DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • dlaw008 wrote:
    On another note, I got TheUnwiseOne connected to my Facebook and at this point he is the only person it asks to share with, so I guess I needn't worry about diluting rewards with all those extraneous friends and family. icon_lol.gif

    yep started deleting ppl from my list so i can send you rewards, still havent come up yet though to send you some....dont worry, i'll send you a standard token soon and you can rejoice in getting yelena icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I saw a couple of rosters last night that had maxed Cap. Does anyone here really see a point? Unless he's buffed for PvE, Cap seems rather weak.
    Also, Colognnoiseur of Alliance "Retribution" has the most insane roster I've ever seen.
    Tempest wrote:
    Anyone else have any success in the Fresh Cut pvp competition?

    Yeah, got two Magneto covers out of it.

    Had less luck with a late-night LR: fell asleep at around 4th place with 20 min left, woke up with the 500-Iso reward. icon_razz.gif

    Gunning for a Psylocke cover or two in the current PvP, though if I get it, I don't know whether to keep that or an Ares cover that's already in my queue (roster size limits).
  • I've got Cap at maxed covers but have put very little ISO into him so hes still about level 20ish. I used him a bit whilst he was a mandatory addition for a mission but dont see him in any of my main line ups for a while.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tempest wrote:
    I've got Cap at maxed covers but have put very little ISO into him so hes still about level 20ish. I used him a bit whilst he was a mandatory addition for a mission but dont see him in any of my main line ups for a while.
    Cool. Sounds like the vibe he's giving me.

    Now I have a dilemma: I just got enough HP for a new roster slot. I have a single Ares cover (expires in 4 days, most likely before my next 250 HP) in my queue, I'll probably get 1 or 2 Psylockes from the tourney, but I also have an entire mStorm 4/3/3 in my queue. What should I put in the new slot?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    On another note, I got TheUnwiseOne connected to my Facebook and at this point he is the only person it asks to share with, so I guess I needn't worry about diluting rewards with all those extraneous friends and family. icon_lol.gif

    yep started deleting ppl from my list so i can send you rewards, still havent come up yet though to send you some....dont worry, i'll send you a standard token soon and you can rejoice in getting yelena icon_e_smile.gif

    The funny part is, I didn't have to manipulate anything. You were the only person it asked about, since I friend you. I guess maybe since I had already previously skipped everyone else?
  • Tempest: sent you a message with Facebook info, if you want to share rewards. The other members should be in my friends list at this point, their info is in the message.
  • Finally got passed 70000 to get my Punisher cover, now i can level him to 89. Looks like i can start using him now icon_e_smile.gif

    Are you all doing well in this event? i dont have a Psylocke cover so some points are lost to me but im still just in the top 75. Knowing my luck i'll finish 76th and miss out on Black Panther lol
  • Until earlier today I was looking at a top 10 finish but I've been offline most of the day and have dropped to about 30 now
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I'll most likely hit 70000 by the end. I don't have a Psylocke yet, and didn't get a Magneto until after Brotherhood started, so I've been locked out of a few events. Also, due to weak stun, board clearance, and healing, 3x lvl130+ countdown-spam goon missions are the bane of my PvE existence. icon_razz.gif

    I've been consistently getting top 50s in subs (usually #6-8 until final 10 min), one or two top 10s, and for my purposes, I'm sitting comfortably at 105 overall (my AWolv needs 1 red cover to hit max).

    Also, I'm hoping to get 2 Psylockes in Magnetic Mayhem.
  • yep i shielded at 450 points so i should get 1 psylocke cover, right near the end of the tournament...typical lol oh well the punisher cover is all i wanted so im happy icon_e_smile.gif could have gone further in the mags tourny but i want my health packs to regenerate for the next start at 11 icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Funny thing I noticed about displayed scores: there are sometimes small differences between an end-match pop-up score and the little ticker at the top of a node-selection screen.

    Anyone else notice that?

    A few minutes ago: end-match screen: 601 --> node selection screen: 600
    Just now: end-match: 631 --> Node screen: 632.

  • HailMary wrote:
    Funny thing I noticed about displayed scores: there are sometimes small differences between an end-match pop-up score and the little ticker at the top of a node-selection screen.

    Anyone else notice that?

    A few minutes ago: end-match screen: 601 --> node selection screen: 600
    Just now: end-match: 631 --> Node screen: 632.

  • So i'm a happy camper today. Got 2 standard tokens last night. One was a green Thor so i was able to respec him to 4-5-4. One of these days i will max him out, poor guy has been sitting at level 40 for nearly 2 months lol always somebody else to level instead even though i think a maxed Thor would be great.

    2nd cover i pulled was a red Punisher so now i can level him to 102, currently 80. He will be my first over 100 lol

    Also Doug i noticed so far you have sent me 3 rewards. 1 i got but the other 2 never appeared for some reason. Strange.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, starting a subevent just a few hours before it ends is pretty sweet.

    I'm sitting comfortably in #1 in Spain, and I've only depleted the easiest node. I guess it also helps that I now have a Psylocke.

    It's Fresh-Cut-only for me until 8 PM tomorrow, EST. icon_cool.gif
  • I honestly don't know how the reward sharing works. Before I added you guys I always got asked about sending rewards to a bunch of friends and family that didn't play. Now that I friended you guys, it never asks about anyone else. Which is good. Is everyone getting reward drops? I keep meaning to check to see if they are going out to everyone, because it only suggests three names. I always forget to check if they are always the same or if it's a random selection.

    I worked hard to get a top 5 in the Magneto tourney, thinking I needed Psylocke covers to place well in the Fresh Cut Tourney because I NEED Black Panther. I'm going to really work for that BP, but it is looking like 800 points or so will be top 5 in my bracket and it seems very active. I am sitting around 600 and getting attacked a lot. Just about everyone over 500 points is shielded. I managed to get a top 30 spot in the last elite tournament, but this looks like it is going to be even harder! Oy. Not only is Black Panther my second favorite Marvel character, but I really like this guy's game stats. A lot. If only I was even mildly competent at PVE, there is no way I could have earned him there.

    Nice job with the token pulls. I am saving two OBW covers and a Punisher, just in case they allow alliance gifting within the next four days. It's a lottery-grade long shot, but it doesn't hurt to hang on until they expire.
  • Finished 1st in Spain and top 10 in Indonesia and got 3 standard tokens instead of assault. bummer lol sent in a complaint so they better fix it and give me extra ones for my heart ache lol Im sitting 47th overall in the brotherhood tournament which is great for me as i didnt get a psylocke til this last mission icon_e_smile.gif so i should pull a Black Panther. Will enter the psylocke tourny with a few hours to go, that way i should easily get a top 45 and get another Black Panther icon_e_smile.gif so all in all i am quite happy. Also pulled a Patch from a standard token and can level him to 63 now whenever i get the chance icon_e_smile.gif
  • Before I added you guys on facebook i used to get the option to send stuff to 2 of my friends, 1 of whom played MPQ and the other didnt. Since then I've only had you guys as options.
  • Really surprised how well i have done in this brotherhood event despite only getting a Psylocke cover for the last mission. I was happy if i could get to 70000 just to get my red Punisher, then i got to 80000,90000 and finally to 1000000. But now i am just 1000 away from getting a 2nd red punisher so YAY, i will get to level him to about 110 icon_e_smile.gif looks like i have found a replacement for Daken icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Yeah, there's no "don't share" option anymore for my rewards, and y'all are selected by default. It streamlines the process, so that's good.

    I got in a relatively easy bracket for Fresh Cut, I think. A couple of forum users are in it, and top 3 are already 700+, but #15 is at 454 at the moment.

    TheUnwiseOne: NIce job on Brotherhood points. I'll probably finish in the mid-90K's.

    dlaw008: Thumbs-up for the cover saving. icon_e_biggrin.gif My MMayhem performance has apparently bumped up my MMR, and I now mostly see lvl85 Thorverine/OBW teams (with some high-level Daken thrown in the mix) in Fresh Cut. With a lvl61 2-yellow Thor & lvl77 AWolv, it's not fun. icon_razz.gif If cover sharing gets rolled out in time, I'm calling dibs on at least one of your OBW covers. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Question: Since I've got a decent Thorverine now and will have enough HP for another slot when Brotherhood ends, I'm thinking of selling IM35 to make room for two of the following: Ares (1 cover), MStorm (so many covers), Black Panther (1-2 covers). Thoughts?
  • HailMary wrote:
    Yeah, there's no "don't share" option anymore for my rewards, and y'all are selected by default. It streamlines the process, so that's good.

    I got in a relatively easy bracket for Fresh Cut, I think. A couple of forum users are in it, and top 3 are already 700+, but #15 is at 454 at the moment.

    TheUnwiseOne: NIce job on Brotherhood points. I'll probably finish in the mid-90K's.

    dlaw008: Thumbs-up for the cover saving. icon_e_biggrin.gif My MMayhem performance has apparently bumped up my MMR, and I now mostly see lvl85 Thorverine/OBW teams (with some high-level Daken thrown in the mix) in Fresh Cut. With a lvl61 2-yellow Thor & lvl77 AWolv, it's not fun. icon_razz.gif If cover sharing gets rolled out in time, I'm calling dibs on at least one of your OBW covers. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Question: Since I've got a decent Thorverine now and will have enough HP for another slot when Brotherhood ends, I'm thinking of selling IM35 to make room for two of the following: Ares (1 cover), MStorm (so many covers), Black Panther (1-2 covers). Thoughts?

    oooh thats a tough one but probably storm if you can max her out. BP covers will be in tournys for the forseeable future so you could always get more i think. just need to keep getting those coins icon_e_smile.gif if you can make 250-300 coins a week then you will be fine icon_e_smile.gif