DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited April 2014
    I think you're being a little harsh on Veikka. The bottom line is that you have expectations for each member to perform to a certain degree, whether that is getting a human torch cover in the PvE event or getting 500+ points in the PvP event, and Veikka didn't meet those expectations. Don't go attacking the players character and calling that a "lack of respect" when it's really just that the player doesn't share the same fundamental philosophy as you guys of needing to place well in every event. Since the alliance didn't have any strict requirements while it was forming and you guys have that very laid back attitude, I doubt that there was any indication of these expectations/requirements actually existing. It's fine to kick someone out of the alliance because of that, but don't say that it was because of a nobler reason like how the player was disrespecting the other members in the alliance: it just reeks of bad taste to anyone else observing whats happening.
    To me, it was much less about hard numbers and more about communication. It's true that DjangoUnbuffed has evolved, and our goals and expectations have been molded by our growing team. But, communication is probably the one guiding principle that Django was explicitly founded upon. It was a primary metric for vetting applicants, and members were explicitly made aware of it from the get-go. Djangoliers are expected to talk -- if not here, then in PMs, or FB, or now in alliance chat. If you have something going on IRL, or decide to take a break from MPQ for a few days, or feel very meh about an event, let some of us know. Several members have done that, and we're totally cool with it.

    But, if I need the new in-game score tracker to find out about non-participation, then it becomes an issue.
  • You might be right and I could be a little harsh on how im conveying my thoughts/feelings but really how else can last second pvp rushing be viewed as?

    It sure as hell isnt an casual action to do so. They knew full well when the event was ending, actively set aside that time period to get into a low scoring bracket and maximize their personal rewards for the least amount of effort while not even considering their alliance mates.

    Because lets be honest they can claim all they want that it doesn't make a difference, but if everyone in the alliance thought that way and scored not even enough to get the 300 point reward token that then no one in the alliance would be getting the alliance cover and HP rewards.

    And we dont have any hard and fast performance requirements. but with that said we do ask members to communicate in some form if they cant/dont want to/ect participate in an event.
    They never communicated any such intent and when asked we got the response back that they didnt care for the rewards.

    Obviously i look at the whole situation in a different light then some others and feel that less then 200 points in an alliance event as insulting, while once again not everyone has to agree with me.
    And just being a normal member ( not a commander) these are my feelings and I'd hope that others could see how i'd view it that way is all.
  • While its easy to see both sides of this. Django was formed firstly as a fun group who like to play the game and more importantly we stated to all members that communication is key,that we are here to chat and have a bit of banter. We searched out members to fit this and told each one that chatting is very important in our group. It takes 1minute to type out a message to say something. We waited 10 days for that. We were more than fair. Communication is what we were built on and honestly if you have poor communication skills then there was no point joining.
  • Lord Klingsor approves of this discussion.

  • This is another one of those disagreements where everyone is right, to a degree.

    We actually don't have performance expectations. Others have 'taken off' events for various reasons, hell it happens almost every event, at least one and sometimes 2 people don't play up to very high scores. But in all of those cases they said in advance that they couldn't play or didn't care for the event, so we knew what to expect. I think Ferret is mis-stating whether or not high scores are expected. On the other hand, we hadn't heard from Veikka and didn't really know what was going on. When we saw his scores start floating in, I think Ferret got offended because he felt like Veikka was phoning it in. Which, in fact, was not meant as any slight or freeloading, but simply the way that he likes to play the game.

    I think the final result (Veikka leaving; he was not kicked) was the right one. Our alliance has evolved a bit and he felt like he wasn't a good fit for us any more. I hope he hooks up with others who prefer to play the way he does. I'm sorry to see things get a little acrimonious, not only does it not fit with us, but it really doesn't fit the situation, either.

    Now when we kick Foxy_Mulder to make room for a heavy hitter, THAT will be acrimonious!
  • I thought we were getting rid of Ballatician before FoxyMulder but after Coolbond and Noob?
  • Sorry i was a bad ferret i got into the catnip again icon_eek.gif
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cheaters in care bear, score drama in django, there's a high lvl lazy Thor in ace of blades. Where's the popcorn. This is all just delicious

    That being said. I see where the djangos are coming from. We had a relatively low scorer in pve i chalked it up to these things happen no one brought it up. Next pvp he was top three in our alliance like first day. They saw a trend, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what's up. Randomly quitting after someone asks what's up to me seems more extreme but whatever

    If anything I look forward to the ensuing recruitment/ hazing process
  • Jachdo wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:

    Congrats to anyone waiting for the first alliance drama you got it! icon_e_surprised.gif

    I believe that honor was already handed out to Klingsor and myself. Second place again. icon_cry.gif

    Too funny.
  • Wait, everyone, could you start all the drama again? I missed it first time round due to work.

    Darned timezones.
  • So, because I didn't get to add my two pence:

    Veikka is cool. We'll still send him Christmas cards.

    Issue was really a combo of not communicating with the rest of the alliance, and wanting to be a casual gamer. At which point - why be in an alliance? Alliances (the clue is in the name) aren't really for the casual gamer.

    From what Veikka posted, it felt like he came to a similar conclusion, and decided to withdraw. I respect that. If he'd said "I want to stay in the alliance, but I only want to play casually," that might have led to an awkward conversation, but to be fair he helped us avoid all that. A drama-negater, if you like.

    So thanks, Veikka. I hope you enjoyed your time in Django. All the best for your future in MPQ.

    (But you're fair game in PvP now.... icon_twisted.gif )
  • Cheaters in care bear, score drama in django, there's a high lvl lazy Thor in ace of blades. Where's the popcorn. This is all just delicious

    That being said. I see where the djangos are coming from. We had a relatively low scorer in pve i chalked it up to these things happen no one brought it up. Next pvp he was top three in our alliance like first day. They saw a trend, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what's up. Randomly quitting after someone asks what's up to me seems more extreme but whatever

    If anything I look forward to the ensuing recruitment/ hazing process

    Meh. Score drama, cheaters. What's the big deal?

    Wait, did you say a high level Lazy Thor in Ace of Blades? OMG nooooooooo! (runs around waving hands over head).
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Cheaters in care bear, score drama in django, there's a high lvl lazy Thor in ace of blades. Where's the popcorn. This is all just delicious

    That being said. I see where the djangos are coming from. We had a relatively low scorer in pve i chalked it up to these things happen no one brought it up. Next pvp he was top three in our alliance like first day. They saw a trend, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what's up. Randomly quitting after someone asks what's up to me seems more extreme but whatever

    If anything I look forward to the ensuing recruitment/ hazing process

    Meh. Score drama, cheaters. What's the big deal?

    Wait, did you say a high level Lazy Thor in Ace of Blades? OMG nooooooooo! (runs around waving hands over head).

    I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D had some HT hacks too. Typical.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The situation makes a lot more sense now that you guys have elaborated on the communications issue. I was starting to think that your alliance was like one of those creepy serial killers in the movies that is normally all happy-go-lucky but goes on a killing spree once he gets ticked off and his expectations aren't met. You guys aren't that guy... right? Dun dun dun... I also think that the current thread title is hilariously fitting of the situation (not from me, you guys are still cool in my book, but I don't think you are in other people's books...).
  • dlaw008 wrote:

    Now when we kick Foxy_Mulder to make room for a heavy hitter, THAT will be acrimonious!

  • The situation makes a lot more sense now that you guys have elaborated on the communications issue. I was starting to think that your alliance was like one of those creepy serial killers in the movies that is normally all happy-go-lucky but goes on a killing spree once he gets ticked off and his expectations aren't met. You guys aren't that guy... right? Dun dun dun... I also think that the current thread title is hilariously fitting of the situation (not from me, you guys are still cool in my book, but I don't think you are in other people's books...).

  • FoxMulder wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:

    Now when we kick Foxy_Mulder to make room for a heavy hitter, THAT will be acrimonious!


    Are you still here? My kick finger is itchy again (and Veikka didn't let me scratch that itch....) icon_lol.gif
  • The situation makes a lot more sense now that you guys have elaborated on the communications issue. I was starting to think that your alliance was like one of those creepy serial killers in the movies that is normally all happy-go-lucky but goes on a killing spree once he gets ticked off and his expectations aren't met. You guys aren't that guy... right? Dun dun dun... I also think that the current thread title is hilariously fitting of the situation (not from me, you guys are still cool in my book, but I don't think you are in other people's books...).
    In whose books are we not cool? Dude, you're hurting our feelings now. <sulks>
  • allorin wrote:
    FoxMulder wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:

    Now when we kick Foxy_Mulder to make room for a heavy hitter, THAT will be acrimonious!


    Are you still here? My kick finger is itchy again (and Veikka didn't let me scratch that itch....) icon_lol.gif

    COME ON!

    I'm sorry I had a tantrum in the HQ, okay? GOD.
  • As far as im concerned,the matter is closed. We dealt with it fairly. If people have a problem with that,well its nothing to do with us. We SPECIFICALLY asked for people with communication skills when we were recruiting. That was our number 1 and probably only rule we had. We hadn't heard one word from the guy in over 10 days despite a multitude of ways to get in touch. That's a no no in ours and i suspect many alliances. How can we talk strategies if people don't get in touch? Its very simple. We gave him time and we sent a message asking what was going on and we got the responce that he didn't care for the rewards and was a casual player. That's all well and good.But don't join an alliance if you don't care for helping your alliance. Why we would be in anybodys bad books is beyond me.