DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Man it's hard to keep up on all this stuff. The funniest thing in the last ten pages, though, was definitely TU1 getting slapped for page 100. I laughed out loud at that one for realz. When I was asked what could be so funny I couldn't even explain it.

    Spider-man6234 (if that is your real name), you are invited to next weekend's Django MPQ themed LARP. We all dress like vampire versions of Marvel characters and Alluring referees our foam sword fights. It's a blast.

    Wonderful! I've been waiting for a good excuse to combine my Spider-Man and vampire attire. (But now that I think about it spider america will be coming as spider man right?) Ok send me a list of the other characters who I could come as and I will review them to make sure I don't come as someone's twin and make them feel a...wkward icon_eek.gif I personally wouldn't mind the twinednest (if that's even a word) but I know that other people aren't as comfortable with something so intimate. So send me that list and I'll make the suit just to come to your bash!
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Man it's hard to keep up on all this stuff. The funniest thing in the last ten pages, though, was definitely TU1 getting slapped for page 100. I laughed out loud at that one for realz. When I was asked what could be so funny I couldn't even explain it.

    Spider-man6234 (if that is your real name), you are invited to next weekend's Django MPQ themed LARP. We all dress like vampire versions of Marvel characters and Alluring referees our foam sword fights. It's a blast.

    Wonderful! I've been waiting for a good excuse to combine my Spider-Man and vampire attire. (But now that I think about it spider america will be coming as spider man right?) Ok send me a list of the other characters who I could come as and I will review them to make sure I don't come as someone's twin and make them feel a...wkward icon_eek.gif I personally wouldn't mind the twinednest (if that's even a word) but I know that other people aren't as comfortable with something so intimate. So send me that list and I'll make the suit just to come to your bash!
    im going as vampire patches
  • allorin wrote:
    klingsor wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    Everyone is welcome here.

    Unless your name begins with K, has lingso in the middle, and ends in r.

    lol i don't even know who you are, you hate me too? What's with all the "me too" hatred? You guys are silly. I'm just trying to have fun, be competitive and be like godking Xerses. Is that so wrong? You guys should be nicer to me, had i not gone on vacation to visit Napoleon's tomb, you guys would have never won an event! You're welcome!

    Wow, you infer an awful lot from two lines of text.

    FYI, I rarely use the word hate. It is over-used, and rarely appropriate in the context. I don't hate you (or anyone else on these forums) - I don't even know you.

    I don't respect your forum persona, because you reacted to what was a light hearted jibe from TU1 (which we've all been subject too, and laughed at) in the most awful way, and have been subjecting him (and our alliance thread) to flame wars ever since. Good for the spectators, I suppose.

    You've reacted to my post in a similar fashion. It is (IMHO) a completely disproportionate reaction to one line of text, in which I'm a) poking fun at the obvious, and b) supporting my fellow alliance member whom you can never seem to leave alone. Said post which, by the way, you'd have to be lurking here to see. If you 'hate' our alliance members and our joking so much... Goodbye, see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    As to who would have won the event. You might have, you might not. I pushed as much as I needed to in that event, not as much as I could. I can't speak for everyone else, but I know I certainly didn't maximise my score. You're assumption that everything else would have remained static if one variable (you) changed is weak at best. And I disagree. Stone / pond, butterfly wings, and all that. Feel free to continue to believe the result would have been different if you could have played more. I will choose to believe otherwise.

    my inforum persona is based on the desire to have a doom like villain to fight against. Only teens and small pets think I'm really like that.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    allorin wrote:

    Where was this guy when we were recruiting? Is it time to put FoxyMulder in the kick-cannon again?
    allorin wrote:

    Our least favourite people are (in order of most villainous):

    Jozier (Only today, and only 'cos he made me cry.)
    HailMary's cat

    So.... You'd definitely have been in with a shout. Dlaw, Tempest and I had to set the bar pretty low.




    dlaw008 wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    FoxMulder wrote:
    COME ON!

    I'm sorry I had a tantrum in the HQ, okay? GOD.
    Apology accepted, but those tables you threw are still coming out of your event rewards. 1 Mr. Rogers per table is the going rate for smashed Japanese redwood.

    Let me paint the picture for those who weren't there:

    An ordinary afternoon at the sleek, glass and steel high rise of DjangoUnbuffed HQ. From the outside everything seems normal. The vast green lawn laps up to the animal topiary in breeze tossed waves. The bronze statue of our namesake holstering twin pistols is haloed by the midafternoon sun. From inside the building faint strains of music come wafting through the air, "Brass Monkey - that funky monkey".

    Inside, in the executive meeting rooms, away from the secretaries and clerks that type away furiously, the twenty members of Django have gathered for important strategy discussions. The disco ball and laser lights glitter on the pink shag carpet. The bartender (our highest paid employee) is calmly trying his best to explain to Spider-America that he can't make a Screaming Blue Messiah because we have run out of Goldschlager once again. Ferret is chatting up Mimmer (who is invisible), HailMary is trying to convince TheUnwiseOne (who is all too visible) to put his pants back on, while bughunt keeps his back to the wall, a wary eye watching everyone in case there is more trouble.

    Pan to the corner where Verne is asleep on the time-out stool. She must have ten? twelve? tiny umbrellas twined haphazardly in her hair. My god, how many of those piña coladas did she drink? Then suddenly she rises with a bellow, "Verne smash!" and flips the antique Japanese redwood meeting table. In the midst of this very important strategy meeting!

    For a moment bughunt was ready for action his hand hovering over the tranquilizer gun at his hip. How many darts did he use already today? Was it five or six? He's hoping that there is still one left. But, luckily there is no need for action this time. Verne mumbles something about the bathroom being too far away and shambles out of the executive meeting room. Crisis averted... for the moment.

    That is NOT what happened!!

    First of all, I don't drink alcohol. SO OBVIOUSLY THIS STORY IS FULL OF LIES RIGHT FROM THE START. SECOND, I was totes minding my own business, having fun with everyone, when SUDDENLY, for NO REASON, dlaw sends me to the sulk corner.

    SO THEN, I very respectfully pointed out the error in his logic when I said, "YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I SULK."


    And then I broke a table on accident, TOTALLY on accident.


  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    FoxMulder: Henh-henh, "Balls." Don't apologize to us. Apologize to that table you murdered.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Man it's hard to keep up on all this stuff. The funniest thing in the last ten pages, though, was definitely TU1 getting slapped for page 100. I laughed out loud at that one for realz. When I was asked what could be so funny I couldn't even explain it.
    That was awesome. It was like someone getting sniped for a "First!" post, but 100 times awesomer.
    Emeryt wrote:
    They changed "the Scavengers" to "the scAvengers" after all.
    Whaaaaat? Now I kinda want to give DjangoUnbuffed a space in the middle. "Djan GoUnbuffed" just has a nice ring to it.
    klingsor wrote:
    my inforum persona is based on the desire to have a doom like villain to fight against. Only teens and small pets think I'm really like that.
    "Tch, it's my mental-cosplay alter ego who annoys the s--- out of D3's CEO!"

    You're such an intelligent person.

    Upcoming MPQ data update: Dr. Doom's third power:

    Doom Douching: Yellow (Passive)
    Level 1: Upon defeat, Dr. Doom inserts himself into every page of enemy roster for 12 hours, expands cover to 120% normal size.
    Level 2: Dr. Doom cover pulses red with indignation.
    Level 4: Dr. Doom persists in enemy roster for 72 hours.
    Level 5: Dr. Doom inserts cover into rosters of all players in the enemy's alliance.
  • HailMary wrote:
    FoxMulder: Henh-henh, "Balls." Don't apologize to us. Apologize to that table you murdered.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Man it's hard to keep up on all this stuff. The funniest thing in the last ten pages, though, was definitely TU1 getting slapped for page 100. I laughed out loud at that one for realz. When I was asked what could be so funny I couldn't even explain it.
    That was awesome. It was like someone getting sniped for a "First!" post, but 100 times awesomer.
    Emeryt wrote:
    They changed "the Scavengers" to "the scAvengers" after all.
    Whaaaaat? Now I kinda want to give DjangoUnbuffed a space in the middle. "Djan GoUnbuffed" just has a nice ring to it.
    klingsor wrote:
    my inforum persona is based on the desire to have a doom like villain to fight against. Only teens and small pets think I'm really like that.
    "Tch, it's my mental-cosplay alter ego who annoys the s--- out of D3's CEO!"

    You're such an intelligent person.

    Upcoming MPQ data update: Dr. Doom's third power:

    Doom Douching: Yellow (Passive)
    Level 1: Upon defeat, Dr. Doom inserts himself into every page of enemy roster for 12 hours, expands cover to 120% normal size.
    Level 2: Dr. Doom cover pulses red with indignation.
    Level 4: Dr. Doom persists in enemy roster for 72 hours.
    Level 5: Dr. Doom inserts cover into rosters of all players in the enemy's alliance.

    Wait I can count (I think). What happened to the third level? Did it disappear because dooms a ****? Or did my math brain just skip over something? icon_e_confused.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    FoxMulder: Henh-henh, "Balls." Don't apologize to us. Apologize to that table you murdered.

    Oh god, you caught my spelling error!!
  • HailMary wrote:
    klingsor wrote:
    my inforum persona is based on the desire to have a doom like villain to fight against. Only teens and small pets think I'm really like that.
    "Tch, it's my mental-cosplay alter ego who annoys the s--- out of D3's CEO!"

    You're such an intelligent person.

    Upcoming MPQ data update: Dr. Doom's third power:

    Doom Douching: Yellow (Passive)
    Level 1: Upon defeat, Dr. Doom inserts himself into every page of enemy roster for 12 hours, expands cover to 120% normal size.
    Level 2: Dr. Doom cover pulses red with indignation.
    Level 4: Dr. Doom persists in enemy roster for 72 hours.
    Level 5: Dr. Doom inserts cover into rosters of all players in the enemy's alliance.

    I decided at that point I wasn't going to feed the troll any more. He's either plainly stupid, deluded, or trying to be clever and failing miserably. Either way, not worth wasting my time on. Emeryt was right.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Wait I can count (I think). What happened to the third level? Did it disappear because dooms a ****? Or did my math brain just skip over something? icon_e_confused.gif
    Level 3 has standards. icon_lol.gif
  • Yep its best to just ignore him and like a fart in the wind, he will fly away. He may leave a smell but that's what happens when you fart. Except the ones that don't smell,but they still go away.

    i kinda lost track of what my point is but yeah, farts and stuff.
  • My daughter has the stinkiest farts. She reeks. I think it's all the fruit she eats. I just had to sit through "Muppets Most Wanted" with her (spoiler: it's not very good), and she was farting the whole time. The worst part was, I could feel peoples eyes on me, as they thought the stench was coming from my direction. I just wanted to scream "It's not me! I know she looks so cute, like an eight year old Disney Princess, but she has Bowels of Doom. Of Doom, I tell ya!" Instead I took one for the team and cracked a loud one. MPQ alliances have taught me a lot about loyalty.
  • Last year me and my gf (now wife) where laying in bed when i let out a silent but very very potent one. She hid her face under the covers to escape the smell,only realizing too late that the smell is worse under there. She ran to the bathroom to throw up. That was the proudest moment of my life. Why she still married me is beyond explanation.
  • Last year me and my gf (now wife) where laying in bed when i let out a silent but very very potent one. She hid her face under the covers to escape the smell,only realizing too late that the smell is worse under there. She ran to the bathroom to throw up. That was the proudest moment of my life. Why she still married me is beyond explanation.

    Really? Making the fairer sex throw up because of our gaseous smells is your proudest moment. Remind me to send her a condolence card about marrying you. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Last year me and my gf (now wife) where laying in bed when i let out a silent but very very potent one. She hid her face under the covers to escape the smell,only realizing too late that the smell is worse under there. She ran to the bathroom to throw up. That was the proudest moment of my life. Why she still married me is beyond explanation.

    That now said I can say that me and my brothers try to blame it on anyone but us. What's worse is when my dad blames it on my five year old sister and then makes her cry because she can't understand why daddy would blame that horrendous smell on her icon_lol.gif
  • Last year me and my gf (now wife) where laying in bed when i let out a silent but very very potent one. She hid her face under the covers to escape the smell,only realizing too late that the smell is worse under there. She ran to the bathroom to throw up. That was the proudest moment of my life. Why she still married me is beyond explanation.

    Really? Making the fairer sex throw up because of our gaseous smells is your proudest moment. Remind me to send her a condolence card about marrying you. icon_e_wink.gif

    its right up with the birth of my daughter icon_e_wink.gif
  • IceIX: so now we have an alliance forum where you can discuss tactics with fellow members.

    Djangos: proceed to talk about farts,nipples, hitler moustaches, and pubes.
  • allorin wrote:
    Emeryt was right.
    You can call me TheWiseOne.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    Emeryt was right.
    You can call me TheWiseOne.
    i don't get it.
  • IceIX: so now we have an alliance forum where you can discuss tactics with fellow members.

    Djangos: proceed to talk about farts,nipples, hitler moustaches, and pubes.

    I think you're just spamming to get to page 200.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    IceIX: so now we have an alliance forum where you can discuss tactics with fellow members.

    Djangos: proceed to talk about farts,nipples, hitler moustaches, and pubes.

    I think you're just spamming to get to page 200.
    excuse me but I don't spam.