DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • This place is weird.
  • This place is weird.

    I'll drink to that icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Django! It's been almost 3 minutes! Time for another alt sig.

    Honestly--you're starting to slack.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I have skipped rajj for the good of blade/ django relations. There's been enough blood shed today : (

    And now Hail Mary, let the healing begin
    Come. Let us join hands and bathe together in the healing waters of Narphosphisuul.
    qtquazar wrote:
    Django! It's been almost 3 minutes! Time for another alt sig.

    Honestly--you're starting to slack.
    Starting to? Man, we gotta work on slacking harder. People are starting to not notice.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Saw this during my final push:


    Note the name and loaner character. icon_lol.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    Saw this during my final push:


    Note the name and loaner character. icon_lol.gif
    OMG! They are the same! OMG!

  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Emeryt wrote:
    OMG! They are the same! OMG!

    Heh, I'm more amused that Human Torch doesn't have a Human Torch.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Bad is Good? I GOT DIS:


  • HailMary wrote:
    Bad is Good? I GOT DIS:



    The hell is your MMR? 3? A fraction?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    qtquazar wrote:
    The hell is your MMR? 3? A fraction?
    It's an irrational number.
  • I have skipped rajj for the good of blade/ django relations. There's been enough blood shed today : (

    And now Hail Mary, let the healing begin

    I was hit by someone from scAvengers about ten hours out.

    I was upset for 1.32794 seconds, and then I thought: "Ooh, juicy retal later in my final push." icon_twisted.gif
  • allorin wrote:
    I have skipped rajj for the good of blade/ django relations. There's been enough blood shed today : (

    And now Hail Mary, let the healing begin

    I was hit by someone from scAvengers about ten hours out.

    I was upset for 1.32794 seconds, and then I thought: "Ooh, juicy retal later in my final push." icon_twisted.gif
    I can only apologise.

    About half of the scAvengers are mostly forum-lurkers, not contributors. Thus they might be unaware of the problem.
  • klingsor wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    Everyone is welcome here.

    Unless your name begins with K, has lingso in the middle, and ends in r.

    lol i don't even know who you are, you hate me too? What's with all the "me too" hatred? You guys are silly. I'm just trying to have fun, be competitive and be like godking Xerses. Is that so wrong? You guys should be nicer to me, had i not gone on vacation to visit Napoleon's tomb, you guys would have never won an event! You're welcome!

    Wow, you infer an awful lot from two lines of text.

    FYI, I rarely use the word hate. It is over-used, and rarely appropriate in the context. I don't hate you (or anyone else on these forums) - I don't even know you.

    I don't respect your forum persona, because you reacted to what was a light hearted jibe from TU1 (which we've all been subject too, and laughed at) in the most awful way, and have been subjecting him (and our alliance thread) to flame wars ever since. Good for the spectators, I suppose.

    You've reacted to my post in a similar fashion. It is (IMHO) a completely disproportionate reaction to one line of text, in which I'm a) poking fun at the obvious, and b) supporting my fellow alliance member whom you can never seem to leave alone. Said post which, by the way, you'd have to be lurking here to see. If you 'hate' our alliance members and our joking so much... Goodbye, see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    As to who would have won the event. You might have, you might not. I pushed as much as I needed to in that event, not as much as I could. I can't speak for everyone else, but I know I certainly didn't maximise my score. You're assumption that everything else would have remained static if one variable (you) changed is weak at best. And I disagree. Stone / pond, butterfly wings, and all that. Feel free to continue to believe the result would have been different if you could have played more. I will choose to believe otherwise.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    I have skipped rajj for the good of blade/ django relations. There's been enough blood shed today : (

    And now Hail Mary, let the healing begin

    I was hit by someone from scAvengers about ten hours out.

    I was upset for 1.32794 seconds, and then I thought: "Ooh, juicy retal later in my final push." icon_twisted.gif
    I can only apologise.

    About half of the scAvengers are mostly forum-lurkers, not contributors. Thus they might be unaware of the problem.

    Hah! Not a problem at all. It's all good fun in the name of the game. Seriously, I didn't take any offence. Thanks though, Emeryt.

    Now, if my plan to form an alliance of alliances of scAvengers, Ace of Blades and Django to take 5DV (and only 5DV) down a peg or two comes to fruition, then we'll see about truces and whatnot.
  • allorin wrote:
    Now, if my plan to form an alliance of alliances of scAvengers, Ace of Blades and Django to take 5DV (and only 5DV) down a peg or two comes to fruition, then we'll see about truces and whatnot.
    I think that:
    1. They are not worth our time;
    2. They are not a problem, their LeaderWhoAbandonsThemInTheMostImportantAllianceEvent is;
    3. There are some fine people in there, excluding Xerses_Incarnation who are just unaware of the bad PR their GuysLet'sKickS.H.I.E.L.DButts,C'monJoinMeOhSorryIGottaGoSeeNapoleon'sTombBRB guy is making on the forums;
    4. Psykopathic, despite His ocasional humours, is helping the community;
    5. I'm still **** my pants after I'mTheCEOBestFriendCosIFollowHimOnTwitter PMed me with threats.

    So no, thank You icon_e_wink.gif

    In other words - true friends don't need any truces or contract or arrangement to form an alliance of alliances. They just know what is right.

    btw: scAvengersUnbuffed of Blades? BladesUnbuffed of scAvenging Django?
  • Emeryt wrote:
    I think that:
    1. They are not worth our time;
    2. They are not a problem, their LeaderWhoAbandonsThemInTheMostImportantAllianceEvent is;
    3. There are some fine people in there, excluding Xerses_Incarnation who are just unaware of the bad PR their GuysLet'sKickS.H.I.E.L.DButts,C'monJoinMeOhSorryIGottaGoSeeNapoleon'sTombBRB guy is making on the forums;
    4. Psykopathic, despite His ocasional humours, is helping the community;
    5. I'm still tinykitty my pants after I'mTheCEOBestFriendCosIFollowHimOnTwitter PMed me with threats.

    So no, thank You icon_e_wink.gif

    In other words - true friends don't need any truces or contract or arrangement to form an alliance of alliances. They just know what is right.

    btw: scAvengersUnbuffed of Blades? BladesUnbuffed of scAvenging Django?

    1. True
    2. True dat
    3. Absolutely true
    4. Aye, OK
    5. Ah, Twitter. That well known placebo for stalkers.

    I reckon: "Django scAvenges with his Blades - in the buff. Isn't that Ace?" Might be a bit too long though.
  • allorin wrote:
    I reckon: "Django scAvenges with his Blades - in the buff. Isn't that Ace?" Might be a bit too long though.
    I like this one. On my way to contact CS if they will make it possible. They changed "the Scavengers" to "the scAvengers" after all.

    Good times ahead!
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Man it's hard to keep up on all this stuff. The funniest thing in the last ten pages, though, was definitely TU1 getting slapped for page 100. I laughed out loud at that one for realz. When I was asked what could be so funny I couldn't even explain it.

    That's it, Spider-man6234 (if that is your real name), you are invited to next weekend's Django MPQ themed LARP. We all dress like vampire versions of Marvel characters and Alluring referees our foam sword fights. It's a blast.

    Edit: my tablet's autocorrect changed allorin to alluring. Which he also is, but may be confusing when read like that.
  • That's not funny. I didn't find it amusing in the slightest. I couldn't sleep at all last night,kept tossing and turning,wondering what i could have done to get that hallowed 100 page milestone myself.

    Pictures. That was the answer. I should have posted a picture. They make everything bigger. But i failed. Myself and the CEO of the company. He tweeted me, told me i had let the community down. So now i have to wait for the 200th page. But don't worry,i ain't leaving this thread til i get it.
  • allorin wrote:
    klingsor wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    Everyone is welcome here.

    Unless your name begins with K, has lingso in the middle, and ends in r.

    lol i don't even know who you are, you hate me too? What's with all the "me too" hatred? You guys are silly. I'm just trying to have fun, be competitive and be like godking Xerses. Is that so wrong? You guys should be nicer to me, had i not gone on vacation to visit Napoleon's tomb, you guys would have never won an event! You're welcome!

    Wow, you infer an awful lot from two lines of text.

    FYI, I rarely use the word hate. It is over-used, and rarely appropriate in the context. I don't hate you (or anyone else on these forums) - I don't even know you.

    I don't respect your forum persona, because you reacted to what was a light hearted jibe from TU1 (which we've all been subject too, and laughed at) in the most awful way, and have been subjecting him (and our alliance thread) to flame wars ever since. Good for the spectators, I suppose.

    You've reacted to my post in a similar fashion. It is (IMHO) a completely disproportionate reaction to one line of text, in which I'm a) poking fun at the obvious, and b) supporting my fellow alliance member whom you can never seem to leave alone. Said post which, by the way, you'd have to be lurking here to see. If you 'hate' our alliance members and our joking so much... Goodbye, see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    As to who would have won the event. You might have, you might not. I pushed as much as I needed to in that event, not as much as I could. I can't speak for everyone else, but I know I certainly didn't maximise my score. You're assumption that everything else would have remained static if one variable (you) changed is weak at best. And I disagree. Stone / pond, butterfly wings, and all that. Feel free to continue to believe the result would have been different if you could have played more. I will choose to believe otherwise.

    Now what gets me is that very fact. He accuses countless people of stalking him yet he never seems to leave our page,and others. The only way he can see that we mentioned him, which i may add was because you came to OUR PAGE YET AGAIN FOR NO REASON,is too lurk here. Or, and this is even worse,is to type your own name in the search bar,which i can actually see you doing. You pretend this is all a persona,but everyone knows the truth. You dish it out to everyone who doesn't agree with you,but when you get it back,you complain to the mods and CEO. Lol how old are you again,34?

    You don't see any member of ours going around your thread,and others,trying to stir things up do you? Maybe cause we have better things to be doing,and don't let MPQ take over our life which you clearly seem to have. Now i shall leave you be,and look forward to your rather amusing post which recycles old material constantly. And honestly if i am that annoying to you,you really should have kept me blocked. You love me,admit it and we can be bff's.