DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Level 230 Hulk vs my Thor 54, OBW 74, Punisher 100 = EASY AS PIE

    I honestly thought it would be so hard but i get out of all the matches with full health icon_e_wink.gif Punishers Red and Thors Green equals bye bye Hulk.

    HailMary you were in my main bracket last night. I was 1 place above you icon_e_wink.gif

    but don't know where you are now,im in top 200.

    Battle of the alliance members lol
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Level 230 Hulk vs my Thor 54, OBW 74, Punisher 100 = EASY AS PIE

    I honestly thought it would be so hard but i get out of all the matches with full health icon_e_wink.gif Punishers Red and Thors Green equals bye bye Hulk.

    Yeah, that makes sense. Haven't seen any 230 RamboHulks this round, but even without a useful Punisher, I'll try the next one that comes up. I just don't really like missions where I either keep close track of Hulk's AP or die.
    HailMary you were in my main bracket last night. I was 1 place above you icon_e_wink.gif

    but don't know where you are now,im in top 200.

    Battle of the alliance members lol
    Hah, nice. I'm in the mid-500s, but I'm just starting part 2 of my first run through Hard, so we'll see where I end up. I'm not interested in XWolv, and I'm only interested in THOR (not "Thor") because I don't need any more AWolvs and there's probably a THOR-buffed event coming soon. As long as I stay above 800ish and get the subevent top-20 rewards, I'm goooood. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also, Fearless Defenders PvP is all but dead. It's actually so dead that I'm a bit afraid to get the 300-point 2* token, lest I screw up last-minute retreat-tanking in my quest for those 3 Ares covers (f--- Loki).
  • Yeah, I need to decide whether or not to bother making a push for the top in fearlerr defenders. If I get the top spot and take the IW then Id be happy but if I end up with 3 Loki's...

    By the way, I received 3 standard packs from you guys and got an hulk out of one of them icon_e_smile.gif
  • I got a purple classic magneto in mine icon_e_wink.gif yeah joining the fearless defenders with 5 hours to go. Only want the 3 Ares tokens so don't think i will need a shield. Nice to save my HP as im cheap lol only have 2 Loki covers but i don't want him either.

    as long as i get my 3 Thor covers from hulk then i will happy enough too icon_e_wink.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Man, my token pull luck relatively sucks. icon_razz.gif

    1*'s from share tokens, 1 cover in the only C.Storm color that I've already maxed, an OBW from Hard Top 100 (yay!), and two Hawkeyes from Easy Top 4. icon_rolleyes.gif

    That said, I pulled an XWolv from the Fearless Defenders progression token, and feel conflicted: it's a sweet trophy, but so utterly useless, yet selling it only nets 1000 Iso.
    I got a purple classic magneto in mine icon_e_wink.gif yeah joining the fearless defenders with 5 hours to go. Only want the 3 Ares tokens so don't think i will need a shield. Nice to save my HP as im cheap lol only have 2 Loki covers but i don't want him either.

    as long as i get my 3 Thor covers from hulk then i will happy enough too icon_e_wink.gif
    The way F.Defenders is going, you won't need to shield for anything less than top 5. I only got one attack total, and I won it. I'm just twiddling my thumbs at #31 right now, hoping I won't need to retreat-tank to hit Tri-Ares range by the end, though atm, #35 is 40 points below me icon_neutral.gif .
  • Sitting in 7th with 439 points waiting for people to start attacking me lol im sure by the time it finishes people will have knocked me down, really don't want Loki but ill take the 100 coins lol

    so in the Hulk events today i can just about do one then have to wait for more health icon_e_sad.gif does anyone else have tough nodes? All mine are normal, none are easy like before. They start level 90 and go higher. I doubt ill get my 3 thors if this keeps up
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    so in the Hulk events today i can just about do one then have to wait for more health icon_e_sad.gif does anyone else have tough nodes? All mine are normal, none are easy like before. They start level 90 and go higher. I doubt ill get my 3 thors if this keeps up

    Sudan: L66-91, L221 RamboHulk
    West Sahara: L76-100 (I can only see 3 nodes)

    I really hope I get more OBW covers or a couple of yellow Thor covers from this round's tokens. Otherwise, I'll either need to seriously boost or pretty much rely on health packs for the next round. The West Sahara unlock node had L90s for me, and they downed my full-health OBW in a single run. Not fun.

    Also, darn those forum people talking about pulling BP and Hulk covers from subevent tokens. icon_razz.gif
  • Yeah i have yet to pull a BP or HULK. My Hulk has been level 38 for 2 months. Getting a green hulk in my daily rewards in a few days. But that's all i have. 4 green Hulks lol i have 1000 HP to spend but i don't wanna buy a pack incase i get 5 Hawkeyes
  • Didn't get attacked once in 6 hours so now i have Loki lol

    Also haven't even been able to do most missions in the latest Hulk icon_e_sad.gif seriously hope they lower the difficulty tomorrow or i can say bye to Thor. Is c.storm good in the goon missions for clearing the board as that's where im dying mostly, that and Bullseyes purple protect tile.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Didn't get attacked once in 6 hours so now i have Loki lol

    Also haven't even been able to do most missions in the latest Hulk icon_e_sad.gif seriously hope they lower the difficulty tomorrow or i can say bye to Thor. Is c.storm good in the goon missions for clearing the board as that's where im dying mostly, that and Bullseyes purple protect tile.

    Just retreated twice to go from #45 (where I was stuck for the entire day) to #48. Looks like it's 3 Ares.

    The Easy sub doesn't look too bad. Hard looks stupidly annoying. Bullseye Protect tiles are annoying, too. I generally try to murder Bullseye first, then the main hitter.
    I haven't used C.Storm for Hulk missions yet, on account of her not being buffed and triple-buff Thor/OBW/BP bringing the hurt quite well.
  • I don't even have an easy sub. Either normal or hard. CURSES
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I don't even have an easy sub. Either normal or hard. CURSES

    Oh, I was just using "Easy" and "Hard" as generic designations.

    All but one of the missions in my "Easy" sub is labeled "Normal." The odd one out? It's labeled "Hard," Sudan III with L117 villains.

    Welp, time for my first sub sweep. Hopefully, I'll make it to the Hard sub at all before depleting my health packs.
  • Despite not been able to do most missions and burning through my boosts like a crazy person, I am still in the top 300 overall. I guess most people are finding it as hard as me. I can't even level anyone up as all the iso I get is going on boosts lol
  • My subs are all "normal" or "easy". They are probably higher levels than you guys are seeing, but I think my long history of failing at PVE events must be helping me. I did grind the hell out of those second day missions, but after performing horribly in the first round I only managed to get up to about #2500. There must be some kind of PVE specific MMR or else I've just been really lucky.

    I would really like those Thor covers, but I'm not even sure I would level him up. I just have a soft spot for him after he completely carried me in two star land. Being a red and green user kind of puts him at odds with the existing 3* heroes.

    I am really loving the OBW and Black Panther buffs, though. Reminds me why I loved OBW so much in the first place and gives me a taste of what BP can be when he is well leveled. I got SIX strike tiles today on the snow battlefield from 9 yellow AP!
  • I'm facing higher level enemies but am having an easier time of it which I'm putting down primarily to having a cover maxed Spiderman. Kind of concerned though that I'm relying a little too heavily on him at the moment and with there being a nerf on the horizon...

    I managed 2 Ares covers out of the pvp. I thought I'd over done it when I stopped playing as I accidentally catapulted myself to about rank 30 without realising but I got 1 attack and a bunch of people must have moved up themselves so I ended up in Ares territory afterall.

    If things keep going as they are then I should be good for 3 of the new Thor covers and I wont be far off an X-Force cover.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Didn't make it to W. Sahara on my first sweep after all.

    But, now Sudan is Trivial/Easy with literally half the enemy levels I saw last night, and I just did the BP and Punisher levels of W. Sahara a few times. Not touching the L107 Moonstone/multi-Assassin level, though. Might do that after my concluding Sudan run if I have time/health left.
  • Yeah the levels went down to half for me as well. Couldn't believe it lol i guess if you don't do the missions and keep failing then they make it easier for you. Im in the top 100 in both brackets. Don't see the point in pushing further. All i want is the HP AND ISO. But ill go on one last run near the end. Im in the top 200 overall. So still looking good for my 3 Thor covers icon_e_wink.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I'm at #254 in main. I'll just try for sub rewards, and if I hit top #200 in main because of that, so be it.

    #50 in W.Sahara (without even doing the Moonstone mission at the beginning of that chain), and way down in Sudan. But, doing a second run of Sudan will rectify the latter.
  • Did the levels go back up for anyone else? Some went back up to hard and deadly which means they are gonna be that way in the new hulk in a few minutes. Made it past 72000. If i can just get another 70000 before this ends it will be great.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    The levels in Hard went back up at the very end, I think (low 90s for one of them?). Easy was still Easy, though.

    Only did one mission in Hard, so I didn't make it into top 100, but man, Easy was the easiest #1 finish ever.

    The new Bolivia unlock is at L41 for me. Piece o' cake.