DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    HailMary wrote:
    I haven't seen brackets this competitive in a long time. People really want those Cap covers.
    I blame IceIX's April Fool's prank. Who wouldn't want a dude called Shieldbro?! The prank was really an insidious ploy to make people spend more HP on shields. But huzzah! I have foiled this deeevious stratagem with 44 minutes to go. icon_cool.gif

    P.S - Also, patriotism. I blame patriotism.

    F--- YEAH!

    ... BOOKS!
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I got the link for this google suggested Reagan riding a velociraptor... icon_eek.gif

    It was magnificent. But couldn't find a small one to post
  • I haven't seen brackets this competitive in a long time. People really want those Cap covers. Looks like ill finish 2nd in mine so i will get my 2 covers plus the alliance one so im happy.

    in the iso event i have 25300 which puts me 20th. Not doing anymore until the nodes get changed whenever that will be.

    also,have tanked hard for the Cap event already lol

    Nodes just changed. So apparently it's the midnight one that they do it on.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179

    Great job, everyone! That was an intense tourney!
  • Yeah! Now I feel I have a viable First Avenger to have a go at that tourney. 2/2/2, and will be level 51 within the hour. icon_cool.gif
  • if i get top ten in fa then i will have a 2/2/1 gsbw for the next tourney man all these tourneys are killing my mmr
  • oh btw posting this on my wii u seeing as my computer is out of commision, cant do this on a ps4/xbone
  • Got a 2-2-3 ShieldBro. I iz hapi
  • congratulatioz tu1
  • Now if i could somehow pull a Cap token or 2, that would be great. Then he could be somewhat viable to use.

    In other news, does anyone know when these nodes will change? Another 2 hours or another 12 perhaps?
  • Now if i could somehow pull a Cap token or 2, that would be great. Then he could be somewhat viable to use.

    In other news, does anyone know when these nodes will change? Another 2 hours or another 12 perhaps?

    They changed last night at midnight so likely at midnight again tonight (EST)
  • Thank god this event is nearly over. Despite it only been 4 days gone, it seems worse than the 10 day events. That's quite a feat to pull off. Well done Demiurge lol It really is the worst tourny i have played since the beginning. No decent rewards.not a hope in hell of getting the good progressive ones either. Played for 4 days and just got over 30000 to get my 250iso reward. Ooh thanks for that, ill save it for a rainy day.

    What were they thinking with putting those rewards outta reach? I shall give this event 1/10.Thats been generous icon_e_wink.gif
  • What were they thinking with putting those rewards outta reach? I shall give this event 1/10.Thats been generous icon_e_wink.gif
    I have a feeling the guys at Demiurge are bad at math LOL
  • JulietLima wrote:
    What were they thinking with putting those rewards outta reach? I shall give this event 1/10.Thats been generous icon_e_wink.gif
    I have a feeling the guys at Demiurge are bad at math LOL

    or they are just evil and sadistic
  • HailMary wrote:

    F--- YEAH!

    ... BOOKS!



    .... says the Lit PhD...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    JulietLima wrote:
    What were they thinking with putting those rewards outta reach? I shall give this event 1/10.Thats been generous icon_e_wink.gif
    I have a feeling the guys at Demiurge are bad at math LOL

    or they are just evil and sadistic
    Spoiler alert: the final day of the Red Iso-8 event will feature 5000-point nodes on 3-hour refresh cycles. All enemy Dakens will be L157. All other enemies will be L228.
  • HailMary wrote:
    JulietLima wrote:
    What were they thinking with putting those rewards outta reach? I shall give this event 1/10.Thats been generous icon_e_wink.gif
    I have a feeling the guys at Demiurge are bad at math LOL

    or they are just evil and sadistic
    Spoiler alert: the final day of the Red Iso-8 event will feature 5000-point nodes on 3-hour refresh cycles. All enemy Dakens will be L157. All other enemies will be L228.
    Is this a joke or do you know something i dont? To be fair this could happen seeing as they have already changed the refresh rules once
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    coolbond wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Spoiler alert: the final day of the Red Iso-8 event will feature 5000-point nodes on 3-hour refresh cycles. All enemy Dakens will be L157. All other enemies will be L228.
    Is this a joke or do you know something i dont? To be fair this could happen seeing as they have already changed the refresh rules once
    Spoiler update: In the final 9 hours of the event, all nodes will feature Daken + Bullseye + Pyro enemy teams. Rubberbanding will be not anchored against the global point leader, but rather a fixed 200K value. Levels are as previously stated. icon_e_wink.gif

    ... IceIX: THAT WAS NOT A SUGGESTION. icon_evil.gificon_lol.gif
  • MTGOFerret wrote:

    Nodes just changed. So apparently it's the midnight one that they do it on.

    The fluctuating refresh and node change times is foiling my attempts to reap rubberbanding/maximized profits on this thing.
  • FoxMulder wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:

    Nodes just changed. So apparently it's the midnight one that they do it on.

    The fluctuating refresh and node change times is foiling my attempts to reap rubberbanding/maximized profits on this thing.
    I'm thinking that maybe this is the idea. So many forum goers have gotten this stuff down to a science, while casuals flail away like the AI playing your favorite character. Maybe they are trying to make everything so random and confusing that everybody just flails away because maximizing is difficult. I am really disturbed about the progression rewards being so high.