DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Thanks, IceIX! I'll catch you one day, bughunt! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Roster leveling question:
    I'm building a L102 3* team. I have LThor & BP there already. I have enough covers in Hulk (3/4/3), Hood (4/3/4), and CMags (3/3/5) to get them there.

    Who should I level when I get the Iso? Should I wait for more covers in Shieldbro and/or Dakenator?
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I would probably do c mags since he uses purple as his major player while the other two don't use it. If not hood is good supporter to get u free titles. I like patch a lot punisher and obw. However it's probably cause I have less covers than u excerpt for hulk.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Pats0132 wrote:
    I would probably do c mags since he uses purple as his major player while the other two don't use it. If not hood is good supporter to get u free titles. I like patch a lot punisher and obw. However it's probably cause I have less covers than u excerpt for hulk.
    Cool, thanks! So, LThor + BP + CMags.

    Punisher was my first choice for a while, but he's stuck at 8 covers, and my Patch is at 7 covers (no red). No-go for them.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Yeah i can't wait to max out black panther. I have like 6-7covers. So only 70 right now. I have punisher at 141 and patch at 120. Been moving up Spider-Man who is in the 90s. I have daredevil in the 80s iron man at 102 and then hulk 70s and black widow in 60. Then a few maxed 2 stars. Just lack covers for others.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Just shielded in 8th place at 685. Top is at 964. Just want the extra cap cover.
  • Right, I've shielded at 810 in 4th in TBTI. Should be a solid top ten, if not top five.

    Am now going to grind the **** out of BoringTourney, just to keep all you whingers quiet - we don't need to win every event!
  • allorin wrote:
    we don't need to win every event!
    What is this??!! How dare you!

    Just kidding. We shouldn't have problems getting the cover, though. And I could really use the purple GSBW cover from the Shieldbro event.

    I can't really seem to get a handle on the iso8 event. I haven't been able to time my refreshes because of my work schedule, I figure I can do that at the end and be okay, but shouldn't there have been new nodes today? I'm still seeing yesterday's nodes, if I am not mistaken. Weird. And I'm fluctuating wildly. In the last event I would reliably drop to around 50 or 60 ish between refreshes then back to 1, but in this one I'm going from 1 to 150 ish or more.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    we don't need to win every event!
    What is this??!! How dare you!

    Just kidding. We shouldn't have problems getting the cover, though. And I could really use the purple GSBW cover from the Shieldbro event.

    I can't really seem to get a handle on the iso8 event. I haven't been able to time my refreshes because of my work schedule, I figure I can do that at the end and be okay, but shouldn't there have been new nodes today? I'm still seeing yesterday's nodes, if I am not mistaken. Weird. And I'm fluctuating wildly. In the last event I would reliably drop to around 50 or 60 ish between refreshes then back to 1, but in this one I'm going from 1 to 150 ish or more.

    The nodes refresh at midnight and change at noon EST If im not mistaken.
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    we don't need to win every event!
    What is this??!! How dare you!

    Just kidding. We shouldn't have problems getting the cover, though. And I could really use the purple GSBW cover from the Shieldbro event.

    I can't really seem to get a handle on the iso8 event. I haven't been able to time my refreshes because of my work schedule, I figure I can do that at the end and be okay, but shouldn't there have been new nodes today? I'm still seeing yesterday's nodes, if I am not mistaken. Weird. And I'm fluctuating wildly. In the last event I would reliably drop to around 50 or 60 ish between refreshes then back to 1, but in this one I'm going from 1 to 150 ish or more.

    The nodes refresh at midnight and change at noon EST If im not mistaken.

    That would be 9 and 9 my time. I played the same nodes last night circa 2am from yesterday, and logged in today at about 1pm to find I still had those same nodes.
  • Same here - my nodes haven't changed. Maybe the event is so boring, D3 have forgotten to change them!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    That would be 9 and 9 my time. I played the same nodes last night circa 2am from yesterday, and logged in today at about 1pm to find I still had those same nodes.
    Yeah, the current node-set has stayed for longer than 24 hours. Maybe 36 hours? Ending the same time as TBTI = fuuuun. -.-
    allorin wrote:
    Right, I've shielded at 810 in 4th in TBTI. Should be a solid top ten, if not top five.

    Am now going to grind the tinykitty out of BoringTourney, just to keep all you whingers quiet - we don't need to win every event!
    Heh, I just want the covers. Anything more than that is gravy. Now that I've got a method for LRs, I'll be focusing more on those until the next Shieldbro/Dakenator/Torch/BP-rewarding event. I have 0/2/0 in GSBW, so I'm meh about First Avenger. But, I'll grind it some for the alliance reward and progression rewards.
  • I was wondering why they are the same nodes... Anyone know when they will change?
  • HailMary wrote:
    I have 0/2/0 in GSBW, so I'm meh about First Avenger. But, I'll grind it some for the alliance reward and progression rewards.

    My GSBW has been 2/1/4 FOREVER, so I'm really excited about the shot at more covers.

    Uhhhh, grinding BoringTourney is sooooo boring. Muuuuuum, can I go clean my room instead?
  • allorin wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    I have 0/2/0 in GSBW, so I'm meh about First Avenger. But, I'll grind it some for the alliance reward and progression rewards.

    My GSBW has been 2/1/4 FOREVER, so I'm really excited about the shot at more covers.

    Uhhhh, grinding BoringTourney is sooooo boring. Muuuuuum, can I go clean my room instead?

    I think GSBW is one of those characters that gets underestimated a little bit. Everyone knows her Green is fantastic, though I think it doesn't compare very favorably to Fat Thor, but her purple can be devastating, as well. When you can fire the two off in conjunction (as you usually can) it often means 2 dead opponents and one crippled. Her red is meh, but can have situational uses. Obviously she is terrible on defense, possibly one of the worst defensive characters in the game. But I like her.
  • Me too, but I need more covers to really appreciate her. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    *Tanked like a boss as usual, maybe 60 games give or take
    *Got 3 easy nodes lined up for my 2* max Wolvie, 141 Punisher and max OBW
    *First game nets me 27 points and puts me 1st. "Wow that never happened before,nice".
    *Wow i tanked too much, nobody above level 50, good, but only giving me 15 points or less.
    *Skipped a few nodes to find more worthwhile opponents.
    *Now at 350 and facing guys for 35 points. Much better.
    *Damn it, lost OBW in a game cause i got greedy trying to save 27 blue when i could have healed my entire team TWICE.
    *Used 2 Healthpacks.
    *Now up to 700 points and facing level 141's. This is getting scary. Need to shield.
    *"Hey, there's a guy from Retribution" Yep really time to shield.
    *"****!!! There's Jozier and Clintman. I am in way over my head. I'm too high up.
    *Won a game to get to 780 points, only to be attacked for 27. Right, time to retaliate. "Why hasnt my red node shown up"
    *Skip skip skip skip skip skip.
    *Ok me and the guy in 1st are swapping places every 5 minutes but now he is gaining a lead.
    *Right, one more match, i want that 1000 iso reward at 800.
    *Skip a few more times, "OOOOOH, whats this? the guy in 1st place in my node? *checks* "yep"
    *Leave game with only Wolvie standing but get 813 points, same as guy in 1st. Time to shield.
    *SHIELDED. 20 seconds later, get attacked and win 10 points.Guy in 1st had shielded too.
    *YAY 1st place is mine,muahahahahahaha.
    *Iphone has 3% battery left,phew that was close.
  • Thanks to Emeryt for helping me with my sig pic icon_e_smile.gif
  • Well here's my bracket as it a stands. As long as I get at least top 10 I'm not too picky on how many points I got.
    I mean its bag lady for first.....bleh
    -edit- Holy tinykitty @ the size of that siggy UT1 lmao
  • Wow, my score would net me 2nd in your bracket. I'm fifth in mine!

    I feel sorry for people shielding at <600. I'm not sure they're aware of the 'alliance effect' yet. Top ten scores are generally higher than they used to be.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,320 Site Admin
    Having issues pushing myself above 500 at the moment and just blew HP on Health Packs after a Wolverine (Patch) Berserker Raged, instakilled my Spidey then proceeded to kill the rest of my team with a single unlucky cascade. MMR is killing me as I have to skip a dozen times between each match to try and get teams that *aren't* pure 141s with a 200+ Patch.

    I'm planning on pushing to maybe 600 somehow then shielding so that I can end up in the Top 50. My bracket is pretty insane at the moment. The Top 10 is only around 658 at lowest but I'm not even in the Top 50 at 497. Think I'll just watch Muffinmonger and Dsylexic take everyone out. Muffin's at 874 and unshielded. Just keeps going up, likely because of his team beating down attackers.