so I can spend the day with the GF so this should be my final score.1h9emq.png
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    Unwise/HailMary ca i email you the image for my score.. encountering some issues..
    I use tinypic dot com to post my screen shots here. Its even nice enough to resize them for me so you don't get smacked by androids super sized images.
    Anyhow I got lazy and threw up a 24hr shield so I can spend the day with the GF so this should be my final score.1h9emq.png

    keep the number 1's coming guys icon_e_wink.gif
  • Just joined the alliance and thought I'd say hello to everyone!

    My screen name is Verne on the game.

    Are ya'll on Facebook so we can share rewards with each other?
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I am 9th at 641 and debating about shielding myself. Holding off at the moment to try to get over 700 and then buy an 8 hr shield.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Lol we're still 12hrs out so we'll see if that score sticks for top spot or not :p
    As for facebook is me
  • Hi all,

    I'm going to make a run at a good score at the 8 hour mark and would love if I could add to this alliances' score if you'll have me! Are you all posting screenshots of scores up here for the tournament?
  • Dang it. I just pushed up to 1099 in FD, ending with a drawn out battle with Patch and OBW where I got reconned 3 times and it took forever. Barely survived to keep my score intact, got my reward and it showed me at 1099. I was like, "Hurry, Hurry, Must shield! I will get retaliated!" Then I got a FB share from one of you, and by the time I cleared that out I had been hit for 29 points. icon_cry.gif

    I'm not complaining, the FB sharing has been WAY more valuable than one 29 point loss. It was just pretty funny. I should still be able to get that Psylocke cover and have enough to throw up an 8 hour shield before the end.

    In other news, I skipped sockid about 8 times, and now he's gone and joined another alliance. Dang it again. And he had been one of the few people worth more than 5 points to me (9). Still that retaliation node is worth 21, and if I can get through all three nodes really fast I should get 1100 before anyone can hit me back. Looks like it's time to burn some of those boosts.